Category: Armenian Question

“The great Turk is governing in peace twenty nations from different religions. Turks have taught to Christians how to be moderate in peace and gentle in victory.”Voltaire’s Philosophical Dictionary

  • Armenia Delegation Disappointed with Istanbul Symposium to Revitalize Armenia-Turkey Rapprochement: Giragosian

    Armenia Delegation Disappointed with Istanbul Symposium to Revitalize Armenia-Turkey Rapprochement: Giragosian

    kirakosyan1 1EpressAm — A two-day symposium entitled “The Normalization Process between Turkey and Armenia: Prospects for Revitalization” took place in Istanbul last week with the participation of about 30 well-known academics and experts from Turkey and Armenia, as well as from other countries.

    The symposium aimed to explore the dynamics of the Armenia-Turkey rapprochement process in 2008–2009, the factors that led to the current stalemate, as well as the prospects for the revitalization of the normalization process. Participants were expected to examine the evolution of the rapprochement by focusing on its intergovernmental as well as civil society dimensions, as well as to analyze the current state of the normalization process by not only exploring the positions of the parties, but also situating the process into the relevant regional and international context.

    The symposium also happened to coincide with the day in 1923 when Turkey declared itself a republic (Oct. 29).

    Participating in the symposium from Armenia were military and political analyst Richard Giragosian (pictured); Caucasus Institute Director Alexander Iskandaryan, Human Rights and Conflicts Research Institute NGO President Armen Melkonyan and head of the Political Studies Department at the Caucasus Institute Sergey Minasyan.

    Richard Giragosian shared his impressions of the symposium and his prospects for Armenian-Turkish relations with editor of the Istanbul-based IMC TV Aris Nalci, particularly noting that the delegation from Armenia was somewhat frustrated and disappointed after the symposium.

    Giragosian said though the conference was organized by two leading universities in Ankara with the support of Turkey’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and aimed to find new ways of revitalizing the normalization process, but it seems clear that this conference reaffirmed two realities: the first, Armenian-Turkish normalization is no longer a priority for Turkey, and second, Turkey is once again attempting to “repackage” a precondition over Nagorno-Karabakh with Armenian-Turkish diplomacy.

    “Despite the fact that both the US and Russia, as well as the EU have made it clear there is no reference to Karabakh within the Protocols. And to attempt at this late stage to re-link the issues is unhelpful at best and insincere at worst. So what we see is Turkey seems rather insincere and in danger of being perceived as an unreliable and unready interlocutor for Armenia,” he said, adding that it’s unfortunate because “we have a window of opportunity that is now closing.”

    The analyst pointed out that all expectations and the burden are on Turkey, as “Armenia has done everything it can and more.”

    On the matter of normalizing Armenia-Turkey relations, Giragosian highlighted Azerbaijan’s role, saying that though Azerbaijan has no place in the dialogue between the two states, it does, however, have great power over Turkey. In his opinion, this is a problem Turkey has to deal with, just as the Armenian Genocide is a problem Turkey has to deal with.

    “The Azerbaijan issue has become a domestic Turkish political issue,” he added.

    Speaking about the effectiveness of the discussions held in Istanbul, Giragosian said that such meetings are very important (“the dialogue of normalization needs to continue”) as they sustain the momentum of “Track 2 Diplomacy” between Armenia and Turkey, “to prepare the groundwork for when the states are ready to recommit.”

    “What we’re also doing is correcting a mistake from the Protocols. The mistake was neither Turkey nor Armenia did enough to prepare public opinion for normalization,” he said.

    Asked by Nalci what Armenia’s next steps might be, Giragosian said:

    “We can continue to pressure the Turkish side and to keep the Armenian side willing and ready to move forward. But at the same time what we can do is what we’re doing — Track 2 diplomacy in terms of civil society engagement, to actually sustain this momentum… Just the fact that we’re coming and going to each other’s countries, just the fact that the Genocide issue is no longer taboo means that we need to recognize and build on the progress we have made to date,” he explained.

    If Turkey doesn’t respond to Armenia’s move, if there is no rapprochement, what might Armenia’s policy be? asked Nalci.

    “Well, unfortunately, what concerns me from a civil society point of view is that Turkey seems to fail to recognize the fact that patience on the Armenian side is not without limit. And a policy of preconditions is bold by the Armenian side but without reciprocal measures from the Turkish side it’s a dangerous political policy that may change. And the real pressure Turkey faces is 2015, the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide… I’m just worried that if the stars don’t align again and normalization doesn’t return to Track 1 state level, there is a bigger danger that next time we try this it will be that much harder,” Giragosian concluded.

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    via – News from Armenia, Events in Armenia, Travel and Entertainment | Armenia Delegation Disappointed with Istanbul Symposium to Revitalize Armenia-Turkey Rapprochement: Giragosian.



     3667 pkk ermeniBaris Alen from the Diyarbakir metropolitan municipality, Weekly editor Khatchig Mouradian, Mayor Abdullah Demirbas,Warwick, R.I. Mayor Scott Avedisian, and Weekly contributor George Aghjayan.

    `I Want for Armenians what I want for Kurds’: An interview with Mayor
    Abdullah Demirbas

    ‘I want for Armenians what I want for Kurds’: An interview with Mayor Abdullah Demirbas

    Sat, Oct 29 2011

    By: Khatchig Mouradian

    DIYARBAKIR, Turkey (A.W.) – Abdullah Demirbas is a man on a mission. The
    mayor of Diyarbakir’s central district strives to restore some of the
    city’s multicultural, multiethnic character through a series of
    initiatives to renovate places on worship, adopt multilingualism, and
    encourage those with roots in the city to return.

    Baris Alen from the Diyarbakir metropolitan municipality, Weekly
    editor Khatchig Mouradian, mayor Abdullah Demirbas, mayor of Warwick,
    R.I. Scott Avedisian, and Weekly contributor George Aghjayan.
    I sat down with the mayor in his office in Diyarbakir on Oct. 23.

    `For decades, we were told, `people [of different cultures] can’t live
    together, so we won’t tolerate difference, we will make them all the
    same,” Demirbas laments. `Ours is an effort to restore what was lost
    during the state’s campaign to erase different identities, faiths, and
    cultures in the city.’

    >From the moment a visitor enters the city, signs of this multicultural
    approach manifest themselves, literally. Diyarbakir is the first city
    in Turkey to welcome its visitors with signs in Armenian.

    `We could have done it in Turkish and Kurdish only. But these lands do
    not belong to the Turks and Kurds alone. They are also the lands of
    Armenians, Assyrians, and Chaldeans,’ the Kurdish mayor explains.

    These signs are not just for visitors, but constitute an effort to
    change mindsets. `We want the people living in the city to realize
    that historically, Diyarbakir has always been a multicultural city,’
    he noted.

    More than 100,000 Armenians lived in the Diyarbakir province in 1914.
    Although mostly peasants living in villages like Palu and Lice, the
    majority of the tradesmen in the province were also Armenian. In turn,
    Armenian craftsmen and artisans, constituted a significant presence in
    the province.

    The Armenian genocide shattered this vibrant community. Diyarbakir
    witnessed one of the most violent and comprehensive campaigns of
    massacre in the Ottoman Empire, with most Armenians being killed
    outside the city walls. The Armenian wealth was confiscated by the
    authorities and local elites. Within a few years, the centuries-old
    Armenian presence in the province was erased.

    Demirbas does not mince his words when talking about the Armenian
    genocide. `Our grandparents, incited by others, committed wrongs. But
    we, their grandchildren, will not repeat them. Not only that, but we
    will also not allow others to repeat them,’ he said. `We learned from
    the past. Those lessons inform our actions in the present, and will
    continue informing them in the future.’

    The mayor insists that he does not believe in `dry apologies’ but
    actions that demonstrate genuineness and sincerity. He sees the
    renovation of Sourp Giragos as one manifestation of this approach.
    `Today, we are not simple asking for forgiveness in a dry fashion,’ he
    notes. `I am a Kurd. And I want for Armenians what I want for the

    `What is your message to the Armenians who were uprooted from their
    ancestral lands?’ I ask him. He changes his posture, looks at me
    straight in the eye, and says, `Return! At least come and find your
    homes and your lands. If you can find your old houses, renovate them!
    Have a home here too. This is your motherland. Other lands cannot and
    will not be your motherland. Come to your lands, we want to correct
    the past wrong. This is our message!’

    Demirbas has suffered dearly for his multicultural initiatives and for
    being an outspoken critic of the Turkish state. Twenty-three lawsuits
    have been filed against him, he says, asking for 232 years of
    imprisonment. `I am the only mayor in Turkey who was forced out of his
    position. I was imprisoned for two years for my opinions and policies,
    but when I returned, I was reelected with an even bigger margin,’ he

    Diyarbakir, a predominantly Kurdish region, promises to become an
    oasis of multiculturalism in a desert of denial and oppressive
    policies. The strategy of embracing all cultures – as opposed to
    struggling solely for Kurdish autonomy and rights – could serve as an
    example for other Kurdish dominated municipalities in the Southeast.

    Demirbas’s efforts are not lost on the international community. The
    European Union and the U.S. encourage Diyarbakir’s multicultural
    initiatives and restoration efforts. The EU has provided a grant to
    highlight the city’s historic and cultural heritage. The U.S.
    Ambassador to Turkey, U.S. consuls in Istanbul and Adana, and embassy
    staff attended the mass in Sourp Giragos. The consuls also attended
    the consecration of the church the day before. `Our multicultural
    approach is in line with theirs,’ the mayor notes.

    The Turkish state, on the other hand, is far behind, argues Demirbas.
    `There was no representative from the state today [in Sourp Giragos].
    But they will come. They will have to. And it all depends on our
    struggle,’ he says. `I was thrown in prison, my 16-year-old son has
    joined the PKK and is on the mountains, and [the state] will harass me
    again, they will imprison me again, even something worse might happen
    to me, but I act based on my convictions. And one day they, too, will



    2012 aidatlarini onumuzdeki Ekim ,Kasim ve Aralik aylari icinde gonderebilecek uyelerimize ufak bir surprizimiz var

    1-     Tam Uyeligi Secen ve 8 Ekim/2011 – 15 Kasim/2011 arasinda 2012 uye aidatlarini gonderen uyelerimize Sayin Buyukelci Kamuran Gurun’un yazmis oldugu , zamanin boyutlarini asan meshur “ERMENIAN FILE” kitabini (Amazon Degeri $40.00 + Posta) Hic bir ilave ucret talep etmeden ve Dunyanin hangi kosesinde olursa olsun gonderecegiz.  Elimizde kafi miktarda stok var.

    2-     Tam uyeligi Secen ve 16 Kasim/2012 – 31 Aralik/2012 arasinda uye aidatlarini gonderen uyelerimize ise Sayin  Prof. Dr. ve Hur Dunyada yasayan  en buyuk Turk dostu Justin McCarthy’nin hakikatleri haykiran “WHO ARE THE TURKS” adli, bir daha benzeri olamiyacak eserini, Hic bir ilave ucret veya posta Talep etmeden ve Dunyanin hangi kosesinde olursaniz olun gonderecegiz.

    3-     8 Ekim – 31 Aralik 2012 devresinde Ciragan Kulup veya daha yuksek kademeyi secen  Uyelerimize ise alacaklari kitaplara ilave olarak 4 lisanda detayli olarak hazirlanmis olan Ermeni Sorunu- The Armenian Issue-Der Armenian Konflikt-Question Armenienne CD sini hic bir ilave ucret talet etmeden ilave edecegiz

    4-     Gene 8-Ekim – 31 Aralik devresinde Aidatlarini merkeze ulastirmis uyelerimiz arasinda yapilacak piyongoda kazanan Uyemize Sayin Merhum Hakim Samuel (Sam) Weems tarafindan VEFATINDAN ONCE IMZALAMIS ve Turkish Foruma hatira olarak gondermis oldugu Sert kapakli “ARMENIA –Secrets of a Christian Terrorist State” (Bedeli paha bicilmez) 10 kitabindan bir adeti yeni yil hediyesi olarak tamamiyle ucretsiz olarak  gonderecgiz.


    Uye aidatlariniz icin lutfen web sayfamizda ve asagida verilen Linke giriniz 


    Bu arada Cevresindekilere , Milli konunlarimizdaki goruslerimizi devamli izaha calisan arkadaslarimiza kitapla destek icin tenzilatli kitap satislarini da  baslattik, Bu kampanya icin hazirladigimiz kitap serisi buyuk bir ilgi gordu, Yukarda ismi gecen 3 Kitap en buyuk ilginin odagi oldugu icin Piyango programini ve 2012 aidatlarini onceden odeyerek TF e desteklerini bir an once ulastiran arkadaslarimiza icin baslattik

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    Turkish Forumun baslamis oldugu bu buyuk degisimde sizinde buyuk bir katkiniz olacak hemde cevrenizi daha iyi bilgilendirme yetenegine sahip olacaksiniz




    Mutlu bir gelecegin bizlerle ve gelecek nesillerimizle olmasi dileklerimle


    Dr. Kayaalp Buyukataman, Genel Baskan

    Turkish Forum – Dunya Turkleri Birligi

    TURKIYEYI VE TURK TOPLULUKLARINI ILGILENDIREN EN GUNCEL HABERLER ICIN  den Turkce- Ingilizce –Almanca veya Rusca yayinlari her gun ziyaret ediniz


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    eRMENI tORPbildeMr. Torpe

    Genocide focus of conference: Turkey making some restitution
    By Bronislaus B. Kush TELEGRAM & GAZETTE STAFF
    [email protected]

    WORCESTER – Turkey – defying the sentiment of many nations – still
    refuses to recognize the slaughter of 1.5 million Armenians at the
    hands of Ottoman Turks as a `genocide.’

    But, in a gesture that some scholars believe may ease longstanding
    tensions over the issue between Turks and Armenians, the Turkish
    government has begun returning churches confiscated long ago from
    Armenian Christians residing in and around Istanbul.

    The return of the houses of worship was a key element discussed at a
    two day conference at Clark University that examined the issues of
    restitution and reparation to individuals and groups affected by the
    decimation of the Armenian population in the Ottoman Empire around the
    time of World War I.

    The conference was sponsored by Clark’s Strassler Center for Holocaust
    and Genocide Studies, the National Association for Armenian Studies
    and Research and Eric Weitz, the Arsham and Charlotte Ohanessian
    Professor at the University of Minnesota.

    The opening address Thursday night by John Torpey, a professor of
    sociology at the City University of New York’s Graduate Center, drew a
    number of Central Massachusetts residents of Armenian descent.

    The Worcester area is home to one of the largest Armenian communities
    in the nation.

    Mr. Torpey, the author of `Making Whole What Has Been Smashed: On
    Reparations Politics,’ compared past reparation and restitution
    efforts, including Germany’s efforts to salve the wounds created by
    the Holocaust and the American government’s attempts to right wrongs
    committed against American Indians and African-American slaves.

    Mr. Torpey said recognition of the genocide has been a long-time goal
    of Armenian communities around the world.

    While genocide recognition does not appear to be in the offing, he
    said, initiatives `to pursue justice’ through financial and other
    compensation are making strides. For example, lawsuits addressing the
    theft of artifacts, properties and bank accounts have been filed
    against the Turkish government and Turkish companies in a number of
    countries, including the United States.

    The attempt to obliterate the Armenian population in the Ottoman
    Empire began April 24, 1915, when Armenian leaders, intellectuals,
    writers and professionals were rounded up. Thousands were subsequently
    abducted, tortured, deported or executed.

    For decades, Armenians around the world have demanded that Turkey, one
    of the empire’s successor states, step up and take responsibility for
    the massacre.

    In addition to economic compensation, Mr. Torpey said reparations and
    restitution range from simple apologies to the construction of
    memorials and museums. They also include the return of seized property
    and goods, guarantees of no further reprisals, formal recognition of
    certain groups and allowing victims to return home.

    In addition to churches, the Turkish government has also begun
    returning schools, cemeteries and orphanages.

    Though returned to Armenians, these properties are formally being
    given back on the basis of religious, rather than ethnic or
    nationalistic, concerns.




    2012 aidatlarini onumuzdeki Ekim ,Kasim ve Aralik aylari icinde gonderebilecek uyelerimize ufak bir surprizimiz var

    1-     Tam Uyeligi Secen ve 8 Ekim/2011 – 15 Kasim/2011 arasinda 2012 uye aidatlarini gonderen uyelerimize Sayin Buyukelci Kamuran Gurun’un yazmis oldugu , zamanin boyutlarini asan meshur “ERMENIAN FILE” kitabini (Amazon Degeri $40.00 + Posta) Hic bir ilave ucret talep etmeden ve Dunyanin hangi kosesinde olursa olsun gonderecegiz.  Elimizde kafi miktarda stok var.

    2-     Tam uyeligi Secen ve 16 Kasim/2012 – 31 Aralik/2012 arasinda uye aidatlarini gonderen uyelerimize ise Sayin  Prof. Dr. ve Hur Dunyada yasayan  en buyuk Turk dostu Justin McCarthy’nin hakikatleri haykiran “WHO ARE THE TURKS” adli, bir daha benzeri olamiyacak eserini, Hic bir ilave ucret veya posta Talep etmeden ve Dunyanin hangi kosesinde olursaniz olun gonderecegiz.

    3-     8 Ekim – 31 Aralik 2012 devresinde Ciragan Kulup veya daha yuksek kademeyi secen  Uyelerimize ise alacaklari kitaplara ilave olarak 4 lisanda detayli olarak hazirlanmis olan Ermeni Sorunu- The Armenian Issue-Der Armenian Konflikt-Question Armenienne CD sini hic bir ilave ucret talet etmeden ilave edecegiz

    4-     Gene 8-Ekim – 31 Aralik devresinde Aidatlarini merkeze ulastirmis uyelerimiz arasinda yapilacak piyongoda kazanan Uyemize Sayin Merhum Hakim Samuel (Sam) Weems tarafindan VEFATINDAN ONCE IMZALAMIS ve Turkish Foruma hatira olarak gondermis oldugu Sert kapakli “ARMENIA –Secrets of a Christian Terrorist State” (Bedeli paha bicilmez) 10 kitabindan bir adeti yeni yil hediyesi olarak tamamiyle ucretsiz olarak  gonderecgiz.


    Uye aidatlariniz icin lutfen web sayfamizda ve asagida verilen Linke giriniz 


    Bu arada Cevresindekilere , Milli konunlarimizdaki goruslerimizi devamli izaha calisan arkadaslarimiza kitapla destek icin tenzilatli kitap satislarini da  baslattik, Bu kampanya icin hazirladigimiz kitap serisi buyuk bir ilgi gordu, Yukarda ismi gecen 3 Kitap en buyuk ilginin odagi oldugu icin Piyango programini ve 2012 aidatlarini onceden odeyerek TF e desteklerini bir an once ulastiran arkadaslarimiza icin baslattik

    Kitap listesini  ve kitaplarin tarifini web sayfamizdaki gecisden veya asagidaki baglantidan gorebilirsiniz


     Turkish Forumun baslamis oldugu bu buyuk degisimde sizinde buyuk bir katkiniz olacak hemde cevrenizi daha iyi bilgilendirme yetenegine sahip olacaksiniz




    Mutlu bir gelecegin bizlerle ve gelecek nesillerimizle olmasi dileklerimle


    Dr. Kayaalp Buyukataman, Genel Baskan

    Turkish Forum – Dunya Turkleri Birligi  

    TURKIYEYI VE TURK TOPLULUKLARINI ILGILENDIREN EN GUNCEL HABERLER ICIN  den Turkce- Ingilizce –Almanca veya Rusca yayinlari her gun ziyaret ediniz


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  • Istanbul to host conference on Armenia-Turkey relations

    Istanbul to host conference on Armenia-Turkey relations

    82043PanARMENIAN.Net – On October 29-30, Istanbul will host a conference titled Normalization of Armenian-Turkish Relations: Revival Perspectives, according to Regional Studies Center (RSC) director.

    As Richard Giragosian told a news conference in Yerevan, the conference will focus on Armenia-Turkey rapprochement, prospects of furthering of bilateral ties, development dynamics of political situation in South Caucasus.

    The conference is organized by Middle East Technical University and TOBB University of Economics and Technology and supported by the Center for Strategic Studies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey.

    via Istanbul to host conference on Armenia-Turkey relations – PanARMENIAN.Net.

  • Armenians in Turkey convert back to Christianity

    Armenians in Turkey convert back to Christianity

    logo stampa :: Thursday 27 October 2011
    San Pietro e Dintorni
    by Marco Tosatti
    A group of Armenians, raised as Sunni Muslims, were baptized on Sunday, as Armenian Orthodox Christians in the Church of S. Giragos (Surp Giragos), in the South-Eastern province of Dyarbakir. The church was reopened on 22 October after two years of restoration work. The group that was baptized were of Armenian origin, and their ancestors had been converted after the Genocide of 1915.
    Among them is Gaffur Türkay, who contributed to the restoration of the church. Türkay was very excited, as reported in a local newspaper. “It is amazing to be here, along with people from all over the world, with whom I share my origins,” he said. “We have been ostracized by both Armenians and Sunni Muslims, said Behcet Avci, also known as Garoda Sasunyan. “It is an emotional moment for me.” The ceremony was held behind closed doors, neither visitors nor foreign journalists were allowed to be present. It was carried out by ​​the deputy patriarch, Aaram Atesyan.
    There were guests from Armenia and the United States, including the American Ambassador to Turkey, Francis Ricciardone and the former Armenian Foreign Minister Raffi Hovhannesian, as well as Archbishop Vicken Ayvazian, of the Armenian Orthodox Diocese of America. The restoration was funded by the Armenians of Istanbul and the diaspora. The main sponsors of the initiative were Vartkes Ergün Ayık, a businessman of Armenian origin from Dyarbakir and Raffi Bedrosyan, a former citizen of Istanbul who now lives in Canada.
    We had over 2600 churches and monasteries in Anatolia in the past. Unfortunately, only a handful of sacred places remain. My request to Turkey, as a spiritual leader, is that the churches be returned to the Armenian community, better if they are used for religious services rather than museums.” Ayavzian said to have been born in Turkey, in the South-Eastern province of Şırnak and speaks fluent Turkish. “Like many Armenian Americans, we also speak Turkish at home,” he said, adding that his parents were forbidden to speak Armenian. On the cold relations between Turkey and Armenian American, he said: “The reason is obvious and clear. There was a genocide. A heartfelt apology would be a step forward and could completely erase this dispute
  • Human Rights Court Rules Turkey Cannot Criminalize Genocide Recognition

    Human Rights Court Rules Turkey Cannot Criminalize Genocide Recognition

    STRASBOURG—The European Court of Human Rights on Tuesday unanimously ruled that the recognition of the Armenian Genocide cannot be criminalized in Turkey. The verdict stemmed from a case brought to the court by noted scholar Taner Akcam.


    In the case Taner Akcam vs. Turkey, the court ruled that Turkey’s ongoing criminal prosecution of scholarship on the Armenian Genocide issue constituted a violation of Article 10 (freedom of expression) of the European Convention on Human Rights.

    The court ruled that the Turkish law meant the Akcam lives in constant fear of prosecution for his views about the vents of 1915. In his suit Akcam said that the fear of prosecution for his views on the Armenian issue had caused him considerable stress and anxiety and had even made him stop writing on the subject.

    Akçam, who is an associate professor at the Robert Aram, Marianne Kaloosdian and Stephen and Marion Mugar Chair in Armenian Genocide Studies at Clark University in Worcester, Mass., is a Turkish and German national who was born in 1953. As a professor of history, he researches and publishes extensively on the historical events of 1915 concerning the Armenian population in the Ottoman Empire. The Republic of Turkey, one of the successor states of the Ottoman Empire, does not recognize the word “genocide” as an accurate description of events. Affirming the Armenian issue as “genocide” is considered by some (especially extremist or ultranationalist groups) as a denigration of “Turkishness” (Türklük), which is a criminal offence punishable under Article 301 of the Turkish Criminal Code by a term of imprisonment of six months to two or three years. Amendments have been introduced following a number of controversial cases and criminal investigations brought against such prominent Turkish writers and journalists as Elif Şafak, Orhan Pamuk and Hrant Dink for their opinions on the Armenian issue.

    Notably, in October 2005 Hrant Dink, editor of Agos, a bilingual Turkish-Armenian newspaper, was convicted under Article 301 for denigrating “Turkishness.” It was widely believed that because of the stigma attached to his criminal conviction, Dink became the target of extremists and in January 2007 he was shot dead.

    The three major changes introduced to the text were: to replace “Turkishness” and “Republic” with “Turkish Nation” and “State of the Republic of Turkey,” to reduce the maximum length of imprisonment to be imposed on those found guilty under Article 301; and, most recently in 2008, to add a security clause, namely any investigation into the offence of denigrating “Turkishness” has to first be authorized by the Minister of Justice.

    On 6 October 2006 Akçam published an editorial opinion in Agos criticizing the prosecution of Hrant Dink. Following that, three criminal complaints were filed against him by extremists under Article 301 alleging that he had denigrated “Turkishness.” Following the first complaint, he was summoned to the local public prosecutor’s office to submit a statement in his defense. The prosecutor in charge of the investigation subsequently decided not to prosecute on the ground that Akçam’s views were protected under Article 10 of the European Convention. The investigations into the other two complaints were also terminated with decisions not to prosecute. The Government submitted that it was unlikely that Akçam was at any risk of future prosecution on account of the recent safeguards introduced to Article 301, notably the fact that authorization was now needed from the Ministry of Justice to launch an investigation.

    Accordingly, between May 2008 (when this amendment was introduced) and November 2009, the Ministry of Justice received 1,025 requests for authorization to bring criminal proceedings under Article 301 and granted such authorization in 80 cases (about 8% of the total requests). Furthermore, Akçam had not been prevented from carrying out his research; on the contrary, he had even been given access to the State Archives. His books on the subject are also widely available in Turkey.

    According to Akçam, however, the percentage of prior authorizations granted by the Ministry of Justice was much higher, and these cases mainly concerned the prosecution of journalists in freedom of expression cases. He submitted statistics from the Media Monitoring Desk of the Independent Communications Network for the period from July to September 2008 according to which a total of 116 people, 77 of whom were journalists, were prosecuted in 73 freedom of expression cases. Akçam further claimed that the criminal complaints filed against him for his views had turned into a harassment campaign, with the media presenting him as a “traitor” and “German spy.” He has also received hate mail including insults and death threats. He further alleged that the tangible fear of prosecution had not only cast a shadow over his professional activities – he effectively stopped writing on the Armenian issue in June 2007 when he brought his application to this Court – but had caused him considerable stress and anxiety.

    Complaints, procedure and composition of the Court Relying on Article 10 (freedom of expression), Akçam alleged that the Government could not guarantee that he would not face investigation and prosecution in the future for his views on the Armenian issue. He further alleged that, despite the amendment to Article 301 in May 2008 and the Government’s reassurances, legal proceedings against those affirming the Armenian “genocide” had continued unabated. Moreover, the Government’s policy on the Armenian issue had not in essence been changed and could not be predicted with any certainty in the future.

    The application was lodged with the European Court of Human Rights on June 21, 2007. Judgment was given by a Chamber of seven, composed of Françoise Tulkens (Belgium), President; Danutė Jočienė (Lithuania), David Thór Björgvinsson (Iceland), Dragoljub Popović (Serbia), András Sajó (Hungary), Işıl Karakaş (Turkey), Guido Raimondi (Italy), Judges; and also Stanley Naismith, Section Registrar.

    The decision of the Court The Court found that there had been an “interference” with Akçam’s right to freedom of expression. The criminal investigation launched against him and the Turkish criminal courts’ standpoint on the Armenian issue in their application of Article 301 of the Criminal Code (any criticism of the official line on the issue in effect being sanctioned), as well as the public campaign against him, confirmed that there was a considerable risk of prosecution faced by persons who expressed “unfavorable” opinions on the subject and indicated that the threat hanging over Akçal was real.

    The measures adopted to provide safeguards against arbitrary or unjustified prosecutions under Article 301 had not been sufficient. The statistical data provided by the Government showed that there were still a significant number of investigations, and Akçam alleged that this number was even higher. Nor did the government explain the subject matter or the nature of the cases in which the Ministry of Justice granted authorization for such investigations. Moreover, the court agreed with Thomas Hammarberg, Human Rights Commissioner of the Council of Europe, in his report which stated that a system of prior authorization by the Ministry of Justice in each individual case was not a lasting solution which could replace the integration of the relevant Convention standards into the Turkish legal system and practice.

    Furthermore, in the Court’s opinion, while the legislator’s aim of protecting and preserving values and State institutions from public denigration could be accepted to a certain extent, the wording of Article 301 of the Criminal Code, as interpreted by the judiciary, was too wide and vague and did not enable individuals to regulate their conduct or to foresee the consequences of their acts. Despite the replacement of the term “Turkishness” by “the Turkish Nation,” there was apparently no change in the interpretation of these concepts.

    For example, in the case Dink v. Turkey of 2010 the Court criticized the Turkey’s Court of Cassation for understanding them in the same way as before. Thus Article 301 constituted a continuing threat to the exercise of the right to freedom of expression. As was clear from the number of investigations and prosecutions brought under this Article, any opinion or idea that was considered offensive, shocking or disturbing could easily be made the target of a criminal investigation by public prosecutors. Indeed, the safeguards put in place to prevent the abusive application of Article 301 by the judiciary did not provide a guarantee of non-prosecution because any change of political will or of government policy could affect the Ministry of Justice’s interpretation of the law and open the way for arbitrary prosecutions.

    In view of that lack of forseeability, the Court concluded that the interference with Akçam’s freedom of expression had not been “prescribed by law,” in violation of Article 10.

    NOTE: Under Articles 43 and 44 of the Convention, this chamber judgment is not final. During the three-month period following its delivery, any party may request that the case be referred to the Grand Chamber of the Court. If such a request is made, a panel of five judges considers whether the case deserves further examination. In that event, the Grand Chamber will hear the case and deliver a final judgment. If the referral request is refused, the Chamber judgment will become final on that day. Once a judgment becomes final, it is transmitted to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe for supervision of its execution.