Category: Main Issues

  • Watch the Genocide Resolution Debate Live on March 4

    Watch the Genocide Resolution Debate Live on March 4

    By Weekly Staff on March 3, 2010

    On Thursday, March 4, Horizon Armenian Television will provide live coverage to a hearing and vote by the House Foreign Affairs Committee on the Armenian Genocide Resolution—H.R. 252.

    Horizon’s team of commentators and experts will be on hand to provide up-to-the-minute coverage and analysis. Tune in at 6:45 a.m. Pacific time (hearing is scheduled to begin at 7 a.m.) in Glendale, Burbank and La Crescenta, on Channel 285. Also watch it live online at


  • Washington Still On Fence Over Armenian Genocide Bill

    Washington Still On Fence Over Armenian Genocide Bill

    C9E5D4A0 36FC 43F8 9A5D 8E3E71B24477 w527 sU.S. State Department logo, 26Feb2009


    The U.S. State Department has again pointedly refrained from urging U.S. lawmakers not to pass a resolution that terms the World War One-era Armenian massacres in Ottoman Turkey a genocide and is fiercely opposed by Ankara.

    The Foreign Affairs Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives is expected to discuss and vote on the resolution on Thursday. The administration of President Barack Obama has still not publicly formulated its position on the highly sensitive issue.

    State Department spokesman Philip Crowley declined to clearly state late on Tuesday whether the Obama administration supports or opposes passage of the resolution, pointing instead to the ongoing U.S.-backed efforts to normalize Armenia’s relations with Turkey.

    “And within that process … we think that there is ample room for Turkey and Armenia to evaluate the historical facts as to what happened decades ago,” he told a daily news briefing in Washington. “So we haven’t changed our view, but we continue to engage at a high level with both countries and to encourage them – having worked to reach the agreement in Switzerland last year to see it implemented on both sides.”

    “We understand how difficult this is, how emotional this is,” said Crowley. “There’s not a common understanding of what happened 90 years ago. But we value the courageous steps that both leaders have taken, and we just continue to encourage both countries to move forward and not look backward.”

    When asked whether Washington has made contingency plans for Turkish retaliation against possible genocide recognition, Crowley said, “I think we have a pretty good understanding of how everyone feels on this issue.”

    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made similarly ambiguous comments on the issue in congressional testimony last week. This stance was welcomed by the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA), one of the two main Armenian-American advocacy groups that have for decades been lobbying Congress to recognize the genocide.

    In a February 26 statement, the ANCA executive director, Aram Hamparian, said: “The current Administration’s conduct, at least to date, stands in stark contrast to past Administrations – both Democratic and Republican – that used every opportunity to score points with Ankara by attacking the broad, bipartisan Congressional majority that has long existed in support of U.S. condemnation and commemoration of the Armenian Genocide.”

    Congressional committees have repeatedly endorsed similar resolutions over the past decade. However, strong pressure from the White House prevented them from reaching the House or Senate floor.
  • Russian president Dmitry Medvedev is Armenian. Who knew?

    Russian president Dmitry Medvedev is Armenian. Who knew?

    That’s Funny, He Doesn’t Look Armenian [John Derbyshire]

    The following is translated from a Dutch source. I reproduce it as I got it.

    A Russian journalist to RIA Novosti asked Russian President Dmitry Medvedev if he has Jewish ancestry?

    Russian President Dmitry Medvedev replied that the rumors about his Jewish ancestry are inaccurate. He added that his ancestors are from Adana (Western Armenia in Turkey now) but he was born in Russia. He added in “I want everyone to be clear that I am Armenian, surname of my mother was Naxshikyan what the word Naxshik comes oudarmeens. The surname of my father was Bagratyan. This name is also purely Armenian. I was forced to change name to be head of Russian secret service (KGB) in France to work the cold war times. Since France had large Armenian community should not Arms Irish secret service agent working in France. That I have an Armenian surname changed to Russian. I am 100% Armenian.” Finally the Russian President says he is proud of his Armenian parents and ancestors.




    False News of Russian President’s Armenian Ancestry Spread in Armenian Cyberspace

    False News of Russian President’s Armenian Ancestry Spread in Armenian Cyberspace

    December 24, 2009 By Weekly Staff

    WATERTOWN, Mass. (A.W.)—A news item alleging that Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is Armenian, posted on June 18 on the website of De Weekkrant in Dutch, has finally made it to Armenian hands and was being forwarded all over the Armenian cyberspace on Dec. 24.

    Dmitry Medvedev official large photo 5Dmitry Medvedev

    The news item, titled “Dmitry Medvedev is een Armenier” (Dmitry Medvedev is Armenian), alleges that the Russian President told a journalist from the newswire RIA Novosti (Russian Information Agency Novosti) that both his parents were Armenians from Adana!

    Below is a rough translation of the article making the rounds in the Armenian cyberspace:

    “This afternoon, during the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) press conference a Russian journalist from RIA Novosti asked Russian President Dmitry Medvedev whether he has Jewish ancestry. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev replied that the rumors about his Jewish ancestry are false. He added that his ancestors came from Adana (Western Armenia, in Turkey now) and he was born in Russia. He added, “I want everyone to know that I am Armenian. My mother’s last name was Naxshikyan. My father’s name was Bagratyan. I had to change my name to become the head of the Russian secret service (KGB) in France during the cold war… I am 100% Armenian…”

    The story has little, if any, credence. Medvedev who was born in 1965, lived and studied in Russia for most of his life. He received his Law Degree in 1987 from Leningrad State University. Three years later, he received his Ph.D. from the same university… and then the Cold War was over. Published biographies of Medvedev do not make any reference to his Armenian ancestry either.

    The original version of the De Weekkrant article is available at:



    Kritik oylama öncesi şok
    ‘Ermeni  iddialarına ilişkin tasarı, yarın ABD Temsilciler Meclisi Dışişleri Komitesi’nde görüşülmeden önce Beyaz Saray’dan yapılan son açıklama moralleri bozdu.

    Türkiye, ABD Temsilciler Meclisi Dışişleri Komitesi’nde yarın görüşülüp oylanacak 1915 yılı olaylarına ilişkin Ermeni iddialarına karşı çalışmalarını sürdürüyor.Ermeni tasarısının Dış İlişkiler Komitesi’nde oylanması öncesinde Beyaz Saray’dan ilk açıklama geldi.Vatan gazetesinin haberine göre; Beyaz Saray Ulusal Güvenlik Konseyi Basın Sözcüsü Mike Hammer, “Başkan Obama 24 Nisan 2009’da yayınlanan mesajında 1915’te yaşanan olaylar karşısındaki sürekli duruşunu vurgulamış ve bu konudaki görüşü de değişmemiştir. Gerçeklerin dürüst ve adilce kabulünden yanayız. Bu hedefe ulaşmanın en iyi yolunun Ermeni ve Türk halkının ilişkilerini normalleştirme çabaları dâhilinde geçmişte yaşananları da ele almaları olduğu yönündeki inancımız sürüyor. Bu çabaları gayretle desteklemeye devam edeceğiz” dedi.

    Türkiye bu açıklamaya rağmen Washington’da yoğun bir lobi faaliyeti sürdürüyor. Bir yandan iktidar ve muhalefet milletvekillerinden oluşan heyetler yoğun bir diplomasi sürdürüyor. Diğer yandan Türkiye’nin yeni Washington elçisi Namık Tan, kolları sıvadı. Tan, tasarıya karşı Türk tezlerini desteklemeleri için Yahudi lobisi ve derneklerine baskı yapmaya başladı.

    Tan’ın temaslarının ilk Yahudi kurumundan tasarıya karşı bir çıkış geldi. Merkezi Washington’da bulunan düşünce kuruluşu Ulusal Güvenlik İşleri Yahudi Enstitüsü (JINSA), Ermeni tasarısına karşı çıkılması ve tasarının kabul edilmemesi gerektiğini belirtti. JINSA’dan yapılan açıklamada “ABD Kongresi, başka zamanlarda başka halkların tarihinin tartışılacağı bir yer değildir. Türkiye ve Ermenistan bağımsız ülkeler. Kongre’nin işe karışması katkı sağlamayacaktır” ifadesi kullanıldı.

    Başbakan Erdoğan, Ankara’da yaptığı açıklamada “Her yıl bu sürecin tekrar tekrar yaşanmasını son derece anlamsız buluyoruz” dedi. Tarihçilere bırakılması gereken böyle bir mesele karşısında Temsilciler Meclisi’nin duyarlı davranmasını isteyen Erdoğan, “Türkiye-ABD işbirliği, tarihinin en başarılı dönemini yaşıyor. Bu işbirliğinin, bu tür girişimlerle zedelenmeyeceğini umuyorum. Başkan Obama’nın liderliğine ve sağduyusuna güveniyorum. Dışişleri Bakanı Clinton’la da aksi bir neticenin nelere mal olacağını görüştük. Herkesi, aklıselimle hareket etmeye çağırıyorum” dedi.

    SON DURUM: 25-21 KABUL

    Dış İlişkiler Komitesi’nde 46 milletvekili bulunuyor. 26’sı Obama’nın Demokrat Partisi’nden. 20’si ise Cumhuriyetçi. Ermeni seçmenine çok yakın olan Demokratların 18’inin tasarıya ’evet’oyu kullanması kesin gibi. Cumhuriyetçilerde ise evetçilerin sayısı 7. Tasarının 21’e karşı 25 oyla kabul edilerek genel kurula sevk edilmesi bekleniyor.Ancak genel kurul gündemine alınıp alınmaması kararı Meclis Başkanı Nancy Pelosi’ye ait. Ermeniler’in çok yoğun olarak yaşadığı California eyaletinden seçilen Pelosi, soykırım iddialarını güçlü bir şekilde destekliyor. Ancak son anda Başkan Obama’dan gelecek bir telefonun kararını değiştirebileceği belirtiliyor

  • A Look at the Snarled Past of Armenians and Turks

    A Look at the Snarled Past of Armenians and Turks

    Books of The Times

    Published: March 2, 2010
    Christopher de Bellaigue’s new book begins with the story of a journalistic blunder, the author’s own. In 2001 Mr. de Bellaigue wrote a long essay for The New York Review of Books about Turkey’s tangled history. It was a topic he thought he knew something about. At the time he was living in Istanbul and working as a foreign correspondent for The Economist.
    03garner articleInline
    Bit Ghezelayagh
    His essay had barely arrived on newsstands, though, before complaints began to pour in. It turns out that Mr. de Bellaigue, while describing the age-old ethnic conflict between Turks and Armenians, declared that “some half a million” Armenians “died during the deportations and massacres of 1915.” Unknowingly, he had stumbled into bitterly contested territory. James Russell, a professor of Armenian studies at Harvard, was among those who wrote to rebuke him. Three times that many Armenians “were murdered,” Mr. Russell replied, “in a premeditated genocide.” Mr. Russell’s letter to The New York Review of Books continued: “If a reviewer wrote that only a third of the actual number of Jewish victims of the Holocaust had died, or that their deaths came about because they had rioted, or elected to make war against the German government, would you print it?” Mr. de Bellaigue was appalled at the tone of Mr. Russell’s letter, he writes, and at the possibility that he had made serious mistakes. He was shattered when Robert Silvers, the venerable editor of The New York Review of Books, scolded him over the telephone for appearing to be an apologist for the Turks. Chastened, Mr. de Bellaigue — a talented British journalist and the author of “In the Rose Garden of the Martyrs: A Memoir of Iran” (2005) — set out to discover the truth about what happened nearly a century ago between the Turks and the Armenians. The result of that quest is “Rebel Land: Unraveling the Riddle of History in a Turkish Town,” a deeply unconventional book that is as much memoir as proper history. It’s a murky and uneven book, too, one that Mr. de Bellaigue’s twitchy intellect and acid prose can’t quite rescue. Mr. de Bellaigue lets us know early on that “Rebel Land” is not going to be, at bottom, a research project. “I would not pore over books in libraries and faculties,” he declares, nor will he “solicit help from the Kurdish and Armenian lobbies.” He decides to “go to the back of the vessel and mix it in steerage with the forgotten peoples. From them I would get the story, gritty and unfiltered, of their loves, their losses and their sins.” What this jaunty bit of cultural condescension (mix it in steerage?) means in practice is that Mr. de Bellaigue begins to spend a lot of time in a small town in southeastern Turkey named Varto, in a district (also named Varto) that was caught up in the turmoil of 1915. Thousands of Armenians once lived there, and the ruins of their churches linger still. This place is a far cry from the cosmopolitan Turkey that Mr. de Bellaigue knew and loved in Istanbul. Speaking of that urban Turkey, the one that mostly prefers to deny its complicated past, he writes, “I would now go behind its back and betray it.” So Mr. de Bellaigue goes to Varto and begins to poke around. Because he is a keen observer and a natural satirist — I would like to read a novel by him — the parts of “Rebel Land” that are akin to travel writing are shrewd. He is good on people, observing one man’s “flowery nose” and “grenadine complexion,” another’s “white parabola” of a mustache, yet another’s “precarious nail-bitten superiority.” Mr. de Bellaigue is a mordant sensualist, noting how a river flows into “curvaceous oxbows” and how boots “sucked and popped” through mud. He is particularly attentive to his meals, enjoying “mezes of superlative quality,” “a delicious apricot cake” and noting how one local man enjoys deep-fried local trout with rocket and radishes. He describes Varto itself as “this curious place with a name like a cleaning detergent.” There is Kafkaesque humor, too, in the way the local authorities trail him, and in the way he tries (and usually fails) to get the locals to trust and to talk to him. Mr. de Bellaigue’s peppery asides rub up awkwardly, however, against the main story he is trying to tell in “Rebel Land,” one that doesn’t lend itself to pithy aperçus. The arc of his narrative becomes lost amid the place names and rumors and dimly remembered family stories. He complains that he “might be told three or four versions” of every event, and the reader begins to feel his pain. This is a book that has a two-page dramatis personae at the front, of the kind that makes your heart sink. Mr. de Bellaigue does not do enough to separate all these living and historical people, to make them distinctive, and they become a jumble on the page. As his book progresses, Mr. de Bellaigue begins to limit his focus to the crucial questions, notably this one: what happened to the Armenians of Varto? His book becomes a kind of intellectual, emotional and forensic detective story. He delivers, piece by piece, a summary of the Armenians’ case against the Turks and he blasts the Turkish historians who, he feels, have whitewashed a portion of their country’s history. Ultimately, he writes, “the big historical question is not whether very large numbers of Anatolian Armenians met with a violent end in the spring and summer of 1915, but whether or not the killings took place by fiat.” In other words, was it genocide or merely the actions of a few bad men? Mr. de Bellaigue worries that “a genocide fixation” has blinded both sides to all shades of gray. “What is needed is a vaguer designation for the events of 1915, avoiding the G-word but clearly connoting criminal acts of slaughter, to which reasonable scholars can subscribe and which a child might be taught,” he suggests. “By raising knowledge about this great wrong, a way might be opened to a cultural and historical meeting between today’s Turks, Kurds and Armenians, for they were not alive in 1915, and need not live in its shadow.” The gimlet-eyed and sensible Mr. de Bellaigue proposes all this, and then immediately realizes his cosmic folly. “But no; this is the prattle of a naïf,” he writes, “laughable, unemployable.”



    From: ALI CINAR


    To Les Moonves, President & CEO, CBS Corp.  [email protected]

    From: Robert McKay, PhD., P. O. Box 126, Eastford, CT 06242 860-974-0392

    Regarding:  Reply to the Bob Simon/Peter Balakian Story titled “Battle over History”

    Date:  February 28, 2010

    Bob Simon’s story being aired Sunday, February 28, 2010, on 60 Minutes with Peter Balakian is causing concerns about CBS by the Turkish community…concerns that I, too, share.

    50 Years ago my wife and I traveled to Turkey.  We lived there for 5 years as teachers at the Tarsus American College, Tarsus, Turkey.  Finding artifacts going back to 2500 B.C. opened our eyes to aspects of history that never seemed real in a sterile classroom on the rolling hills of eastern Connecticut, University of Connecticut.

    One of the many issues that interested me were the events of 1915 and the actions that surrounded them.

    However if we take 1915 out of context we do not see the relentless, persistent and predictable deaths that the Armenians have inflicted on their neighbors:  Jews, Kurds, Turks, Azeries, and all others who might disagree with them.

    A flow of history which shows a uniform and consistent pattern of atrocities by the Armenians would be the 3 periods listed:

    1.      1915 through WWI Armenian Russian conspiracy

    2.      1980’s Armenians begin worldwide assassinations:  Ambassadors and politicians

    they didn’t like.  The FBI credited Armenia with 25% of international terrorism in the USA.

    3.      1992—In the Nagorno=Karabakh region of Azerbaijan Armenian and Russian

    forces kill 400,000 Azaries leaving 1,000,000 (IDP’s) International Displaced

    Persons in Azerbaijan.

    Period I

    Let’s talk about 1915 through WWI.  It is well documented that Russia wished the demise of Ottoman Turkey and wanted access to oceans.  During this period Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire flocked to join Russian forces attacking the Ottomans from their eastern flank.  The Armenian Russian forces and guerilla forces with the Ottoman Empire blow up post offices, cut lines of communication and caused the Ottomans to move up to 400,000 troops from the southern flank to protect the Armenian Russian threat.  There were massacres and atrocities of equal magnitude on both sides.  Bones found in Turkish soil are both ethnically Turkic and Armenian.  However, today after all these years people like Peter Balakian, who never had first hand knowledge of the situation, claim that the Ottoman’s committed a genocide:  as a side note the term genocide was never used until it had political importance long after WWII.

    In brief your concern with the topic is appreciated, but telling only the pro-western/Christian side of the story is not appreciated.  In the minds of many scholars, writers and politicians, the Armenian perspective is wrong!  There are, in fact, two sides.

    Please note that a preponderance of scholars and politicians do not accept the genocide concept.  Interestingly the highest ranking Armenian, Hovhannes Katchaznouni, the first Prime Minister of the new independent Armenian Republic in 1923 did not accept the concept of genocide.

    a)      Dr. Katchaznouni in his report to the Dashnaq Party’s 1923 Congress clearly accepts Armenian responsibility for the tragedy that befell his country.  “We (Armenians) caused this tragedy.  Turks knew what they were doing (and) the (Ottoman Turkish) deportation (of Armenians) was right and necessary”

    This report has been hidden from researchers for years, however since being uncovered it has been published in a brief 125 page book titled “Dashnagtzoutiun Has Nothing to Do Anymore”, Kaynak Yayinlari (Kaynak Press)  pps. 125.

    b) The Malta Tribunal, held by England, immediately after WWI and initiated by the Armenian interest could not convict a single Ottoman military officer or politician of

    genocide and/or war crimes.

    c) U.S. Admiral Bristol, commander of the Sixth Fleet and later first Ambassador to the new Republic of Turkey (post WWI) traveled the country extensively and reported no genocide.

    d) Ambassador Elekdar went to England to intensively study a document produced by the English called the “Blue Book”.  The Ambassador has shown that most of the the documents were either fraudulently written or slanted so as to draw England into WWI.

    Ambassador Elekdar subjected himself to scholars from around the world on his findings. He has not been refuted.

    For brevity it is fair to say that the key scholars and leaders of the early 1900’s did not attribute a genocide to the Ottoman Turks.

    Period II

    During the 1980’s Armenians, who never at any time in the history of the Ottoman Empire had never had sovereignty over even a single square inch of the Anatolian peninsula were beginning to push for land claims and reparation based upon a made up genocide claim.

    During this time the Turkish archives were open to scholars.  No one has ever found a single note or sentence regarding a government policy of eliminating or getting rid of Armenians.

    Armenia would never open its archives.  In order to prevent conflicting view the Armenians began a worldwide campaign of assassinating ambassadors and others who disagreed with them.  In fact at one point during this period the FBI identified Armenia as being responsible for 25% of international terror casualties in the U.S.A.

    Period III

    In 1992 interest in oil drive an Armenian Russian genocide of Azeris.  As in Period I (1915) Armenians are pawns of Russia.

    However since the early 1800’s those people of the Transcaucuses:  Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan have been under the control of Russia.  The Armenians more that the others, have been willing to be the pawns of Russian geo-political interests.

    In the 1990’s Russia had decided that the oil rich region of Nagorno-Karabakh would be an autonomous section of Azerbaijan even though it had a high % of Armenians living there.

    The Armenians living in this Nagorno Karabkh region of Azerbaijan began killing any Azari that lived there.  In the village of Khojaly (about 7000 people) the Armenians killed every man, woman and child.  The Russian 366th Regiment participated.

    The result was that by 1992 Armenians were responsible for killing 400,000 people and leaving over 1,000,000 International Displaced Persons (IDP’s) in Azerbaijan.  Where is the popular media outrage?  Where is the political outrage?  These events are contemporary.

    As background information let’s remember that Armenia today is about the same population as Connecticut, slightly over 3 million.  Ten years ago the Armenian population was almost double that of today.  For economic reasons, Armenians are relocating around the world, a large percentage to Turkey.

    In Conclusion

    1. The long term actions of Armenia as an aggressor pawn of Russia lends credibility to the Turkish claims that there was no genocide.
    1. There is no doubt that more ethnic Turks died than ethnic Armenians,

    (International Red Cross figures state that more than 25% of all ethnic Turks died

    as a result of war, massacres, diseases and starvation.)

    1. There never was an Ottoman policy to exterminate Armenians.
    1. Ottoman Turks failed in World War I in large part because Armenian/Russian

    forces diverted their capabilities to the eastern part of the empire.

    1. At the beginning of the century Armenians were pawns of Russian attempts to

    gain seaports.  Armenia thought part of the Ottoman Empire would be given to


    1. Later in the century (1992) Armenia was a pawn of Russian oil interests.

    Again Russia gets oil, Armenia expands its borders into Azerbaijan.

    1. Armenian Russian killings in Azerbaijan are 400,000 dead and 1,000,000 IDP’s.

    Where is the outrage by the media and U.S. politicians.

    Personally I was very unhappy to see any program with Peter Balakian associated with it.  He is an Armenian nationalist who, as a “historian” has never attempted to see the truth of both sides.

    I could bring a wide range of resources to CBS that would acknowledge the suffering of Armenians and Turks and would like to do so if CBS has any interest in a broader look at history.

    Your 60 Minute piece either by plan or coincidence came at a very bad time:  the U.S. Congress is considering H. Res. 252 which agrees with the “non historical based claims of Armenia.”

    This resolution will harm U. S. Turkish relations and the Armenian-Turkish normalization process for years to come.  It will also harm Islam Christian trust for centuries around the world.  Alliances between Muslim and Christian countries will be less likely.  Certainly Turkish treaties with American backed Israel will be much

    less enthusiastically viewed.


    Robert McKay