Monday, September 14, 2009
By Harut Sassounian on May 15th, 2009
At the invitation of the British-Armenian All-Party Parliamentary Group (BAAPPG), I spoke on May 7 at a special conference on the Armenian Genocide held at the House of Commons, Committee Room 3, the British Parliament, London.
Dr. Israel Charny, Director of the Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide in Jerusalem, was also invited to speak at this conference. Regrettably, due to a last minute illness, Dr. Charny could not attend. His prepared remarks titled, “Denial of Genocide is not only a political tactic, it is an attack on decent people’s minds and emotions,” was read by Peter Barker, a former broadcaster of BBC Radio.
The conference was chaired by House of Lords member Baroness Cox, Chairman of BAAPPG. In attendance were: Members of the House of Lords, the Armenian Desk officer of the Foreign Office, representatives from the Embassies of Greece, Kuwait, Serbia, Slovenia, and Syria, non-governmental organizations, scholars, journalists, and other distinguished guests.
In my remarks titled, “Armenian Genocide and Quest for Justice,” I cited the acknowledgment of the Armenian Genocide by the United Nations, European Parliament, legislatures of more than 20 countries, U.S. House of Representatives, Pres. Reagan, 42 out of 50 U.S. States, and the International Association of Genocide Scholars.
I concluded that “after so many acknowledgments, the Armenian Genocide has become a universally recognized historical fact.”
I expressed regret that the United Kingdom remained one of the rare major countries that has yet to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide. I pointed out that”Britain’s siding with a denialist state is not so much due to lack of evidence or conviction, but, sadly, because of sheer political expediency, with the intent of appeasing Turkey.”I urged British officials to heed the cautionary words of Prime Minister Winston Churchill who said: “An appeaser is someone who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”
I suggested that Armenians no longer needed to convince the world that what took place during the years 1915-23 was “a genocide.”
Here are excerpts from my May 7 speech:
“A simple acknowledgment of and a mere apology, however, would not heal the wounds and undo the consequences of the Genocide. Armenians are still waiting for justice to be meted out, restoring their historic rights and returning their confiscated lands and properties.
“In recent years, Armenian-American lawyers have successfully filed lawsuits in U.S. federal courts, securing millions of dollars from New York Life and French AXA insurance companies for unpaid claims to policy-holders who perished in the Genocide. Several more lawsuits are pending against other insurance companies and German banks to recover funds belonging to victims of the Armenian Genocide.
“In 1915, a centrally planned and executed attempt was made to uproot from its ancestral homeland and decimate an entire nation, depriving the survivors of their cultural heritage as well as their homes, lands, houses of worship, and personal properties.
“A gross injustice was perpetrated against the Armenian people, which entitles them, as in the case of the Jewish Holocaust, to just compensation for their enormous losses.
“Restitution can take many forms. As an initial step, the Republic of Turkey could place under the jurisdiction of the Istanbul-based Armenian Patriarchate all of the Armenian churches and religious monuments which were expropriated and converted to mosques and warehouses or outright destroyed.
“In the absence of any voluntary restitution by the Republic of Turkey, Armenians could resort to litigation, seeking ‘restorative justice.’
“In considering legal recourse, one should be mindful of the fact that the Armenian Genocide did neither start nor end in 1915.
“Large-scale genocidal acts were committed starting with Sultan Abdul Hamid’s massacre of 300,000 Armenians from 1894 to 1896; the subsequent killings of 30,000 Armenians in Adana by the Young Turk regime in 1909; culminating in the Genocide of 1.5 million Armenians in 1915 to 1923; and followed by forced Turkification and deportation of tens of thousands of Armenians by the Republic of Turkey.
“Most of the early leaders of the Turkish Republic were high-ranking Ottoman officials who had participated in perpetrating the Armenian Genocide. This unbroken succession in leadership assured the continuity of the Ottomans’ anti-Armenian policies. The Republic of Turkey, as the continuation of the Ottoman Empire, could therefore be held responsible for the Genocide.
“An important document, recently discovered in the U.S. archives, provides irrefutable evidence that the Republic of Turkey continued to uproot and exile the remnants of Armenians well into the 1930’s motivated by purely racist reasons. The document in question is a ‘Strictly Confidential’ cable, dated March 2nd, 1934, and sent by U.S. Ambassador Robert P. Skinner from Ankara to the U.S. Secretary of State, reporting the deportation of Armenians.
“In the 1920’s and 30’s, thousands of Armenian survivors of the Genocide, were forced out of their homes in Cilicia and Western Armenia to locations elsewhere in Turkey or neighboring countries. In the 1940’s, these racist policies were followed by the Varlik Vergisi, the imposition of an exorbitant wealth tax on Armenians, Greeks and Jews. And, during the 1955 Istanbul pogroms, many Greeks as well as Armenians and Jews were killed and their properties destroyed.
“This continuum of massacres, genocide and deportations highlights the existence of a long-term strategy implemented by successive Turkish regimes from the 1890’s to more recent times, in order to solve the Armenian Question with finality.
“Consequently, the Republic of Turkey is legally liable for its own crimes against Armenians, as well as those committed by its Ottoman predecessors. “Turkey inherited the assets of the Ottoman Empire; And, therefore, it must have also inherited its liabilities.
“Finally, since Armenians often refer to their three sequential demands from Turkey: ‘Recognition’ of the Genocide; ‘Reparations’ for their losses; and the ‘Return’ of their lands, Turks have come to believe that once the Genocide is recognized, Armenians will then pursue their next two demands.
“This is the main reason why Turks adamantly refuse to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide. They fear that acceptance of the Genocide would lead to other demands for restitution. They believe that by denying the first demand, they would be blocking the ones that are sure to follow.
“The fact is that, commemorative resolutions adopted by legislative bodies of various countries and statements made on the Armenian Genocide by world leaders have no force of law, and therefore, no legal consequence.
“Armenians, Turks and others involved in this historical, and yet contemporary issue, must realize that recognition of the Armenian Genocide or the lack thereof, will neither enable nor deter its consideration by international legal institutions.
“Once Turkish officials realize that recognition by itself cannot and would not lead to other demands, they may no longer persist in their obsessive denial of these tragic events.
“Without waiting for any further recognition, Armenians can pursue their historic rights through proper legal channels, such as the International Court of Justice (where only states have such jurisdiction), the European Court of Human Rights and U.S. Federal Courts.
“Justice, based on international law, must take its course.”
Following an extensive question and answer period, Armenia’s Ambassador to Great Britain, Vahe Gabrieliyan, delivered the closing remarks. Based on the speeches of the two speakers, the BAAPPG issued a statement calling on the British Government to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide.
Subject: bloody handed savages…coming from an MD
Aziz Denian, MD. says:
By:- Aziz Denian, MD.
Originally from Mardin city / Diar-Bakker.
Pary or.
Actually, the Turks and their coalitions? do not and will not recognize what their bloody hands did without shaming or blinking. In contrast and since the first decade after the massacre, they completed occupying our empty??? homeland, and shared our country sides, villages and towns.
Since the acts of our massacre, we the Armenian nation at the Diaspora, we don’t have too much to loose. But the Turks needs such an agreement a one and a half million time more than we needs it. This agreement is essential for them to get the green light to freely entering the EU before completing its contamination. By assigning such an agreement we will confine our massacre issue and our national question. Additionally we will let our 1.500.000 victims soles disappointed. We don’t need to get broke more than we are already. We the Armenian Nation’s Diaspora people are determined to keep a single light ray shinning toward our hope tract for the justice day, if we give away our national and international rights, then how we will ask God for justice, we left everything and we keeps on following Jesus, and here we are at the Diaspora since a hundred year.
Practica lly, we the Diaspora Armenian nation have almost no chance to return to our physical homeland, therefore, why to rush for such unfair agreements with such a non-regretted enemy. God’s justice day will come unexpectedly, then we and all our nation victim’s spirits that are observing from above the clouds, we will observe the Turks and their all coalitions bagging for Gods mercy, and for sure they will never achieve it, because God will never accept bloody handed savages at his heaven, this is our believe and we will continue being stacked to it, peacefully.
I believe that it’s a one and a half million times better for our Armenian nation to live with our wounds than to contaminate it by such unilateral agreements.
Finally; any agreement should hold a clear pre-confession regarding the 1.5 million Armenians massacred by the Turks and their coalitions, and they should apologies, then they should return back all our homelands villages and towns. Additionally the United Nations (UN) that is always busy in claiming about making peace on earth, should solve all our related national and international rights, before we rush for signing of any agreement, this is impossible, and the otherwise fact that here we are everywhere on the earth standing still, waiting for Jesus Justice he promised
Subject: ‘Allowing Turkey to join the family of civilized Nations”
Letter: ADL District Committee of US and Canada Appeals to President Obama
By Editor on Sep 12, 2009 in Armenian Genocide
[The following is an open letter to US President Barack Obama:]
Dear Mr. President,
Your election as the leader of world’s most powerful nation on earth restored America’s credibility among nations and placed the country on the path of its Founding Father’s.
We believe that your vision will be able to bring peace to the world and prosperity at home, because your policies match America’s moral authority to its military strength.
It was that vision which took all Americans by storm and gave a landslide mandate to your administration.
The one-million-strong American-Armenian community was also mobilized to join the movement, mostly inspired by your unswerving stand on issues that concern us. Your continued actions as a senator, and later your pledge as a presidential candidate did not leave any doubt that this time around, moral fortitude would prevail over political expediency.
Most reassuring was specially your statement made on April 12, 2007, which said in particular: “For those who aren’t aware, there was a genocide that did take place against the Armenian people. It is one of these situations where we have seen a constant denial on the part of the Turkish government and others that this occurred.”
In April 2009, your statement about the Martyrs’ Day Commemoration, unfortunately fell short of your earlier pledges, allowing the Turkish government to pretend a breakthrough in Armenian-Turkish relations and then retract.
However, we do believe that your other public and private relevant statements in Ankara and your administration’s relentless political actions have brought about a change in the Turkish government’s longstanding intransigence. We believe that those changes must not stand in your way to fulfill your pledge and moreover deny Turkish policymakers a way to find subterfuge in America’s hesitation.
For many years, the premise that using the word “Genocide” may harm American-Turkish relations has proven wrong. Every time Turkey makes headway in that direction, America’s moral paradigm is compromised. Hiding festering wounds will not help healing.
Thanks to your leadership, recent protocols were made public by the respective foreign ministries of Armenia, Turkey and Switzerland. Those advances must not pre-empt America’s moral standing, nor the credibility of its foreign policy.
We urge you at this critical time for the entire Caucasus region to confront Turkish leaders with the historic truth. That will help, in the first place, to heal the deep wounds in the history of the Turkish people, thereby laying the foundations of a true democracy, allowing that country to join the family of civilized nations.
We believe that will also be consonant with your conscience and with America’s global leadership and will help Armenia regain its place in the world.
Edmond Azadian Papken Megerian
Co-chairman Co-chairman
ADL District Committee of US and Canada