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  • Review Essay: A Scrutiny of Akçam’s Version of History  and the Armenian Genocide

    Review Essay: A Scrutiny of Akçam’s Version of History and the Armenian Genocide


    A Shameful Act: The Armenian Genocide and the Question of Turkish



    translated from Turkish by PAUL BESSEMER, 2006

    New York: Metropolitan Books

    x þ 376 pp., notes to p. 464, index to p. 483, $30.00 (hardcover), ISBN: 0-8050-7932-7


    The tragic fate of the Ottoman Armenians during World War I, the massacres that

    accompanied their forced migration, and the role of the Committee of Union and

    Progress—the ruling faction in the Ottoman government during World War I—

    constitute one of the murkiest chapters in the modern history of the Middle East.

    This article argues that those who have dealt with this complex subject have not

    always respected the limits set by scholarly ethics and have failed to use their

    sources scrupulously while engaging in distortions, deliberate quoting out of context

    and doctoring of data. At this point Taner Akçam’s book, translated and distributed

    by the Zoryan Institute, deserves particular attention, and therefore it is essential to

    examine this work with a closer scrutiny by checking and comparing the original

    sources utilized by the author. The article will illustrate this point by a case study

    presenting the discrepancies between the texts preserved in the original sources

    and those presented by the author in his work.


    This book, dealing with the Armenian Question, is a substantially revised English version

    of the author’s earlier book, I ˙ nsan Hakları ve Ermeni Sorunu,1 published in 1999. The

    book is welcomed by many authors including Erik Jan Zu¨ rcher who, on its back cover,

    wrote that Taner Akçam’s study is the “state of the art in this field”. Elsewhere

    Stephen Feinstein described it as the “best book ever written on Armenian Genocide”.

    Akçam, a sociologist often credited as the first Turkish scholar to acknowledge the

    “Armenian Genocide”, contends that there is no doubt that the “scale of the operations

    would have been impossible without planning at the political center” (p. 7). The readers

    would have welcomed a bibliography (a surprising omission in a heavily referenced

    work), tables and perhaps more than one map. However, despite revisions, the trail of

    errors and inconsistencies still mar the book. Moreover the influence of Vahakn

    N. Dadrian’s earlier findings and arguments is also visible throughout Akçam’s study.

    The book tells us little that is new, and suffers from inadequate understanding and

    use of sources.

    The book is divided into three parts: part one discusses the Ottoman state and its

    non-Muslim subjects, and covers the era of the Committee of Union and Progress

    Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, Vol. 28, No. 2, August 2008

    ISSN 1360-2004 print/ISSN 1469-9591 online/08/020303-17#2008 Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs

    DOI: 10.1080/13602000802303235

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    (CUP) and discusses Turkish nationalism; part two deals with the events leading to the

    decision for executing genocide and its aftermath; part three is devoted to investigation

    and prosecution of the crimes committed during the catastrophic events of 1915–1916.

    Unfortunately the book lacks a comprehensive conclusion and suffers from poor organization

    and repetition.

    Presenting the Course of Events

    In discussing the massacres of the 1890s, the author does not mention the provocations

    carried out by the Armenian revolutionary groups that were also an important factor in

    bringing about Muslim attacks on the Armenians. In the second chapter the author

    quotes a single instance of this kind for a different occasion (p. 63). His argument,

    however, is not a synthesis of the evidence presented. Instead of discussing how such

    incidents shaped the course of events, the author prefers to limit himself to pointing

    out how the Turkish historiography makes use of them.

    Akçam suggests that the Ottoman Special Organization (Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa) (OSO)

    has been instrumental “in implementing the Armenian genocide” (p. 59); however,

    the documentary evidence does not support his claims.2 Moreover, in discussing the

    structure and the assignments of the OSO, Akçam incorrectly attributes a statement

    to Cemal Kutay (pp. 96–97) that was in fact made by Eşref Kuşçubaşı.3

    In his discussion of the impact of the Muslim refugees, the author offers a simplistic

    and inaccurate assessment of the situation; for instance, we read that “. . . between

    1878–1904 some 850,000 refugees were settled in predominantly Armenian areas

    alone” (p. 87). In fact, the research based on primary documents establishes that

    the great bulk of these refugees were settled in the “provinces other than Eastern

    Anatolia”.4 In addition, such western provinces as Aydın, Hu¨davendigar (Bursa) and

    Edirne (Adrianople) where the refugees were settled in significant numbers can hardly

    be described as being predominantly Armenian.

    The author’s discussion of the Ottomans’ war aims and their entry into the war are also

    problematic, for these are presented in too oversimplified a framework to be accepted

    without an immense amount of equivocation. He maintains that the “Unionists devoted

    a great deal of effort toward entering the war” (p. 112). In fact, the Unionists devoted

    their efforts towards securing an alliance with Germany, not entering the war. By means

    of the alliance, they hoped to put an end to the Empire’s political isolation while at the

    same trying to postpone the entry into the war as much as possible before they finally succumbed

    to German pressure for armed action. As Mustafa Aksakal, the author of a scholarly

    study on the Ottoman entry into the war noted, “The Ottoman leaders hoped either

    to stay outside the war entirely or to enter it only in its final stages but they were equally

    concerned to preserve the alliance they had formed with Germany”.5 Akçam also

    asserts that by entering the war Unionists sought to pursue their “Pan-Turanist and

    Pan-Islamist objectives”, and would also seek an opportunity to “regain lost territories,

    especially in the Balkans, and seek revenge in the Christian communities” (p. 112). He

    also lays considerable stress on the feelings of revenge, and concludes that “it was this

    kind of feeling that was used to justify the killing of Armenians” (p. 117).

    Reconciling Facts with Assumptions

    One wonders how an administration, which not only reconciled and established an alliance

    with Bulgaria but even made territorial concessions to bring it into the war on its

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    own side or which conducted negotiations with Greece to form a Balkan alliance,6 was

    able to dream about seeking revenge in the Christian communities or regaining the

    lost territories in the Balkans. While there is no doubt that the disastrous results of the

    Balkan wars had left many people with bitter feelings and painful memories, it is doubtful

    that the Ottoman leadership was carried away by the simplistic and emotional ideals as

    Akçam suggests. As Feroz Ahmad pointed out, the Unionists started out “with the principal

    aim of guaranteeing the territorial integrity and maintaining sovereignty” and

    showed “little concern” toward such matters as Pan-Turanism, and “there was no question

    of regaining Macedonia which had already proved to be an unduly expensive adventure”.


    The author also discusses the role and the activity of convicts, released in 1914; he

    refers to sources that, according to him, mention that these prisoners were “actually

    trained in İstanbul for the purpose of carrying out the Armenian genocide” (p. 136).

    On the other hand, he claims it is very likely that the “key decisions concerning the massacre

    were made within the CUP in İstanbul during March 1915” (p. 152, and also

    p. 156). He provides no explanation, however, as to how the prisoners may be released

    and trained in 1914 for the purpose of carrying out the genocide when there was no such

    decision yet (to judge from Akçam’s own date). This is, however, only one of the many

    contradictions and inconsistencies that the book contains.

    Akçam is also quite selective in his use of materials. He alleges, for instance, that

    “immediately after the [Sarıkamış] defeat, Enver conveyed his thanks to the Armenian

    Patriarchate for the sacrifice and heroism of the Armenian soldiers in the war” (p. 143)

    on the basis of such a highly partisan account as that of Pastor Johannes Lepsius alone,

    and tries to support this point by referring to German Consular reports concerning the

    self-sacrifice shown by the Armenians (pp. 143–144). Yet when discussing a different

    matter on page 197, we read that the German consuls “reported that during the

    Caucasian campaign, the Armenian soldiers in the Ottoman Army turned their guns

    on the Turks”. It is, thus, quite unlikely that Enver should have ever made such a statement

    after a Caucasian campaign in which the Armenian soldiers did indeed turn their

    guns on the Turks.

    The author’s inadequate understanding of Ottoman history also undermines the

    validity of his explanations. For instance, he claims there is “evidence that the [genocide]

    decision was made at the end of March, during the critical days of the Gallipoli

    Campaign” (p. 152), but the Gallipoli campaign began on 25 April 1915. Despite the

    firm insistence on March 1915 as the date of decision for the genocide, the author

    fails to provide any credible “evidence” substantiating this thesis. Enver’s remark

    that the threat offered by the Armenians can be quelled by removing them “from the

    places where they lived and sending them to other places” is, according to Akçam, the

    evidence that there was a decision for genocide in March 1915.

    Akçam’s tendentious mode of writing and selective use of sources become even more

    transparent when considering his use of trial proceedings. The proceedings that are

    recorded in various newspapers and journals do not always conform, and at times

    even contradict each other. For instance, the statement and the admission he attributes

    to Colonel Şahabettin (p. 200), which was supposedly made by Ş ahabettin at the eighth

    session of the Yozgat trial, is uncorroborated by two other newspaper versions8 while

    contradicted by a third,9 all of which also gave the proceedings of the same session. In

    the absence of original transcripts, it is difficult to determine with any accuracy which

    one of these reflects a truer picture. The more recent research, therefore, casts doubt

    on Akçam’s finding as he failed to include the other relevant material.

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    Interpreting Archival Documents

    One may also feel uneasy with Akçam’s treatment of Ottoman archival documents, since

    whenever the Ottoman documents seem to support his contentions he considers them

    genuine. On the other hand, when they contradict his views he consistently attempts

    to dismiss them as part of a conspiracy, even if they are in fact the same documents.

    The most striking example of this dualistic approach is given when Akçam relies on a

    “general circular from the Ministry of the Interior” (p. 204), a document he earlier dismissed

    as part of a “great deception” (p. 169) in relation to the exclusion of Protestants

    from the relocation. Similarly, after having initially regarded the former Grand Vizier

    Said Halim’s statement about his non-involvement in the process of the Armenians’

    relocation as convincing (p. 156), the author subsequently expresses his doubts over

    its sincerity (pp. 263–265).

    Akçam’s discussion of the estimates regarding the Armenian deaths also stands on

    shaky ground. He admits that the available “estimates are based on a political agenda”

    (p. 183). One would not expect to see that an author who can claim this should rely

    on a figure given by a government that has distinguished itself with its deep enmity

    towards the CUP. He upholds the figure of 800,000 killed Armenians, given by Interior

    Minister Cemal Bey, as true. In order to increase its credibility, he also claims this figure

    was the “result of the commission established” by Mustafa Arif Deg˘mer but fails to

    adduce anything in support of this assertion. The same minister, Cemal Bey, in the

    same statement also declared that the CUP had annihilated four million Turks,10 the

    very same CUP that according to Akçam was carrying out a policy of Turkification.

    Is it conceivable to maintain that these claims as well as figures were not based on a

    political agenda?

    The author’s other claims in support of his numbers are also unconvincing or inaccurate.

    He relies on an ambiguous statement attributed toMustafa Kemal in a second-hand source

    whilst ignoring a first-hand account in which Mustafa Kemal had rejected the figures

    offered by Minister Cemal as a slander (iftira).11 While the book published by the

    Turkish Army’s General Staff, Bu¨yu¨k Harp’te Tu¨rk Harbi [Turkish War in the Great War],

    was not on the “issue of the World War I losses”, its publication does not substantiate

    Akçam’s claims either; after all, it was a translation of a book published in Paris in 1926

    on the history of Ottoman participation in the World War by the French author Maurice

    Larcher.12 Yusuf Hikmet Bayur has never stated that the figure “800,000” should be

    considered accurate for the Armenian losses; indeed, in discussing the Armenian Question

    in the preceding part of his study, Bayur described CommandantM. Larcher’s account of

    events, which used the figure of 500,000 for the Armenian losses, as being quite exaggerated.

    13 Furthermore, in another work, Bayur has criticized Minister Cemal’s statement,

    characterizing it as the “ugliest indication” of the Damat Ferit government’s endless

    efforts at appeasing victorious allies.14

    The author does not provide adequate discussion on the course of relocations that differed

    depending on local circumstances as well as the attitude of local officials, and the

    few examples provided by Akçam are all carefully selected. While Akçam acknowledges

    Cemal Pasha’s efforts in favor of Armenians, he sheds little light on it.

    Relying on “Key” Sources

    The key source of Akçam’s allegations is the findings of 1919–1920 court-martials

    (as well as the indictment of the main trial), which he upholds as true. But the legal

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    procedures of these courts suffered from serious shortcomings, and the reliability of

    their findings was questionable.15 The trials were conducted under the pressure of

    the victorious Allies and by the post-war Ottoman governments, eager to heap any

    blame on the CUP in order to forestall the dismemberment of the Empire and to

    receive more lenient treatment from the Allies.16 Commenting on this attitude of the

    prosecution, the late Tarık Zafer Tunaya has remarked that the prosecutor was

    blaming the CUP (for everything) by “beginning from the story of Eve and Adam”,17

    while other scholars have also expressed their skepticism over their findings18—including

    M. E. Yapp who noted that the “1919 courts martial . . . cannot be taken entirely at

    face value because they were conducted by a government which was anxious to pin

    any blame on the CUP leaders”.19

    According to Akçam’s sources, the CUP leader Cemal Pasha “had indeed tried . . . to

    ease the situation for the Armenian deportees” (p. 186) and yet was actually sentenced to

    death by these courts. Falih Rıfkı Atay, seemingly a valuable source for Akçam, relates

    how Atay had to bribe the members of these courts with an amount less than 500 Lira

    in order to save himself from execution, and how the decision for his execution was

    made even before he was tried.20 Refik Halid Karay, a staunch opponent of both the

    Unionists and the nationalist movement in Ankara, and one who had a meeting with

    the judge and the members of the court over Atay’s case, confirms that the decision to

    execute Atay was already arranged even before a trial.21

    Akçamcannot bring himself to admit the injustices committed by these courts; he does

    not even discuss the changes introduced by the Damat Ferit government, which even

    banned the defendants from hiring a lawyer22—a process that constitutes the most

    basic right of a defendant in any system. Likewise he mentions the “irregularities

    involving Nusret’s death sentence” (p. 354) but does not elaborate on these irregularities.

    The author does not refrain from relying on questionable sources either. For instance,

    the alleged 1926 interview of Mustafa Kemal, on which he relies (pp. 345–346), was

    proven to be false years ago.23

    A Litany of Errors

    For an author claiming to have mastered the subject, Akçam makes too many factual

    errors, which diminish the text’s reliability as a point of reference: The Ottoman

    Empire was not considered the “Sick Man of Europe” since the 1830s; the term was

    coined by the Russian Tsar in 1844 (p. 27). Sasun was not a Cilician village; it was in

    Bitlis province (p. 41). Yusuf Kemal Tengirşenk was not the second foreign minister

    of the Turkish Republic, but the second foreign minister of the Ankara Government

    before the Republic was proclaimed (p. 46). The last name of the Russian foreign minister

    was not Sazanov but Sazonov (pp. 98–99, 213 and index). Kurt Ziemke was not a

    historian but a diplomat (p. 118). Huseyin Cahit Yalçın was not the editor of Tanin

    during the war; he left Tanin in January 1914 (p. 143). Alma Johansson was not a

    Swiss nurse but Swedish (p. 150). Pozanti is not some 30–40 km from Adana but

    about 70 km (p. 158). Kayseri, Nig˘de and Eskişehir were not provinces but sanjaks

    (subdivisions of provinces) (p. 177). Interior Minister Cemal Bey’s statement was not

    made on 18 March 1919; it first appeared in an interview with Cemal Bey in Le Moniteur

    Oriental on 13 March 1919 (p. 183). The book published by the Turkish Army’s General

    Staff was not on the issue ofWorldWar I losses (p. 183). Hovhannes Kachaznuni was not

    the first president of Armenia but the first prime minister (p. 198). The governor of Van

    was not Cevdet Paşa but Cevdet Bey (p. 201). The surname of the former Van deputy

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    was not Avras but Arvas (pp. 201, 326 and index). The general circular from the

    Ministry of the Interior was not sent to all Ottoman provinces (p. 204). The Greeks

    did not invade İ zmir on 16 May 1919 but on 15 May 1919 (pp. 279, 294). Friedrich

    Freiherr Kress von Kressenstein was not a general but a colonel (p. 325). Mustafa

    Kemal’s statement was not made in a closed session of the parliament but in an open

    session (pp. 346, 348). Nusret Bey was not the prefect (kaymakam) of Urfa but the subgovernor

    (mutasarrıf) (p. 351). The above mistakes are not just aberrations but typify the

    whole book.

    Lost in Translation

    The translation errors represent another problem. The word “ekseriyet”, for instance,

    does not mean minority but majority. Therefore, the last part of the quote presented

    on page 97 should not read “[a]reas . . . in which non-Turkish races and nations

    formed a minority” but should be “[a]reas . . . in which non-Turkish races and nations

    formed a majority”.24 Başbakanlık does not mean Presidential but the Office of the

    Prime Minister (p. 417, n. 65).

    The translation problems are not confined to just minor ones; the book gives

    fundamentally different versions of events than its original Turkish. For instance,

    when discussing the role of Colonel Seyfi, the original Turkish version of the book

    provides the following information:

    Following the armistice, on 13 December 1918, the daily Sabah declared that

    as the officer responsible for the political department in Ottoman Military

    Headquarters, in close coordination with Bahaettin Ş akir, and in collaboration

    with the Special Organization, Colonel Seyfi was one of those who had planned

    the massacre of Armenians.25

    As might be seen, according to the Turkish version of the book, it is the Sabah newspaper

    that is making the assertion in question. However, in the present English book, this event

    is suspiciously rendered as a confession by Colonel Seyfi rather than a declaration by

    Sabah while no date is given for relevant issue of the daily Sabah:

    After the 1918 armistice, the colonel [Seyfi] explained in the daily Sabah that,

    as the officer responsible for the political department in Ottoman military

    headquarters, in collaboration with the Special Organization and in close

    coordination with Unionist Bahaettin Ş akir, he had been among those who

    had devised the plan for the murder of the Armenians. (p. 125)

    One cannot know whether this is an intentional manipulation or an innocent (but inexcusable)

    translation error, or even who is to be blamed for it: the translator or Taner

    Akçam who had revised the English text. At any rate, Akçam bears the responsibility

    for having allowed such errors to enter the text, the existence of which further undermines

    the reliability of his book.

    Typographical errors and inconsistencies in spelling of names further mar the book. In

    addition, the reader whose knowledge of the existing literature is derived from this book

    is likely to think that Edward J. Erickson’s painstaking study “The Defeat in Detail: The

    Ottoman Army in the Balkans 1912–1913” was released in 1972 (p. 392, n. 114)

    instead of 2003, or the seventh volume of the Genocide and Holocaust Studies journal

    was published in 1998 (p. 406, n. 78) instead of 1993.

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    Sources Distorted

    Even if one is to ignore the subjectivist attitude of the author, there are more serious problems

    with Akçam’s work. In preparing his book, Akçam appears to have altered and distorted

    the contents of the sources he has utilized.26 Some examples discussed below may

    reiterate this point.

    On the Figures Given by Eşref Kuşçubaşı and Celal Bayar

    In discussing the deportation of Christians inWestern Anatolia, Taner Akçam—by referring

    to the autobiographical account of Eşref Kuşçubaşı (a prominent agent of the

    OSO)—writes that: “Kuşçubaşı Eşref claims that during the first months of the war

    alone the number of ‘Greek-Armenians . . . deported totaled 1,350,000’” (p. 106). In

    the original source, however, the number given by Kuşçubaşı is 1,150,000 and not

    1,350,000 as incorrectly given by Akçam. Moreover Eşref Kuşçubaşı does not say they

    were “deported” but taken to the interior:

    . . . [I]t was plainly visible that if the Greek-Armenian population in the Aegean

    region, concentrated especially in the coastal areas, amounting to 1,150,000,

    had not been taken to the interior a short time before the outbreak of the

    war and during the first months of the war, then even the defense in Ç anakkale

    [Gallipoli] would not have been possible.27

    In his note the author further claims that “Celal Bayar, who draws extensively from

    Kuşçubaşı’s memoirs, gives separate figures for specific cities. The total number of

    these is the same as the figure above [i.e. 1,350,000]” (p. 403, n. 150). Yet the total of

    these is not 1,350,000 as the reader is told but 760,000, which is in fact close to onehalf

    of the figure above.28 It should be further noted that, in the case of the latter

    figure, Kuşçubaşı does not speak of any relocation but rather gives the figures for the

    population concentration in specific regions.

    On the Memoirs of A. Mil (Arif Cemil (Denker))

    In a section of his book dealing with the Armenian Revolutionary Federation Congress in

    Erzurum, Taner Akçam falsely puts forward claims that have no basis in the original

    account. He writes that:

    In one document we read: “The necessary preparations have been made for

    those individuals . . . who have left Erzurum . . . Instructions for those things

    that are essential for our organization’s freedom of action should be given.”

    The author of this document confirmed that Bahaettin Ş akir had wanted

    “those people [mentioned in the telegram] apprehended on the way and liquidated”

    (p. 137).

    However in the original account, Arif Cemil (Denker) quotes a letter from Hilmi Bey, the

    CUP inspector for Erzurum, in which Hilmi Bey states that:

    . . . The necessary preparations have been made for those individuals on whose

    departures from Erzurum you have informed [us] with a cipher. I have made

    delivery to the persons required to get them [i.e. the individuals who departed

    from Erzurum] regardless of anything . . . I hope to informyou on this matter in

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    about two days. The command post should give the necessary instructions for

    our organization’s freedom of action to the persons required.29

    After quoting this, Arif Cemil (Denker) makes some comments on Hilmi Bey’s letter by

    stating that:

    Two points in Hilmi Bey’s letter deserve attention. One of them is the apprehension,

    more precisely the liquidation of the persons on their way, whose

    departures from Erzurum have been notified by Bahaettin Ş akir.30

    The original account, as might be seen, makes no mention of Bahaettin Ş akir’s alleged

    demand for the liquidation of the persons in question and the only role attributed to

    Bahaettin Ş akir Bey is his notifying of the mentioned individuals’ departures. It is difficult

    to understand how Akçam, based on the above source, concluded that “the author of

    this document confirmed that Bahaettin Ş akir had wanted those people [mentioned in

    the telegram] . . . liquidated”. Of minor importance is Akçam’s misidentification of

    “the author of this document”, since its author was Hilmi Bey while the one making

    the so-called confirmation on which Akçam relied was Arif Cemil.

    More on the Memoirs of Arif Cemil (Denker)

    In attempting to describe the alleged genocide decision, which was supposedly made

    during March 1915, Taner Akçam again deliberately distorts his evidence in order to

    back up his contentions:

    . . . In addition to the question of the army command, fundamental changes

    in the Special Organization’s activities were also under discussion. “The

    Armenians’ anti-Turkish attitude and the help they gave the Russian army convinced

    [Bahaettin Ş akir] that dealing with the enemy within was as necessary as

    the enemy without.” Having assembled evidence of Armenian gang activity in

    the region, Ş akir now tried to persuade his friends inİ stanbul that it was time to

    get rid of this threat.

    It is very likely that the key decisions concerning the massacre were made

    within the CUP in İstanbul during March 1915. “In these discussions a

    decision was made that Bahaettin Ş akir Bey would resign from his duties pertaining

    to the country’s foreign enemies and concentrate solely on its internal

    enemies.” Ş akir was put in charge of dealing with “the Armenians inside . . .

    These discussions concluded with the formulation of the Deportation Law.

    When Bahaettin Ş akir Bey returned to the Caucasian front a short time later

    the new arrangements had been completely determined”. (pp. 151–152)

    As his source for the sentences and phrases given within quotation marks in the above

    quote, Akçam again cites the memoirs of Arif Cemil (Denker), who served with the

    OSO during theWar. However, this episode described by Akçam appears fundamentally

    different in the original source—which reads as follows:

    In İstanbul now, Dr. Bahaettin Ş akir Bey has decided to concentrate on the

    country’s internal enemies by abandoning the Special Organization’s affairs

    related to foreign enemies.

    This was because Dr. Bahaettin Ş akir Bey has witnessed many facts during

    the period of four-five months he has spent in Erzurum and at different

    points of the Caucasian front. The attitude the Armenians have taken against

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    Turkey and the assistance they provided to the Russian army have convinced

    him [Bahaettin Ş akir] that it was necessary to fear the internal enemies as

    much as the external ones. The Armenians inside through formation of bands

    were threatening the rear of our army and were trying to cut our lines of


    [. . .] In İstanbul Dr. Bahaettin Ş akir Bey was busy with discussing the precautions

    to be taken to save the army from a grave danger by placing these

    [documents] to the attention of the CUP’s Central Committee. These discussions

    finally resulted in the formulation of Relocation Law.When Dr. Bahaettin

    Ş akir Bey returned to the Caucasian front after a while, the new situation had

    completely come into existence. But again we will pass on without touching

    these matters. Because the issue of the Armenians’ relocation was completely

    out of the O.S.O.’s scope.32 [Emphasis added]

    There are several problems about the way in which the author has made use of the

    passage given in the original account:

    1. The phrase signifying that it was necessary to “fear internal enemies” is

    altered into a different one that reads “dealing with the enemy within” by


    2. Akçam quotes the source as saying “in these discussions a decision was made

    that Bahaettin Ş akir Bey would resign from his duties . . .”, whereas in the

    original source it is Bahaettin Ş akir himself deciding to focus on internal

    enemies, and there is no mention of a discussion where the alleged decision

    for Bahaettin Sakir’s focusing on the internal enemies was taken. Thus the

    phrase that reads “in these discussions a decision was made that Bahaettin

    Ş akir Bey would resign from his duties . . .” has no basis in the original

    source and was evidently doctored in an effort to give the impression of

    an official policy targeting the Armenians.

    3. Similarly the statement that Bahaettin Ş akir Bey was put in charge of dealing

    with “the Armenians inside” has no basis in the original source and the text

    is completely quoted out of context. The only reference to the “Armenians

    inside” is made in connection with their formation of bands and the threat

    they posed to the army. And there is simply no entry suggesting that

    Dr. Bahaettin Ş akir Bey was put in charge of (or instructed for) anything.

    4. Although Akçam quotes the source as saying “new arrangements were completely

    determined”, the original account contains nothing regarding “new

    arrangements”; rather, it states that a new situation had emerged. This

    manipulation, too, gives the impression of a policy targeting Armenians

    for which “new arrangements” were determined even though such is not

    the case in the original source. Moreover, it is of the utmost significance

    that in Akçam’s version a revealing section of the very document on which

    his case rests is missing. At the end was Arif Cemil’s statement that “the

    issue of the Armenians’ relocation was completely out of the O.S.O.’s scope”.

    On Eşref Kuşçubaşı’s Statement

    In discussing the implementation of the relocation and the massacres, the author

    contends that many members of the government were unaware of the genocidal policy

    that was secretly carried out by the party under the veil of a deportation decree. Like

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    Dadrian,33 Akçam refers to the interviews made with Eşref Kuşçubaşı to support

    this point:

    As Eşref Kuşçubaşı put it, the government was never informed of the meetings

    and plans related to the deportations and massacres. (pp. 156–157)

    In the original account, after briefly talking about the activities of the OSO, Eşref

    Kuşçubaşı does indeed state that, “As these [activities] were seriously kept ‘secret’,

    they were even unknown to the members of the cabinet”. However, there are several

    problems with Akçam’s utilization and interpretation of the autobiographical account

    of Eşref Kuşçubaşı. First of all, in the original account there is no mention of any

    meeting regarding the Armenian relocation or massacres, nor is there any mention of

    the Armenians. Second, and more importantly, following the above sentence

    Kuşçubaşı relates that Talat Pasha too was among those cabinet members who were

    not informed of the activities of the OSO and had even complained about this matter:

    As these [activities] were seriously kept “secret”, they were even unknown to

    the members of the cabinet. In fact, I remember very well that one day Talat

    Pasha in a half serious and half joking manner had asked me: “Eşref Beyefendi,

    is there any news about the government’s organization that you could share

    with us?” And he quietly whispered this in my ears lest others not hear. What

    were these activities that were regarded as so secret even to cause a person

    [Talat] who was, then, the Minister of the Interior and considered as the

    natural leader of the political party in power, to make it a matter of complaint

    in such a manner?34

    In view of this information, Akçam’s utilization and interpretation of Kuşçubaşı’s

    statement and his efforts to establish a link between it and the massacres becomes

    highly problematic. Indeed if one is to accept Akçam’s false paraphrasing, then

    Akçam’s whole theory of “a genocidal policy under the supervision of Talat” collapses

    since Talat Pasha, the person whom he credits with being the overall coordinator of massacres

    and deportations, is actually not informed on something that he allegedly supervises.

    It is clear that the author Akçam deliberately ignores the context and misleads his

    readers. The intention of such a manipulation is to lead readers into what is, after all, a

    pre-arranged conclusion, at the expense of historic truth.

    On Ahmet Refik

    In discussing the participation of gangs in perpetrating the massacres, Taner Akçam

    writes that:

    Ahmet Refik testified that the perpetrators of the massacres at Pozanti, some

    thirty to forty kilometers from Adana, were “reorganized by gangs sent to the

    Caucasus”. (p. 158)

    To begin with, it should be noted that Ahmet Refik did not testify, but wrote a book.

    More importantly, in the book Ahmet Refik did not use the word massacre; rather,

    there is a single sentence referring to the assaults carried out by gangs without indicating

    whether they resulted in massacres or not:

    The [place] which the Armenians were most particularly afraid of was Pozanti.

    There [in Pozanti], the attack of gangs was making their hearts tremble

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    [in fear]. Which gangs were these? These were the gangs sent to the Caucasus in

    the name of Turanian policy [and] the union of Islam by the Unionist


    It seems that the author feels no discomfort in substituting such words as “attack” and

    “massacre” and allowing his readers to make incorrect assumptions.

    On Hu¨seyin and Abidin Nesimi

    According to Akçam, in some cases the government officials who resisted obeying orders

    of annihilation were killed, and a kaymakam’s son had confirmed this point:

    In several cases, uncooperative officials were actually murdered. Hu¨ seyin

    Nesimi, the prefect of Lice, refused to obey the verbal order and asked for a

    written copy. He was fired, called to Diyarbakir, and murdered on the way.

    Abidin Nesimi, the prefect’s son, wrote that the liquidation of government officials

    was ordered by Mehmet Reşit, the governor of Diyarbakir, among others.

    The murdered include “Ferit, the governor-general of Basra, Bedri Nuri, the

    lieutenant-governor of Muntefak, . . . Sabit, the deputy prefect of Besiri, İsmail

    Mestan a journalist.” The reason for thesemurders was clear: “The administrative

    cadre that opposed the massacre had to be liquidated . . .”. (pp. 166–167)

    Unfortunately it is not Abidin Nesimi but Taner Akçam who wrote that the government

    officials in question were liquidated on the orders ofMehmet Reşit. What Abidin Nesimi

    had said36 was that during Reşit’s governorship some murders with unknown perpetrators

    had taken place:

    . . . When Dr. Reşit was in Iraq and later during his governorship of Diyarbakir,

    many murders with unknown perpetrators took place. Most important among

    them, were those of Ferit, the governor of Basra, Bedri Nuri, the sub-governor

    of Muntefak, my father Hu¨ seyin Nesimi, the prefect of Lice, and Sabit, the

    deputy prefect of Besiri and the journalist İsmail Mestan . . . It was impossible

    to carry out the relocation of Armenians with the gendarme units composed of

    Circassians and the members of the tribes of Bedirhani, Milli, Karakeçili who

    were the Kurdish militia. For this group was a cadre of pillage and plunder.

    Therefore, this group could not carry out the relocation and turned it into a

    massacre. [And] the liquidation of the [administrative] cadre which would

    oppose the pillage and plunder was inevitable.37

    As regards to the complicity of Mehmet Reşit38 in relation to the murder of his father,

    Abidin Nesimi wrote the following:

    Did Dr. Reşit give any orders for the murder of my father? Or did this event

    occur without his knowledge? We can find the answers of these questions in

    Reşit’s memoirs. . .. In these [memoirs], Dr. Reşit writes that he was extremely

    respectful towards my father and that my father had possessed the quality of

    rendering great services to the nation and that it was impossible for him to

    give orders for the murder of my father. Quite naturally I cannot be expected

    to have sympathies for Dr. Reşit as my father was killed by a mobile gendarme

    regiment that was recalled by this name. I have made researches on Dr. Reşit.

    I have inquired about Dr. Reşit fromhis friends who had been in exile in Tripoli

    where he was also in exile and from other persons, especially from the governor

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    of Tripoli, Giritli Celal Bey. Both the deceased Cami Baykurt and Celal Bey

    had given testimony in his favor. I am of the opinion that Dr. Reşit was a

    well-intentioned, yet narrow-minded person.39

    There are two significant problems with the way in which this account has been utilized:

    1. Akçam has altered the sentence that reads “the liquidation of the [administrative]

    cadre which would oppose the ‘pillage and plunder’ was inevitable”

    into a different sentence that states “the administrative cadre that opposed

    the ‘massacre’ had to be liquidated . . .”, which is yet another example

    demonstrating how freely the author is altering words and replacing them

    with his own insertions. As was the case in the Ahmet Refik instance, the

    author substituted the words “pillage and plunder” with his own word


    2. Abidin Nesimi nowhere writes that the liquidation of the mentioned individuals

    and his father was done on the orders ofMehmet Reşit. To the contrary,

    Abidin Nesimi points to a source giving the answer to this question and the

    source in question indicates something entirely contrary to Akçam’s

    allegation. Once again, Akçam has attributed a false opinion to a source

    that does not support his claims.

    The Alleged Dual Mechanism

    Akçamalso makes some comments on the character of Talat Pasha, the Ottoman Interior

    Minister (pp. 169–170), which are intended to establish his argument that Talat’s telegrams

    ordering the protection of Armenians were merely written for silencing foreign

    ambassadors and that these orders were subsequently cancelled by a coded cable, a

    process he termed as a dual mechanism.40 While Akçam attempts to explain those

    telegrams shown to the foreign ambassadors in the light of this argument, he is unable

    to explain numerous confidential and ciphered telegrams, not intended for public

    consumption, which contain similar instructions. And in order to explain away such

    inconveniences, the author’s theory is constructed upon selective use of sources and

    the manipulation of his sources.

    According to Akçam, Falih Rıfkı Atay said that “sending an order only to cancel it

    shortly afterward by coded cable was business as usual for Talat” (p. 170). In this case

    the author displays another example of his going beyond the source he refers to, and

    adding interpretations that are not contained in the original source. The original

    account of this episode, related by Atay, while not suggesting in any way that this is a

    “business as usual for Talat”, makes no reference either to an “order” sent earlier:

    One day, he [Talat] again called out for me from the office. There was an applicant

    [man] next to him.He said: “Write a letter to theMutasarrıf [sub-governor]

    of İzmit and recommend them to definitely do the work of this Gentleman”.

    Iwrote and brought [the letter].He signed it.The (poor)man took the letter and

    left by giving his thanks. A little later, they had told me that the minister [Talat]

    wanted to see me. I went [to see him]. He said: “write a ciphered telegram to

    theMutasarrıf ofİzmit and inform himthat the letter I sent has no importance”.41

    This is not quite the sort of evidence to substantiate such bold claims, and the readers

    might want to see more convincing evidence in order to accept the high-profile claims

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    Akçam has advanced about Talat with respect to the relocation of Armenians. In his

    enthusiasm to prove his theory of dual mechanism, Akçam further claims that:

    On 18 September 1915 cables sent from Kayseri, Eskişehir, Nig˘de, Diyarbakır,

    report that all the Armenians had been deported from these provinces and that

    none remained. (p. 177)

    However, this is not at all the case in the documents to which Akçamrefers. The telegram

    sent from Eskişehir states that “the number of Armenians who were required to be dispatched

    amounted to 7000” and that all (7000) of these Armenians were dispatched,42

    which does not mean that no Armenians remained and that all were deported from

    Eskişehir.43 In the case of Kayseri, the telegram mentions the presence of 4911

    Armenians, consisting of the soldiers’ families and, to a lesser extent, of Catholics

    and Protestants, who were left within the sanjak of Kayseri.44 It is again difficult to

    understand how any scrupulous author can claim that no Armenians were left in the

    mentioned places.

    In conclusion, Akçam misrepresents his sources and the documents that he relies on

    do not substantiate his thesis. Thus the author’s case on the alleged dual mechanism

    remains poorly documented and unconvincing.

    Akçam also creates misleading impressions on the reader by juxtaposing disparate

    events. For instance, he quotes from a report that mentions an official named Hu¨ seyin

    Kazım Bey who is said to be a good person trying to help and feed the Armenians,

    but faces difficulties from authorities and he fears the extermination of Armenians.

    Immediately after quoting this document, Akçam writes: “Hu¨ seyin Kazım . . . later

    wrote in his memoirs that 200,000 people were sacrificed to the evil designs of

    Government, in Lebanon alone” (p. 186). Yet Hu¨ seyin Kazım’s statement had

    nothing to do with Ottoman Armenians. Still less it had anything to do with a central

    government policy. Hu¨ seyin Kazım uses the statement above in describing the

    corruption of the provincial authorities that was rampant during the war:

    There was a disgrace of silk corruption that no one can describe properly. The

    bales of silks, each of which amounted to 600 Lira (gold) in Germany and

    Switzerland, has been bought at 300 Lira from their owners by [exerting] all

    kinds of threats, pressures, swearwords and insults . . . To benefit from the

    misery of the people, to be full through the hunger of the poor, and to find

    life through their death has become a custom in the country. And those who

    first broke this ground had been the high officials of the Government. Then,

    it was seen that thousands of innocent men, women and children died everywhere

    in the most terrible manner. In the unfortunate Lebanon alone, the

    number of those poor who fell victim to the evil designs of the government

    reaches to 150–200 thousand.45

    By combining two totally unrelated events out of sequence, Akçam changes the meaning

    of the original account, and misleads his readers. It is also important to note that the

    number “150–200 thousand” in Hu¨ seyin Kazım’s account has become simply

    “200,000” in Akçam’s text.


    The examples displayed in this study cast doubt on Taner Akçam’s approach as being

    impartial and scholarly. To the contrary, such manipulations point to an extremely

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    partisan attitude, dominated by preconceived ideas that in turn have led the author to

    manipulate the sources he has utilized in service of his pre-arranged conclusions.

    Akçam’s work suffers from a lack of honesty with which he has evidently approached

    his subject, and the implications of his intentional manipulations shed considerable

    light on the credibility that could be attached to his work. As Akçam himself stated

    elsewhere, “suspicion within the academic community as to whether or not sources

    have been honestly and accurately presented is something that can poison the entire

    scientific milieu”.46 Within this framework, Taner Akçam’s dishonesty—which manifests

    itself in the form of numerous deliberate alterations and distortions, misleading

    quotations and doctoring of data—casts doubt on the accuracy of his claims as well as

    his conclusions. Accordingly, serious readers and researchers alike should approach

    Akçam’s work and claims with a great caution. This tainted volume can neither be

    considered “the state of the art in this field”, as Erik Jan Zu¨ rcher has written, nor the

    “best book ever written on Armenian Genocide”, as Stephen Feinstein claims, but as

    an example of poor editing, badly supported conclusions and, most importantly,

    of unethical and partisan scholarship that calls for further, more balanced and

    thorough research.


    1. Taner Akçam,I ˙ nsan Hakları ve Ermeni Sorunu,I ˙ ttihat ve Terakki’den Kurtuluş Savaşı’na [Human Rights

    and the Armenian Question, from the [Committe of] Union and Progress to Liberation War], Ankara: İ mge

    Kitabevi, 1999.

    2. Edward J. Erickson, “Re-examining History: Armenian Massacres: New Records Undercut Old

    Blame”, Middle East Quarterly, Vol. 13, No. 3, Summer 2006, pp. 67–75; and Guenter Lewy, The

    Armenian Massacres in Ottoman Turkey: A Disputed Genocide, Salt Lake City, UT: The University of

    Utah Press, 2005, pp. 82–88.

    3. Cemal Kutay, Birinci Du¨nya Harbinde Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa Ve Hayber’de Tu¨rk Cengi [The [Ottoman]

    Special Organization in the WWI and the Turkish Battle in Khayber], İstanbul: Tarih Yayınları, 1962,

    pp. 17–18.

    4. Nedimİpek, Rumeli’den Anadolu’ya Tu¨rk Go¨çleri (1877–1890) [The Turkish Migrations from Balkans to

    Anatolia (1877–1890)], Ankara: Tu¨ rk Tarih Kurumu, 1994, p. 207.

    5. Mustafa Aksakal, “Defending the Nation, The German-Ottoman Alliance of 1914 and the Ottoman

    Decision for War”, Unpublished PhD thesis, Princeton University, NJ, 2003, p. 150.

    6. Ibid, p. 139.

    7. Feroz Ahmad, “Review of Germany and The Ottoman Empire 1914–1918, by Ulrich Trumpener”,

    Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1970, pp. 104–105. Also see Michael A. Reynolds, “The

    Ottoman–Russian Struggle for Eastern Anatolia and the Caucasus 1908–1918: Identity, Ideology

    and the Geopolitics of World Order”, Unpublished PhD thesis, Princeton University, NJ, 2003.

    8. Nejdet Bilgi, Yozgat Ermeni Tehciri Davası [The Trial for the Yozgat Armenian Relocation], İstanbul:

    Kitabevi Yayınları, 2006, pp. 205–208, “Vakit Versiyonu” [“The Daily Vakit Version”] and

    pp. 208–211, “Yeni Gazete Versiyonu” [“The Daily Yeni Gazete Version”].

    9. Ibid, pp. 202–205, “Memleket Versiyonu” [“The Daily Memleket Version”].

    10. Sina Akşin, I ˙ stanbul Hu¨ku¨metleri ve Milli Mu¨cadele [The I ˙ stanbul Governments and the National

    Struggle], Vol. 1, İstanbul: İ şbankası Yayınları, 2004, p. 204; and Ferudun Ata, I ˙ şgal I ˙ stanbul’unda

    Tehcir Yargılamaları [The Relocation Trials in Occupied I ˙ stanbul], Ankara: Tu¨ rk Tarih Kurumu, 2005,

    pp. 141–142.

    11. İrade-i Milliye, 2 October 1919, quoted in Hulki Cevizog˘lu,I ˙ şgal ve Direniş 1919 ve Bugu¨n [The Occupation

    and Resistance, 1919 and Today], İstanbul: Ceviz Kabug˘u Yayınları, 2007, p. 25.

    12. Maurice Larcher, La Guerre Turque dans la Guerre Mondiale [Turkish War in the Great War], Paris:

    Etienne Chiron; Berger-Levrault, 1926, p. 602: “L’anatolie avait en outre perdu 500,000 mussulmans

    des vilayets orientaux, victimes ou fugitifs de la guerre; 800,000 Armeniens et 200,000

    Grecs, victimes de deportations ou de´ce´de´s dans les battalions de travailleurs” [“Anatolia had also

    lost 500,000 Muslims from the eastern provinces as victims or fugitives of the war; 800,000

    316 Erman Ş ahin

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    Armenians and 200,000 Greeks as victims of the deportations or those who died in the labor


    13. Yusuf Hikmet Bayur, Tu¨rkI ˙ nkılaˆ bı Tarihi [The History of the Turkish Revolution], Vol. 3, Part 3, Ankara:

    Tu¨ rk Tarih Kurumu, 1983, pp. 8–9.

    14. Yusuf Hikmet Bayur, Atatu¨rk Hayatı ve Eseri [Atatu¨ rk, His Life andWork], Vol. 1, Ankara: AKDTYK

    Atatu¨ rk Araştırma Merkezi, 1990, p. 182.

    15. Lewy, The Armenian Massacres in Ottoman Turkey, op. cit., pp. 73–82; Ata, I ˙ şgal I ˙ stanbul’unda Tehcir

    Yargılamaları [The Relocation Trials in OccupiedI ˙ stanbul], op. cit.; Falih Rıfkı Atay, Ç ankaya: Atatu¨rk’u¨n

    Dog˘umundan O ¨ lu¨mu¨ne Kadar [Ç ankaya, From Atatu¨rk’s Birth Till His Death], İ stanbul: Bateş, 1998,

    pp. 218–230.

    16. Hu¨samettin Ertu¨ rk,I ˙ ki Devrin Perde Arkası [Behind the Curtain of Two Eras],İstanbul: Hilmi Kitapevi,

    1957, pp. 370–373.

    17. Tarık Zafer Tunaya, Tu¨ rkiye’de Siyasi Partiler [Political Parties in Turkey], Vol. 3, İstanbul: İletişim

    Yayınları, 2000, p. 674.

    18. Andrew Mango, “Minorities and Majorities”, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 23, No. 4, 1987, p. 519.

    19. M. E. Yapp, “Review of The History of the Armenian Genocide, by V.N. Dadrian”, Middle Eastern

    Studies, Vol. 32, No. 4, 1996, p. 397.

    20. Atay, Ç ankaya [Ç ankaya], op. cit., pp. 219, 223–224.

    21. Refik Halid Karay, Minelbab I ˙ lelmihrab [From Gate to Mihrab], İstanbul: İnkılaˆp-Aka Kitabevleri,

    1964, pp. 195–196.

    22. Ata, I ˙ şgal I ˙ stanbul’unda Tehcir Yargılamaları [The Relocation Trials in Occupied I ˙ stanbul], op. cit.,

    pp. 258–259; Bayram Akça, “1915 Ermeni Tehciri ve Urfa Mutasarrıfı Nusret Bey’in İ damı”

    [“The 1915 Armenian Relocation and the Execution of Nusret Bey, the Sub-Governor of Urfa”],

    Ermeni Araştırmaları 1. Tu¨ rkiye Kongresi Bildirileri [Papers of the 1st Turkey Congress of Armenian

    Studies], Vol. 2, Ankara: ASAM, 2003, p. 28; and Bayram Akça, “Mondros Mu¨ tarekesi’nden

    Sonra Ermeni Tehciri Nedeniyle Kurulan Divan-ı Harp Mahkemelerinde (Nemrut) Mustafa

    Paşa’nın Rolu¨” [“The Role of (Nemrut) Mustafa Pasha in the Court-martials Set Up for the

    Armenian Relocation After the Armistice of Mudros)”], Ermeni Araştırmaları 2. Tu¨rkiye Kongresi

    Bildirileri [Papers of the 2nd Turkey Congress of Armenian Studies], Vol. 1, Ankara: ASAM, 2007, p. 608.

    23. Tu¨rkkaya Atao¨v, Another Falsification: Statement (1926) Wrongly Attributed to Mustafa Kemal Atatu¨rk,

    Ankara: Sistem Ofset, 1988. For Mustafa Kemal’s views on the Armenian Question, see İ smet

    Go¨rgu¨ lu¨ , Atatu¨rk’ten Ermeni Sorunu [The Armenian Question from Atatu¨rk], Ankara: Bilgi, 2002.

    24. Kutay, Birinci Du¨nya Harbinde Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa [The [Ottoman] Special Organization in the WWI],

    op. cit., p. 18: “Tu¨ rklerden gayrı ırk ve milletlerin ekseriyeti teşkil ettikleri yerlerde . . .”.

    25. Akçam, I ˙ nsan Hakları ve Ermeni Sorunu [Human Rights and the Armenian Question], op. cit., p. 213:

    “Mu¨ tareke sonrası, Sabah gazetesi 13 Aralık 1918’de Albay Seyfi’nin, Osmanlı Karargahındaki

    Siyasi Ş ube’nin sorumlusu olarak, Bahaettin Ş akir ile yakın işbirlig˘i içinde, Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa

    eliyle Ermenilerin katledilmesini planlayanlardan oldug˘unu açıkladı”.

    26. Since the book under review is the English translation of another book, one might wonder whether it

    is the translator who is to be blamed for the manipulations and the discrepancies with original

    sources. However, the readers should be aware that the inaccuracies presented in this study are

    also present in the original Turkish version of Taner Akçam’s study.

    27. Kutay, Birinci Du¨nya Harbinde Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa [The [Ottoman] Special Organization in the WWI],

    op. cit., p. 60: “. . . Ege mıntıkasında ve bilhassa sahillerde yuvalanmış ve ku¨melenmiş olan

    1.150.000 Rum-Ermeni nu¨ fus, daha harbin başlamasından kısa zaman evvel ve harbin ilk aylarında

    içeri alınmamış olsa idi, Ç anakkale mu¨ dafaasının bile mu¨mku¨n olamıyacag˘ı gu¨n gibi aşikar idi”.

    28. The population figures given by Eşref Kuşçubaşı are as follows: “120,000 in the region of Ayvalik

    gulf; 90,000 in the Ç anakkale region (including the town itself); 190,000 in the capital of İzmir;

    130,000 in the region from Urla peninsula and southeast Izmir to Ç eşme; 80,000 in the environs

    of Aydın; 150,000 in the environs of Akhisar, and Manisa, Alaşehir, Uşak and its environs”. Apart

    from this, Kuşçubaşı also gives figures for the Aegean islands of Mtylene, Chios and Samos.

    However the Ottoman Empire had lost these islands in 1912–1913, therefore any Ottomancontrolled

    population movement on these islands would be out of question. See Celal Bayar, Ben

    de Yazdım: Milli Mu¨cadeleye Giriş [I Too Have Written: Joining the National Struggle], Vol. 5, İstanbul:

    Baha Matbaası, 1967, p. 1576.

    29. A. Mil, “Umumi Harpte Teşkilatı Mahsusa” [“The [Ottoman] Special Organization in the Great

    War”], Vakit, No. 13, November 15, 1933, p. 5: “Erzurumdan çıktıklarını şifre ile bildirdig˘iniz

    eşhas için tertibatı lazıme alınmıştır. Herçibadabat onları elde edebilmek için icap edenlere teslimat

    Akçam’s Version of History and the Armenian Genocide 317

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    verdim . . . Bu husus hakkında bir iki gu¨ne kadar haber vereceg˘imi u¨mit ediyorum. Kumandanlık

    teşkilatımızın serbestii harekatı hakkında icap edenlere talimatı lazıme vermelidir”. Arif Cemil,

    Birinci Du¨nya Savaşında Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa [The [Ottoman] Special Organization in WWI], İstanbul:

    Arba Yayınları, 1997, pp. 45–46. A. Mil is the pseudonym for Arif Cemil (Denker). His memoirs

    were first published pseudonymously in the Daily Vakit in 1933–1934. In 1997 these memoirs

    were republished by Arba Yayınları in the form of a book under the real name of its author, Arif

    Cemil (Denker). For readers’ convenience, both items are cited in this review.

    30. Ibid, No. 14, November 16, 1933, p. 5: “Hilmi Bey’in mektubunda iki noktai nazarı dikkati celbeder.

    Bunlardan birisi Erzurumdan hareketleri Bahaettin Ş akir Bey tarafından bildirilen bazı eşhasın yolda

    yakalanmaları, daha dog˘rusu imha edilmeleri . . .” Arif Cemil, Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa [The [Ottoman]

    Special Organization], op. cit., p. 46.

    31. Ibid, No. 98, February 10, 1934, p. 5: “Doktor Bahattin Ş akir bey İstanbul’da artık teşkilatı mahsusanın

    harici du¨ şmanlara taalluk eden işlerinden sarfınazar ederek memleketin dahili du¨ şmanlarıyla

    meşgul olmıya karar vermişti. Ç u¨nku¨ Doktor Bahaettin Ş akir bey Erzurumda ve Kafkas cephesinin

    dig˘er noktalarında geçirdig˘i do¨ rt beş ay zarfında pek çok hakikatlere şahit olmuştu. Ermenilerin

    Tu¨ rkiye’ye karşı takındıkları tavır ve Rus ordusuna ettikleri yardım kendisinde harici du¨ şman kadar

    dahili du¨ şmandan da korkmak lazım geldig˘ i kanaatını hasıl etmişti. Dahildeki Ermeniler çete teşkiliyle

    ordumuzun arkasını tehdit ve hattı ric’atını kesmeye çalışıyorlardı”. Arif Cemil, Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa

    [The [Ottoman] Special Organization], op. cit., p. 240.

    32. Ibid, No. 100, February 12, 1934, p. 5: “. . . Doktor Bahaettin Ş akir bey bunları İstanbul’da İttihat ve

    terakki merkezi umumisinin dikkati nazarına koyarak orduyu bu¨yu¨k bir tehlikeden kurtarmak için

    alınacak tedbirleri mu¨zakere ile meşgul bulunuyordu. Bu mu¨ zakereler nihayet tehcir kanunun neşri

    ile neticelenmişti. Doktor Bahaettin Ş akir bey bir mu¨ddet sonra Kafkas cephesine avdet ettig˘i

    zaman yeni vaziyet tamamiyle taayyu¨n etmiş bulunuyordu. Fakat gene bu noktalara temas edemeden

    geçeceg˘ iz. Ç u¨nku¨ Ermenilerin tehciri meselesi teşkilatı mahsusa mevzuunun bu¨sbu¨ tu¨n haricinde

    kalmaktadır”. Arif Cemil, Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa [The [Ottoman] Special Organization], op. cit.,

    pp. 245–246.

    33. Vahakn N. Dadrian, “Ottoman Archives and Denial of the Armenian Genocide”, in The Armenian

    Genocide: History, Politics, Ethics, ed. Richard Hovannisian, London: MacMillan, 1992, pp. 300–301.

    34. Kutay, Birinci Du¨nya Harbinde Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa [The [Ottoman] Special Organization in the WWI],

    op. cit., p. 18: “Bunlar gerçekten ,,gizli.. tutuldug˘u için kabine azasının bile meçhulu¨ idiler.

    Hatta çok iyi hatırlarım. Bir gu¨n Talat Paşa, yarı şaka yarı ciddi: ‘—Eşref Beyefendi . . . Sizin

    hu¨ku¨met teşkilatından bize anlatabileceg˘iniz haberler yok mu?’ demişti. Bunu da, dig˘erlerinin

    duymaması için yavaşça kulag˘ıma so¨ylemişti. O tarihte Daˆhiliye Nazırı ve iktidarda olan siyasi

    Fırka’nın tabii reisi sayılan bir zatın dahi, bo¨ylecesine sitem mevzuu yapacak kadar mahrem addedilen

    çalışmaları nelerdi?”

    35. Ahmet Refik, I ˙ ki Komite I ˙ ki Kıtal [Two Committees, Two Massacres], Ankara: Kebikeç Yayınları, 1994,

    pp. 38–39: “Ermenilerin en ziyade korktukları Pozantı idi. Orada, çetelerin hu¨cumu kalblerini

    titretiyordu. Bunlar hangi çetelerdi? İttihat hu¨ku¨metinin Turan siyaseti, İslam ittihadı namına

    Kafkasya’ya go¨nderdig˘i çetelerdi”.

    36. In his memoirs, Abidin Nesimi also discusses the Armenian question—and his overall opinion is that

    the central committee of CUP wanted an orderly relocation of Armenians and did not want to harm

    the innocent Armenians, but the Kurdish militia forces seized this moment as an opportunity for

    plunder and massacre, and the CUP partly overlooked this situation but also attempted to punish

    the guilty. Given the sharp difference of this interpretation to the narrative of Akçam, the omission

    of these details also leaves the reader with quite an unbalanced opinion as regards the murder of

    the officials mentioned as well as Abidin Nesimi’s opinion on this issue. See Abidin Nesimi, Yılların

    I ˙

    çinden [During the Years], İstanbul: Go¨zlem, 1977, pp. 41–45.

    37. Ibid, pp. 39–40: “Dr. Reşit Irakta bulundug˘u do¨nemde ve daha sonra Diyarbakır valilig˘ i sırasında

    faili bulunamayan birçok cinayetler olmuştur. Bunların içinde en o¨nemlileri Basra Valisi Ferit’in,

    Mu¨ ntefek mutasarrıfı Bedi Nuri’nin, Lice kaymakamı babam Hu¨ seyin Nesimi’nin, Beşiri kaymakam

    vekili Sabit’in, gazeteci İsmail Mestan’ın vb. o¨ldu¨ru¨ lmeleridir . . . Bu Ç erkez jandarma ekibi ve milis

    Ku¨ rtler olan Bedirhani, Milli ve Karakeçili aşiretleri mensuplarıyla Ermeni tehcirinin gerçekles

    ¸tirilmesi imkaˆnsızdı. Ç u¨nku¨ bu kadro yag˘ma ve talan kadrosudur. Bu yu¨zden bu kadro tehciri

    yapamamış ve onu katliama do¨nu¨ ştu¨rmu¨ ştu¨ r. Yag˘ma ve talanı gerçekleştirmeye muhalefet edecek

    kadronun da tasfiyesi kaçınılmazdı”.

    38. This article primarily aims to focus on the manner in which Akçamhas utilized his sources. Therefore

    the role and the responsibility of Dr. Reşit is beyond the scope of this study. On this matter, see

    318 Erman Ş ahin

    Downloaded By: [TÜBTAK EKUAL] At: 16:50 11 October 2008

    Mithad Şu¨ kru¨ Bleda, I ˙ mparatorlug˘un Ç o¨ku¨ şu¨ [The Fall of the [Ottoman] Empire], İstanbul: Remzi

    Kitabevi, 1979, pp. 56–59.

    39. Abidin Nesimi, YıllarınI ˙ çinden [During the Years], op. cit., pp. 45–46: “Babamın o¨ldu¨ru¨ lmesi olayında

    Dr. Reşit’in bir emri var mıdır? Yoksa bu olay onun bilgisi dışında mı olmuştur? Bu soruların cevabını

    Dr. Reşit’in ‘Mu¨dafaaname’ sinden o¨g˘renebiliriz . . . Bu ‘Mu¨dafaaname’ sinde Dr. Reşit, babama karşı

    son derece hu¨ rmetkar oldug˘unu, vu¨cudunun millete bu¨yu¨k faydalar bırakacag˘ ı nitelikte oldug˘unu,

    onun o¨ldu¨ru¨lmesine emir vermesinin imkansız oldug˘unu yazmıştır. Pek dog˘aldır ki, babamın bu

    adla anılan seyyar jandarma mu¨ frezesince o¨ldu¨ru¨ldu¨g˘u¨ için Dr. Reşit’e karşı sempatim olamaz.

    Dr. Reşit u¨ zerine araştırmalar yaptım. Dr. Reşit’i su¨rgu¨n bulundug˘u Trablusgarb’daki su¨rgu¨n arkadas

    ¸larından ve dig˘er kişilerden, o¨ zellikle Trablusgarb valisi Giritli Celal Bey den soruşturdum. Rahmetli

    Cami Baykurt da, Celal Bey de onun lehinde şahadette bulunmuşlardır. Dr. Reşit’in iyi niyetli fakat

    dar go¨ru¨ şlu¨ birisi oldug˘u kanısındayım”.

    40. Guenter Lewy also characterizes the evidence presented by Taner Akçam for his allegation of dual

    mechanism as “slim”; see Lewy, The Armenian Massacres in Ottoman Turkey, op. cit., p. 112.

    41. Falih Rıfkı Atay, Zeytindag˘ı [The Olive Mountain], İstanbul: Bateş, 1981, pp. 24–25: “Bir gu¨n

    yine kalemden çag˘ırtmıştı. Yanında bir mu¨ racaatçı vardı: ‘İzmit mutasarrıfına bir mektup yazınız,

    Beyfendinin işini mutlaka yapmasını tavsiye ediniz’, demişti. Yazıp go¨tu¨rdu¨m. İmzaladı, adamcag˘ız

    mektubu aldı ve teşekku¨ r ederek gitti. Biraz sonra nazırın yine beni istedig˘ini so¨ylediler. Gittim:

    —İzmit mutasarrıfına bir şifre yaz. Go¨nderdig˘ im mektubun bir ehemmiyeti yoktur, diye bildir, dedi”.

    42. Osmanlı Belgelerinde Ermeniler (1915–1920) [Armenians in Ottoman Documents 1915–1920], Ankara:

    Devlet Arşivleri Genel Mu¨du¨ rlu¨g˘u¨ , 1995, p. 96, Document 111: “Livaˆ daˆhilindeki Ermenilerden

    ihraˆcı ıˆcaˆb edenler yedi bin raˆddesinde olup kaˆffesinin sevk edilmiş oldug˘u arz olunur”.

    43. The official Ottoman statistics cite the Armenian population of Eskişehir as 8807, while according

    to the figures adopted by the British it was 10,000; for the comparative figures, see Meir Zamir,

    “Population statistics of the Ottoman empire in 1914 and 1919”, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 17,

    No. 1, 1981, pp. 100, 104.

    44. Osmanlı Belgelerinde Ermeniler (1915–1920) [Armenians in Ottoman Documents 1915–1920], op. cit.,

    p. 94, Document 109: “. . . daˆhil-i livaˆda kalan do¨ rt bin dokuz yu¨ z on bir neferi asker aˆ’ilesi ve

    cu¨ z’ıˆ mikdaˆrı Protestan ve Katolik bakaˆyaˆsı olmakla dahi yu¨zde beş nisbetinde ko¨ylere tevzıˆ’

    kılınmakta oldug˘u ma’ruˆzdur”.

    45. Hu¨ seyin Kazım Kadri, Tu¨rkiye’nin Ç o¨ku¨ şu¨ [The Fall of Turkey], İstanbul: Hikmet 1992, pp. 204–205:

    “Bir ipek yolsuzlug˘u rezaleti vardı ki bunu hakkıyla tasvire kimse muvaffak olamaz. Almanya’da ve


    sviçre’de altın para ile 600 yu¨ z lira tutan her bir balya ipek sahiplerinin elinden bin bir tu¨ rlu¨ tehditler,

    tazyikler, ku¨ fu¨ r ve hakaretler ile 300 kaˆg˘ıda alındı . . . Halkın sefaletinden yararlanmak, fukaranın

    açlıg˘ıyla doymak, o¨ lu¨mu¨ yle hayat bulmak, memlekette alışkanlık halini aldı. Ve bu çıg˘ ırı açan

    hu¨ku¨metin bu¨yu¨k memurları oldu. O zaman her tarafta binlerce gu¨ nahsız adamların, kadınların ve

    çocukların en feci halde du¨ şu¨p o¨ldu¨ kleri go¨ru¨ldu¨ . Yalnız şu bedbaht Lu¨bnan’da hu¨ku¨metin suikastına

    kurban giden zavallıların sayısı 150–200 bine çıkar”.

    46. Taner Akçam, “Anatomy of a Crime: The Turkish Historical Society’s



    euwisemen(ANSAmed) – BRUSSELS – An appeal was launched today in Brussels by the ‘wise men’ of the Independent Commission on Turkey to restart negotiations on EU membership with Ankara, which have been caught in a vicious circle for four years. The wise men – former Finnish President and Nobel prizewinner for Peace Martti Ahtisaari; fomer EU Commissioner Emma Bonino, Italy, and Hans van den Broek, Holland; former French Premier Michel Rocard; former Spanish Foreign Minister Marcelino Oreja; Austria’s former Secretary General for Foreign Affairs Albert Roahn – presented their report ‘Turkey in Europe, breaking the vicious circle’, taking the opportunity to make observations on the recent turbulent years in relations between Ankara and the EU. It all started with a ‘paradox’, said Rohan: ”Since negotiations started in 2005, the virtuous circle has turned into a vicious circle”. There are several reasons for this change of tack: the thorny issue of Cyprus, with the failed 2004 referendum over the reunification of the island following the ‘no’ vote by the Greek-Cypriots, the slowing-down of reforms by Ankara, and also ”the opposition to Turkey’s entry on the part of several European leaders and public opinion in many countries”. The positions of the leaders, said Rohan, ”are in stark contradiction to the unanimous decision to open adhesion negotiations taken by heads of State and government in December 2004. This attitude has given Turkey the impression of not being wanted, of being treated differently from other candidates. But this approach is contrary to European interests: Turkey is a strategic country for energy routes, its presence in the Caucasus, its economic strength in Central Asia, and its negotiating weight in the Middle East”. The result is that now more than half of the 35 chapters of negotiations for adhesion are blocked, either because of Cyprus’ veto, as a response to the lack of full application of the Ankara Protocol on the part of Turkey, which regulates customs relations with the 27 countries, or because of the block placed informally by other chapters. France has blocked five chapters, preferring to focus on partnership rather than integration. Austria, Germany and Holland also have political positions or public opinion overwhelmingly against Turkey’s inclusion in the EU. As for Italy, Bonino said that ”lately, for the first time, opposing positions have been taken very very firmly by the Northern League”. For this reason the former EU commissioner has called on Berlusconi to ”mediate” inside the Government so as to define a clear position ahead on the EU summit on December 9-10, during which the next steps for the adhesion talks will be defined. Emma Bonino said that the question ”of identity is an alibi for not saying anything, for not saying that they are Muslims, there are 80 million of them. I always feel like saying, what is the European identity? For me, Europe is a State of rights, division of power, democracy, open society; I do not believe that Europe is a religious project or a geographic project”. In this negative context, there are only a few signs of a change in tendency, for example the resumption of Turkish-Armenian dialogue. But the ‘wise men’ insist that ”an effort is needed, we need good news from Turkey, on its reform plans, and a greater sense of responsibility on the part of the authorities and the European media”. ‘‘Not just the credibility of Europe towards Turkey, but the international role of the EU are at stake”, concluded Ahtisaari. (ANSAmed).


  • Clash near Karabakh kills 4 Armenian soldiers-

    Clash near Karabakh kills 4 Armenian soldiers-

    reports 10 Sep 2009 08:45:32 GMT Source: Reuters BAKU, Sept 10 (Reuters) – Four Armenian soldiers were killed in an exchange of fire with Azeri armed forces near breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh on Thursday, Azerbaijan’s ANS Press news agency reported. ANS reported the exchange took place in the Agdam district adjacent to the rebel territory, which threw off Azeri rule in the early 1990s. The defence ministries of Azerbaijan and Armenia could not immediately be reached for comment. (Reporting by Matt Robinson; editing by Guy Faulconbridge)  

    Yusif Babanly
    Board of Directors
    Azerbaijani American Council (AAC)

    [email protected]


    This skirmish may be an important message that Turkish-Armenian border opening without the liberation of Azeri territories will most likely result in a war. Azerbaijan will then have no other option to force Armenians to obey with UN resolutions.

    Obviously, war cannot be conducted without Russian control and arms, hence Azerbaijan will most likely lean more towards Russia, hence ruining all the Western energy projects.


    On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 7:17 AM, Fatma
    in Turkey, the NTV radio announced the event as;
    Armenian soldiers were trying to expand their territories as the cause of the skirmish.
    Fatma S.
  • Turkish Press Reacts to Turkish-Armenian Normalization

    Turkish Press Reacts to Turkish-Armenian Normalization

    Turkish Press Reacts to Turkish-Armenian Normalization

    Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 6 Issue: 163
    September 8, 2009
    By: Saban Kardas
    On August 31 a joint statement issued by Turkey and Armenia announced that both had agreed to start talks on the establishment of diplomatic ties and the development of bilateral relations. The parties initialed two protocols to regulate these issues, and the consultations on these will be finalized within six weeks before being forwarded to their national parliaments for ratification (, August 31). The announcement generated a heated debate on the future of Turkish-Armenian relations as well as its implications for Azerbaijan and the involvement of other international actors.

    The content of the protocols show that the parties built on the progress they had achieved by April, which was interrupted by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s intervention to allay the concerns of Azerbaijan. Following intense bilateral contacts, secret diplomacy and pressure from the United States and European countries, Turkey and Armenia announced a roadmap for normalization in April, the contents of which remained undisclosed. Due to mounting domestic opposition and protests from Azerbaijan, Erdogan reiterated unequivocally that the progress of Turkish-Armenian relations would be contingent upon Armenia’s constructive attitude in its dispute with Azerbaijan. To relieve Azeri concerns, Erdogan emphasized that Turkey would not proceed with normalization, without an end to the Armenian occupation of Karabakh (EDM, May 14). Although there were concerns that the normalization process might have come to a premature end, the parties maintained their secret dialogue facilitated by Switzerland (EDM, June 30).

    By reiterating their commitment to the peaceful resolution of regional disputes, the parties implicitly recognize the Karabakh issue, but the protocols make no mention of it, nor set it as a precondition for opening the Turkish-Armenian border. In taking this step despite this “missing element,” the Turkish government again raised concerns as to whether it might accelerate the rapprochement with Armenia by decoupling it from the Karabakh issue. Consequently, opposition both domestically and in Azerbaijan expressed discomfort with these developments. In response, Erdogan reconnected the two processes politically, by arguing that the ratification of the protocols would depend on the resolution of Karabakh issue, reflecting Ankara’s concern to keep Baku on board (Vatan, September 2).

    The leverage Azerbaijan exerts over Turkish foreign policy led to different interpretations from the Turkish press. The nationalist media continued to express their unconditional support for Azerbaijan’s position and criticized the government’s recent initiatives (Ortadogu, September 3)

    Many mainstream commentators, however, maintain that returning to the status quo ante might be difficult, and that instead of seeking to restore Karabakh through military means, Baku should focus on diplomatic measures to free the occupied Azeri territories, and in return grant greater autonomy to the area and open a corridor between Armenia and Karabakh (Milliyet, September 3). Although Erdogan might ideally prefer a maximalist position on the return of Karabakh, other actors within the Turkish government also seem to be ready to settle for such an arrangement recognizing the new reality in the region. In fact, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and President Abdullah Gul are interested in seeing the process through and opening the border by the end of the year (Radikal, September 2), despite Erdogan’s occasional nationalistic outbursts.

    Other commentators view the rapprochement as a partly American project and believe that both Turkey and Azerbaijan are urged, if not pressured, by the Obama administration to solve their problems with Armenia. They even suggest that the mediation services provided by Swiss diplomats might only represent a cover for American facilitation between the Turkish and Armenian delegations, which is partly shared by the opposition parties, mainly the Republican People’s Party (Milliyet, September 4; Hurriyet, September 2). The pro-government press, in contrast, challenges these arguments and maintains that searching for foreign actors behind such initiatives reflects a problematic attitude on the part of the Turkish opposition. It presents these recent developments as an achievement of the AKP government and treats them as affirmation of Turkey’s expanding role in regional diplomacy (Star, September 4).

    Explaining the normalization with reference to the involvement of outside actors inevitably raises questions about the motivations of “outsiders.” At this juncture, the role of energy issues is emphasized by the Turkish media. There is a perception that the process is promoted by the West as part of its energy policies. They speculate that Turkish-Armenian normalization is promoted in order that Armenia might emerge as an alternative route to Georgia for the future transportation of Caspian basin resources (Milliyet, September 3).

    Such analyses inevitably ignore the issue of the Russian position. There is already a process underway between Azerbaijan and Armenia toward the resolution of the Karabakh dispute, facilitated by Russia and supported by the United States. Although the Russian side claims that it is playing a constructive role, the Turkish media maintains some skepticism toward Moscow’s intentions. There are media reports maintaining that Russian intelligence found out about the secret talks between Ankara and Yerevan and passed this information to Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev, which led him to distance himself from Turkey in April (Milliyet, September 3). If such reports are correct, they might indicate Russian efforts to sow seeds of distrust between Baku and Ankara, and undermine policies to integrate Yerevan into a Western orbit.

    It is unclear whether Aliyev was aware in advance of the signing of the recent protocols, but Ankara apparently made efforts to inform Baku. Indeed, it has been a growing concern for Ankara to comfort Baku about the secret talks with Yerevan, and regain Azeri confidence since the bitter episode in April. A few days before the recent announcement to sign the protocols, Erdogan spoke to Aliyev on the telephone and sent two special envoys to Baku to brief him on the progress in Turkish-Armenian talks (Zaman, August 28). Azerbaijan’s Ambassador in Ankara Zakir Hashimov said that Davutoglu reassured his Azeri counterpart that the border would not be opened before the resolution of the Karabakh issue (Hurriyet Daily News, September 6).

    In the days ahead, a new domestic and foreign policy challenge will confront the AKP government, as it seeks to refine the details of the normalization with Armenia. A breakthrough in Azeri-Armenian talks might untie the knot, but it remains to be seen whether the international and regional pressures on Baku and Yerevan will produce such an outcome.
  • Azerbaijan and Turkey Protect  Armenia’s National Interest Inadvertently

    Azerbaijan and Turkey Protect Armenia’s National Interest Inadvertently

    Publisher, The California Courier

    After reviewing hundreds of articles in regional and international media outlets and scores of statements by various officials regarding the Protocols between Armenia and Turkey, it is clear that these agreements will not be ratified by the Turkish Parliament, unless the Armenian government first makes concessions on Karabagh (Artsakh).

    As expected, there was great agitation against the Protocols last week among opposition political parties in both Armenia and Turkey. Furthermore, some Azeri officials and analysts criticized Turkish leaders for appearing to go back on their repeated promises of not opening Turkey’s border with Armenia until the Karabagh conflict was resolved.

    On April 22nd, when Armenia and Turkey made public a “Roadmap” to regulate their contentious relations and open their mutual border, Azerbaijan strongly objected, threatening to retaliate against Turkey by taking a number of steps, including cutting off oil supplies. Turkish leaders immediately stopped the implementation of the “Roadmap” in order to appease their “Junior brother,” Azerbaijan. Turkish officials repeatedly announced that they would not open their country’s border with Armenia, unless the Karabagh conflict was settled to the satisfaction of Azerbaijan. Prime Minister Erdogan felt obligated to fly to Baku in May to make the same pledge in his address to the Azeri Parliament.

    But as international pressure mounted on both Armenia and Turkey to go forward with the frozen “Roadmap,” Turkish leaders were careful not to alienate Azerbaijan once again. This time around, they fully briefed Pres. Aliyev during every step of their discussions with Armenia, repeatedly assuring Azerbaijan that its interests would be protected and that nothing would be agreed upon with Armenia, unless the Karabagh conflict was first settled. Just before the two Protocols were announced on August 31, Prime Minister Erdogan briefed Pres. Aliyev by telephone and a high-level Turkish delegation flew to Baku for follow-up talks.

    A close reading of the lengthy text of the professionally crafted two Protocols and the appended Timetable indicates that the most critical detail – the date of their expected ratification – is left out! The documents spell out in great precision the terms of the agreements as well as the specific deadline for each of “the steps to be undertaken.” For example, they state that as of August 31, Armenia and Turkey have six weeks to complete “internal political consultations” before the Protocols are submitted to their respective Parliaments for ratification. The documents also specify the exact timeline for the opening of the border and the formation of various committees.

    However, all of these steps are contingent upon the crucial prerequisite of ratification of the Protocols by the two Parliaments, for which no date and no deadline is mandated. The joint announcement issued on August 31 by Armenia and Turkey, simply calls on both sides to “make their best efforts” for the “timely” ratification of the Protocols. The missing deadline is certainly not the result of an oversight!

    After securing Armenian officials’ agreement to Turkey’s two preconditions – the formation of a “historical” committee and recognizing its territorial integrity – Ankara found a clever solution for its third precondition. It made the opening of the border with Armenia contingent upon the resolution of the Artsakh conflict, without including a direct reference to this requirement in the Protocols.

    Since the ratification of the proposed agreement by the two Parliaments does not have a particular deadline, the Turkish government will probably apply its extensive diplomatic resources to pressure Armenia – via the OSCE Minsk Group of mediators on Artsakh, composed of France, Russia and the United States – into making concessions acceptable to Azerbaijan.

    Turkey could therefore be expected to delay the ratification of the Protocols by its Parliament until Azerbaijan’s conditions are met on Artsakh. In recent days, several Turkish commentators pointed out this gaping loophole in the Protocols, boasting that Turkey would not open its border until Armenia makes territorial concessions on Artsakh. Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu made that same pledge practically on a daily basis since the August 31 announcement. Interestingly, Pres. Aliyev has not said one critical word about this agreement which calls for the opening of the border with Armenia – something he vehemently opposes. The reason is that he is assured by Ankara that nothing of that sort would take place until Artsakh is delivered to him on a silver platter!

    Armenia’s President and Foreign Minister, on the other hand, have been repeatedly stating that they would not accept any linkage between the Artsakh negotiations and the opening of the Turkish border. In order to preserve their own credibility and safeguard the country’s national interests, Armenia’s leaders should not make even the smallest concession on Artsakh and not ratify these Protocols, until the Turkish Parliament ratifies them first. But, since Turkey refuses to ratify them without the settlement of the Artsakh conflict, the whole agreement would collapse and the international community would then hold Turkey solely responsible for its failure!



    September 3, 2009, 8:14 pm

    San Diego, CA –  As part of the Armenian Assembly of America’s (Assembly) ongoing educational outreach regarding the Armenian Genocide, Assembly Western Region Director Yeghig Keshishian spoke to a class of freshman students at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). Keshishian addressed the students at the request of Professor Fonna Forman-Barzilai who teaches the course, “Becoming Evil: How Ordinary People Commit Genocide and Mass Killing.” The course explores the psychological, cultural and social constructions surrounding the genocides of the 20th century. Professor Forman-Barzilai, is a faculty member at the Political Science Department and was an honored guest speaker at the 2009 April 24th Armenian Genocide Commemorative Vigil in San Diego.

    Keshishian discussed the genocide of minorities, such as the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, and provided the students with an overview of the history of the Armenian Genocide in the context of James Waller’s book about perpetrators, titled: Becoming Evil: How Ordinary People Commit Genocide and Mass Killing. Keshishian also discussed Turkey’s ongoing campaign of genocide denial and how it plays out in the United States.

    “I appreciated this unique opportunity to discuss the Armenian Genocide with college students,” stated Keshishian, adding that “The Assembly appreciates Professor Forman-Barzalia’s commitment to apprise students of past genocides and for her commitment to education as an important medium for its humanizing effect on our collective humanity. California has played a leading role in genocide education and prevention and the Armenian Assembly is proud to play a positive role in this regard.”
    Keshishian closed with a brief discussion of the current state of relations between the Republics of Armenia and Turkey, and noted that Armenia has consistently offered to normalize relations without preconditions.
    Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a 501(c) (3) tax-exempt membership organization.


    Photo Caption:
    Keshishian with Professor Forman-Barzalia