Category: Armenian Question

“The great Turk is governing in peace twenty nations from different religions. Turks have taught to Christians how to be moderate in peace and gentle in victory.”Voltaire’s Philosophical Dictionary




    Majority of the U.S. 111th Congress members stand for recognition of the Armenian Genocide at the hands of the Ottoman Empire in 1915, Armenian National Committee of America Communications Director Elizabeth Chouljian told PanARMENIAN.Net.

    “April 24, 1915, signified the beginning of a systematic attempt by the Ottoman regime to deport and exterminate Armenians from the Anatolian Peninsula. Over the next 8 years, 1 1/2 million Armenian people were murdered by minions of the Ottoman Empire. Those who were spared were driven from their homes. It is for those victims, and it is for all oppressed peoples today, those who have died and those who survived, that we take time to reflect on the Armenian genocide and its implications for all of us today,” said CIA Director-designate Leon Panetta.

    Interior Secretary-designate Ken Salazar, Labor Secretary-designate Hilda Solis and Transportation Secretary-designate Ray LaHood are among Cosponsors of Armenian Genocide Resolution H.Res.106.

    In addition to Administration officials, the U.S. Congress is today led by among the most energetic and vocal advocates of American recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

    “A grave injustice was committed and the fact that our nation is not officially recognizing these crimes as genocide is a disappointment,” said Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi.

    “It truly saddens me that after 93 years, the U.S. has failed to acknowledge the Armenian
    Genocide for what it was,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

    “Genocide is a very powerful word, and should be reserved for only the most horrific examples of mass killing motivated by a desire to destroy an entire people. Without a doubt, this term is appropriate to describe the unimaginable atrocities suffered by the Armenian people from 1915 to 1918,” said House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Howard Berman.

    “Acknowledging when genocide has occurred is not simply a theoretical or legal exercise. It is key to preventing genocide from happening again. That’s why, in my view, we must change U.S. policy to reflect the true nature of the tragic events that were perpetrated against the Armenians by calling them what they were: genocide,” said Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry.

    15 January 2009, Resource : Panarmenian


    14 January 2009, Resource : Panarmenian

    Enraged by the abrasive tone of Turkey’s condemnation of Israel’s attack on Gaza, Israeli officials and Turkish analysts are now raising the possibility that Tel Aviv may retaliate either by recognizing the Armenian Genocide or refusing to help Turkey to lobby against a congressional resolution on the genocide, according to the Publisher of The California Courier.

    “This unexpected turn of events was in response to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan’s continued harsh criticisms, accusing Israel of “perpetrating inhuman actions which would bring it to self-destruction. Allah will sooner or later punish those who transgress the rights of innocents.” Erdogan qualified Israel’s attack on Gaza as “savagery” and a “crime against humanity.” He also refused to take calls from Israel’s Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and rejected a request by Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni to visit Ankara.

    While it is unlikely that Israel would reverse its long-standing refusal to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, it may decide not to accommodate future Turkish requests to have American Jewish organizations to lobby against a congressional resolution on the Armenian Genocide. Ankara has long depended on Israel to act as a conduit to Washington and to American Jewish organizations who have frequently acted as a kind of surrogate lobby for Turkey in Washington. In the past, Jewish organizations have been instrumental in helping Turkey block efforts to introduce resolutions in Congress recognizing the Armenian genocide of 1915,” Harut Sassounian writes.

    On December 27, 2008, Israel launched a military campaign codenamed Operation Cast Lead, targeting the members and infrastructure of Hamas. As of 12 January 2009, 13 Israelis and 898 Palestinians are estimated to have perished in the conflict. All but three of the Israeli casualties have been soldiers, while 333 of the Gaza casualties have been women and children. 257 children in Gaza have been killed, making up a third of Palestinian casualties.

  • ALLEGED GENOCIDE: Isveç ve de Israel Parlementolardan sonra, “O.S.C.E”Parlamentosu, Ermeni Milliyetçilerinin “SOYKIRIM” iddianemesini red etti…

    ALLEGED GENOCIDE: Isveç ve de Israel Parlementolardan sonra, “O.S.C.E”Parlamentosu, Ermeni Milliyetçilerinin “SOYKIRIM” iddianemesini red etti…


    Pulat Tacar [[email protected]]

    Bizi Ilgilendiren Gecikmis Bir Haber

    Subject: OSCE güncellesti

    Bizi ilgilendirecek gecikmiş bir haber. Tarihte bir ilk….
    Isveç ve de Israel Parlementolardan sonra, bu sefer “O.S.C.E”
    Organisation de Sécurite et de Coopération Européenne” Parlamentosu,
    Ermeni Milliyetçilerinin “SOYKIRIM” iddianemesini red ederek Ankara’
    nın “Tarihçiler Komisyonun  Toplantı” çağrısını hatırlatarak,
    Ermenistan’ ı bu toplantıya katılmaya davet etti.
    Değerli arkadaşım Dr.  Alp ALANTAR, “” sitesinde
    fransızca yayınlanan “OSCE” nün, metnini bizler için Türkçe’ ye
    02 Temmuz 2008 günü OSCE (Organisation de Sécurité et de Coopération
    Européenne) ‘nun Parlamentosu (320 üye, 56 ülke) Kazakistan’ın
    Başkenti Astana’da toplanmıştır. Toplantının genel Konusu « OSCE’de
    şeffaflık »’tı.
    Türk Delegasyonu temsil eden sayın Alaattin Büyükkaya’ nın toplantida
    çarsamba günü sunduğu önerge  oy çokluğu ile kabul edilmiştir . 56
    ülkeden, tek “hayır” oyu veren, Ermenistan oldu. Diğer birkaç ülke ya
    “evet” ya da “abstension” oyu verdiler (yani ne evet ne hayır) Kabul
    edilen öneride, « Geçmiş tarihteki soykırımların kabulü, ancak
    tarihçilerin detaylı  arsiv  incelemelerine dayanarak kabul
    edilebilir» tezi vurgulanmaktadır.
    Büyükkaya’ nın önerisine göre: « OSCE,  amacı, siyasi ve de askeri
    arşsivlere dayanarak, gerçekleri açığa çıkararak ve OSCE’nün üyeler
    arası  ilişkilerin daha şeffaf  ve anlayışlı olmasını sağlayacak,
    uzmanların  ve tarihçilerin oluşturduğu karışık bir komisyonun
    kurulmasîna çağrıda bulunmalı. ».
    2005 de ,Türkiye’ nin Ermenistan’ı , Türk/Ermeni ve o zamanın
    Müttefiklerini temsil edecek tarihçilerle, bu olayları tartışmak üzere
    bir Komisiyonda toplanmaya davet etmesine rağmen ne yazîk ki
    Ermenistan’ dan simdiye kadar olumlu bir cevap alınamamştır.
    Böylece , OSCE’ nin oy çokluğu ile bu öneriyi kabul etmesinden dolayı
    ilk defa  Uluslararası bir organizasyonda Türk tezi kabullenilmiş ve
    Fransa veya Yunanistan gibi  Parlamentoların “Soykırım olmuştur”
    ¨önerisisi iptal edilmiş oluyor.
    Kaynak :
    …; Michael van der Gallien, « OSCE
    Accepts Turkish Thesis », 2 Juillet 2008 :
    Dussardier, Turquie News, tete de

    Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Accepts Turkish

    Re. Armenian ‘Genocide’
    Filed under: General News — Michael van der Galien on July 2, 2008 @
    4:56 pm CEST Email this • Digg This! • Stumble It! • Save to • Technorati Links • Share on Facebook

    Good news for Turkey, and for those who believe that what happened to
    the Armenians does not or at least may not constitute genocide and
    that Armenians should open their archives to historians: the

    Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe agrees. The OSCE
    is the biggest international organization behind the United Nations.
    As such, this is a big victory for the Turks and, as far as I am
    concerned, for the truth. 55 states have joined the OSCE in recent
    decades. The list of the member states can be found here. The
    Netherlands is a member, Germany is a member, Turkey is a member,
    Belarus is, Belgium is as well, the USA is, and so is the UK. It’s a
    gigantic organization, and quite an important one at that.The Turks
    wanted the general assembly to adopt a motion it submitted about the
    genocide allegations. The motion dismisses the allegations, saying
    that historians should decide whether something constitutes genocide
    or not, and calls on all groups and countries involved to open their
    archives to said historians for research. Turkey opened its archives
    years ago already, whereas Armenia and Armenian organizations refuse
    to do so (probably because the archives prove the Turkish charges that
    Armenians committed some serious ethnic cleansing themselves and
    because these archives may very well disprove the charge of genocide…
    disproving it by Armenians).Alaattin Buyukkaya, who leads the Turkish
    group at the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, told reporters Wednesday:
    “The OSCE is the biggest international organization behind the United
    Nations. Adoption of the Turkish thesis by the OSCE is a significant
    achievement against the Armenian allegations. Also, the Turkish thesis
    regarding the events of 1915 was adopted for the first time on an
    international platform. The OSCE has 56 member states. Only Armenia
    voted against the motion. A majority of the other member states voted
    in favor of it,” he said.”The motion says that the OSCE Parliamentary
    Assembly encourages the formation of joint history commissions by
    historians and experts from the third countries in case of a research
    into political and military archives to scientifically and unbiasedly
    enlighten a disputed period in history in an effort to serve
    transparency and common understanding among the member states,”
    Buyukkaya added.This is a significant victory for the no-genocide
    side. More organizations and countries, I am sure, will follow in
    future years. Lets not forget that the European Union too changed its
    official position on the events of 1915. The Union too wants all those
    involved to open the archives so that historians can do research and
    cast judgment. This is something Armenian activists are trying to
    prevent. And desperately so.The reason? Simple. Lands and money
    . For
    Armenian activists and the Armenian government, this isn’t about
    ethnic cleansing of genocide; it’s about lands and financial
    compensation (take a look at the Armenian constitution I’d say; the
    Armenians still claim Eastern Anatolia as part of Armenia).

  • Turkish court launches probe into apology campaign to Armenia

    Turkish court launches probe into apology campaign to Armenia

    The office of the Ankara Public Prosecutor launched Friday an investigation into an Internet campaign to issue a public apology to Armenians.

    Six prosecutors submitted a petition calling for a penalty for the organizers of the apology campaign for “insulting the Turkish nation openly” under Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code (TCK).

    The Ankara public prosecutor’s office started an investigation into the issue following the prosecutors’ demand.

    Around 200 Turkish academics, writers and journalists launched a website issuing an apology to Armenians regarding the 1915 incidents and called for people to sign on in support.

    The efforts of the intellectuals drew fierce reaction in Turkey and incited counter website campaigns, and exhibitions containing information and photographs from studies conducted into the events.

    Opening a file in the Article 301, a law that makes insulting Turkishness a crime, requires the permission of the Justice Ministry.

    Armenia, with the backing of the diaspora, claims up to 1.5 million of their kin were slaughtered in orchestrated killings in 1915.Turkey rejects the claims saying that 300,000 Armenians, along with at least as many Turks, died in civil strife that emerged when Armenians took up arms, backed by Russia, for independence in eastern Anatolia.


    The issue remains unsolved as Armenia drags its feet on accepting Turkey’s proposal to form an independent commission to investigate the claims.


    Hurriyet Daily News Online

  • Kurmandji Leader Apologizes to Aramaeans, Armenians – Colonial England and France Should Follow

    Kurmandji Leader Apologizes to Aramaeans, Armenians – Colonial England and France Should Follow

    Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

    The crimes and the massacres committed against the Aramaeans (Syriacs or Suryanis) and the Armenians in the north-eastern Ottoman territories during WW I were almost entirely perpetrated by the indigenous Kurmandji and Zaza populations who are different from the Turks and from one another, and cannot be categorized as fake “Kurds”.

    The events were mostly due to forced displacement of mainly the Armenian populations who had been incited by the colonial powers of England, France and Russia to pursue a disastrous attitude, to betray their own country, and to turn against their own homeland, the Ottoman Empire. For this reason, in legal defense of its own territory, the Ottoman administration rightfully decided to transfer the Armenians to other regions where they would not be able to disturb the heroic Ottoman army which was simultaneously fighting against the Russians, the English and the French.

    While crossing areas inhabited by Zazas and Kurmandjis, the Armenians have been decimated, but there was no Ottoman plan for this – which would have automatically implied the existence of a genocide.

    The events triggered greater friction between Muslim and Christian populations, and the tragic events affected greatly the Aramaeans as well. Because of the insecurity, sort of protection was sought after by some Aramaeans (mainly the Nestorians) from the Russians – which worsened the situation and ended with the destruction of the Julamerg (today Hakkari) Patriarchate at Kutchanus (1916).

    Instead of asking Turkey (an inexistent state at those days) to apologize for an inexistent plan of another state that does not exist anymore (the Ottoman Empire), the Armenians, collectively as nation, should apologize to the Turks for the Armenian high treason against the Ottoman Empire.

    A great example has been recently given by an enlightened and brave Kurmandji political leader, Ahmet Turk, who originates from Mardin, an area populated by Aramaeans densely before WW I and scarcely thereafter.

    With his great paradigm, Ahmet Turk introduces an element of ethics and moral responsibility into the politics of Turkey and the wider Middle East – in striking contrast with the gangsters Talabani and Barzani who idiotically believe the lies and the false promises of the criminal colonial English and French diplomats and statesmen, and the ´guarantees´ of the evil pro-English part of the US establishment.

    In fact, the only to present their excuses and the only to pay for their criminal deeds in the said area are the Freemasonic colonial elites of England and France.

    A union of Christians and Muslims in the wider area of the Middle East should be formed to help all the gravely affected indigenous nations and peoples, and to eliminate every colonial infiltration and presence in the area – target of the evil Freemasonic elites of the West.

    I republish here an enlightening feature from the Aram Nahrin portal which sheds more light on the recent developments.

    An Important Kurdish Leader in Turkey Apologizes for the Contribution of the Kurds to the Aramean Genocide of 1915 – Appeal to Ahmet Turk

    Ahmet Turk is the Leader of the Kurdish Party For Democratic Society (Demokratik Toplum Partisi= DTP) in Turkey. During his trip on 30-12-2008 in South-Eastern of Turkey through the province of Mardin, Mr. Turk visited along with other party leaders various historical and tourist places. Amongst others, he visited the Aramean Cultural Association in Midyat and the Aramean monastery St. Gabriel. During his conversation with the Arameans of Tur Abdin Ahmet Turk apologized for the contribution of the Kurds to the Aramean genocide of 1915, as has been published on the Turkish Websites of , , see below.

    Although Ahmet Turk did not mention the word ‘Genocide’, yet his statement is a important step in the right direction in a country where such statements are taboo.

    Mr. Turk said, “Because of the sorrow of the heartrending events, we feel necessary to apologize”.

    Please find below the articles published on the website of and , with the right column the original Turkish text and left column the English translation.

    In Turkey there are around 20.000 Arameans of which major part is living in Istanbul. In Tur Abdin there are but around 2.000 Arameans. In the Turkey the Arameans are known as “Suryani”. The English translation sounds like “Syrian”, which is a synonymy for Aramean.

    During the genocide of 1915 beside Armenians, around 600.000 Arameans were killed ( More about this horrible genocide:

    The recognition of the Aramean physical genocide by a prominent Kurdish leader is a step in the right direction. Hopefully more Kurds will follow his example and finally also the Turks will do this. However, with that there is no end to the matter.

    Contrary to the Armenians and Greeks, the Arameans also have suffered the horrible spiritual genocide. This spiritual genocide is the extermination of the Aramean cultural heritage by the Western missionaries and diplomats in the 16th and 19th century whereby the Arameans were exposed to fanaticism, nationalism and fake identities. In the 16th century the Catholics along with France brainwashed by means of blackmail and bribery a part of the East- Aramean Nestorians to call themselves “Chaldeans” and as a result of that in 1553 the “Chaldean Church of Babylon” was established. As a counter-maneuver, the same game was repeated in the 19th century, this time by the Anglican mission along with the British diplomats and brainwashed the remaining part of the East- Aramean Nestorians to call themselves henceforth “Assyrians”.

    In this way through the zealous efforts of the Roman Catholic Church and Anglican Mission, in the name of ‘Jesus’; an unprecedented nationalism mixed with religion was implemented with terrible consequences for the part of our nation. A cultural genocide was carried out against our nation. And this genocide is today shameless and criminally is being continued (More about this: )

    The hypocrisy and viciousness with many Western “genocide experts” is that they refuse to point at delicate matters where the West is concerned, namely the fact that the spiritual genocide has reinforced the physical genocide. The reason for this refusal and hesitation to acknowledge their deliberate machinations could be a significant indication that there is more going on than de killings of Arameans by the Turks and Kurds. Most probably the Western powers have, through the mediation of their proxies and diverse secret society and implacable international networks, participated in this abominable genocide, not to say orchestrated.

    How do they act regarding these heinous machinations? To present themselves as “the good ones”, “the civilized ones” and to put their “goodness and morality” in the spotlight, they ran the Turks into the ground and portray them as the most evil and barbaric nation. We believe that this is rather a shame-cover for their own crimes than bringing the unimaginable sorrow which the Aramean and other Christians have suffered under the Ottoman Empire under the attention of the world .

    As though this is not immoral and objectionable enough, these racist and horrible bandits continue with all happiness to designate our nation as “Assyrians”, as if their forefathers have done a good and a holy job with the spiritual cultural extermination of our nation.

    As Arameans we have a long path to go. With the recognition of the Aramean Physical genocide, the matter is certainly not finished. On the contrary, the recognition of Aramean spiritual genocide is even more important, because the diffused Western hatred and division, which is still being continued, finally will result in the complete extermination of the Aramean nation. Today, we see this very clearly in Iraq. And the traitors among us, seem along with some of their western spiritual creators and criminals, to achieve this very soon.

    Spiritual cultural genocide committed by the PKK – Appeal to Ahmet Turk and other Kurdish leaders for condemnation

    The Aramean physical genocide was indeed committed by the Turks and Kurds. Most probably, this genocide was orchestrated by the satanic and the criminal Jesus of the West through their proxies and secret societies. We would not be amazed that many high level Turkish as well as Kurdish leader responsible for this horrible crimes against humanity were controlled by the abominable proxies of the Jesus of the West, who definitely should not be confused with the Jesus Christ of the Bible.

    If today some independent conscientious Turkish scholars along with Kurdish scholars would dig in the history of this terrible genocide, they most probably would be utterly shocked to discover that those who orchestrated at the high level this genocide are not of Turkish origin at all, but are the children of Jesus of the West with completely different nationality than they ever would imagine. Probably some of them know, but do not dare to call a spade a spade.

    The tactic of the criminal Jesus of the West is always to exterminate by their proxies so that nobody would ever discover the real perpetrators.

    Similar crimes have been orchestrated by the Satanic Jesus of the West in 1993 when a covenant was coined between the PKK and the apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians”. Please find here more on this crimes against the Aramean nation: . Below we summarize this criminal monstrous covenant to exterminate the Aramean culrural heritage.

    This covenant between the PKK and the apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians” was coined as follows:

    Establishment of a sister-organization of PKK and recruitment of youth in the West.

    Falsification of Aramean identity, Mr. Ocalan himself says “We will change history”.

    If the PKK would prevail, the “Assyrians” would share in this victory.

    After this covenant was made, a horrible spiritual genocide initiated against the Aramean nation in many Kurdish media by the PKK. Everywhere the Arameans were called “Assyrians”, thus a horrible “Assyrianization” campaign was started. A cultural extermination of the satanic Jesus of the West was now conducted by the PKK and wicked spiritual colonial children of the Jesus of the West, the “Assyrians”. And this spiritual cultural genocide of PKK against the Aramean nation continues until these days. In many Kurdish and Turkish newspapers they designate our people in English as “Assyrians”, which is a fake and a crime of the first order.

    The Turkish word “Suryaniler” means Syrians in English. And the word Syrian is a Synonymy for Arameans and certainly not for “Assyrians”. In Turkish is this: Suryaniler= Aramiler, English: Syrians= Arameans. Please find here the famous scholars of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch who all testify on the Synonymy Aramean/Syrian.

    What the apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians” are doing is that they follow the criminal western invention of the lost- A trick which states that “Syria” is a shortened form of “Assyria”. See more on this matter:

    For this reason we appeal to Ahmet Turk and other conscientious Kurdish leaders and say:

    1. Condemn the spiritual cultural extermination campaign of PKK to designate the Aramean / Suryani people in the Kurdish media as “Assyrians”.

    2. Condemn the spiritual genocide committed by the satanic Jesus of the West.

    3. Mobilize other conscientious Kurds and make them aware of the horrendous covenant between PKK and the satanic Western spiritual colonization and slavery product “Assyrians”.

    4. Warn all the Kurdish English language media under your sphere of influence to respect the Suryani/ Aramiler people and never call them by the wicked, colonial Western designation “Assyrians”.

    5. Ahmet Turk says “When I encounter today a Armenian and Syrian brothers and look at them, we feel ashamed”. The PKK should be even more ashamed than that, because they carried out a evil plan against the Aramean nation to “Assyrianize” them; a plan which was initiated by the immoral and apostate western Christianity. Therefore PKK should apologize for this crime and stop with glorifying it. It is a worst form of genocide!

    Annex 1

    The Kurds apologize for the first time

    30 December 2008/21:50

    During his visit to the Syrian Cultural Association in Midyat in the province of Mardin, the Chairman of DTP, Ahmet Turk, made an apologize to the Syrians for the events which took place in the year 1915.

    Perhaps, we the Kurds had also played a role in the killings of these (cutural) heritages.

    When I encounter today a Armenian and Syrian brothers and look at them, we feel ashamed”, he said.

    We Apologize

    The leader of DTP who came to Midyat in the district Mardin along with the general secretary and Mardin parliamentarian Emine Ayna, Diyarbekir parliamentarian Aysel Tugluk and Sanliurfa parliamentarian Ibrahim Binici, visited together tourist and historical places in the province.

    After that, they visited under leadership of chairman Turk of DTP, de Syrian Cultural Association in Midyat and spoke with the Chairman Yuhanna Aktas and the members of the association.

    On the reality of the events of 1915, the DTP leader Ahmet Turk said this:

    Because of the sorrow of the heartrending events, we feel necessary to apologize”.

    When we see Armenians and Syrians, we feel ashamed.

    Qualifying the geography of Mesopotamia and the place of civilizations, Turk went on in this way:

    The Kurds, Armenians, and Yezidis live as distinct ethnics, with their faith, without discrimination very well with each other.

    With the protection of preventing discrimination, we will become god people.

    Of course our brothers Armenians, our brothers Syrians have lived under the process of continued sorrow.

    Our Kurdish brothers suffer today the same sorrow.

    We should not forget that in the past the Kurds have been used against other brothers, a factual happening to search the history very well for it and it is important to learn lessons from that history.

    Perhaps, we the Kurds had also played a role in the killings of these (cultural) heritages.

    When I encounter today a Armenian and Syrian brothers and look at them, we feel ashamed.

    This also I wanted to state clearly”.

    Ahmet Turk and the DTP board visited after that the Deyrulummer monstery situated in the Midyat district and spoke with bishop Samuel Aktas of Tur Abdin.

    Annex 2

    Makes An Apology to the Syrians

    31.12.2008 01:35

    During his visit to the Syrian Cultural Association in Midyat in the province of Mardin, the Chairman of DTP, Ahmet Turk, made an apologize to the Syrians for the events which took place in the year 1915.

    During his visit to the Syrian Cultural Association in Midyat in the province of Mardin, the Chairman of DTP, Ahmet Turk, made an apologize to the Syrians for the events which took place in the year 1915.

    Qualifying the geography of Mesopotamia and the place of civilizations, Turk went on in this way: “The Kurds, Armenians, and Yezidis live as distinct ethnics, with their faith, without discrimination very well with each other.

    Our Kurdish brothers suffer today the same sorrow.

    We should not forget that in the past the Kurds have been used against other brothers, a factual happening to search the history very well for it and it is important to learn lessons from that history.

    When I encounter today a Armenian and Syrian brothers and look at them, we feel ashamed.

    Because of the sorrow of the heartrending events, we feel necessary to apologize.

    This also I wanted to state clearly”.


    Picture: Kurdish chieftain Soto among Aramaean doctors to whose advise he sought when ill; later he engaged his forces against them, and died in fight at the times of WW I (

  • Obama will/may be OK after all for Turkey

    Obama will/may be OK after all for Turkey

    January 06, 2009

    Recent news reports indicate that Barack Obama has been receiving advice from Brent Scowcroft.[1]

    Zbigniew Brzezinski and Brent Scowcroft wrote a Washington Post piece, entitled “Middle East priorities for Jan. 21,”on November 21, 2008. “We believe that the Arab-Israeli peace process is one issue that requires priority attention,…The major elements of an agreement are well known. A key element in any new initiative would be for the U.S. president to declare publicly what, in the view of this country, the basic parameters of a fair and enduring peace ought to be. These should contain four principal elements: 1967 borders, with minor, reciprocal and agreed-upon modifications; compensation in lieu of the right of return for Palestinian refugees; Jerusalem as real home to two capitals; and a non militarized Palestinian state.”

    Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who was deputy national-security adviser under Mr. Scowcroft in the George H.W. Bush administration, was also retained by President elect Obama, a Scowcroft protégé and another close Scowcroft friend, Gen. James Jones was tapped for the National Security Council. Other prominent Republicans with close ties to Mr. Obama include former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who endorsed the Democrat in the final days of the campaign, and Indiana Sen. Richard Lugar, a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee who shares Mr. Scowcroft’s philosophy and has the distinction of getting a very poor report card from the Armenian National Committee of America.

    First thing on their plate will be the conflict at Gaza. However come April the Turkish position will be made very clearly for the new president.

    [1] Brent Scowcroft (born March 19, 1925 in Ogden, Utah) was the United States National Security Advisor under Presidents Gerald Ford and George H. W. Bush and a Lieutenant General in the United States Air Force. He also served as Military Assistant to President Richard Nixon and as Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs in the Nixon and Ford administrations. He also served as Chairman of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board under President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2005.

    He received his undergraduate degree and commission into the Army Air Forces from the United States Military Academy at West Point. He has an M.A. and Ph.D. from Columbia University.

    Brent Scowcroft, is currently the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the American Turkish Council (ATC)

    Labels: diplomacy, politics, USA

    posted by M.A.M at 11:57 PM