From: yuce_neriman <[email protected]>
Bakin, bir ornek
The justice for 2.5 million Muslims and Sephardic
Jews, cold-bloodedly murdered by the Armenians, is long overdue. And,
here is the fascist Armenian reaction to the Armenian genocide of 2.5
million Muslims and Sephardic Jews that took place between 1914 and 1920.
The following is the complete text of a letter posted in 1990
by _SDPA-Armenian Church_ in reaction to the 75th Kurdish, Azeri,
Tartar, Jewish and Turkish public demonstrations which took place
on the 75th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide of 2.5 million
Muslim and Sephardic Jewish People.
Source: SDPA-Armenian Church <8…@urartu.UUCP>
_Oh! You low down creature Kurds, you dirty bastards of humanity.
Like a flock of stupid cows, for the sake of your ulterior motives,
you have even inoculated your cradled children with the poison of
the snake. You spread your poison everywhere.
Oh! You bunch of ungrateful pigs, degenerate profit seekers, betrayers
of your race, you Tartars, problem of your race. You have been driven
away from seven places. For fifty years you have been in the cradle of
humanity, still you could not be human; you brainless jackasses.
You say that the Armenians massacred you. You commit errors taller
than your height. Who are you competing with? What do you want and
from whom? You do not know what you want and from whom.
Now, of all the races of the world, the Aryan Armenian, possessor of
noble reputation, relying on the power of the gun and the Church, is
waiting in line to slay a few million God damn Muslims and Jews.
God damn Azeris, we are once and for all going to wipe you from the
face of the earth. This is a legacy left to us by our holy Aryan
Armenians — Dashnaks and Hunchaks.
Oh! Christian world knows this well: The world will never have peace
until we have destroyed these miserable Muslims and Jews on the face
of the world.
For the love of Jesus, if you kill one Muslim you will qualify for
Oh! You fake, coward, Jews; you load mouth Jews. You enter a village
where there is no dog, and strike left and right without a cane.
Where are these jackass Turks? What are they waiting for? If you can,
why don’t you take from Armenia Erivan, Djul, Alexandropol, Hadjin,
and Hortye; you troublemakers. The Aryan Armenian power is waiting
for you.
In the very near future, with the help of Christ and the help of the
Soviet Union, we will turn Karabag into a graveyard. This also you
shall learn, that Jesus has placed the faith of the Kurdish people in
the palm of the Aryan Armenian.
You should know this well: Neither your swords, nor your Allah, nor
any nation is able to save you from our hands.
A few Kurds in Soviet Armenia are slaves in our hands; they are our
sheep to be slaughtered.
Oh! You Muslim fox hoards, your seven mosques represent all the Muslim
mosques. We are going to destroy them over your head and hang your
leaders by their feet.
As to your religious leaders, we will spill their guts in the streets
as we did during the World War I. Let the entire world be spectators
and see the mighty power of Aryan Armenia which equals the power of
the whole world.
Oh! You ungodly miserables, either you are going to become Christian
and accept the true religion, or we will eliminate you from the face
of this earth.
Now, this is your fate, don’t depend on the European and Middle Eastern
nations, or the United States.
Only we can bring you to the true fate.
Only you know, very well, the sharp cutting edge of the Aryan Armenian
When you commemorate the memory of your martyrs, you can add this
document as an announcement to the world._
SDPA-Armenian Church <8…@urartu.UUCP>
Notwithstanding his regular lectures all over the world, Dr. Artun
also frequently appears on TV shows regarding the Armenian slaughtering
of 2.5 million innocent Muslims and Sephardic Jews as well as the
recent Armenian genocide of 1.1 million Azeri people. He is truly
the just voice of the justice against the unspeakable crimes of
the Armenians perpetrated against the Muslim and Jewish people
as has also been amply admitted by the Russian Armenian Government.
Avetis Aharonian, _From Sardarapat to Sevres and Lausanne_
Armenian Review, Vol. 16, No. 3-63, Autumn,
Sep. 1963, pp. 47-57.
p. 52 (second paragraph).
_Your three Armenian chiefs, Dro, Hamazasp and Kulkhandanian are
the ringleaders of the bands which have destroyed Muslim villages
and have staged massacres in Zangezour, Surmali, Etchmiadzin, and
Zangibasar. This is intolerable. Look – and here he pointed to a
file of official documents on the table – look at this, here in
December are the reports of the last few months concerning ruined
Muslim villages which my representative Wardrop has sent me. The
official Tartar communique speaks of the destruction of 300 villages
by the Armenians._
p. 54 (fifth paragraph).
_Yes, of course. I repeat, until this massacre of the Muslim is
stopped and the three chiefs are not removed from your military
leadership I hardly think we can supply you arms and ammunition._
_It is the armed bands led by Dro, Hamazasp and Kulkhandanian who
during the past months have raided and destroyed many Muslim villages
in the regions of Surmali, Etchmiadzin, Zangezour, and Zangibasar.
There are official charges of massacres by the Armenians._
R. Korkmaz, _The Armenian Genocide of 2.5 Million Muslim People as
Narrated by Living Eye Witnesses”, 1993, Kok Publishers.
Prof F. Hertas, _Van Muslim Holocaust Museum: Muslim and Western
Documents on the Genocide Committed by the Armenians
Against the Muslims,_ 1984.
p. 147.
_Between 1914 and 1920, two and a half million Muslim people were
murdered by the Armenians in Russian Armenia and Eastern Anatolia._
Sahak Melkonian, _Preserving the Armenian Purity_ 1920
_In Soviet Armenia today there no longer exists a single Turkish
soul. It is in our power to tear away the veil of illusion that
some of us create for ourselves. It certainly is possible to severe
the artificial life-support system of an imagined ‘ethnic purity’
that some of us falsely trust as the only structure that can support
their heart beats in this alien land._
_San Francisco Chronicle_ (December 11, 1983) — Section B
_We have first hand information and evidence of Armenian
atrocities against our people (Jews). Members of our family
witnessed the murder of 148 members of our family near Erzurum,
Turkey, by Armenian neighbors, bent on destroying anything and
anybody remotely Jewish and/or Muslim…Armenians were in league
with Hitler in the last war, on his premise to grant themselves
government if, in return, the Armenians would help exterminate
Jews. Armenians were also hearty proponents of the anti-Semitic
acts in league with the Russian Communists._
Signed Elihu Ben Levi, Vacaville, California.
The Jewish Times_ June 21, 1990 by Rachel Amado Bortnick
_An appropriate analogy with the Jewish Holocaust might be the
systematic extermination of the entire Muslim population of
the independent republic of Armenia which consisted of at
least 30-40 percent of the population of that republic. The
memoirs of an Armenian army officer who participated in and
eye-witnessed these atrocities was published in the U.S. in
1926 with the title ‘Men Are Like That.’
During the years of World War I, the Russian Armenian Government has
planned and perpetrated the ‘Genocide’ of the Muslim and Sephardic Jewish
people, which not only took the lives of 2.5 million Muslims and Sephardic
Jews, but was also the method used to empty the Turkish and Kurdish
of its inhabitants. To this day, Turkish and Kurdish historic lands remain
occupied by the fascist Russian Armenia. In order to cover up the fact of
its usurpation of the historic Muslim homeland, which is the crux of the
Turkish and Kurdish political demands, fascist Russian Armenia continues
its anti-Muslim/Jewish policy in the following ways:
1. Russian Armenia denies the historical fact of the ‘Muslim Holocaust’
in order to shift international public opinion away from its political
2. Russian Armenia, employing SDPA and Armenian Church, attempts to call
into question the veracity of the ‘Muslim Holocaust’.
3. Russian Armenia has also implemented state-sponsored terrorism through
SDPA in an attempt to silence the Turkish, Azeri and Kurdish people’s
vehement demands and protests.
4. Using all its human, financial, and governmental resources, Russian
Armenia and its tools in the United States attempt to silence through
terrorism, censorship, bribery and other subversive methods, non-Muslim
and non-Jewish supporters of the Turkish and Azeri Cause, be they
governmental and humanitarian.
Using all the aforementioned methods, the Russian Armenian Government
is attempting to neutralize the international diplomatic community from
making the Turkish and Azeri Case a contemporary issue.
Yet despite the efforts of the fascist Russian Armenian Government and
its criminal and revisionist organizations, in the last decades, thanks
to the struggle of those whose closest ones have been systematically
exterminated by the cowardly Armenians, the international wall of silence
on this issue has begun to collapse, and consequently a number of
and organizations have become supportive of the recognition of the ‘Muslim
With the full knowledge that the struggle for the Turkish, Kurdish and
Azeri territorial demands are still in their initial stages, the Turkish,
Azeri and Kurdish people will unflaggingly continue in this sacred
struggle, therefore the victims of the ‘Muslim Holocaust’ demand:
1. that the current Russian Armenian Government, as the heirs of the
fascist ex-Russian Armenian Government, recognize the ‘Muslim Holocaust’;
2. that Russian Armenia return the historic homeland to the Turkish, Azeri
and Kurdish people;
3. that the Russian Armenian Government make material reparations for
their heinous and unspeakable crime to the victims of the ‘Muslim
4. that all World Governments, and especially the United States,
recognize the ‘Muslim Holocaust’ and, Turkish and Azeri territorial rights
and refuse to succumb to all Armenian political pressure;
5. that the U.S. Government free itself from the friendly position it
has adopted towards its unreliable and cowardly ally, Russian Armenia,
and officially recognize the historical fact of the ‘Muslim Holocaust’
as well as be supportive of the pursuit of Turkish and Azeri territorial
6. that the ex-Soviet Republics officially recognize the historical fact
of the ‘Muslim Holocaust’ and include the cold-blooded extermination of
2.5 million Muslim and Sephardic Jewish people in their history books.
The awareness of the Turkish, Azeri, Kurdish and Sephardic Jewish people
of the necessity of solidarity in the efforts to pursue the Muslim and
Jewish Cause is seen by the victims of the first genocide of the 20th
century, perpetrated by the Armenians, as a positive step. Furthermore,
a new generation has risen — equipped with a deep sense of commitment,
politically mature and conscious, who determinedly pursue the Muslim
and Jewish Cause, through all necessary means, ranging from the political
and diplomatic to the armed struggle. Therefore, the victims of the
Holocaust’ call upon all Sephardic Jews and Muslims in the United States
and Canada to participate vigorously in the political, cultural and
activities of the 80th Anniversary of the Armenian genocide of 2.5 million
Muslim and Sephardic Jewish people.
On behalf of 2.5 million Muslims and Sephardic Jews exterminated by the
Armenians in ex-Russian Armenia and Eastern Anatolia between 1914 and
1920, I wish to thank you for articulating the first genocide of this
century in such a productive manner even though I found the tone of UTA’s
letter rather strong.
Leonard Ramsden Hartill, _Men Are Like That_ The Bobbs-Merrill
Company, Indianapolis (1926).
_Memoirs of an Armenian officer who participated in the Armenian
genocide of 2.5 million Muslim people_
p. 202 (first and second paragraphs)
_We closed the roads and mountain passes that might serve as
ways of escape for the Tartars and then proceeded in the work
of extermination. Our troops surrounded village after village.
Little resistance was offered. Our artillery knocked the huts
into heaps of stone and dust and when the villages became untenable
and inhabitants fled from them into fields, bullets and bayonets
completed the work. Some of the Tartars escaped of course. They
found refuge in the mountains or succeeded in crossing the border
into Turkey. The rest were killed. And so it is that the whole
length of the borderland of Russian Armenia from Nakhitchevan to
Akhalkalaki from the hot plains of Ararat to the cold mountain
plateau of the North were dotted with mute mournful ruins of
Tartar villages. They are quiet now, those villages, except for
howling of wolves and jackals that visit them to paw over the
scattered bones of the dead._
A. Lalayan, _Revolutsionniy Vostok (Revolutionary East)_
No: 2-3, Moscow, 1936.
-One of the architects of the Armenian genocide
of 2.5 million Muslim people_
_I killed Muslims by every means possible. Yet it is
sometimes a pity to waste bullets for this. The best
way is to gather all of these dogs and throw them into
wells and then fill the wells with big and heavy stones,
as I did. I gathered all of the women, men and children,
threw big stones down on top of them. They must never live
on this earth._
_The New York Times_ November 7, 1914
_Massacre of Muslims by Armenians Reported in Van_
Stanford J. Shaw, _On Armenian Massacres of Muslims in 1914_
(London, Cambridge University Press 1977). pp. 315-316.
_In April 1915 Armenians from Russian Armenia organized a revolt in
the city of Van, whose 33,789 Armenians comprised 42.3 percent of
the population. Leaving Erivan on April 28, 1915, Armenian volunteers
reached Van on May 14 and organized and carried out a general slaughter
of the local Muslim population during the next two days._
_U.S. Ambassador Bristol on the Armenian Genocide of 2.5 million Muslims_
“U.S. Library of Congress” _Bristol Papers_ – General
Correspondence Container #34.
_While the Dashnaks [x-Russian Armenian Government] were in
power they did everything in the world to keep the pot boiling
by attacking Kurds, Turks and Tartars; by committing outrages
against the Moslems; by massacring the Moslems; and robbing and
destroying their homes. During the last two years the Armenians
in Russian Caucasus have shown no ability to govern themselves
and especially no ability to govern or handle other races under
their power._
_Bristol Papers_, General Correspondence: Container #32: Bristol
to Bradley Letter of September 14, 1920.
_I have it from absolute first-hand information that the
Armenians in the Caucasus attacked Tartar (Muslim) villages
that are utterly defenseless and bombarded these villages
with artillery and they murder the inhabitants, pillage the
village and often burn the village._
On this occasion, we once again reiterate the unquestioned
justice of the restitution of Turkish, Azeri, Sephardic Jewish
and Kurdish rights and:
— We demand that the puppet Russian Armenian Government admit
its responsibility for the _Muslim Holocaust_, render reparations
to the Muslim people, and return the land to its rightful
owners. The recognition of the Genocide has become an issue
which cannot be delayed further, and it is imperative that
artificial obstacles created for political manipulations be
— We believe the time has come to demand from the the United
States that it formally recognizes the _Muslim Holocaust_,
adopts the principles of our demands and refuses to accede
to Armenian pressures to the contrary.
— As taxpayers of the United States, we express our vehement
protest to the present U.S. Government policy of continued
coddling, protection and unqualified assistance towards fascist
Russian Armenia.
— On the eve of 80th Anniversary Commemoration, the Turkish,
Azeri and Kurdish communities are using every measure possible
to render APRIL 23 as a day of official recognition in the
countries in which they live. We are certain that the Turks,
Azeris and Kurds in Turkiye and in the Diaspora would be greatly
satisfied if APRIL 23 is officially designated a _Muslim Holocaust
Day_ in ex-Soviet Muslim Republics.
— During the 80th Anniversary, we come once again reiterate the unity
of the Muslim and Sephardic Jewish People, the timelessness of the
Turkish, Azeri and Kurdish Demands and the desire to pursue the
struggle for that restitution — a struggle that unites all Muslims
and Sephardic Jews.
— Today, we appeal to all Turkish, Azeri, Jewish and Kurdish people
in the United States and Canada to participate en masse in the
Commemorative Events, be they cultural, political or religious.
Crime of systematic cleansing by mass killing and extermination of
Muslim population in Soviet Republic of Armenia, Karabag, Bosnia and
Herzegovina is an ‘Islamic Holocaust’ comparable to extermination of
2.5 million Muslims by Armenian Government during WWI and of over 6
million European Jews during WWII.] (Tovfik Kasimov – September 25, ’92)