Category: Main Issues



    Memorial V Day Cup arrives in Yerevan

    Topic: 65th anniversary of WWII (41 documents)

    Tag cloud: Victory Day, News, Russia, Society, 65th anniversary of WWII
    Mar 28, 2010 16:53 Moscow Time
    Poklonnaya Gora. Photo: RIA Novosti

    Russian runners continue separate relay deliveries of two memorial cups scheduled to meet up at Moscow’s Poklonnaya Gora war memorial on the 65th anniversary of Allied Victory over Nazi Germany on May 9th. One is travelling from Murmansk in the Russian Arctic, and the other, from Grodno in western Belarus. After showing up in Moldova and Ukraine, the latter cup has arrived in the Armenian capital Yerevan. It is expected to be carried to all posts of Russian troops guarding Armenia’s borders with Turkey and Iran. Both relays started on the 2nd of February.

  • What happened in 1915.Kadir Has University

    What happened in 1915.Kadir Has University

    A Presentation with Student Participation at Kadir Has University on March 17, 2010 on What happened in 1915.

    Another excellent program was presented by TV Channel D, from Kadir Has
    University, which started at 1:30 AM and lasted until 4:15 AM . The
    speakers were Turkish forum Advisory Board Member and the  former President of the Turkish Historical Society Prof. Dr. Yusuf Halacogu and the Rector of Kadir Has University, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydin. The Moderater was Abbas Guclu, a columnist at Milliyet newspaper and a presenter of programs on a variety of subjects.

    First, a clip was shown on the events around 1915, a journey into history,
    as characterized by Abbas Guclu who emphasized that this is a very
    important issue and stated that there will be messages on this subject. He
    also made referrences to the US House Foreign Affairs Committee vote on
    March 4 and the Swedish Parliament decision on March 11 on the Armenian

    Yusuf Halacoglu started his talk with references to the Armenian
    rebellions and revolts supported by the Russians and the French, and the
    backstabbing of the Ottomans by countries who are now passing resolutions
    in their Parliaments. Halacoglu questioned whether the Armenians were
    getting ready for the 100th anniversary commemorations and asked when and
    how these would come to an end.

    Yusuf Halacoglu, in a lengthy presentation, stated that the origins of the
    Armenian issue goes back to 1816 when Russia started to interfere with
    internal affairs and the Missionaries began opening schools only for
    minorities all over the Pttoman Empire which reached 1,244  by 1878. The
    British, the French, the German and the American missionary schools
    enrolled 85,000 students in 1878 who were raised with nationalistic views.
    These were followed by revolts by the Greeks in 1830, the Serbians, the
    Bulgarians, who were used by the imperialist powers to weaken the Ottoman
    Empire .

    Abbas Guclu introduced the Rector of Kadir Has University Prof. Mustafa
    Aydin and asked him to comment on the international aspects of the issue.
    Prof. Aydin stated that the Bulgarian uprisings were given special
    attention in the British press. First the British and the French and later
    the Russians tried to take the control of the Middle East followed by the
    Americans. It was indicated that the first country to recognize the
    Armenian genocide was Uruguay through the efforts of a small group of
    Armenians in that country. There was no significant activity between 1965
    and 1980. The Greek Cypriots followed recognizing the Armenian genocide in
    1982, followed by other countries.

    Abbas Guclu opened the floor for questions. Close to 20 students asked
    varied questions, the first on the Prime Ministers threat to expel
    100,000 Armenians working illegally in Turkey . The second question was on
    the validity of the Toynbees Blue Book and Franz Werfels Forty Days
    at Musa Dagh and why Turkey did not fight these allegations. One of the
    answer was the issue was not taken seriously.

    A young student asked why the Turks were not speaking directly with the
    Armenians and wondered if Turks had something to hide. One of the answers
    was that the history was not being taught properly in turkey. At the same
    time, the West did not know much about the issue, some not knowing where
    Van lake is.

    Prof. Aydin emphasized that the issue was politicized and it could only be
    solved by politicians. Referring to the recalling of the Turkish
    Ambassador from Sweden , Prof Aydin suggested that instead of one, perhaps
    five visits should be made since the Sweedish government is not supporting
    the parliament decision that was passed by one vote. Prof Aydin also
    stated that the Armenian resolution would not pass the US Congress since
    US needs Turkey for its strategic plans and predicted that the Protocols
    would not be approved.

    Around 2:35 , clips of interviews with Turkish Armenians were shown and
    more students asked questions. A wide summary of the program and a video
    of the presentations is available on web site.

    Yuksel Oktay


    Can Atakli and Turkkaya Ataov Articles on the Armenian Issue, Tuesday, 16
    March 2010.

    In his daily column in Vatan newspaper, Can Atakli writes about a
    discussion that he participated at the Bahcesehir University , in Istanbul
    . The article begins with an advise: We should be very calm on the
    Armenian Issue.

    The other participants at the discussion at Bahceshir University were
    prof. Dr. Ilter Turan, Prof. Ersin Kalayci, Ambassador Ozdem Sanberk
    (Ret.) , Fehmi Koru, Zeynel Abidin Erdem and Burak Kuntay. In summary,
    most have stated that the Turks had lost the World opinion on the Armenian
    issue, which is sometimes more important then governments, which Turkey
    needs to realize. Another fact agreed was that the Armenian genocide is
    not a historical but a political issue and a long term plan has to be
    developed to let the world know of this fact. Prof. Turan made reference
    to Hrant Dinks murder which was not explained fully either. They also
    talked about the Prime Ministers approach to the developments, from
    recalling the Turkish Ambassador to US and cancelling his trip to the US ,
    which are counterproductive.

    Can Atakli also reminds the readers that the US Congress recognized
    Armenian genocide on 8 April 1975 (prior to the 60th anniversary of the
    alleged genocide) and on 10 September 1984 , the US Congress made
    reference to 1.5 million Armenians being subject to genocide. The House
    Foreign Affairs committee approved the resolution in 2005, 2006 and 2007
    with a much larger margin of votes. Atakli concludes his article with a
    question: What happens if the US Congress passes the Resolution? He
    states that it would not be the end of the world but the image of Turkey
    will be tarnished and the counter arguments of Turkey will be shelved.

    The title of Prof. Turkkaya Ataovs , a member of Turkish forum advisory board, article in Cumhuriyet newspaper is:   The Decay of US Congress.

    The article states that the US congress has
    exhibited a tragi-comic attitude not only on the Armenian issue but on
    many other issues as well. Ataov writes that the Congress has a biased and
    racist view of Turkey based on lack of knowledge. It is an interesting
    article which closes with an assumption by Ataove that both House speaker
    Nancy Pelosi and Committee Chairman Berman have committed themselves to be
    on the side of Armenians. And on Obama, Ataov states that he no longer
    uses the word change and the Turkish National Assembly in Ankara may be
    the last place receiving applaud.

    Yuksel Oktay


    18 March 2010

  • Israel To Discuss Armenian Allegations: News Report Or Manipulation?

    Israel To Discuss Armenian Allegations: News Report Or Manipulation?

    Saturday, 27 March 2010 10:33
    Israel based IzRus website reported that Israeli parliament (Knesset) is going to discuss Armenian genocide allegations. Reports about discussion of a resolution that recognize so called Armenian genocide in the Israeli Parliament is not confirmed by official Israel.

    As it is stated that Knesset is not in preparation to vote such resolution, IzRus website claimed that opposition party Meretz is preparing a law draft related to recognition of Armenian allegations by Israel.
    The website claimed that left wing opposition party Meretz’s leader Haim Oron is preparing to introduce so called Armenian genocide resolution to the Knesset next month. On the other hand, rest of the Israeli media did not give place to the report for even one sentence. Meretz leader Oron had entered a motion to the parliament for discussion of Armenian allegations in May, but the motion was rejected by the parliament.
    Stating that the timing for recognition of Armenian genocide could not be better, IzRus stated that current circumstances would strengthen position of Meretz.
  • Turkish Lobby Distributes Brochures In Washington DC Against Armenian Allegations

    Turkish Lobby Distributes Brochures In Washington DC Against Armenian Allegations

    Thursday, 25 March 2010

    Turkish lobby in Washington DC, holds efforts to inform Congressmen against Armenian allegations to prevent so called Armenian genocide resolution which was passed in the Foreign Affairs Committee of U.S. House of Representatives to go further. Turkish lobby has prepared a brochure entitled “Armenian Fabrications, can you believe this?” to inform Congressmen and related circles in Washington against so called Armenian genocide.

    The first page of the brochure shows the piece of artwork by the famous Russian artist Vasily Vereshchagin entitled “Apotheosis of war” (1871 Prussia-France war). It is told that the painting of Russian artist is used by Armenians as a propaganda materialto deceive the unsuspecting public. The following page in the booklet shows how the photograph of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk is used by Armenian lobbies. It is proved that how Armenians changed the photo by photomontage and placed human corpses before Ataturk’s feet by cutting of little puppies from the scene.

    What did Hitler tell?
    The brochure also shows how Nazi leader Hitler, who committed a genocide against Jews, is also used by Armenians to falsify the historical truth. It is stressed that there is no historical proof that Hitler said, “There is no one that remembers genocide of Armenians today”, alhough it is used by Armenian authors very often as a support to their allegations.
    Numbers Game
    In the section entitled as “Numbers game”, it is shown how Armenian lobbies increased the number of “genocide” victims constantly. While the number of victims of so called genocide was “1 million” in 2000, today it is told that 1,5 million Armenian people were massacred by Turks. Refering to Ottoman Empire’s census data, booklet states that population of Armenians in all over the empire was 1,294,851. It is asked that how it could be possible to massacre more Armenians than Armenian population.
    Turkish Victims
    The brochure also commemorates Turkish diplomats and their families who are murdered by Armenian terrorists. The booklet provides information about Armenian terror in 1970 and 80’s and Turkish people that are murdered by Armenian terrorists.
  • ‘Starving Armenians’ won’t be forgotten

    ‘Starving Armenians’ won’t be forgotten

    Published: Saturday, March 27, 2010

    By Dan K. Thomasson Scripps Howard WASHINGTON — There was a time in this country when mothers regularly ordered their children to clean their plates by reminding them of the "poor starving Armenians." So thoroughly inculcated in my recollection was this admonition that when I first met a person of Armenian descent, I blurted that he couldn't be Armenian because he wasn't starving. The origin of this was of course the elimination of an estimated 1.5 million Armenians, or half of that nation's population, by the Turks in the waning years of the Ottoman Empire between 1915 and 1919 by massacre, death marches and starvation. It was a tragedy only exceeded in modern history by the Holocaust and the murder of 2 million Cambodians by the Khmer Rouge and it resulted in the coining of the word "genocide" to describe such a horrific event. The Republic of Turkey has refused to take any responsibility for this policy of destruction or to acknowledge that it was genocidal in nature despite the fact that history and at least 20 other nations have recognized it as such. And most Americans have little understanding of the phrase once used to remind their grandmothers and grandfathers that food and the privilege of eating it is a precious thing that many do not have. Many Armenians who survived the devastation made it to America and became among this nation's most prosperous and productive citizens. The noted author William Saroyan and the San Francisco, financier, philanthropist and restaurateur George Mardikian, whose biography, "The Song of America," became a paean to his adopted country and a bible of inspiration to tens and thousands of immigrants, are among them. So the resistance of the Turkish government to official recognition of what the rest of the world knows is about to get a jolt from the American descendents of those who expired nearly 100 years ago. It will be in the form of a major new museum smack dab in the middle of Washington in one of the most traveled corridors in the nation's capitol, 14th Street just above Pennsylvania Avenue where millions of American tourists will be tastefully but firmly educated about man's inhumanity to man. About a half mile further down the street is the Holocaust Museum where millions have learned those lessons through the suffering of the world's Jews at the hands of Nazi Germany. The Armenian Genocide Museum of America will be established in an imposing limestone building that once housed the National Bank of Washington operated by the United Mine Workers of America. The building was erected in 1922, which coincidentally fits the time frame of the events it will memorialize. It has been vacant for a number of years. A modern "tower" addition will be added without disturbing the architectural integrity of the old building. Money and oversight of the project are under the guidance of a committee of distinguished Armenian Americans and directed by Dr. Rouben Adalian of the Armenian National Institute. A date for the restoration and opening is still a ways off. Those who may think this will be just another memorial and museum in a city where there are already too many are missing the point. Coupled in proximity with the Holocaust Memorial and in a location so close to the White House and Capitol Hill, it will be one of the more significant punctuations to the ideal of human rights for which this country always has stood if not always adhered to in its own dealings with minorities. As our mothers knew, it is often necessary to remind us that there are those less fortunate than we are and that survival is tenuous, requiring perseverance reached only by digging deep into the spirit and recognizing the lessons of sacrifice and refusing to forget the tragedies of the past. That is pretty heavy stuff, but my mother and millions of others, even in those harshest days of the Great Depression, distilled it into two words, "starving Armenians," that instantly reminded us of our good fortune and warned us not to waste it. Perhaps if the rest of the world had paid attention to the implications of Armenia, later genocides would not have occurred. It's time the Turks owned up. E-mail Dan K. Thomasson, former editor of the Scripps Howard News Service, at [email protected].


    The following are comments from the readers. In no way do they represent the view of
    Manxman wrote on Mar 27, 2010 8:46 AM:
    " This genocide had a distinctly religious side to it - Muslims were murdering Christians in this atrocity in the name of jihad. From a World Magazine article by Marvin Olasky - Hitler was even more impressed with how the Turks got away with genocide. When Hitler on Aug. 22, 1939, explained that his plans to invade Poland included the formation of death squads that would exterminate men, women, and children, he asked, "Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?" In recent years some have. Books such as Peter Balakian's The Burning Tigris (HarperCollins, 2003) tell of the Armenian tragedy in a way that also helps us to understand radical Islam. That's because the key incitement to massacre came on Nov. 14, 1914, when Mustafa Hayri Bey, the Ottoman Empire's leading Sunni authority, urged his followers to commence a jihad: One pamphlet declared, "He who kills even one unbeliever . . . shall be rewarded by Allah." The jihad proclamation received wide dissemination. When a priest asked a Muslim army officer how he could participate in killing several thousand Armenian women, Captain Shukri's answer was simple: It was jihad time, and after the murders he could "spread out my prayer rug and pray, giving glory to Allah and the Prophet who made me worthy of personally participating in the holy jihad in these days of my old age." "
    Report Abuse
    Berge Jololian wrote on Mar 27, 2010 8:53 AM:
    " Can you imagine if back in the days of West Germany during the height of the cold war, the United States refrained form condemning the Holocaust for fear of upsetting or offending a strategic NATO ally? Imagine if European Jewry were told that they need to sit down with the Neo-Nazi Germans and discuss what really happened during 1938-45. Adding that more Germans died during World War II than European Jewry. Or suppose that the US State Department suggests that the State of Israel should discuss the events surrounding 1938-45 with the likes of David Irving (notorious Holocaust denier) and sort things out. The International Association of Genocide Scholars and seven former presidents of the IAGS have unanimously concluded the verdict of genocide. The IAGS has repeatedly called on the Turkish state to acknowledge its crime of Genocide. Jurist Raphael Lemkin, a lawyer of Polish-Jewish descent, and Holocaust survivor coined the word genocide specifically to describe the destruction of Armenians and the barbarity that befell upon them at the hands of the Turkish State. Prior to coining the word genocide, prime minister Winston Churchill and world leaders referred to the destruction of Armenians as holocaust. Genocide is not an issue that concerns only Armenians, Jews, and others; Genocide is a human rights issue that concerns everyone. Denial is not just the simple negation of an act; it is much more the consequent continuation of the very act itself. Genocide should not only physically destroy a community; it should likewise dictate the prerogative of interpretation in regard to history, culture, territory and memory, as the victims Armenians never existed. The Turkish have not only murdered humans, destroyed an ancient culture and civilization, and rewritten history, but the Turkish continue to legitimize the act as well as the racist ideology that led to the act. Denial is the final step in the completion of mass extermination, and the first step towards the next genocide. "

  • Dear Turkic-Americans in California,

    Dear Turkic-Americans in California,

    Senator Simitian, an Armenian legislator in California, introduced yet another anti-Turkish bill, SJR 26. Help oppose it by sending sample  letter below (AS PREPARED BY US TURCIC NETWORK), OR YOUR OWN LETTER.

    If you are a California resident, please send this letter, and urge everyone else you know in California to do the same. Thank you.

    Dear California Assembly and Senate members,

    I am deeply concerned by the introduction of SJR 26 (so-called “Armenian genocide” resolution), which would further contribute to a one-sided approach of a genuine historical controversy to which the United States is not even a party. (To read more about the bill, click this link here).

    The resolution in question would spur a historical allegation of “Armenian genocide” that has not been historically or legally substantiated to this date. In fact, on August 20, 2009, the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reached an important verdict, that an obscure California law from 2000 which codified the allegations of “Armenian genocide”, was unconstitutional, and interfered with the federal government’s foreign affairs powers. Hence, both the Executive and the Judicial Branches are of the opinion that the allegations of “Armenian genocide” are neither helpful, nor correct.

    Numerous American scholars, all experts in the history of the Ottoman Empire, dispute Armenian allegations, leading to the conclusion that while Armenian civilian losses during World War I were tragic, the events of 1915 were not tantamount to genocide. Armenians did not suffer alone, millions of Turks and others also lost their lives during the same period from similar causes, including being massacred by Armenian rebel bands.

    It also flies in the face of the recent history, when it was Armenia that committed an undeniable crime against humanity on February 25-26, 1992, in the Azerbaijani town of Khojaly, where hundreds of innocent civilians were viciously massacred in one night by the Armenian army. The US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency has even deported Armenian combatants from US soil on the grounds of committing “crimes against humanity” against Azerbaijani civilians. Armenia to this day ethnically cleansed and occupies 16% of Azerbaijan.

    As a Turkic-American, I must question how would SJR 26’s passage foster peace, tolerance and dialogue among the many ethnic communities represented in our state. If anything, it would create tensions among the  strong Turkic-American community and the Armenian community.

    SJR 26 also jeopardizes American national interests and security, as it damages US-Turkish relations. Turkey, a NATO member, is a key strategic and military ally of the US. Turkey is the United States’ 39th largest trading partner, with bilateral trade totaling some $15 billion last year. A chunk of that growing trade turnover affects our state, too.

    Ultimately, the message is clear: complex history of faraway lands from a century ago ought not to be legislated – especially in the current state of our jobless economy. Only through genuine dialogue can Turks and Armenians reconcile their diametrically opposed narratives in a mutually acceptable manner, and that is up to Turkey and Armenia, not any third party to decide.

    In light of the above, I would respectfully urge you to OPPOSE the SJR 26, which not only defeats the goal of inter-ethnic harmony but also runs counter to the foreign, trade and national security policy of the United States. Let us instead concentrate on jobs, taxes, deficit, healthcare, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Palestine-Israel conflict, and other truly important issues that require consideration and action from state legislature, as well as often require cooperation from such allies as Turkey.
