Category: Main Issues

  • Lebanese-Armenian Vote May Alter U.S. Policy in the Middle East

    Lebanese-Armenian Vote May Alter U.S. Policy in the Middle East

    Parliamentary Elections:

    By Appo Jabarian                                                                                             
    Executive Publisher / Managing Editor USA Armenian Life Magazine

    Friday,  May 22, 2009
    Along with Russia, the European Union and China, the United States anxiously follows developments in the June 7 Lebanese parliamentary elections. The elections will decide who will run the country for the next four years. Will it be the pro-western ruling coalition or the tri-partite opposition alliance formed mainly by Lebanese Shiites, Christian Maronites, and Lebanese Armenians?   In a May 11 article in the Lebanese Daily Star, titled “Rival Lebanese Christian factions now hold political cards in Levant,” Anthony Elghossain, a J.D. candidate at The George Washington University Law School, wrote: “Unfolding in a playground open to the ambitions of regional and international powers alike, the Lebanese election is likely to impact American policy with respect to Syria and Iran.”   Elghossain added: “On the one hand stands former Lebanese President Amin Gemayel’s Phalange party and former militia leader Samir Geagea’s Lebanese Forces (LF). Both parties are hostile to Syrian interference in Lebanese affairs, and are currently part of a coalition supported by the United States and the West. On the other hand stands a camp that revolves around former General Michel Aoun’s Free Patriotic Movement (FPM). At a crossroads, the FPM advocates for Lebanese sovereignty and a Christian voice in the political system.”   He underlined that the election outcome “in the pivotal Metn region,” the district which will produce the Christian leader to be reckoned with, will be decided by “the crucial Armenian swing vote.”
    In the evening of June 7, that Christian leader may be Mr. Aoun. And that can happen thanks to his alliance with the most popular Armenian Lebanese political party ARF Tashnagtsutiun. The March 8 opposition leader Michel Aoun, the head of the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM), and his allies won six of the district’s eight seats in 2005 with the backing of the Armenian Lebanese voters.
    In a related May 13 news story, Osama Safa, the director of the Lebanese Center for Policy Studies, said that the Metn district has not only electoral significance and political weight, but also cultural importance.
    Safa clarified: “With the polls less than a month away the several lingering questions in the Metn district will only be answered on election day. Two of the remaining wild cards are how the inclusion of independents, loyal to President Michel Suleiman, on the March 14 list will affect the contests and how voters in the Armenian community, numbering around 8,000, will swing. … The powerful Armenian Tashnag party has thrown its support behind Aoun and the FPM list. … The influence of the Armenian party is already clear. Tashnag candidate Hagop Pakradounian, on the opposition list, is running uncontested.”
    Speaking in Beirut in late April, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said her visit to Lebanon aims to send a “strong signal” for “fair and transparent” elections in the country. She added that “Lebanon is facing a new challenge in the upcoming elections,” and the Lebanese should choose their representatives “away from foreign meddling, violence and fear,” reported.
    On May 12, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov urged the international community to accept the result, regardless of who wins. He clarified that the mistake that was committed when Hamas won the Palestinian elections a few years ago should not be repeated, a reference to the international isolation of the Hamas government that many saw as prolonging and intensifying the Middle East conflict. In a statement to the Russian Interfax information services, he said “If the international community had acknowledged the victory of Hamas, the actions of Hamas would be different today,” reported The Daily Star.
    On May 16 Robert Fisk wrote in London’s The Independent: “I went to take a look at Madeleine Albright [former U.S. Secretary of State- Ed.] the other day. She turned up in Beirut as part leader of the National Democratic Institute, one of those Washington gigs that checks up on the freedom of elections in dodgy countries. …The Americans are hoping that the ‘democrats’ who currently hold a majority – Saad Hariri’s Future movement, jolly old Jumblatt’s Druze and a clutch of Maronites – will win the day.”
    Fisk added: “Most of my Lebanese colleagues, listening to Mrs. Albright, came away with a deep suspicion: that if the Lebanese elections bring the friendly ‘democrats’ back to power, the National Democratic Institute and its other poll-sniffers will announce a fair and free election. But if the Hezbollah and their allies move into power, it will suddenly be discovered that the Lebanese poll was ‘deeply flawed.’ And then, I suppose, we would all be ‘threatened with fresh elections’.”
    The Hezbollah-led “opposition will win the elections, all statistics show it,” said the head of Hezbollah parliamentary block MP Mohammad Raad pledging to guard the “position, role and identity of Lebanon,” stressing that the opposition is committed to “preserve Lebanon and its strong position in the region. … [The] Lebanese are facing two choices, either reconciliation with the enemy [Israel], or preserving a strong Lebanon,” referring to the Lebanese pro-western ruling coalition’s rejection of the “armed resistance against Israel,” wrote the Chinese Xinhua news agency.
    The anticipated outcome in Metn has already produced a pre-election development that might cause cracks in the Hariri-led Future Movement. On May 15, Lebanon’s Premier Fouad Siniora highlighted the need for strong ties with Syria. During a ceremony to lay the foundation stone for the Medayrej-Taanayel highway, he stated: “We are laying the cornerstone for the Beirut-Damascus road which we always wanted to be free from obstacles.”
    A win by the tri-partite opposition alliance mainly between the Lebanese Shiites, Christian Maronites, and the Armenian Lebanese could shake Pres. Obama’s Mideast policy, and the deciding votes lay in the pockets of thousands of Lebanese-Armenian citizens.
    The overwhelming majority in the Lebanese-Armenian municipality of Bourj Hammoud and the entire Metn region always votes in favor of Tashnagtsutiun. And one can clearly tell how the Lebanese-Armenian vote may ultimately contribute to altering the U.S. Policy in the Middle East.

  • Turkey ‘May Yet Mend Ties With Armenia’

    Turkey ‘May Yet Mend Ties With Armenia’

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    Armenia — Presidents Serzh Sarkisian of Armenia (R) and Stjepan Mesic of Croatia hold a news conference in Yerevan on May 22, 2009.

    Hovannes Shoghikian

    President Serzh Sarkisian insisted on Friday that Turkey may still agree to unconditionally normalize relations with Armenia soon despite its leaders’ renewed linkage between Turkish-Armenian reconciliation and the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

    Sarkisian dismissed as too “pessimistic” his critics’ belief that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s recent public pronouncements on the issue preclude the success of the year-long dialogue between the two neighboring nations.

    “Solutions to difficult problems require one to make great efforts and follow a difficult path,” he said. “And as we follow that difficult path, it is obvious that both in Armenia and Turkey and other countries, there will be optimists and pessimists, who, lacking full information, may emotionally express their joy or discontent, optimism or pessimism. So just as I wasn’t very buoyed by optimists’ statements at the beginning [of the dialogue,] I am now not that disaffected or disappointed with pessimists’ statements.”

    “I believe that Turkey still retains its great chance to show the international community and citizens of Armenia that it is a modern country, that it is guided by modern standards, principles of international law. And so in my view, it is still too early to draw conclusions,” added Sarkisian.

    Erdogan has stated on numerous occasions in recent weeks that Turkey will not establish diplomatic relations and reopen the border with Armenia as long as the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict remains unresolved. His statements have been endorsed by Turkey’s powerful military.

    “[Armenian] occupation of Karabakh is the cause here and closing of the border is the effect. It is impossible for us to open the border unless that occupation ends,” the Turkish premier said during an official visit to Azerbaijan last week.

    Neither Sarkisian, nor other Armenian leaders have so far commented on the implications of Erdogan’s stance for the implementation of a U.S.-brokered “roadmap” to the normalization to Turkish-Armenian relations. The document has still not been publicized by Ankara and Yerevan.

    The Armenian president is facing growing domestic criticism over his conciliatory policy toward Turkey. Opposition leaders say he has helped the Turks scuttle an official U.S. recognition of the 1915 Armenian genocide while failing to secure the lifting of Turkey’s 16-year economic blockade of Armenia.

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    Armenia — Presidents Serzh Sarkisian of Armenia (L) and Stjepan Mesic of Croatia meet in Yerevan on May 22, 2009.

    Sarkisian was speaking on Friday at a joint news conference with Croatia’s visiting President Stjepan Mesic. His office said the two leaders agreed on the need for the establishment of “normal relations between states without preconditions.”

    Mesic, whose country went through a bloody war following the break-up of Yugoslavia, expressed hope that Armenia will eventually make peace with both Turkey and Azerbaijan. “It’s better to negotiate for ten years than to fight for ten days,” he told journalists.



    Representatives from Iowa, Oregon, Illinois, and Kentucky Join Bipartisan Genocide Prevention Measure
    WASHINGTON, DC – With the addition today of Congressmen Bruce Braley (D-IA), Peter Defazio (D-OR), Bobby Rush (D-IL), and John Yarmouth (D-KY), the number of U.S. House cosponsors of the Armenian Genocide Resolution, H.Res.252, reached 125, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).The Armenian Genocide Resolution specifically “1) calls upon the President to ensure that the foreign policy of the United States reflects appropriate understanding and sensitivity concerning issues related to human rights, ethnic cleansing, and genocide documented in the United States record relating to the Armenian Genocide and the consequences of the failure to realize a just resolution; and 2) calls upon the President in the President’s annual message commemorating the Armenian Genocide issued on or about April 24, to accurately characterize the systematic and deliberate annihilation of 1,500,000 Armenians as genocide and to recall the proud history of United States intervention in opposition to the Armenian Genocide.”

    The measure was introduced on March 17th of the year by lead sponsors Adam Schiff (D-CA) and George Radanovich (R-CA), and Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-chairs Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Mark Kirk (R-IL). It is identical to legislation in the House and Senate in the 110th Congress that was adopted by the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and publicly endorsed by then-candidate for President Barack Obama, current Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Since the introduction of the current resolution this March, President Obama has broken his pledge to recognize the Armenian Genocide, retreating markedly from repeated statements and promises he made throughout his service in the Senate calling for proper U.S. condemnation and commemoration of this crime against humanity.

    H.Res.252 has been referred to the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

    The full listing of cosponsors who have joined with Reps. Schiff, Radanovich, Pallone and Kirk in support of the Armenian Genocide Resolution is as follows:

    Abercrombie, Neil (D-HI)
    Ackerman, Gary (D-NY)
    Adler, John (D-NJ)
    Andrews, Robert (D-NJ)
    Baca, Joe (D-CA)
    Bachmann, Michele Marie (R-MN)
    Bartlett, Roscoe (R-MD)
    Becerra, Xavier (D-CA)
    Berkley, Shelley (D-NV)
    Berman, Howard (D-CA)
    Bilirakis, Gus (R-FL)
    Braley, Bruce (D-IA)
    Calvert, Ken (R-CA)
    Cantor, Eric (R-VA)
    Capps, Lois (D-CA)
    Capuano, Michael (D-MA)
    Cardoza, Dennis (D-CA)
    Cleaver, Emanuel (D-MO)
    Conyers, John (D-MI)
    Costa, Jim (D-CA)
    Costello, Jerry (D-IL)
    Courtney, Joe (D-CT)
    Crowley, Joseph (D-NY)
    Davis, Danny (D-IL)
    DeFazio, Peter (D-OR)
    DeGette, Diana (D-CO)
    DeLauro, Rosa (D-CT)
    Doggett, Lloyd (D-TX)
    Dreier, David (R-CA)
    Eshoo, Anna (D-CA)
    Farr, Sam (D-CA)
    Fattah, Chaka (D-PA)
    Filner, Bob (D-CA)
    Frank, Barney (D-MA)
    Frelinghuysen, Rodney (R-NJ)
    Garrett, Scott (R-NJ)
    Gonzalez, Charlie (D-TX)
    Grijalva, Raul (D-AZ)
    Himes, Jim (D-CT)
    Hinchey, Maurice (D-NY)
    Hirono, Mazie (D-HI)
    Holt, Rush (D-NJ)
    Honda, Michael (D-CA)
    Hoyer, Steny (D-MD)
    Jackson, Jesse (D-IL)
    Kennedy, Patrick (D-RI)
    Kildee, Dale (D-MI)
    Kucinich, Dennis (D-OH)
    Lance, Leonard (R-NJ)
    Langevin, James (D-RI)
    Larson, John (D-CT)
    Lee, Barbara (D-CA)
    Levin, Sander (D-MI)
    Lipinski, Daniel (D-IL)
    LoBiondo, Frank (R-NJ)
    Lofgren, Zoe (D-CA)
    Lowey, Nita (D-NY)
    Lungren, Dan (R-CA)
    Lynch, Stephen (D-MA)
    Maloney, Carolyn (D-NY)
    Markey, Edward (D-MA)
    Matsui, Doris (D-CA)
    McCarthy, Carolyn (D-NY)
    McCaul, Michael (R-TX)
    McCollum, Betty (D-MN)
    McCotter, Thaddeus (R-MI)
    McGovern, James (D-MA)
    McKeon, Buck (R-CA)
    McNerney, Jerry (D-CA)
    Miller, Candice (R-MI)
    Minnick, Walter (D-ID)
    Murphy, Chris (D-CT)
    Nadler, Jerrold (D-NY)
    Napolitano, Grace (D-CA)
    Neal, Richard (D-MA)
    Nunes, Devin (R-CA)
    Olver, John (D-MA)
    Payne, Donald (D-NJ)
    Perriello , Tom (D-VA)
    Peters, Gary (D-MI)
    Peterson, Collin (D-MN)
    Polis, Jared (D-CO)
    Quigley, Mike (D-IL)
    Rangel, Charles (D-NY)
    Roskam, Peter (R-IL)
    Rothman, Steven (D-NJ)
    Roybal-Allard, Lucille (D-CA)
    Royce, Edward (R-CA)
    Rush, Bobby (D-IL)
    Ryan, Paul (R-WI)
    Salazar, John (D-CO)
    Sanchez, Loretta (D-CA)
    Sarbanes, John (D-MD)
    Schakowsky, Janice (D-IL)
    Schauer, Mark (D-MI)
    Schwartz, Allyson (D-PA)
    Sensenbrenner, F. James (R-WI)
    Sherman, Brad (D-CA)
    Sires, Albio (D-NJ)
    Smith, Christopher (R-NJ)
    Souder, Mark (R-IN)
    Space, Zachary (D-OH)
    Speier, Jackie (D-CA)
    Stark, Pete (D-CA)
    Sutton, Betty Sue (D-OH)
    Tauscher, Ellen (D-CA)
    Tierney, John (D-MA)
    Titus, Dina (D-NV)
    Tonko, Paul (D-NY)
    Tsongas, Niki (D-MA)
    Van Hollen, Christopher (D-MD)
    Visclosky, Peter (D-IN)
    Walz, Timothy (D-MN)
    Waters, Maxine (D-CA)
    Watson, Diane (D-CA)
    Waxman, Henry (D-CA)
    Weiner, Anthony (D-NY)
    Wolf, Frank (R-VA)
    Woolsey, Lynn (D-CA)
    Wu, David (D-OR)
    Yarmuth, John (D-KY)

  • Death Camp in Cyprus

    Death Camp in Cyprus


    [The secret that was hidden for 35 years: UnitedKingdom opened the archives for Cyprus Peace Operation. The archives show the video footage that has never been released.  The dispiriting video footage reveals the Turks in the Death Camp of Cypriot Greeks]  Tolga Cakir

    Hürriyet Video’larını izlemet için Flash 7 veya daha yüksek eklenti yüklenmeniz gerekmektedir. Yüklemek için tıklayınız!!!

  • Armenian FM Hopes Turkey Will Open Border

    Armenian FM Hopes Turkey Will Open Border

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    YEREVAN — Armenian Foreign Minister Eduard Nalbandian says the Turkish and Armenian governments have made substantial progress toward the opening of their mutual border “without preconditions,” RFE/RL’s Armenian Service reports.

    Nalbandian, speaking over the weekend at an international conference on regional security issues held in Yerevan, said he hopes Turkey will “make the last decisive step” toward rapprochement.

    Nalbandian said relations with Turkey and the unresolved Nagorno-Karabakh conflict “are different, and by no means interconnected, even if some would like to see a linkage or parallelism in their resolution.”

    His remarks came one day after Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan repeated that his country will not establish diplomatic relations or reopen the border with Armenia until the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is resolved.

    Armenian opposition leaders accuse President Serzh Sarkisian of helping Turkey to scuttle efforts to see the United States officially recognize the 1915 mass killings of Armenians as genocide while also failing to get Turkey to lift its 16-year economic blockade of Armenia.



    My letter to President Obama

    Ken (Kenneth) Hachikian is an Armenian-American economist and public activist, the chairman of the Armenian National Committee of America since 2000.

    He received his BA in Economics and MBA from Harvard University. As a financial and operating executive, he worked for 9 years with The Boston Consulting Group, advising Fortune 1000 companies on corporate, financial and operational strategies. From 1991 to 1994, Mr. Hachikian served as President of LINC Scientific Leasing, Inc., and, from 1983 to 1989, as President and CEO of Wellesley Medical Management, Inc. He is the Board Chairman of the Cambridge Heart, Inc.

    As a public activist, Hachikian has been an active member of both the Young Presidents’ Organization and the World Presidents’ Organization.

    Importance: High

    Subject My letter to President Obama
      May 19, 2009

    Watch Live! Secretary Hillary Clinton to Testify on the FY 2010
    Foreign aid Priorities

    9:30am EDT, Wed. May 20th
    Senate Foreign Appropriations Subcommittee
    Scroll to the bottom of the page to watch the webcast.

    1:30pm EDT, Wed. May 20th
    Senate Foreign Relations Committee
    Click on the hyperlink at top of webpage.
    ANCA Chairman Shares Armenian American Community’s Sharp Disappointment with President Obama
    Click here to read letter

    Peter DeFazio (D-OR) John Yarmuth (D-KY) Bruce Braley (D-IA)

    Genocide Resolution Supporters
    Grow to 125

    Read Release

      Hachikian to Obama: “You failed to honor your commitment to lift our nation’s response to genocide to the level of our shared American values, choosing, instead, to allow America’s willingness to respond forcefully to this horrific crime to remain hostage to Turkish threats and intimidation.”
      WASHINGTON, DC – Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Chairman Ken Hachikian shared with President Barack Obama today the Armenian American community’s disappointment with his Administration’s failure to honor his campaign pledges to recognize the Armenian Genocide and to foster the growth and development of Armenia.
      In a May 18th letter to the White House, Hachikian addressed both the President’s decision not to honor his repeated promises to recognize the Armenian Genocide, as well as his recent proposal to cut aid to Armenia by 38% even as he increases overall foreign aid spending and the level of assistance he seeks to the regions of Europe, Eurasia, and South/Central Asia.
      ** Read Hachikian’s Letter to President Obama
      ** Contact President Obama and Express your disappointment
      ** Facts and Figures: The proposed cut in aid to Armenia in perspective
      ** The ANCA’s Foreign Aid Priorities for Fiscal Year 2010

      Armenian Genocide Resolution Supporters Grow to 125
      Representatives from Iowa, Oregon, Illinois, and Kentucky Join Bipartisan Genocide-Prevention Measure
      WASHINGTON, DC – With the addition today of Congressmen Bruce Braley (D-IA), Peter Defazio (D-OR), Bobby Rush (D-IL), and John Yarmouth (D-KY), the number of U.S. House cosponsors of the Armenian Genocide Resolution, H.Res.252, reached 125, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).
      The Armenian Genocide Resolution specifically 1) calls upon the President to ensure that the foreign policy of the United States reflects appropriate understanding and sensitivity concerning issues related to human rights, ethnic cleansing, and genocide documented in the United States record relating to the Armenian Genocide and the consequences of the failure to realize a just resolution; and 2) calls upon the President in the President’s annual message commemorating the Armenian Genocide issued on or about April 24, to accurately characterize the systematic and deliberate annihilation of 1,500,000 Armenians as genocide and to recall the proud history of United States intervention in opposition to the Armenian Genocide.
      The measure was introduced on March 17th of the year by lead sponsors Adam Schiff (D-CA) and George Radanovich (R-CA), and Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-chairs Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Mark Kirk (R-IL). It is identical to legislation in the House and Senate in the 110th Congress that was adopted by the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and publicly endorsed by then-candidate for President Barack Obama, current Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Since the introduction of the current resolution this March, President Obama has broken his pledge to recognize the Armenian Genocide, retreating markedly from repeated statements and promises he made throughout his service in the Senate calling for proper U.S. condemnation and commemoration of this crime against humanity. Read more. . .
      ** View the complete list of cosponsors of the Armenian Genocide Resolution
      ** Urge your Representative to cosponsor H.Res.252

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    Published by the Armenian National Committee of America
    1711 N Street NW, Washington, DC 20036
    Tel: (202) 775-1918, Fax: (202) 775-5648, E-mail: [email protected], Web: