Category: Armenian Question

“The great Turk is governing in peace twenty nations from different religions. Turks have taught to Christians how to be moderate in peace and gentle in victory.”Voltaire’s Philosophical Dictionary

  • Barack Obama!

    Barack Obama!

    There’s not an armenian genocide during the time

  • Madeleine Albright serves as Obama proxy at global summit

    Madeleine Albright serves as Obama proxy at global summit

    Madeleine Albright (L) introduces Dmitry Medvedev (R) at the G20 Summit

    WASHINGTON (AFP) — Former US secretary of state Madeleine Albright and an ex-Republican lawmaker on Saturday stood in for president-elect Barack Obama in meeting world leaders attending the G20 summit on the economic crisis.

    Obama himself stayed away from the Washington summit of the Group of 20 biggest economies, but foreign delegations have been keen to open channels to the Democrat succeeding President George W. Bush next January 20.

    Albright and former Iowa congressman Jim Leach said in a statement that they “held constructive meetings on behalf of president-elect Obama and vice president-elect (Joseph) Biden” with delegations from 15 countries plus the European Commission, as well as United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

    They included leaders, finance ministers or top bureaucrats from Brazil, Britain, China, Germany, Japan and Russia, among others. They spoke with the French delegation by telephone.

    Albright and Leach said Obama saw the summit as “an important opportunity to seek a coordinated response to the global financial crisis.”

    “We also conveyed president-elect Obama’s determination to continuing to work together on these challenges after he takes office in January,” they said, adding that they would brief Obama and Biden at the conclusion of their meetings.

    Source:, 16 November 2008

  • PBS to screen “A Family Erased” documentary about Armenian Genocide

    PBS to screen “A Family Erased” documentary about Armenian Genocide

    Time to protest PBS again..

    15.11.2008 14:18 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ A unique documentary about the Armenian genocide will soon be released by PBS’ Frontline titled “A Family Erased”, George Kachadorian, the film director, told PanARMENIAN.Net.

    “The film features my father and his sisters who recently made a journey back to historic Armenia – now Eastern Turkey – in search of the homes our family fled around the turn of the century. As my family winds their way through mountain passes far, far off the tourist track, they rely on hand drawn Armenian maps, handed down through the generations, and the help of a Turkish speaking guide to try and locate the streets and towns that have long since been renamed.

    As international tensions flare over a new U.S. bill that would formally acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, my father Jim and my aunts Elaine, Marion and Georgiana embark on the adventure of a lifetime – deep into the mountains of Eastern Anatolia on a search for their grandparents’ homes at the epicenter of the 20th century’s first genocide,” Kachadorian said.

  • Duchess and Daughters: Their Shambolic Secret Mission

    Duchess and Daughters: Their Shambolic Secret Mission

    FTA UK Press Release
    London, 10th November 2008
    The Federation of Turkish Associations UK would like to voice their extreme frustration and disappointment at the actions and comments of the Duchess of York, presenter Chris Rogers and inferences made by Barrister John Cooper in the broadcasting of the distorted portrayal of Turkey in the programme “Duchess and Daughters: Their Secret Mission” aired by ITV on the 6th October 2008.

    The rules and broadcasting codes laid out by Ofcom have been infringed according to section 1: “protecting the under eighteens”, section 2: “harm and offence”, section 3: “crime”, section 5: “due impartiality and due accuracy”, section 7: “fairness” and section 8: “privacy” and we are reporting these infringements to Ofcom and expect a full and detailed explanation of why this programme has been allowed to be aired. 

    Duchess and Daughters: Their Shambolic Secret Mission 

    The Federation of Turkish Associations UK would like to voice their extreme frustration and disappointment at the actions and comments of the Duchess of York, presenter Chris Rogers and inferences made by Barrister John Cooper in the broadcasting of the distorted portrayal of Turkey in the programme “Duchess and Daughters: Their Secret Mission” aired by ITV on the 6th October 2008. 

    As an NGO based in the UK, we have to clarify that our criticism regarding this programme is not because it is highlighting an institution which certainly needs improvement or to defend the methods used to treat mentally or disabled children under state protection in those institutions, but the presentation made and the wording used in the program to accuse and insult the Turkish nation as a whole. 

    We would of course like to see things improve in the social services in Turkey and as we are informed many improvements have been made over recent years. It is a pity that this programme has been made in such a way as to misguide the British public as to the conditions and attitudes towards disabled children in Turkey and has created negativity in the relations between the two countries and more seriously created grave concerns amongst the Turkish community in this country as to the aims and sincerity of ITV. 

    It is clear that the programme from the beginning had a separate agenda, perhaps to glorify the work of the Duchess of York or as a locomotive to encourage opposition to Turkey’s aspirations about the EU. It seems that the producers of the programme had in mind more of a two-pronged PR stunt aimed firstly at demonising Turkey and secondly at improving the flailing popularity of the Duchess of York at someone else’s expense. Perhaps in her own mind, she imagines she can fill the void left by Princess Diana who was a true campaigner for humanitarian causes. Unfortunately, our members do not believe that she sincerly cares about the issue and suggest she participate in a programme uncovering some of the child abuse cases that are frequently uncovered in Britain or to visit the war zones in Afganistan and Iraq to see the gross humanitarian crisis, particularly in the lives of innocent children.  

    Secret cameras used to film as if there were some cloak and dagger activities going on seem to be gimmicks used to imply that the Duchess was in some form of danger in Turkey. Another reference to police stopping the camera crew likened Ankara to some third world war zone, sensationalising the programme. Some of our members have been stopped and searched several times in the centre of London and they don’t need a camera to prove this since ‘stop and search’ is used as a regular practice by Metropolitan Police.  

    In any case the institutions visited by the Duchess were not orphanages for abandoned children as portrayed, but institutions for the mentally disabled. These institutions so ‘secretly’ filmed by the Duchess are open for inspection on a regular basis to NGO’s from anywhere in the world and not ‘hidden away’ as implied by the documentary. After the filming, no respect was shown to the rights of those filmed to protect their identity and no permission was obtained to show the film from the families of those involved. This is a gross violation of their rights. 

    Certain actions and generalisations used in the programme have been found very offensive by our members and have led to distress and disillusionment across a wide section of our community. Comments made such as “Many of these children are abandoned by their parents because in Turkey there is a shame associated with having a disabled child” is an unfair and untrue generalisation suggesting that Turkish people do not care about their handicapped. 

    Turkey has a population estimated at 70 million, of which 3% are registered as either physically or mentally disabled putting the total amount of handicapped people at approximately 2.1 million. The number of mentally disabled children in these 53 homes and institutions total only 3673 given by the State Ministry of Women and Family Affairs. This in itself shows, contrary to the accusations in the programme, that the vast majority of handicapped children are looked after in the home. The new initiatives set up by the government are facilitating even more of those in homes to be looked after back in their family unit. Unlike Britain, in Turkey most of the families look after their handicapped children at home and without any financial assistance from the government. Those children shown in the documentary are there because they come from extremely poverty stricken families or broken homes. 

    Again, claims by Barrister John Cooper “any country that treats its children like this is not ready to accede to a family of nations that aspire to dignity and humanity” is an insult to the whole nation and has given our members the feeling that the whole programme has been engineered to smear Turks and Turkey in an attempt to sabotage their accession. We would be very pleased if all EU member countries treat their children as he claims but we all know his statement is far from truth. 

    Comments like “Europe’s forgotten children”, “no hope for kids”, “born with a life sentence”, “grave concerns on Turkey’s human rights record” and many others are all exaggerated and unfair to the children or staff of the institutions shown in the programme.  

    Many things were also wrongly implied, for example, the impression was given that Britain is only giving support to Turkey because they need their cooperation in the war on terror. This is an outrageous claim, since Turkey has been on the forefront of fighting terrorism for many years and has suffered attacks at the hands of Al Qaida on several occasions.  

    It is very regrettable that such a programme has been aired, ignoring the damage it will make to the innocent people who live and work in those institutions. It is essential when doing any programme that a complete and balanced view be provided for the viewer and this is the responsibility not only of those involved in the filming but more so by the producers and broadcasters whom in this instance, have shown a blatant disregard for professional ethics.  

    We believe the rules and broadcasting codes laid out by Ofcom have been infringed by ITV1 according to section 1: “protecting the under eighteens”, section 2: “harm and offence”, section 3: “crime”, section 5: “due impartiality and due accuracy”, section 7: “fairness” and section 8: “privacy”. Therefore, we are reporting these infringements to Ofcom and expect a full and detailed explanation of why this programme has been allowed to be aired. 

    We believe that the “Every Child Matters” policy of the Government is vital and should be made universal. Whatever a child’s background or circumstances, they should be given the support they need to stay safe and healthy, enjoy, achieve, make a positive contribution and reach economic wellbeing. Therefore, we all have to work towards making the lives of all children better wherever in the world they may live, certainly not using them as a tool for personal or political aspirations just because they are a member of another nation. The positive approach would be offering sincere help by providing training courses in working with the disabled and psychiatrically disturbed and supporting those NGO’s who are making a difference to their inadequate system of caring for the disabled. 

    We as viewers have every right to expect fair, impartial, accurate and balanced programs from ITV and are therefore demanding that another program be aired to repair the damage done and help those affected. We also expect an apology from the Duchess of York for not acting responsibly and taking part in a program based on politics to smear Turkey by exploiting mentally disabled Turkish children and her daughters should realise that it is us, the British taxpayer that provides them with their luxurious lifestyles not Turkish or Romanian. If the Duchess and her daughters want to get involved in good causes there are many deserving groups in this country who may welcome their involvement and their financial contribution. Charity begins at home.

    Notes to editors

    About FTA UK

    The Federation of Turkish Associations UK (FTA UK) was formed in 2002 consisting of sixteen independent and diverse Turkish associations to bring together the voice of their members on common issues. The FTA UK represents a large proportion of the Turkish community which is estimated at nearly 500,000 ethnic Turks who live mainly in London and its surrounding areas and includes Turkish Cypriots.

    The Federation’s main aims and objectives are; to bring together the Turks living in Britain in solidarity and strengthen their relationship; to help the community to integrate better within the British system whilst maintaining their own culture and identity; to find solutions to their common problems and protect their common interests; to promote and enhance the British – Turkish friendship and to share the Turkish culture and history.

    The Federation carries out its duties completely independently without being influenced by any political party, ethnic influence, religion or any form of discrimination and in the interest of the British-Turkish Community. It is a non profit – non governmental organisation and acts as an umbrella organisation and communication vehicle for the whole community. 

    Contact FTA UK :

    E-mail: [email protected]
    Post: FTA UK, 41 Camberwell Church Street, London SE5 8TR
    Telephone : + 44 (0)77 7000 003

  • Obama and America Make History – Obama’s Victory Heals

    Obama and America Make History – Obama’s Victory Heals

    This message was sent from APPO JABARIAN to [email protected]. It was sent from: USA ARMENIAN LIFE, 4551 San Fernando Rd #208, Glendale, CA 91204.
    By Appo Jabarian
    Executive Publisher
    & Managing Editor

    Friday  November 7,  2008
    For over 200 years America needed and struggled to emancipate herself from its racist past, to flip its dark page and opt for a brighter future.
    Emancipate she did!
    On Tuesday, November 4, American voters flocked to the polling places from “sea to shining sea” in droves and elected their first ever African-American President.
    The long-fought presidential race came to an end in the early hours of the election night, when Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois defeated his Republican opponent Sen. John McCain of Arizona.
    Having resoundingly surpassed the 270 mark in Electoral College votes, Sen. Obama was declared the projected winner by CNN, FOX, ABC, CBS and NBC/MSNBC. The historic moment rang in at 8 o’clock Pacific time to the cheers of millions of Obama supporters, including millions of Armenian Americans across the United States and the Diaspora.
    The election ended graciously thanks to both the defeated candidate Sen. McCain and victorious candidate, now President-Elect Obama.
    In his concession speech, Sen. McCain, exhibiting a noble spirit, said: “A little while ago, I had the honor of calling Senator Barack Obama to congratulate him. (BOOING) Please! To congratulate him on being elected the next president of the country that we both love. … This is an historic election, and I recognize the special significance it has for African-Americans and for the special pride that must be theirs tonight. … America today is a world away from the cruel and frightful bigotry of that time. There is no better evidence of this than the election of an African-American to the presidency of the United States.”
    President-Elect Obama in his usual, much-admired temperament graciously declared: “Senator McCain fought long and hard in this campaign. And he’s fought even longer and harder for the country that he loves. He has endured sacrifices for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine. We are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader. I congratulate him; I congratulate Governor (Sarah) Palin for all that they’ve achieved. And I look forward to working with them to renew this nation’s promise in the months ahead.”
    The 2008 U.S. presidential election shattered several records and eliminated numerous misconceptions.
    It attracted an unprecedented number of young, African-American, middle-aged, female and other minority voters.
    It also set aside the false notion that the so-called “Bradley effect” would obstruct the election of a Black candidate to the Oval Office, the highest position of the Land. In fact something opposite happened: The Obama bandwagon effect emerged and broke through the long-entrenched social barriers.
    In an October 24 article published in USA Armenian Life Magazine and broadcast on the worldwide web, this writer predicted “America will make the highest and best use of this historic opportunity to emancipate itself from its racist past, by not letting the narrow and misguided racist alarms affect the outcome of this groundbreaking presidential election. … Just like the saying goes ‘anything is possible in America.’ Despite its many hardships, America continues to be the land of opportunity.”
    President-Elect Obama said: “If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. … It’s the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled, Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of individuals or a collection of red states and blue states. … We are, and always will be, the United States of America.”
    Under Obama, America has a unique opportunity to free itself from yet another dark page. “The long and painful tenure of one of the most anti-Armenian U.S. administrations is finally coming to an end. Armenian-Americans, along with most Americans and the rest of the world, are fed up with the Bush-Cheney team and their bellicose neo-con agenda. The list of blunders committed by the Bush administration is very long: the invasion of Iraq based on false premises, mismanaging the U.S. economy with the national debt reaching ten trillion dollars, and taking deeply offensive positions on key Armenian issues,” wrote Harut Sassounian, the Publisher of the California Courier on the eve of the election.
    “After promising to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide during his first campaign, Pres. Bush failed to keep his word. … Furthermore, he recalled U.S. Ambassador John Evans from Armenia, simply because he had the courage to tell the truth about the Armenian Genocide. … Sen. Obama, long before running for the Presidency, was making supportive statements on Armenian issues. … Sen. McCain, on the other hand, has opposed all congressional resolutions on the Armenian Genocide over the years and has remained silent on the Artsakh (Karabagh) conflict, Turkish and Azerbaijani blockades of Armenia, U.S. aid to Armenia, and U.S.-Armenia relations. In other words, a vote for Sen. McCain is simply a vote for the continuation of Pres. Bush’s anti-Armenian policies,” concluded Sassounian.
    Obama-led America can bring much needed solace to millions of victims and survivors of the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923 at the hands of Turkey, by officially re-affirming the U.S. record on the tragic events that caused the loss of an entire homeland in Western Armenia; by treating equitably her strong ally in the Caucasus, the newly re-established independent Republic of Armenia; and by re-affirming America’s commitment to the principle of the right to self-determination for freedom-loving peoples around the world, including the Armenian Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabagh Republic).
    Is it a coincidence that during the presidential elections since 1980, every general election candidate – Pres. Carter, Pres. Reagan, Pres. G. H. Bush, Pres. Clinton, Pres. G. W. Bush, and now President-Elect Obama – that acknowledged the Armenian Genocide, was blessed with victory? Is it also a coincidence that the only two general election presidential candidates – Al Gore and Sen. McCain – that opposed proper recognition of the Armenian Genocide, were defeated?
    By antagonizing Armenian-Americans, both Gore and McCain managed to drive the Armenian-American electorate away from their campaigns. To their chagrin, Armenian-Americans supported G. W. Bush in 2000 and Obama in 2008 with much determination.
    In the 2000 U.S. presidential election, Armenian-American voters across the United States and especially in Florida voted heavily in favor of G. W. Bush. Gore’s insensitive and insulting opposition to the Armenian-American issues cost him the presidency.
    During this year’s presidential election, the clear majority of the Armenian American electorate not only voted heavily in favor Obama, but also made unprecedented campaign contributions and mobilized numerous volunteers all over the U.S. and especially in the key battleground states.
    Now that the election is over, we must cherish the value of this historic moment by further developing mutual empathy; by better understanding each other; and together we must move on toward a kinder, gentler society where the wounds of all the victims of all the great injustices in the form of slavery and genocides – from the Armenian to Jewish Holocaust, Cambodian, Darfur, and other genocides, are healed.
  • Armenians Should Remain Vigilant To Counter Turkish Pressures on Obama

    Armenians Should Remain Vigilant To Counter Turkish Pressures on Obama


    Now that Sen. Barack Obama has been elected President, Armenian-Americans need to remain vigilant in order to counter Turkish pressures on the President-elect and his inner circle. Already, the Turkish government has embarked on a full-scale campaign to influence the next administration on a variety of critical issues for Turkey, such as the Armenian Genocide, Cyprus, the Iraq War, and the Kurds. Only a few days before the presidential election, Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Erdogan sent two top officials to Washington to meet with close aides of Senators Obama and McCain to make sure that whoever is elected President would not make decisions against Turkish interests. Several American lobbying firms hired by Ankara are also hard at work to convince the President-elect

    and his advisors to support Turkey on a variety of issues. Clearly, the Turkish government is alarmed by Sen. Obama’s repeated promises to recognize the Armenian Genocide. Prime Minister Erdogan, in his letter of congratulation, went as far as expressing the hope that Obama as President would not carry out the promises he made as a candidate to the Armenian-American community. Moreover, Erdogan requested a meeting with Sen. Obama, presumably to dissuade him from acknowledging the Armenian Genocide. The Turkish Prime Minister is one of the leaders of 20 countries who are invited by Pres. George Bush to the White House Economic Summit later this week. The President-elect’s aides should reject Erdogan’s request for a meeting, reminding him that last January he insulted Sen. Obama by calling him “an amateur in politics,” just because the presidential candidate had issued a statement on the Armenian Genocide. As I had written in a column at that time, “Erdogan’s insulting words about Obama may haunt him after the election.” Despite the Turkish government’s intense lobbying efforts, it may be easier for Armenian-Americans to push their agenda forward during the Obama Presidency. Armenians have several significant advantages with the incoming administration over the outgoing one:

    1) Both President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden have been staunch supporters of Armenian issues;

    2) The new Congress is more likely to pass legislation favorable to Armenians, since there will be a sizeable Democratic majority in both the House and Senate, joined by a large number of pro-Armenian Republicans in both Houses;

    3) The Departments of State and Defense would be less likely to oppose a congressional resolution on the Armenian Genocide, given the likelihood that the White House would either support the measure or at least not oppose it;

    4) Although it appears some high-ranking pro-Turkish officials will be serving in the Obama administration, they are likely to be outnumbered by those who are either sympathetic or impartial on Armenian issues.

    Despite such a favorable balance of forces, the final outcome of any pro-Armenian legislation in Congress still hinges on two important prerequisites:

    1) The Armenian-American community’s vigilance and implementation of a full-scale grassroots and media campaign to counter all Turkish threats against the U.S.;

    2) The Armenian government’s postponement or preferably cancellation of a planned joint Armenian-Turkish historical commission that would have been exploited by the Turkish government to  undermine efforts to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide in the U.S. and other countries.

    Those in the Armenian community who remain skeptical about the next U.S. President keeping his campaign promise on the Armenian Genocide and/or support a Congressional resolution on this issue, should know that, no matter how justified their skepticism, they should not create the false and harmful impression that it is impossible for a U.S. President to acknowledge the Genocide. After

    all, a very prominent former President — Ronald Reagan — did issue a Presidential Proclamation back in 1981, which mentioned the Armenian Genocide. Pres. Obama would be simply repeating what was already stated 27 years ago by Pres. Reagan! Similarly, those who say that the House of  Representatives would never pass a resolution on the Armenian Genocide, should be reminded that the full House did pass such a resolution twice, once in 1975 and a second time in 1984. Thus, House Speaker Pelosi would be simply reaffirming what was already adopted by the House twice before!

    To be sure, Turkey’s denialist leaders can be expected to issue empty threats against the U.S. and repeat last year’s charade by recalling their Ambassador from Washington for a brief period. They would then send their envoy back to Washington after realizing that Turkey needs the United States more than America needs Turkey!

    If Armenian-Americans want the Obama administration to support their cause, they should more energetically support their political friends and counter their foes. The incoming administration, on the other hand, should show moral courage in the face of bullying tactics by Turkey, a third world country that should not be allowed to muzzle the U.S. Congress and the President of the United States.