Category: Authors

  • The Sarah Palin affair: World should breathe a sigh of relief

    The Sarah Palin affair: World should breathe a sigh of relief

    By Ferruh Demirmen 

    Anyone who thought that the U.S. 2008 Republican National Convention held in Saint Paul, Minnesota last September would be a dull event, got a big jolt of surprise when the Republican Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin walked onto the stage and delivered a rousing speech to a frenzied crowd. With gusto, a shrilly voice and an ever-present smile, amid catch phrases such as pit bull, lipstick, and hockey mom, she charmed and galvanized the Republican base – who had hardly heard of her, let alone know her. 

    It was the start of a political soap opera that lasted until the elections on November 4. It was quite entertaining to watch. 

    But beneath it all, lay the frightening possibility that this newly discovered political cheer leader, coming from nowhere, as it were, could one day be the President the United States, in effect the leader of the free world.  After all, the Presidential candidate Senator John McCain was 72 years old, and if he won the race and died or became incapacitated while in office, Palin was next in line to assume the presidency. 

    The fact that the elections, as they turned out, removed the possibility of Palin becoming the President, is something the world should feel very relieved about. 

    Who was Sarah Palin? A 45-year old governor of Alaska (population 670,000), ex-mayor of Wasilla (pop. 6,700), one-time runner-up for Miss Alaska, nicknamed “Sarah Barracuda,” with 5 children, married to a husband she calls “First Dude,” an ultra- conservative Republican, in fact an evangelist, and a shopaholic with a keen eye for expensive clothes and jewelry she could not afford. She was a moose hunter and a lifetime member of NRA (National Rifle Association). 

    She talked lavishly of love of country and family values (never mind that her unmarried teenage daughter was 5 months pregnant), who had put her life in “God’s hand,” called Iraq war “God’s plan,” the Alaska gas pipeline “God’s will,” and the eventuality of her moving to a higher office “God’s calling.” 

    All this foreshadowed the possibility that another anti-science, anti-progress, anti-environment president with a faith-based agenda could soon occupy the White House. It would be quite a trip from igloo to White House. 

    Amid slogans “Drill baby, drill,” she talked of “energy independence” ad nauseam as though she is the all-time visionary on energy. A compulsive talker, she had a habit of giving long-winded, often irrelevant answers to questions from the media. When things did not go her way, she blamed the media, and post-election, called McCain aides “jerks.” 

    What was most striking about her utterances were that they contained lots of sound bites but little substance. 

    Such idiosyncrasies are not too unusual for politicians, even for those running for high office. Politicians do not always come from the cream of the crowd. But there was something uniquely special about Governor Palin: She had no foreign policy experience, and this did not seem to bother her.  Her scant knowledge of the world made President George W. Bush look like a guru in international relations. 

    Palin was utterly unprepared to be Vice President, let alone President. She had never met a head of state, and she barely left her native Alaska. First time she got a passport was in 2007 when she visited US troops (Alaskan National Guard) in Kuwait and Germany. Her spokesperson said that she also visited Ireland. It was later discovered that the Ireland “trip” was a short refueling stop at the Shannon airport on return from Germany. 

    To boost her foreign policy credentials, Palin cited Alaska’s proximity to Canada and Russia. During a televised interview on CBS, she told a bewildered Katie Couric: “We have trade missions back and forth. We — we do — it’s very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where — where do they go? It’s Alaska. It’s just right over the border.” 

    It was a shocking performannce.

    To repair the damage, McCain’s staff gave her crash courses on foreign affairs and arranged a whirlwind tour of New York City and the UN to meet Henry Kissinger and a few world leaders. There were plenty of photo-ops. Incredulously, Kissinger endorsed her candidacy for the VP position. But her image did not recover.

    Lawrence Eagleburger, an ex-Secretary of State who strongly endorsed McCain’s candidacy, when asked during a radio interview whether Palin was prepared to assume presidency, his spontaneous response was: “Of course not.” It was a frank and bleak assessment. Realizing that he was talking about McCain’s running mate, Eagleburger subsequently qualified his assessment.

    Rumors, which she denied, circulated toward the end of the campaign that Palin thought Africa was a country, not a continent. Someone suggested jokingly that she move to southern France so she can gaze southward and learn about Africa.

    In every humor there is an element of truth.

    Only McCain, a maverick himself, knows why, after meeting her only once, chose Palin as his Vice-Presidential mate. One would think that picking a VP running mate would require thorough vetting. Evidently what he though he needed was a cheer leader. McCain never admitted that he had made a big mistake. 

    Now that the presidential race is over, the world can breathe a sigh of relief that Sarah Palin will not be one heartbeat away from the presidency. The consequences of a wayward or dangerous U.S. foreign policy and its impact on world peace under her leadership, if it were to be, are discomforting to imagine. Considering her huge ego and high ambition, of course, Palin may return to the national stage in 2012 with a vengeance. Still, that is four years from now, and a lot can happen during that time. 

    But imagine for a moment, if the McCain-Palin ticket had won and by some accident Palin had moved to the White House in 2010, the following tete-a-tete conversation on world affairs taking place between Palin-the-President and Vladimir Putin, by that time the president of Russia again: 

    Putin: “Madam President, we in Russia took matters very seriously when two years ago the U.S. encouraged Georgia to send military troops to …” 

    Palin, interrupting: “No, Mr. President, Georgia would never do that. O.K., Georgia fought in our Civil War, hmm, in 18 …, well, whatever …, but that is all over now. Georgia now is a very peace-loving state in our great nation. I have never visited Georgia, but I know they grow delicious peaches there, and my First Dude and I sometimes have peach pie a-la-mode after moose chili. Also, …” 

    Putin, interrupting: “Madam President, when I said Georgia, I meant The Caucuses.” 

    Palin: “Well, of course, caucuses. We have no problem with caucuses. When the Republican Iowa caucuses were held in January 2008, you know I was not included in the selection process, but, like, God wanted me to serve my country and asked me to plow through the campaign, and … God knows, we never wanted to make trouble for Russia, you are our neighbor to our great state of Alaska.” 

    Putin: “Madam President, I was also going to raise our concern about the missile issue, but…” 

    Palin, interrupting, with a big smile: “Let’s talk about missiles, I mean, auw, mistletoes, at Christmas.” 

    [email protected]



    By Saban Kardas

    Monday, November 17, 2008

    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited the United States to attend the G-20 Summit, where he joined the leaders of developed and industrializing nations to discuss the global financial crisis. In addition to his participation in the summit activities, Erdogan held bilateral meetings with several world leaders.  

    In his public statements throughout the trip, Erdogan underlined the importance of international cooperation in fighting the global crisis. Having emphasized the experience that Turkey had gathered from its own economic recovery programs as a result of the devastating crises of the 1990s and early-2000s, Erdogan maintained that his country represented a hope and a model for those countries seeking a way out of the current crisis (, November 13; Yeni Safak, November 16).

    These inflated statements aside, how the AKP government will cope with the global financial crisis and whether it will seek help from the IMF had been matters of debate (EDM, October 31). Since the AKP came to power in 2002, reducing Turkey’s dependence on the IMF has been one of the government’s primary economic goals. The AKP has been arguing that Turkey could overcome the current crisis without significant support from the international community. Since the previous stand-by agreement with the IMF expired in May, Turkey has been resisting another arrangement with the IMF because of the strict fiscal conditions it would impose (New York Times, November 7).

    During the G-20 Summit Erdogan met with Managing Director of the IMF Dominique Strauss-Kahn on November 14, and their teams had additional talks on November 15. Erdogan also met the President of the World Bank Robert Zoellick. The World Bank is expected to increase credits to Turkey to support various projects dealing with small and medium-sized enterprises and renewable energy (; Anatolian Agency, November 15).

    The statements coming from both sides following the meeting between Erdogan and Strauss-Kahn indicate that Turkey might be reversing its stubborn position on IMF aid. Both parties stressed that Turkey would maintain cooperation with the IMF in the future. Economic sources speculated that a new stand-by agreement worth $15 to $20 billion might be signed soon, although differences of opinion remain about the extent and kind of IMF aid to Turkey (, November 16; Today’s Zaman, November 17). Experts believe that the decision, albeit late, to start negotiations with the IMF is a step in the right direction (Referans, November 17).

    Erdogan also gave two public talks, in which he outlined the parameters of the new activism in Turkish foreign policy and Turkey’s strategic partnership with the United States, as well as developments in domestic politics. On November 13 Erdogan spoke at a conference at Columbia University, entitled “Turkey’s Role in Shaping the Future” (, November 14). On November 14 Erdogan discussedTurkish foreign policy at the Brookings Institution. During these addresses, he congratulated U.S. President-elect Barack Obama and emphasized that Turkey was ready to work with the new administration, provided that it was sensitive to Turkey’s priorities.

    On relations with Armenia, Erdogan repeated Turkey’s position that the issue must be dealt with by the parties concerned through channels of dialogue already established. He warned the incoming administration not to let ethnic lobbies dictate American policy and spoil bilateral relations between Turkey and the United States (Hurriyet Daily News, November 17).

    On the issue of nuclear proliferation and Iran, Erdogan highlighted Turkey’s new-found role as peace broker and criticized U.S.-led efforts against Tehran. Earlier in the week, the New York Times reported that Erdogan had offered to mediate between Iran and the incoming Obama administration (New York Times, November 11). During his talk at the Brookings Institution, Erdogan said that given the trust Turkey had built up with Iran, it was better positioned than the EU’s troika to facilitate talks with Tehran. Some of his remarks on this issue were, however, more controversial. Erdogan maintained that trying to force Iran to drop its nuclear program while other countries maintained nuclear arsenals was no ground for reducing tension. He instead urged the countries pressuring Iran to eliminate such weapons themselves, which would be a better basis for a comprehensive solution (, November 15). Erdogan’s call for “total nuclear disarmament” has been criticized as a fundamental deviation from Turkey’s official position (Milliyet, November 15).

    On the issue of Iraq, Erdogan emphasized Turkey’s positive contributions to the reconstruction efforts there. He criticized Obama for setting a clear exit date, however. He expressed concerns about a premature American withdrawal, arguing that Iraq’s infrastructure had not matured enough. (Cihan Haber Ajansi, November 14). U.S. State Department Deputy Spokesman Robert Wood criticized Erdogan’s assessment as overly pessimistic (Washington Times, November 15).

    There were questions about whether Erdogan would meet Obama during the trip; but because Obama has decided not to meet foreign leaders before his inauguration, Erdogan searched out people who were likely to shape Obama’s policies. In a separate meeting during his visit, Erdogan met with Obama’s advisers Madeline Albright, Jim Leach, and Philip Gordon (Yeni Safak, November 15). Some Turkish observers believe that the choice of the Brookings Institute as the venue of Erdogan’s speech in Washington, D.C., was also part of Turkey’s attempts to influence the incoming administration. Veteran journalist Cengiz Candar noted that despite its non-partisan position, Brookings was regarded as a pro-Democrat organization and many Brookings specialists, such as Philip Gordon, who were familiar with Turkey may end up working in the new administration (Referans, November 15; Today’s Zaman, November 17). Another senior analyst, Semih Idiz, however, argued that Erdogan’s controversial statements on Iran might ironically rock the boat, just as Erdogan was seeking to build bridges (Milliyet, November 17).

    Only time will tell whether “think-tank diplomacy” will put Turkish-American relations on the right track. In any case, given Erdogan’s critical position on Obama’s declared policies, it will be interesting to see how the new administration will manage relations with Turkey.


  • Abduction Turkmen News Reader by Kurdish forces in Erbil

    Abduction Turkmen News Reader by Kurdish forces in Erbil

    By Mofak Salman

    Turkmeneli TV news reader Mr. Timor Beyatli

    Mr. Timor Beyatli is a Turkmen [1] citizen who is employed by the Turkmeneli [2] TV as a news reader at the Arabic section that broadcast from Kerkuk in Iraq. On the 5th of November 2008, Mr Timor Beyatli was on his way to Turkey to participate in conference about Media and Journalism in Istanbul, Turkey.

    On the same day he left the city of Kirkuk to head towards the city of Erbil to get his flight from Erbil airport and an approximately 6.45pm before boarding his airplane he had made his a final call to his family in Turkey informing his family that he would be on his way to Istanbul airport and he would contact them upon his arrival in Istanbul, but unfortunately when the plane was landed in Istanbul he was not among the arrival of passengers.

    In fact he was abducted at the airport in Irbil airport by a Kurdish security force known as the Asayish [3] that belongs to the Kurdish leader of the KDP party Massuad Barzani prior the flight which was at 8.15pm. Mr. Tamur Beyatli was transferred from the Erbil airport to a prison in the city of Erbil for further investigation.

    Also on the 25th November, 2007 Mr. Hassan Turan, a member of the governing council of Kirkuk, was arrested by the Kurdish Asayish at Erbil airport in northern Iraq following his return from participation in the international conference that was held in Istanbul in Turkey under the name of Kudus and International Conjunction .

    In addition to that, on Saturday 27th October, 2007 Qasim Sari Kahya, the Turkmen writer, journalist and Secretary Editor for the Fraternity Club of Kardeslik in Baghdad, was abducted along with another three Turkmen citizens near the Kirkuk General Hospital by a Kurdish security force known as Asayish. Although, several hours later, three of the detainees were released, Mr. Qasim was kept for further interrogation.

    Moreover, Mr. Lokman Nejam Ahmed was born in 1st July 1968 in the district of Telkeef that is linked to the city of city of Mosul. He was arrested on the 8th of July 2007 on the Iraqi/Turkish border Ibrahim Alkhalil by the Kurdish secret police that are known as Asayish while he was travelling from the city of Mosul to Turkey with a group of a Turkmen from the city of Erbil.

    Document shows the kidnapping and arresting the Turkmen in North of Iraq. Parts of confidential State Department documents circulated to the White House, the Pentagon and the U.S Embassy in Baghdad about the abduction of the minority Arabs and Turkmen in Kirkuk and their transfer to the Kurdish north. 

    Because of the public, political, and journalistic outrage and due to the public appeal on TV and radio and Media, Mr. Tamur Beyatli was released on 7th November 2008. He was released without from the detention without formal charges and his case has not been submitted to the court.

    Thus, the Turkmens plight to all the human right organisations, government officials, intellectuals, and Iraqi and Turkish government for immediate intervention to put pressure on the Kurdish police whom are terrorising the Turkmen people in Turkmeneli.

    Turkmen of Iraq also call upon the Iraqi Journalists Union and all Iraqi and international organizations defending the rights of journalists and freedom of the press to move immediately to the authorities of the Iraqi government at the highest levels for the protection of the Turkmen, Arabs and Assyrian from the Kurdish oppression that are carried by Kurdish parties in North of Iraq.

    Mofak Salman

    Turkmeneli Party Representative for Both Ireland and United Kingdom

    [email protected]

    [1] Turkmen: The Iraqi Turkmen live in an area that they call “Turkmenia” in Latin or Turkmeneli” which means, “Land of the Turkmen. It was referred to as “Turcomania” by the British geographer William Guthrie in 1785. The Turkmen are a Turkic group that has a unique heritage and culture as well as linguistic, historical and cultural links with the surrounding Turkic groups such as those in Turkey and Azerbaijan. Their spoken language is closer to Azeri but their official written language is like the Turkish spoken in present-day Turkey. Their real population has always being suppressed by the authorities in Iraq for political reasons and estimated at 2%, whereas in reality their numbers are more realistically between 2.5 to 3 million, i .e. 12% of the Iraqi population.

    [2] Turkmeneli is a diagonal strip of land stretching from the Syrian and Turkish border areas from

    around Telafer in the north of Iraq, reaching down to the town of Mendeli on the Iranian border in

    Central Iraq. The Turkmen of Iraq settled in Turkmeneli in three successive and constant migrations

    from Central Asia, this increased their numbers and enabled them to establish six states in Iraq.

    [3] Asayish is an unrecognized and illegitimate force that is utilized by both Kurdish parties to terrorize innocent civilian people. They are used to kidnap and kill people who defy the Kurdish aspiration for establishing a Kurdish state.



    On November 4 the Democrats have won a big victory and a sort of mandate to straighten up the mess left from the Bush presidency and from the Bush years. Some of the problems are very tough to crack. I really wouldn’t want to be in the Democrats’ shoes right now.

    Obviously, the most urgent problem to solve is the economy. I do not think the people who were entrusted with the $700 Billions are sure of what they are doing. Midway, they are changing course. I wish I knew to tell the correct thing to do.. That reminds me about my mother’s paternal grandmother who was in her eighties. Her grand children did not know that she could not read and write, but great-grandma would listen to their reading homework and to their piano-playing and tell them what was wrong, and the kids corrected it. I too don’t know much about that sort of economics, but I am sensing that something is not right. To make things worse, The British P.M. Brown warned that what is being done in the U.S. is typically mercantilist idea and that it will result in a long recession. Besides it is bad capitalism. Why should we, the citizens, pay for the mistakes of big banks who’s top men are spending the money like drunken sailors? Toyota came across the Pacific and defeated our best automobile manufacturers. I thing our car companies have lousy managers. Because, if they have a good idea, like Ford’s Taurus, the engineers and workmen can produce a good car. I had three Taurus in a row and loved them. Why should we give another chance to the same managers with our hart earned dollars to make more mistakes? I hope President Obama will be tighter with our money.

    President-Elect Obama promised during the campaign to finish the Iraq war. Both in Turkey and in the United States basic training in infantry takes only three months. With that training soldiers go to war. Iraqi soldiers have been trained for several years. If they are not yet ready to defend their country, it is just too bad. We are not obliged to defend their country. We should pull our forces as soon as possible, and without leaving any bases any where in Iraq. For an end with victory, we have neither the military forces, nor the money, nor the time.

    The PKK is a Marxist-terrorist band of Turkish Kurds who have enjoyed safe-haven in Northern Iraq during the tenure of President Bush. From there they have attacked Turkey, killing soldiers and civilians, bombing cities, aiming eventually enlarging Kurdistan into Southern Turkey. Turkey is supposed to be a U.S. Ally . This is no way to treat an ally. This shameful situation must be resolved by the new Obama Government. No wonder that the percentage of pro-U.S. people in Turkey is only 12 %, the lowest in the world.

    President Bush has disregarded many International obligations of the United States, which bears our signature, especially the Geneva Convention of treating prisoners of War. The Westphalia Treaty was signed in the17th Century, at a time when the United Stated did not exist yet. But This treaty has been a standard for almost 400 years, that every state accepts. It requires a “casus belli ” for attacking another state such as an attack by that state. President Bush gave himself the right to attack first Iraq, when he suspected that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, had relations with Al Qaeda, and would give weapons of mass destruction to terrorists. Of course all the three reasons that replaced the casus belli were proven to be non-existent. It would be nice, if the new State Department would announce that United States still honors our commitment to the Geneva Convention and to the Westphalia Treaty and that we will not practice torture.

    While President Obama will end the Iraq War, he wants to reinforce our forces in Afghanistan. That is the right move. The war against the Taliban and Al Qaeda must be definitely won. I hope he takes all the important measures needed to strengthen and rejuvenate our armed forces to win that war.

    Our relations with Pakistan will play a big role in this effort. The Viziristan part of Pakistan is now a safe-haven for the Taliban. Either the Pakistanis must help us fight the Taliban in that region, or the U.S. must be permitted to enter that region. The basic difficulty is that the heart of Pakistanis are mostly with the Taliban. As part of that campaign Osama bin Laden must be caught.

    Iran is continuing to develop its atomic bomb. There, the U.S. has only two options: Learning to live with a nuclear Iran or destroying Iran’s nuclear facilities. A nuclear Iran cannot be a threat to the United States even to Israel. It would be suicidal for Iran to use its nuclear bombs against the U.S. or Israel.. Iran’s religious leaders look like rational men. The only effect would be that Western petroleum men would have to kiss good bye the hope to get their hands on the Iranian oil. Using the other option would definitely start a new war in the Middle East. First Iranian nuclear facilities are mostly under ground and probably are duplicate. Finding and destroying them is not surely feasible. Once a War is started the Iranians will not finish it. We do not have additional forces to fight Iranians and the Taliban at the same time. This situation will not change very much, if the attack is made by Israeli planes.

    The trouble with Russia was started by President Bush. The relations with President Putin (Now Prime Minister) were quite cordial. Out of a blue, President Bush announced an anti-missile missile system to be placed in Poland and Czech Republic to meet Iranian nuclear-headed missiles. But Iran has no long range missiles nor nuclear heads yet. To the Russians , it looked like some precaution against Russia and Putin was alarmed. He suggested that the anti-missile missiles be installed somewhere in Azerbaijan or Turkey , or on floating platform on the sea. Those could catch Iranian missiles if there are any, and would not be suspected to be against Russia.. President Bush rejected these suggestions and invited Putin to Kennebunkport in Maine, to his parents’ home to discuss the matter, but he could not convince him. Since then Putin has become pretty unfriendly. President Obama should find out whether we really need those anti-missile missiles, and, if we do, can they be placed somewhere where Russia would not feel uncomfortable. We do not want start another Cold War, do we? Besides, we need Russia politically.

    There are other problems that I will discuss at a later date.


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    Turks are the new Jews.  Genocide crowds are the new KKK.  Although there has been no due process or a jury verdict by a competent tribunal, these genocide crowds already made up their minds about the Turkish-Armenian conflict.  Facts, figures no longer matter to these lynch mobs.    

    These genocide lynch mobs burn crosses not on Turkish lawns (yet,) but in public conscience.  They claim, scream, and attack… They insult, intimidate and terrorize… They already have their chosen verdict in their minds which comforts their anti-Turkish bias:  Turks are guilty and there is no need to discuss this verdict; it is execution time… get the rope!   

    To these genocide lynch mobs, there is only one side to their coin: their side… The Armenian side…  Armenians are all white; Turks are all black.  And that’s that… They want you to believe their bigoted black & white picture.   There is no gray areas for them.  So, don’t even think of bringing it up, or you will be labeled a denier and hung in their mind and soul.    

    If you believe these genocide lynch mobs, they’ll love you instantly.  And  if you question them  even in the lightest degree, they will hate you instantly.  This love/hate relationship is evident in all of their letters, op-ed, newspaper columns, book, documentaries, full feature films, and more. They are so arrogant about it that they see no reason to hide it or sugar coat it.    

    These genocide lynch mobs will have you believe that April 24, 1915,  is the start of their bogus genocide.    What happened that day?  The Ottoman Government Home Security forces launched a drag net operation and arrested the Armenian ring leaders  who were involved in terrorist attacks, rebellions, and/or treasonous acts.  These were seemingly respectable Armenian community leaders— just like that Topalian fellow whose pictures with American presidents adorned his office before he was convicted of  terrorism charges a few years back.  To Armenians, April 24, 1915 was genocide (how hollow, meaningless,  and unjustified.)  To Turks, it represents defending your home against domestic terrorist cells, sort of like an Ottoman-Guantanamo.      

    But you cannot discuss April 24, 1915, the Ottoman-Guantanamo-Not-Armenian-Genocide concept, because their hatred quickly takes over their reason. You cannot prove to them that, for example,  Gomidas, an Armenian priest and a musician, was let go after a while when the charges against him could not be proven.  Gomidas went back to Istanbul first and then moved to Europe eventually, and  died in France.  This episode alone is powerful enough an example to prove to  any open-minded truth-seeker that Turks had no intention of eliminating  those few Armenian leaders arrested for foul play.  More than a few were eventually let go.  But you cannot discuss these facts with the genocide lynch mobs, No Sir.  If you do, your life may be in danger (see Armenian terrorism, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.)   

    Neither can you debate with these genocide lynch mobs, the Armenian rebellions that started in 1890 and went uninterrupted until  the most heinous and bloodiest of them all, the VAN Rebellion in Feb-April  1915, which caused their TERESET (temporary resettlement) in May 1915 and lasted until the spring of 1916.    

    Neither can you debate with these genocide lynch mobs, the Armenian terrorism which started in 1882 and continued until 1921.   After a hiatus   of about  50 years, it re-started in 1973 with the Santa Barbara killings of two Turkish diplomats by an older,  hate-filled Armenian  man.  You cannot show these lynch mobs the threads of continuity in their love affair with aggression, violence, and terrorism.  They feel they are blameless.  Victims are to blame for standing on the trajectory  of the Armenian bullets!  Such blinded are these genocide lynch mob by their hatred for all things Turkish.  They need help.  The psychological kind, I mean.    

    Neither can you debate with these genocide lynch mobs, the Armenian treason that started in 1914 and climaxed in 1915.   You cannot show these  genocide lynch mobs documents from their own Armenian archives (like the 1919 Nubar letter and the 1923 Katcahznouni  Manifesto, and many others like those) proving Armenian treason and how wrong it was then and it still is now… 

    Neither can you debate with these genocide lynch mobs, the Armenian territorial demands since 1877, going unabated to this very date.  The irony is not lost: the Armenians were not even a majority in those areas and if the Armenians succeeded in realizing their delusion, the Greater Armenia, it would have been the first apartheid regime in the 20th Century where a tiny Armenian minority would be ruling over a massive non-Armenian majority.  Is this a dream worth taking up arms against your own government, terrorizing your neighbors and joining the advancing enemy armies?  Was it worth it?  After all, didn’t all these heinous Armenian crimes force Turks to defend their home, like any citizen anywhere, including the U.S., would do?  Was not Tereset a direct outcome of   Armenian rebellions, terrorism, and treason?    

    In short,  you cannot discuss anything with these genocide lynch mobs, period.   

    But you know what?  Truth does not take a hike, just because Armenians do not want to hear it.    

    In fact, truth may take a Hye, but never a hike.   



    Son Of Turkish Survivors From Both Maternal And Paternal Sides 

  • Stocks to test Oct lows!!

    Stocks to test Oct lows!!

    Poor Richard’s Report

    Over 300,000 readers

    I have received to valid reports from services that I trust, but must remain nameless because of heavy fines for plagiarism.

         They both speak of testing the lows of October 2008. November 12, 2008 was a 90% down day on heavy volume.

         If gold moves below $714 that would also be bearish, along with stocks declining. If the Oct lows are broken for the DJI (Dow Jones Industrials) look for a move to the 7200-7400 area.

         The only markets rising are the Japanese Yen, the U.S. dollar, and U.S. Treasury bonds.

         Rising tides (markets) carry everything with it, but when the tide begins to fall some are left to bake in the sun.(Brokers and financial institutions).

         A safe to be right now is in the two year Treasury bond. I is state tax free and being short in maturity it has very little price fluctuation. Be careful where you buy them. One quarter of a point is the max you should pay. That is $2.50 per bond. In size much less.

         An addendum to my last letter, Newalta Income Fund will become a corporation Jan 1, 2009. The monthly dividend of 18 ½ cents will be paid in December. The new corporation will be paying 20 cents quarterly. That is over just 8% on today’s closing price of $6.51. It is still selling under 10 times earnings and have no off balance sheet financing. So everyone that has sold has sold. Watch for the stock to start trending up.

         That is it for now. Stay calm and cool. Lot’s to still come.

         Cheerio !!!!

    Richard C De Graff 
    256 Ashford Road
    Eastford Ct 06242    
    860-522-7171 Main Office 
    800-821-6665 Watts
    860-315-7413 Home/Office
    860-208-0256 Cell *

    [email protected]


    This report has been prepared from original sources and data which we believe reliable but we make no representation to its accuracy or completeness. I do not receive any remuneration or fees for writing this letter. I do it for the love and truth and the sheer joy of expressing my opinion. Coburn & Meredith Inc. its subsidiaries and or officers may from time to time acquire, hold, sell a position discussed in this publications, and we may act as principal for our own account or as agent  for both the buyer and seller. The opinions expressed in this letter are mine and  not necessarily those of Coburn & Meredith.


    * This phone operates from 8am to 8pm only.