Category: Authors

  • Did Moscow Prevent a US Attack On Iran By Its Moves In Georgia?

    Did Moscow Prevent a US Attack On Iran By Its Moves In Georgia?

    soursce –

    Gulnara Inandzh

    Director International Online Information Analytic Center Ethnoglobus

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    While it is still too early to speak in detail about the results of the behind the scenes talks between Moscow and Washington about the resolution of the Georgian-Russian conflict, it is clear that these discussions, like the calculations of all those involved in this conflict, reflected not just the immediate situation in Georgia and its two breakaway republics, Abkhazia and South Ossetia.  Some of these larger or more distant goals have been mentioned by various officials and analysts, but some of the most interesting, even if they remain in the realm of speculation, say a great deal about just how consequential this conflict is.

    Many, especially in the Russian capital, saw Georgia’s moves as part of a larger U.S.-sponsored effort to push Russia out of the Caucasus and to place American bases there in order to protect American energy interests.  Others, especially in Washington, viewed what happened as a Russian effort to bring a former Soviet republic to heel and thus to demonstrate not only that it is a world power that can take actions independently of what others think but also that other former Soviet republics must consider Moscow’s views first and foremost.

    There is more than a little truth in each of these perceptions.  Obviously, the Georgian conflict has had a serious impact on the energy situation throughout the Caspian region and thus on the dynamics of prices in the world market, and equally obviously, both the United States and Russia want to be able to protect their interests in the region, interests that are sufficiently at odds that it is difficult to imagine just what a negotiated settlement in this area will look like.

    Indeed, by provoking a war with Georgia, the Kremlin was able to create obstacles to the transportation of energy resources via routes bypassing Russia.  As a result, it created the conditions for the realization of Iran’s Neka-Jask project, which envisages the transportation of the Caspian oil and thus allows for Moscow to preserve its control over the transportation of energy resources from the region.  The statement made by the deputy executive director of the Iranian National Oil Company for investment issues Hojatollah Ghanimifard that the Iranian Neja-Jask pipeline will be a serious competitor to and eventual replacement of the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline [4] attests to this line of thinking.  In the meantime, the problems arising with pipelines in Georgia have forced Azerbaijan for the first time to send its oil into Iran. [5]

    But as large an issue as the control of the flow of hydrocarbons out of the Caspian basin is, there are clearly still greater equities involved.  When Russia launched its drive against Georgia, the international community did not devote much attention to the ways in which this may have been a move by a great power in the complicated politics in the Middle East.  It is important to note that almost at the same time as the events in Tskhvinvali began, there were major American, British and French naval exercises in the Persian Gulf, an action that dramatically increased the number of ships and hence firepower in that region.  The exercises were explicitly intended to prevent Iran from taking any action in the Straits of Hormus which might impede the flow of oil, but at least some analysts, pointing to statements in Washington and Jerusalem, have suggested that these forces might have been assembled to launch an attack on Iran. [1] And hence it could well be that in the complex play of forces which always affect international relations, the Russian move into Georgia may have prevented an American-led move against Iran.  Some evidence points in that direction.

    Most notably, as the events in Tskhinvali and the international reaction to it were unfolding, Turkish prime-minister Erdogan visited Russia with his new “Caucasus Stability and Cooperation Platform” – an initiative Moscow wholeheartedly embraced.  Shortly afterwards Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad paid a “working visit” to Turkey – his first visit to a NATO country which Israel harshly objected. [2] These developments attest to the fact that Ankara and Russia combined their efforts to prevent the United States and Israel from an attack against Iran.

    One additional report that lends credence to this reading was the statement of Haled Mashal, the head of Hamas which won the Palestinian elections.  He too was received both in Moscow and in Ankara.  And by this maneuver, Turkish and Russian officials demonstrated their willingness to use the Palestinian lever of influence in the event of the use of force against Iran, something that neither saw as being in its economic or geopolitical interests.

    Of course, the place Azerbaijan with its rapidly developing economy has in the calculations about the Georgian-Russian military conflict should not and cannot be ignored.  Some in Azerbaijan were extremely critical of the government for failing to react sharply against Russian aggression, given Azerbaijan’s membership in GUAM and its strategic partnership with Tbilisi.  But President Ilham Aliyev continued to pursue his step by step balanced diplomacy and spoke only about the importance of maintaining the territorial integrity of states, something Azerbaijan itself is very much interested in.

    That was striking given the role Baku had always played in maintaining friendly ties with Georgia, in supplying its neighbor with oil and gas and thereby mitigating its energy, and hence political as well, dependence on Russia.

    But of course there is yet another implicit negotiation going on here.  That concerns the competition between Moscow and Washington for influence in the former Soviet republics.  Moscow’s actions in Georgia sent a clear message to Ukraine, Moldova and Azerbaijan, who also have frozen conflicts on their territories that Russia can intervene if it chooses to, a new element in the foreign policy calculations of all these states.  Indeed, it may be that Moscow was especially interested in sending this message to Azerbaijan given the upcoming electoral campaign in which some candidates will push for greater integration with the West.

    In that connection, it is worth noting that at the time of the crisis, David Harris, the executive director of the Jewish Committee of America, was in Baku.  Considering the role of the Jewish lobby in the US and the well-known sympathy of that lobby for Azerbaijan, it is entirely possible that Harris made clear that Baku would be defended from aggression from its northern neighbor. [3] Whether that message was received, however, is unclear, given that the United States has not yet taken any dramatic actions as opposed to tougher rhetoric in response to Russian moves in Georgia.

    In short, Baku appears likely to become a place des armes not for military action but rather political discussions not only about its own status but about the status of Iran in the world and the influence of Moscow and Washington in the post-Soviet states.


    [1] See (last accessed August 21, 2008).

    [2] “Iranian President Makes First Visit to Turkey”, VOA News, August 14, 2008, available at (last accessed August 21, 2008).

    [3] (last accessed August 21, 2008).

    [4] “Иран планирует составить конкуренцию экспортному нефтепроводу Баку-Джейхан”, Iran News, August 12, 2008, available at (last accessed August 30, 2008).

    [5] “Азербайджан впервые отправил через Иран партию нефти на Запад”, Iran News, August 27, 2008, available at (last accessed August 30, 2008).

  • HISTORY: The situation of the Armenians: By one who was among them

    HISTORY: The situation of the Armenians: By one who was among them

    By Hj Pravitz, Nya Dagligt Allehanda, 23 April, 1917

    By Hj Pravitz, Nya Dagligt Allehanda, 23 April, 1917

    Hj Pravitz takes a deeper look at the statements that had previously been made by Mrs. Marika Stjernstedt, in Nya Dagligt Allehanda, a Swedish Newspaper published in the period 1859-1944.

    “Recently returned home from abroad I have right now – i.e. somewhat late – had the opportunity to look at two Swedish booklets on the Armenian issue. “Sven Hedin – adelsman” [Sven Hedin a nobility], by Ossiannilsson and “Armeniernas fruktansvärda läge” [the terrible situation of the Armenians], by Marika Stjernstedt. The former book went immediately in the waste basket. In all its poorly hidden appreciation of the title character, it annoyed me more than a main article in Dagens Nyheter. The latter, which seemed spirited by the compassion for the suffering Armenians, I have read repeatedly, and it is really this and its inaccuracies that my article is about.

    I dare to claim, that hardly any other Swede has had the opportunity like me, to thoroughly and closely study the misery among the Armenians, since I now for about a month have traveled right among all the emigrating poor people. And this, during the right time, fall 1915, during which the alleged brutalities, according to both writers, were particularly bad.

    I want to hope, that what I am describing below, which are my own experiences, will have the purpose to remove the impression of inhumanity and barbarity from the Turkish and German side, which is easily induced by the reading of the two booklets mentioned above.

    If I understand the contents of the books correctly, both writers want to burden the Turks as well as the Germans with deliberate assaults or even cruelties.

    My position as an imbedded eyewitness gives me the right and duty to protest against such claims, and the following, based on my experiences, will support and strengthen this protest.

    Despite the fact that I was and am such a pronounced friend of Germany and its allies, which is consistent with the position of a servant of a neutral country, I started my journey from Konstantinopel (Istanbul) through the Asian Turkey, with a certain prejudiced point of view, partly received from American travelers, about the persecution of the Armenians by their Turkish masters. My Lord, which misery I would see, and to which cruelties I would be a witness! And although my long service in the Orient has not convinced me that the Armenians, despite their Christianity, are any of God’s best children, I decided to keep my eyes open to see for myself to which extent the rumors about Turkish assaults are true and the nameless victims were telling the truth.

    I sure got to view misery, but planned cruelties? Absolutely nothing.

    This is precisely why it has appeared to me to be necessary to speak up.

    To start with, it is unavoidable to state, that a transfer of the unreliable Armenian elements from the northern parts of the Ottoman Empire to the south was done by the Turkish government due to compulsory reasons.

    It should have been particularly important to remove, from the Erzeroum district, all these settlers, who only waited for a Russian invasion to join the invading army against the hated local legal authority. When Erzeroum fell in February 1916, an Armenian, with whom I just shared Russian imprisonment, uttered something I interpreted as ‘It would have fallen way earlier if we had been allowed to stay.’ That a country like Turkey, threatened and attacked by powerful external enemies, is trying to secure itself against cunning internal enemies, no one should be able to blame her.

    I think it points to a misconception when one claims that the Armenians are living under the uninterrupted distress of some sort of Turkish slavery. There are peoples that have it worse. Or what about Indian Kulis and Bengalis under British rule, and the Persian nationalists in Azerbaijan under the Russians’ – “penetration pacificue”, and the Negroes in Belgian Congo, and the Indians in the Kautschuk district in French Guyana. All these, not to mention many others, seem to me, are victimized to a higher degree and more permanently than the Armenians. I guess technically, one can say that a longer lasting but milder persecution is less bearable to endure than a bloody but quick act of despotism, as in (Ottoman) assaults of the kind that from time to time put Europe’s attention on the Armenian issue. Apart from these periodical so-called massacres, the reason of which could to a large degree be ascribed to the Armenians themselves, I do think that the (Armenians) are treated reasonably well.

    The (Armenians) have their own religion, their own language, both in speaking and writing, their own schools etc.

    As far as the much discussed major Armenian migration is concerned, I am the first to agree that the attempts of the Turkish side to reduce the difficulties of the refugees left a lot to be desired. But I emphasize again, in the name of fairness, that considering the difficult situation in which Turkey, as the target of attack from three powerful enemies, was in and it was, in my opinion, almost impossible for the Turks, under these circumstances, to have been able to keep up an orderly assistance activity.

    I have seen these poor refugees, or “emigrants”, to use Tanin’s words, seen them closely. I have seen them in the trains in Anatolia, in oxen wagons in Konia and elsewhere, by foot in uncountable numbers up in the Taurus mountains, in camps in Tarsus and Adana, in Aleppo, in Deir-el-Zor and Ana.

    I have seen dying and dead along the roads – but among hundreds of thousands there must, of course, occur casualties. I have seen childrens’ corpses, shredded to pieces by jackals, and pitiful individuals stretch their bony arms with piercing screams of “ekmek” (bread).

    But I have never seen direct Turkish assaults against the ones hit by destiny. A single time I saw a Turkish gendarme in passing hit a couple of slow moving people with his whip; but similar things have happened to me in Russia, without me complaining, not then, nor later.

    In Konia, there lived a French woman, Madame Soulie, with family and an Italian maid. They lived there, despite the war, and the Turks did them no harm. And as far as the Germans stationed in the town are concerned, she called them ‘our angels.’ ‘They give all they have to the Armenians!.’ Such evidence of German readiness to sacrifice I established everywhere the Germans were.

    In Aleppo, I lived by the Armenian Baron, the owner of a large hotel. He did not tell me about any Turkish cruelties, although we talked a lot about the situation of his fellow citizens. We also talked about Djemal Pasha, who would come the day after and with whom I would meet. Baron expressed himself very positively about this man, who by the way, least of all seemed like an executioner.

    In Aleppo, I hired an Armenian servant, who then during a couple of months was my daily company. Not a word has he told me about Turkish cruelties, neither in Aleppo nor in his home town of Marash or elsewhere. I must unconditionally believe in exaggerations from Mrs. Stjernstedt’s side and I do not put one bit of confidence in the Armenian authorities she claims to refer to.

    On page 44, Mrs. Stjernstedt writes about (the town of) Meskene and an Armenian doctor Turoyan. I was in Meskene right when he was supposed to have been there. I looked carefully around everywhere for historical landmarks, since Alexander the great crossed the Euphrates (river) here, and the old testament also talks about this place. There was not a sign of Armenian graves and not of any Armenians either, except for my just mentioned servant. I consider Mr. Turayan’s evidence very questionable, and I even dare to doubt that this man, if he exists, was ever there during the mentioned time. If the conditions in Meskene really were as he claims, will anyone then believe that the suspicious Turks would have sent an Armenian up there with a “mission from the government”?

    For fourteen days, I followed the Euphrates; it is completely out of the question that I during this time would not have seen at least some of the Armenian corpses that, according to Mrs. Stjernstedt’s statements, should have drifted along the river en masse at that time. A travel companion of mine, Dr. Schacht, was also travelling along the river. He also had nothing to tell when we later met in Baghdad.

    In summary, I think that Mrs. Stjernstedt, somewhat uncritically, has accepted the hair-raising stories from more or less biased sources, which formed the basis for her lecture.

    By this, I do not want to deny the bad situation for the Armenians, which probably can motivate the collection initialized by Mrs. Stjernstedt.

    But I do want to, as far as it can be considered to be within the powers of an eyewitness, deny that the regular Turkish gendarme forces, who supervised the transports, are guilty of any cruelties.

    Later on, in a different format, I want to impartially and neutrally like now treat the Armenian issue, but at the moment, may the adduced be enough.

    Rättvik, April 1917

    HJ Pravitz.



    (An Editorial)
    Mahmut Esat Ozan
    Chairman Editorial Board
    The Turkish Forum- USA
    Reposting an articleFrom © Holdwater
    The source site of this article gets revised often, as better information comes along. For the most up-to-date version, and the related photos, the reader may consider reviewing the direct link as follows:
    © Holdwater
    Facing History” has no qualms about sinking to the level of proven forgeries to teach their (Armenian) history.
    “Facing  History and Ourselves” likes to think of itself as an educational organization, spreading “good” in its genocide awareness program. But like other pseudo-educational organizations, such as “Teach Genocide,” “The Genocide Education Project,” and “Prevent Genocide,” many of which are fronts for Armenian and other propaganda, what they spread is “FALSEHOOD  AND EVILl.”

    Their teaching materials, as far as regarding the Armenians, generally have nothing to do with “history,” and everything to do with VICIOUS PROPAGANDA.

    “Facing History” is an 800 pound gorilla that deserves huge in-depth reportage, but this page will only be providing a beginning. It will mainly feature a letter written to one of the organization’s vice-chairs, Jeffrey Bussgang, in March 13, 2006 (it is now June, 2007). The reason why Mr. Bussgang was contacted is because he had a personal e-mail address, where I could be sure a higher-up of the organization would receive the message. He’s a busy investment manager who doesn’t seem to be very involved in the affairs of the organization. My hope was to appeal to his conscience.

    Jeffrey Bussgang

    He did not have the courtesy to respond, nor — from a cursory search at the Facing History site today, where the Armenian genocide matter continues full blast — did he make any effort to sound off to the powers in charge. If he read the letter, he did not even bother to see if the claims of the letter were true.

    Bussgang is still active with the Facing History organization; a news item declares, “Facing History and Ourselves and Benefit Chairs Lynda and Jeffrey Bussgang and Tracy and Leon Palandjian invite you to the 2007 New England Benefit Dinner.” Plenty of Armenian friends here, more than a few wealthy and influential, given that the organization is based in Massachusetts.

    The Armenians activists have certainly infiltrated this group. Richard Hovannisian and Peter Balakian comprise part of their band of respected “scholars.”

    The Mission

    The mission of “Facing History”:
    Facing History and Ourselves is an international educational and professional development organization whose mission is to engage students of diverse backgrounds in an examination of racism, prejudice, and antisemitism in order to promote the development of a more humane and informed citizenry. By studying the historical development and lessons of the Holocaust and other examples of genocide, students make the essential connection between history and the moral choices they confront in their own lives.

    How utterly ironic. When “Facing History” teaches false genocides, as with the Armenian mythology, Facing History perpetuates hatred, prejudice and racism. That’s one sure way to “engage” impressionable students in the “examination” of these poisons. That becomes quite a “moral choice,” all right.

    The organization’s Executive Director, President and Co- Founder, Margot Stern Strom, is described in the following manner:

    Margot Stern Strom is an international leader in education for justice and the preservation of democracy. Through her commitment to honoring the voices of teachers and students and her deep belief that history matters, she has enabled millions of students to study the Holocaust, to investigate root causes of racism, antisemitism and violence, and to realize their obligations and capabilities as citizens in a democracy.

    What she has done is engage in the most severe injustice. History matters certainly, but given the direction she has allowed for the presentation of the Armenians’ revisionist invention, she knows nothing about history. The organization now has the audacity to present a “Teaching Award” in her name, this most mediocre teacher.

    She grew up in “racially segregated Tennessee,” and in 1976 attended a Holocaust conference that “changed her life.” In her defense, of course she was motivated from the perspective of “Good.” What she may not have realized at the time was that “genocide” is a highly charged hot potato, and the politicized fakeries such as the Armenian matter didn’t even occur to her. But what choice did she have, if she wanted to pursue this direction? The Armenians, with their wealth and influence and bullying tactics, made their presence felt; if one chooses to sign a pact with the genocide devil, it is a given that the Armenians must come along for the ride. (Of course she had a choice. One always has a choice, and she chose the path of spreading vicious misinformation in the pursuit of her agenda.)

    Margot Strom

    “She became committed to the field of education, convinced that it was critical that educators not betray children by protecting them from difficult issues and painful history.” By stressing the study of these “genocides,” real or not, is where the betrayal of children comes in. The Republic of Turkey purposely kept the heinous crimes of the Armenians and Greeks out of Turkish classrooms, so as not to induce hatred. As a result, Turkish people are today largely free of hatred. There is a time to introduce genocide pornography, but not when children are of an impressionable age.

    Even with real genocides, as the Holocaust: what comes along with empathy for genocide victims is the hatred for the oppressors. This is not the correct course of action to take, at least not to the extent where genocide education serves as the thrust of the matter. And imagine the damage produced when children are taught hatred in the cases where genocides have been fabricated. Words fail to describe how unconscionable this sort of thing is.
    “Facing History” Tidbits

    Seth Klarman

    Seth A. Klarman, the insanely wealthy investment manager who heads a firm managing over five billion dollars (and author of the popular Margin of Safety: Risk-Averse Value Investing Strategies for the Thoughtful Investor), serves as chairman of “Facing History,” and his motivation might have had something to do with “serving a noble cause” (spreading word of the Holocaust is something too many Jewish folks believe is a worthy mission), along with giving his wife something to do; Beth S. Klarman is another vice-chair of the Board of Directors, along with the aforementioned Jeffrey D. Bussgang, Ronald G. Casty and Dana W. Smith. Dorothy P. Tananbaum is co-Chair.

    Until the middle of Fiscal Year 2006, the organization received over eleven million dollars in contributions. In 2005, the organization had assets of nearly eighteen million dollars, versus liabilities of $144,000.

    This is high finance propaganda.

    Their “partners” include:
    Harvard Law School
    Lesley University
    New Visions for Public Schools
    New York University Steinhardt School of Education
    Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)
    Reebok Human Rights Foundation
    University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education
    USHMM Committee On Conscience

    Once again, PBS helps to ruin its credibility by aligning what should be its “neutral” self with such a propagandistic organization. (One of the resources Facing History offers is the PBS film, Andrew Goldberg’s “The Armenians, A Story of Survival.” It is only one of Facing History’s many Armenian genocide propaganda productions.)

    The “Partners,” with which Facing History collaborates “closely,” “share our desire for a more informed, involved, and morally-aware citizenry.”

    It is simply horrifying how they shamelessly couch their mischief with such doing-good terminology.

    Major supporters — the ones who part with their cash to finance such perpetuation of hatred — include:

    The Allstate Foundation
    The Claims Conference
    The Crown Family
    The Bernard F. and Alva B. Gimbel Foundation
    The Goldman Sachs Foundation
    The Plough Foundation
    The Charles H. Revson Foundation
    The Richard and Susan Smith Family Foundation
    The United States Institute of Peace

    These companies need to be informed as to the fake history “Facing History” endorses. They all bear a responsibility to the racism “Facing History” teaches the children.

    Most depressingly, “Facing History” claims that in 2006:

    Reached over 1,500,000 students through a network of 22,000+ educators.

    Some may agree that is, figuratively, an example of a real “genocide,” with 1.5 million victims: a systematic extermination campaign of the truth.

    Now I wish we could get into their ridiculous “Armenian” history in greater detail (and if they have no credibility with the Armenian subject matter, obviously nothing else from Facing History can be accepted at face value). But dissecting such familiar propaganda can get awfully redundant, after a while.

    The fact is, “Facing History” presents not just Armenian propaganda… but the kind most Armenian propagandists would not go near. They serve as the propagandists’ propagandists.

    For example, as the letter below to Bussgang will relate, they go for a total Armenian survivor figure of 600,000, while even Dadrian and Balakian concede one million. Even more incredibly, their “Armenian Genocide Chapter 4” begins with:

    “The Armenians living in Turkey will be destroyed to the last. The government has been given ample authority. As to the organization of the mass murder the government will provide the necessary explanations.”
    —Behaeddin Shakir, a member of the Central Committee
    for the Committee of Union and Progress

    If you run a “Google” search for any key phrase from the above, you will get back (at the time of this writing) only four results. (Once this page goes up, this number will be sure to increase.) One is the Dadrian study where this was taken from (which The Tall Armenian Tale; TAT readers have come to recognize as Vahakn Dadrian’s Greatest Embarassment, the Hyelog entry where it was reproduced, another stupid genocide article by UCLA’s Stephan Astourian (“The Armenian Genocide: An Interpretation,” reproduced in a 1990 issue of “The History Teacher.” Groan!), and Facing History.

    The reason why propagandists leave this one aside is because it comes from a forgery of Aram Andonian.

    Yes, ladies and gentlemen. “Facing History” has no qualms about sinking to the level of proven forgeries to teach their (Armenian) history.

    And Jeffrey Bussgang was made very aware of this very fact over a year ago. Assuming he read the letter, he lacked the honor and the conscience to do anything about it.

    You can get an idea of Facing History’s ways in an “Armenian Genocide” section of their site. Note the propaganda material consulted, passing for “history,” including their “resource book” (which featured the Behaeddin Shakir forgery. To be more specific, Andonian did not have Shakir in mind when he concocted this particular forgery; it is Dadrian who told us it must have been Shakir, since the letters BEHA were supposedly on it — as though Shakir would have signed his document with the first four letters of his name. What Dadrian does not explain is that if Shakir were to engage in this unusual practice, the Turkish spelling of his name would have been BAHAttin), along with the Goldberg PBS film.

    Other teaching materials of this “history” include a painting by an Armenian, Gorky, described as “a survivor of the Armenian genocide.” In the next few lessons, prepared by crackerjack educators Adam Strom and Mary Johnson (with the quality of their work, they would well deserve the 2007 Margot Stern Strom Teaching Award), we are told Armenians “struggled to obtain equal rights” in the 19th century, as persecuted as they were, and that “many European and Russian diplomats became increasingly concerned about the treatment of minority groups within the Ottoman Empire. Their arguments and efforts to protect those minorities would set important precedents for the international movement for human rights.” That’s right, folks. We all know the British and the Russians were acting selflessly, and the thought of using the Armenians as pawns to further their imperialistic interests never occurred to them.

    “Lesson Three: Analyzing Historical Evidence,” is the one that invites the greatest scrutiny, and what they have to offer is: “On May 24, 1915, the Allied nations of Great Britain, France, and Russia warned the Young Turk leaders that their ‘crimes against humanity and civilization’ would not go unpunished.” Indeed, the warning of three powers set to divide the ailing Ottoman Empire between themselves through secret treaties must be considered as objective sources. They also point to Armin Wegner’s undocumented photographs at “” (the site’s “photo_wegner.html” page.) All that can be determined are that people were miserable and suffering. Suffering is not genocide. A few shots feature corpses, with helpful captions such as “Corpse of murdered young man,” as if the dishonest writer could determine what the cause of death would have been. Are these supposed to “prove” genocide?

    (Instruction to teachers: “Allow students a choice to put their heads down or leave the room if the content becomes overwhelming. Show Wegner’s photographs without commentary.”) What incredible orchestration and manipulation.

    There are a good number of genuine and documented photos of massacred Turks at the hands of the Armenians. Note that the racist “Facing History” organization would never make room for these.

    The hatred is then permitted to spread to modern Turks, in their final lesson, “Denial, Free Speech, and Hate Speech.”

    “After the Armenian Genocide, the international community lacked the political will to fulfill its promises to hold perpetrators of the genocide accountable.” What an incredible falsehood. The British worked feverishly to uncover the genuine evidence to convict their accused in the precursor to “Nuremberg,” the Malta Tribunal (1919-1921). No evidence could be found.

    We are then told that “Several former Ottoman officials complicit during the genocide assumed important positions in the new government.” If the British could not determine the guilt of these individuals, on whose say-so should we go by? Fatma Muge Gocek’s, for example? (She says, for example, that Ismet Inonu was a “genocide culprit.”) One cannot honorably accuse another of having committed a crime without the valid evidence. But “honor” is obviously not in the vocabulary of the propagandistic “Facing History.”

    “Since that time the Turkish government has denied that the Armenian Genocide occurred. ”

    There we go. That conforms to the entire agenda of the unscrupulous pro-Armenians. Make the Turks out to be “evil.” Yes, this is the kind of poison being taught to 9th graders, thanks to the underhanded efforts of “Facing History.”

    “The denial has taken many forms and used many strategies… To deny its factual and moral reality as genocide is not to engage in scholarship but in propaganda and efforts to absolve the perpetrator, blame the victims, and erase the ethical meaning of this history.”

    These people do not know the first meaning of what “scholarship” entails, they engage in the most vicious propaganda, and then dare to tell us those who attempt to right their wrongs are committing the very crimes they are committing. Of course; that is part and parcel of their agenda.

    A suggested activity for teachers:

    On the board write, “Denial is hate speech and as such it should be forbidden.”
    Explain to students that denial continues and many people are struggling to find a way to deal with it. Henry Theriault, a professor of philosophy at Worcester State College, Worcester, Mass. suggests that denial is hate speech, and therefore should be restricted.

    It is all perfectly coordinated. Refer to a non-historian like Theriault (who also points to the Andonian forgeries in order to “prove” the “Armenian genocide”), and they do their best to stifle debate — so that their invented and immoral “genocide” may not be questioned.

    They are actually advocating thought censorship, teaching the children that freedom of speech is to be frowned upon. We all know what “hate speech” is, and it has nothing to do with telling historical truth; real “hate speech” perpetuates prejudice by bringing an ethnic group to sub-human status.

    By encouraging students to think that Turkish people are like Nazis, the ones who are practicing “hate speech” are organizations such as “Facing History”— under the guise of following a noble cause.

    It is all nothing short of evil.

    Letter to Vice-chairman Jeffrey Bussgang

    Once again, the unanswered letter below was sent on March 13, 2006 to Mr. Bussgang.

    Jeffrey Bussgang
    Facing History

    Dear Mr. Bussgang,

    You come across as endearing and down to earth from some of the things I’ve read about you. I’d like to speak to you about a very serious subject, and I hope you will have the open mind to listen to a viewpoint likely to be different than what you’ve been led to believe.

    I’m writing you because the “Facing History” site has no email addresses I could find. Just a contact page, and what I have to say is far too important for a lower ranked individual to consider. I believe “Facing History” is just one of the things you’re involved with… it is not your “main thing.” But as a top gun of this organization, you bear a big responsibility.

    Perhaps “Facing History” has good works to offer; I hope so. I’m writing on the basis of only one example that I’ve come across, one which has nothing to do with history. Paradoxically, it has everything to do with prejudice and even racism. This is a paradox, because the mission page is very concerned about “morality.”

    And this content is highly serious, because your organization is involved in molding many of the young minds of our country.

    Your organization, according to its mission page, is resolved “to combat prejudice with compassion, indifference with ethical participation, myth and misinformation with knowledge.”

    The Armenian Genocide page, however, offers nothing but myth and misinformation, and fosters prejudice, by perpetuating the stereotype of the Terrible Turk, based on the hearsay of bigots and tainted evidence, and looking at this controversial topic entirely in a one sided manner.

    When Facing History states “the study of history is a moral enterprise,” we must bear in mind history needs to remain dispassionate, and all sides must be considered. Below is one of my favorite descriptions:

    Historians should love the truth. A historian has a duty to try to write only the truth. Before historians write they must look at all relevant sources. They must examine their own prejudices, then do all they can to insure that those prejudices do not overwhelm the truth. Only then should they write history. The historians creed must be, “Consider all the sides of an issue; reject your own prejudices. Only then can you hope to find the truth.”
    Do historians always follow this creed? They do not, but good historians try.

    There are ways to tell if a historian has been true to his craft. All important sources of information must be studied: A book on American history that does not draw upon American sources and only uses sources written in French cannot be accurate history. All important facts must be considered: a book on the history of the Germans and the Jews that does not mention the death of the Jews in the Holocaust cannot be true.

    Uncomfortable facts, facts that disagree with one’s preconceptions and prejudices must be considered, not avoided or ignored: Any book on the history of the Turks and the Armenians that does not include the history of the Turks who were killed by Armenians cannot be the truth. This is obvious. It should be so obvious that it need not be said. But we know it must be said, because so many have forgotten the rules of honest history.
    Prof. Justin McCarthy, The First Shot

    I realize this may be a hard sell. You are living, and perhaps have grown up, in “Armenian country,” Massachusetts . Peter Balakian is listed on Facing History’s Board of Scholars. (He is anything but a scholar, based on the rules of history.) He and other agenda-pushing pharisees who are listed indicate this organization is a very closed club, for only like-minded individuals. (There are no real Ottoman historians, in this list of “scholars,” from names I was able to determine. How could genuine history be written in the absence of such specialists?)

    (NOTE: It appears “Facing History” has removed their “Board of Scholars” page. One other addition to this board turns out to be Samantha Power, however. Just learned Barack Obama hired her as an advisor. No wonder he has become an “Armenian genocide” advocate, undermining his credibility.)

    At any rate, Balakian spelled out in his “Burning Tigris” the roots of Armenian infiltration in Massachusetts . ( Ohannes Chatschumian stole the heart of an “intellectual,” and like a stack of Dominos, everyone bought the Armenian version. It was easy, since no one was around then to defend the Turks. With these people’s ingrained prejudices, the media presented the view that the Armenians were poor, innocent Christians ready to be martyred by the Terrible Turks’ bloody swords. Things are not that different today. As a Massachusetts resident, you are especially susceptible to this unilaterally presented propaganda… made possible by big money and influence.

    I’m going to ask you to dig deep and consult the “fair” part of you. Put your “historian” cap on, and let’s take a look at whether my words have basis.

    We are referring to this horrible, horrible propagandistic page that is on your organization’s site.

    (NOTE: The link for their “Chapter 4” .PDF file was provided.)

    The page begins with a quote from Behaeddin Shakir, “The Armenians, living in Turkey , will be destroyed to the last…” There it is, in black and white; genocidal proof.

    How peculiar that one of the worst partisans for this alleged genocide, Professor Richard Hovannisian (who is another nationalist ideologue on the organization’s Board of Scholars) is reported to have said in the “Congress on the Problems of World Armenians” held in 1982: “The Armenian problem could not be proved. The genocide is not valid legally and it is exposed to prescription.”

    If Bahaeddin Shakir actually said those words, why would Hovannisian have made such a statement? After all, what Shakir said sounds like actual proof, doesn’t it?

    Which leads us to ponder: what is the source of this dubious quote?

    Footnote 66 informs us that it’s Vahakn Dadrian (the “foremost scholar on the Armenian genocide,” as Peter Balakian says), regarding his work on the Naim-Andonian documents.

    The fact that these are notorious forgeries is commonly accepted. The British themselves rejected them, during their 1919-1921 “Nuremberg ,” The Malta Tribunal. This is the one where every Turkish official was freed at the end, for lack of evidence.

    Consider the enormity of that. The British had signed the death sentence for the Turkish nation with the Sèvres Treaty (the intention of the British, along with the rest of the Entente Powers, was to divide the “Sick Man” between themselves, as proven by secret treaties. It was convenient for them to come up with a Turkish monster, which people in the West were ingrained to accept since the times of the Crusades, in order to justify the allies’ land-grabbing scheme), and even the British (to their credit) rejected the Andonian documents. There is not one serious historian that holds them to be valid. That is, not one who holds the concept of “morality” dear to heart.

    (If you’d like to discover what an embarrassing low your organization’s version of “history” has sunk to, try this simple test, with the knowledge that there are tons of “Armenian Genocide” sites on the Internet. Type a key phrase from the Shakir quote into Google. I got four results, three pointing to the Facing History propagandistic page. The fourth regarded the work of an Armenian history teacher. If this Shakir quote is so legitimate, how do you explain that everyone has avoided it?

    Only Vahakn Dadrian, among a handful of others, would stoop so low. Dadrian is a propagandist and has the agenda to affirm his genocide. He will stop at nothing to alter statements, translations and in offering false documents as his evidence. No serious historian would regard Dadrian as a true scientist.

    Even among the ranks of the “genocide scholars,” Dadrian has become one to be wary of. Hilmar Kaiser points to the “misleading quotations” and the “selective use of sources” in Dadrian’s work, and he has concluded that “serious scholars should be cautioned against accepting all of Dadrian’s statements at face value.” [“Germany and the Armenian Genocide, Part II: Reply to Vahakn N. Dadrian’s Response,” Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies, 9 (1996): 139-40.] Donald Bloxham also has issues with Dadrian’s lack of scholarly ethics.

    Yet this article refers to Dadrian repeatedly. In addition, conflicted sources such as missionaries like Johannes Lepsius, and war propaganda chiefs like Lord Bryce are presented. It’s unbelievable, for an organization that purports on molding young minds, and for holding “morality” so dear.

    I don’t want to hit you with too much, as I realize this is not a subject you are in tune with, having likely and lazily accepted the surface explanations. But practically everything this article claims is rooted in deceit. We’re still on the first page, and the opening sentence after the Shakir quote states that “scholar” Robert Melson (he is no scholar; not if we agree the definition entails observing all sides of a story) explains, “Once the Ottoman Empire joined the Central Powers… against Russia, the CUP could use the excuse of military necessity to destroy the Armenians.” Aside from the basic historical fact that Russia was among other enemies (Britain, France and Italy), let’s examine the logic here, by creating a fantasy scenario with our own nation.

    Let’s say the USA is on her knees, and imagine that there are great superpowers who are attacking on all fronts. There is a critical shortage of manpower and resources, the nation’s infrastructure has crumbled, and the nation is bankrupt. The nation is being threatened with extinction. This was the situation of the “Sick Man.” (As history tells us, this matter of life or death ended in death for the Ottoman Empire.) Would this be the opportune time to initiate a resource-depleting program of enormity, the transportation and care of hundreds of thousands?

    Truly, how logical would that be? A British writer, in a 1916 book called “The Armenians” ( got to the heart of the matter:

    “The Turks had just sustained in the Caucasus a severe defeat. They needed every available man and every round of ammunition to cheek the advancing Russians. It is therefore incredible that without receiving any provocation they should have chosen that particularly inopportune moment to employ a large force of soldiers and gendarmes with artillery to stir up a hornet’s nest in their rear. Military considerations alone make the suggestion absurd.”

    If we take our scenario further, let’s imagine the enemies of our country enticed the some-one million Armenians in California to rebel, with promises of a New Armenia in that state. (Exactly what the Armenians did in the Ottoman Empire; the anti-Turkish New York Times reported, days after Russia had declared war on Nov. 7, 1914: “ARMENIANS FIGHTING TURKS — Besieging Van-Others operating in Turkish Army’s Rear.” The Armenians begin to massacre fellow Americans in an effort to create an ethnically pure state, and hit the U.S. Army in the back. I don’t even know if our “compassionate” President would bother with a “deportation,” but let’s say the decision is made to move them out of the danger zone, far inland. Where there are no rails, the Armenians have to travel on foot a long distance. Along the way are gangs of Americans waiting to take revenge, or seeking criminal opportunity. Armenians are massacred. Would this be a genocide?

    It can only be a genocide if the government shows “intent” of systematic extermination (proven by the kinds of things Shakir is supposed to have said. Because the Armenians lacked evidence, they put those words in his, and other Ottoman officials’ mouths), along with there not being any political alliances. These are the rules of the 1948 U.N. Genocide Convention.

    Frankly, everywhere I am looking in this article, I am shuddering in disbelief. Bear with me for one more example from p. 85: “In all, including those who took refuge in Russia (300,000, as mentioned a few paragraphs before), the number of survivors at the end of 1916 can be estimated at 600,000 out of an estimated total population in 1914 of 1,800,000, according to A. Toynbee.”

    Fact: Arnold Toynbee, who was ashamed in later years to have served in his Majesty’s propaganda division (Wellington House), estimated there were 1.2 million Armenians in all of the Ottoman Empire, the year before he became a propagandist (“Nationality and the War,” 1915: 761,000 Armenians in all of Anatolia. Your article: 1,200,000, seven eastern vilayets of Anatolia, nearly double of Toynbee’s estimate.)

    Fact: Your “Scholar,” Richard Hovannisian, had written Armenians who escaped into Transcaucasia as having numbered 500,000, vs. your article’s 300,000. [” The Ebb and Flow of the Armenian Minority in the Arab Middle East,” Middle East Journal, Vol. 28, No. 1 (Winter 1974), p. 20; in this article, Hovannisian further provided an additional near-300,000 who had gone on to lands the Ottomans no longer controlled, in the Middle East. There were also many thousands who had gone on to Europe and America.] Please add them up, to get a better picture of survivors, according to your own scholar.

    FACT: Your article tells us only 600,000 Armenians survived, when Hovannisian, Balakian and Dadrian all concede there were one million survivors. Isn’t that incredible? Your article actually out-propagandized the propagandists! But these propagandists also out-propagandized the Armenian Patriarch from the period (as the current professors vouch for a mortality of over a million and up), who broke down his inflated pre-war population of 2.1 million Armenians in this fashion (in 1919): 1,260,000 survivors (that is double the number of survivors of your article), and 840,000 dead. (The Patriarch reported 644,900 Ottoman-Armenians remained in 1921, in a report given the British.) The reality: out of an original population of around 1.5 million (most “neutral” sources said so, like the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica), if we subtract the one million survivors, we wind up with half a million dead. Most died not from massacres, but causes claiming the lives of all Ottomans, famine and disease. 2.5 Turks/Muslims also died, mainly from these causes.

    How do you explain your “moral” organization (Mission Page: “Civic education must be rooted in a moral component.” Morality must begin first with the educator) neglecting these historical facts? You will notice nothing I’m offering is “Turkish propaganda.” If anything, they derive from sources famous for supporting Armenian propaganda. These facts are only a mouse click away. How could your “Facing History” people be so unconscientious as to not Face History?

    Is it because they have an agenda to serve? I can see the organization is rooted in the teaching of the Holocaust. Unfortunately, Holocaust-centric scholars have a tendency to accept Armenian genocide claims at face value. They probably have an irrational fear that the negation of this widely accepted Armenian genocide (thanks to money and prejudice) would serve the Holocaust to be questioned. It also does not hurt that wealthy Armenians support genocide institutes throughout the world. Whatever their motivations, they are being highly unethical, in their support of obvious lies.

    Prof. Guenter Lewy — an example of a real scholar, and one who cannot be called a “denialist,” since Lewy is a Holocaust survivor — has recently come up with a book entitled, The Armenian Massacres in Ottoman Turkey, A Disputed Genocide. He exposes the lack of scholarly ethics of those such as Vahakn Dadrian, and explores all facets of this tale. Why would you suppose this account and the one at your organization’s site would be as different as can be?
    (An example of his work:; his response to Dadrian:

    Conclusion: you are supporting an organization, very much contrary to its sanctimonious claims of morality, that is engaged in lies and racism.

    Am I being harsh by going so far as to accuse your organization of racism? Let me resort to the words of one of our nation’s deepest thinkers, Prof. John Dewey, who had wrote in a 1928 article (

    Few Americans who mourn, and justly, the miseries of the Armenians, are aware that till the rise of nationalistic ambitions, beginning with the ‘seventies, the Armenians were the favored portion of the population of Turkey, or that in the Great War, they traitorously turned Turkish cities over to the Russian invader; that they boasted of having raised an army of one hundred and fifty thousand men to fight a civil war, and that they burned at least a hundred Turkish villages and exterminated their population.

    The racism is thus twofold: not only does your organization’s horrid article reduce the Turks to subhuman, comic book monsters (perpetuating an already existing “Terrible Turk” stereotype; check the second definition of “Turk” in your dictionary), but the article totally ignores the extermination crimes of the Armenians. (British Colonel Wooley estimated the Armenians had killed 300-000-400,000 Ottoman Muslims; Ottoman archives never meant to be publicized provide a figure of some 520,000. It wasn’t only Muslims who were targeted by the Armenians, but anyone who was different, in their hopes of creating an ethnically pure state, including Jews, Greeks, and even Armenians who had converted to Islam.)

    (Which brings rise to another question: If “Facing History” is genocide-centric, what determines the value of some genocides to others? More “Turks” were slaughtered by the Armenians than the other way around, since the bulk of the up to 600,000 Armenian mortality had died of reasons not entailing outright massacre. Why does Facing History not acknowledge the value of these human beings? This is what we would call “racism.”)

    Imagine if you were accused of a ruinous crime strictly on the say-so of the accuser, without presentation of any factual evidence. How would you feel? (You would be “denying” the accusations at the top of your lungs.)

    Do you know how unthinkably unconscientious it is to defame an entire nation with the worst crime against humanity, based on false or no evidence? I realize you must not have thought about this before, but you happen to be an integral part to these unethical goings-on.

    It all boils down to: Exactly how committed are you, as a key representative of your organization, to the truth? Actually, please forget about your organization, for the moment; let’s concentrate on you, as a man. With your involvement, your personal honor is at stake here. And if you don’t do something about this, please don’t think the credibility of this organization will remain as sacred as it evidently has.

    I know you are not directly responsible, as you are not overseeing the day to day functions of this organization. What calls for determination is, why does your president, Margot Stern Strom, who hopefully is expected to ensure true history, has not questioned the integrity of many of the partisan academicians in your Board of Scholars? Why has she not made sure to fill the ranks with genuine scholars, like Prof. John Dewey, who made sure to examine all sides of the issue and did not amateurishly accept surface allegations? (Dewey, by the way, warned in his article that Americans should be wary of being deceived by Armenian propaganda. That was over three-quarters of a century ago, Armenian propaganda is stronger than ever, and organizations as yours shamefully outdo some claims of hardcore Armenian propagandists.

    As an example: Richard Hovannisian was called on his shoddy scholarship in a 1985 paper ( ), over the way he made things about an American officer, because the officer had the audacity to regard these events in an even-handed way. (A decade after its writing, the author of this article, Prof. Heath Lowry, was the victim of a smear campaign spearheaded by one of your other “scholars,” Peter Balakian. The abhorrent idea of the forces your organization champions is to stifle debate.) Hovannisian’s unethical methods are plain to see in this generation-old study.

    Is your president so unaware of such research? Or does she deliberately overlook them? Either way, her own credibility and competence becomes seriously compromised.

    She is supposed to be in charge of serious history; her choices are supposed to enlighten the minds of our nation’s children, not to poison them.

    What is called for is to [1] do away with your awful propaganda immediately, [2] Write a true account of these events, by enlisting objective and non-partisan scholars like Guenter Lewy, and devote no less time to the ethnic cleansing efforts of the Armenians. Politically, this might be difficult; but if the organization is so concerned about being “moral,” what could supersede the importance of truth?

    Please pass this letter on to President Strom and Chairman Seth Klarman. I’d appreciate a response. Your organization’s immersion in defamatory, racist and painful propaganda is a very serious matter.



    Talk about falling on deaf ears.
    News Item: The ANC & Facing History “Ethics”

    The following is from the California Courier, April 13, 2006:

    Facing History and Ourselves Hosts Institute on the Armenian Genocide

    PASADENA — The Armenian National Committee announced last week the first California Institute for Educators on the Armenian Genocide, offered by Facing History and Ourselves will take place June 26-30 at the Krouzian Zekarian Vasbouragan Armenian School in San Francisco.

    The Institute connects a rigorous exploration of the Armenian genocide, to ethical decision-making students face today. The ANC strongly endorses this program and is calling for financial support from the community to ensure teachers from southern California will be able to attend.

    The Institute and resource book, Crimes against Humanity and Civilization, provides one of the most comprehensive guides to the Armenian Genocide created for secondary education. The Armenian Genocide is placed in thorough context and is studied through historical facts as presented in primary sources from the National Archives, Library of Congress and with the support of prominent specialists in the field.

    Dr. Richard Hovannisian, Holder of the AEF Chair in Modern Armenian History at UCLA, who is a member of Facing History’s National Board of Scholars, will be a featured speaker at the Institute.

    The weeklong institute builds on one-day trainings Facing History has already provided teachers in Southern California, including district-wide workshops in Glendale, Montebello and Pasadena.

    Teachers of Modern World History, International Relations, and Comparative Government will find this institute particularly valuable. Individuals in the San Francisco Bay Area are sponsoring teachers from their region, but additional funds are needed to ensure teachers from southern California are able to participate.

    Please consider sponsoring a teacher to attend the institute: $1000 will cover the costs for one teacher, including the $350 tuition, airfare and accommodations in San Francisco for one week, and all resources.

    The goal is to send 12-15 teachers from Los Angeles, who collectively can expect to reach 1200-1500 students each year with the lessons and resources gained at the institute.

    Following the institute, Facing History program staff will provide free follow-up support to help customize the course to meet the teachers’ needs.

    Quite a racket…. is it not?

    © Holdwater
  • Early History of First Oil Activities

    Early History of First Oil Activities

    Contemporary international political situation is influenced by some special necessities which are sources that states need them. This reality comes from ancient times as states have vital arguments to be powerful than others in everywhere. State mechanism needs any special material to live for a long time or be strong always like blood function for human body. There is a main argument as a vital interest; oil which effects political situations of states with its useful benefits for all areas of the state mechanism. It had been transformed to a new style like blood as an alternative to other energy and trade materials since 19. century.

    As historically oil was discovered in different special regions of  the world and understood for some special features such as advantage to prevent some diseases, to attack material which burns under sea in wars by Byzantine Empire, to illuminate and to use for machineries. So it had been transformed from energy event to main subject of trade activities. In 19. century oil was formed to be functional style as kerosene with chemical tests by George Bissell and Benjamin Silliman. They developed industrial function of this material and some search methods were created such as different drilling system. George Bissell who was called as father of oil industry, used oil as kerosene and he developed a system to find oil with drilling system instead of mining. Oil drilling and marketing had a new face after chemical contributions and industrial processes. It will be main theme for producting and economic interaction. Oil was realized internationally as an alternative for candeel and coal with searching activations in Pennsylvania-Titusville by E. L. Drake. Drake entered to this market with other men, but his self initiatives kept him specially.

    “Drake tried the usual method, digging trenches — and failed. He studied the land and speculated about oil deposits. His intuition told him he should drill into the ground, just as salt mining was done. From July 1858 to May 1859, he struggled to find a borer to do the work, spending the New Haven money to buy a steam engine and build an engine house in the meantime. Through a long, cold winter, the merchants of Titusville extended credit to their poor, misguided new friend and his family. Folks started to call him Crazy Drake.”[1]

    This step opened a new period of oil for the world’s destiny. New source overspread to far geographies of the world in a short time. Also intercontinental transportation activities started, first oil was transferred to London in 1861 and to St. Petersburg in 1862.

    After that time the largest company Standard Oil which will effect the oil market as a monopol was founded by J. D. Rockefeller in the USA, 1870. Manhattan was headquarter which called as Old House. Investors were creating some combine companies to establish common power about this market, but some of them left here to keep their sovereignty at this period. Main function of Standard Oil was that integrated company characteristic that has some steps like producing, rafinery, transportation, distribution and wholeseller-retailer system. Other successfull new companies took an example from this useful system. Oil companies were founded by initiators who finds oil in California and Texas. Also new technical method rotary drilling system was invented and useful oil production started. On the other hand new technical searching systems are developed from time to time at starting point of 20. century and they effected oil industry competition from local to international.[2] Standard Oil had been stronger than others and the company created its basic system in all areas of industry. In that rivalry circumstances other companies tried to establish alternative systems for transportation for preventing Standard’s main activity in trade. Standard Oil established a pipeline system to transport and other companies created barrel system for quickly transportation. At this situation Standard Oil discounted oil prices against them for balance interactions to all of them, namely everybody uses effective tools to protect their self interests via whatever ways as knowingly internal economic or oil crisis. In 1890, regional integrated company Unocal was founded, in 1893 oil production started in Texas. Guffey and Geley created their company in Kansas.[3] Also Gulf, Sun, Texoco oil companies was founded as against to Standard Oil. Strong competition started in the USA and it will jump other continents in a short time. Additionally we should say that %25 of world oil transportation was provided in the USA at this time. Of course Standard Oil was the first bigger than other untill a just law decision.

    On the other face of the world there were some exploration activities in Caspian region in that time and it influenced oil market with its rich oil sources. Robert and Ludwig Nobel brothers founded oil rafineries in Baku and they discovered new ways to export oil from Caspian region. There was a period to complete its integrated company situation. First Caspian oil was transferred to St. Petersburg via ship which called as Zoroaster in 1876. Nobels were pioneer about tanker ship system. They ordered new tankers with new designs; Buddha, Tatarin, Mohammed, Socrates, Darwin, Koran, Talmud and Calmuck.[4] New transportation ways were necessities for Caspian oil to send other states via land and sea ways. So they planned to establish a rail road system from Baku to Batumi. It was started by Palashkovski but an economic disability prevented this project. But Rothschilds helped them and project completed successfully. Rothschilds entered this market system and founded Black Sea Petroleum Company at this region. Old House didn’t want to miss new conditions at this continent and founded Anglo-American Oil Company as an European foot of Standard Oil. Marcus Samuel who was owner of Shell Transportation Company and seller of seashells, visited Baku and started to work for oil market with his conditions and he created a new way from Baku to East Asia via Bosphorus and Suez channel to Bangkok and Singapore. First Baku oil was transferred to East Asia by M. Samuel via his ship which is called as Mirex. We can say that there were two global oil companies at this time; Standard Oil and Nobel-Rothschild Oil Company.

    Third big oil production was in East Indian Islands. There is a company here, Royal Dutch Oil Company which origins from Netherlands. Henry Deterding headed this company after old patron Kessler’s death. Marcus Samuel explored here and demanded to amalgamation of Shell and Royal Dutch to create a common power and use advantages of this strategic and oil-rich region.[5] Systematically Shell has effectual technical supports for Royal Dutch. After the amalgamation Deterding shared new points as restriction of production and quota system, so oil had a new value in the world oil market because of new artificial scarcity against to other competitors. Before the amalgamation Standard Oil was bigger than others, but new situation is militate in favor of Royal Dutch-Shell. Also law effect created a new period for oil market. In 1906 Federal Court in the USA decided to divide Standard Oil because of unfair rivalry in the state. Company was divided to 7 sectors, new companies; Exxon, Mobil, Chevron, Amoco, Sun, Conoco and Standart Oil of Ohio. After this condition new period started for oil market and oil industry, they had new modifications and innovations which are changeable to international political situations also they changed all balances of powers of the world.

    Mehmet Fatih ÖZTARSU – Turkish Forum

    [1] Oil Drilling, E. Drake,

    [2] Rovshan Ibrahimov, Oil and Policy Lecture in Baku Qafqaz University, November 2009.

    [3] Daniel Yergin, The Prize, Epic Quest for Oil, Money and Power.

    [4] Robert W. Tolf, The World’s First Oil Tankers, 1976.

    [5] Shell International History, official web site of Shell, .



    : Ergun KIRLIKOVALI [[email protected]]

    letter To:  Media Contact, Linda Millman Guller, Knights & Daughters of Vartan, Ph: (203) 454-9800,  Email: [email protected]

    Re:  “New Theme Launched: ‘Turkey is the Question, America is the Answer’ ”

    ; NEW YORK, Feb. 4, 2010, PRNewswire — “… On Sunday, April 25, 2010, for the 25th year, thousands of Armenian Americans and people against genocide will gather in Times Square from 2-4 PM to commemorate the first genocide of the 20th Century, the Armenian Genocide (Medz Yeghern). …”

    ergun s


    The arrogant and deceptive Armenian message “Turkey is the Question, America is the Answer” is replete with falsifications, omissions, and errors, but perhaps more grimly, it is   dishonest  and racist.

    24 April is the Ottoman Guantanamo, not genocide

    First, April 24 is a concocted day for a bogus genocide to deceive people into believing that somehow 1.5 million Armenians were killed by the Ottoman Empire.  That is a day when several hundred Armenian terrorists, agitators, and suspects, were arrested by home security forces and moved to safe locations for imprisonment, questioning, and trials.  This operation is almost identical to the current Guantanamo operation of the United States.  If the U.S. can take such a home security measure in 21st century and reach out to furthest continent to do it, why should it be wrong for the Ottoman Empire do the same in 20th Century and smack in the middle of its capital?  After all, terror is terror is terror.  Armenians were involved in propaganda, agitation, raids, feuds, terrorism, revolts, treason, territorial demands, assassinations, bombings, fatal bank robberies, for 30 years prior to April 24, 1915.  What’s more, Armenian leaders, cleric and lay, turned a deaf ear to all the Ottoman government warnings about ceasing and desisting in subversive and terrorist activities.  To add insult to injury, Armenians had staged the bloodiest armed revolt to date in February-April, 1915 in the city of Van, killing thousands of its Muslim inhabitants and turning the city over to the Russian invader.  All this took place when the motherland was subjected to brutal attacks and invasions on at least three fronts and engaged in a war of survival in the middle of a world war.  The police action taken on April 24, 1915, was not genocide; it was a well justified home security measure taken during a wartime on a blatantly treasonous group.

    Armenian information is incorrect and deceptive

    Second,  Armenian claims are factually, historically, and legally incorrect.  The Young Turk governments lasted from 1908 to 1918, NOT 1915-1923.  The Ottoman government lost the WWI in 1918 and was occupied by victors in 1920, thus completely powerless between 1918-1923 period.  In fact, a brand new government in Ankara, fighting for independence for Turkish lands, was established in Ankara which the Ottoman government rejected, even fought against.  After a bloody war of independence in many fronts lasting from 1919 to 1922, the Turkish lands were freed, independence was recognized by the allies and much of the world (and the U.S. a few years later) by Lausanne  agreement and the Republic of Turkey was established in 1923.  To deliberately misrepresent this complex history by the deceptive phrase  “the Young Turk Government of the Ottoman Empire (1915-1923)” is not only obviously incorrect but also unethical and ethocidal.

    1915 Van Revolt by Armenians was the 9/11 for the Ottoman Empire

    Third, what followed April 24 was also not genocide, but TERESET (temporary resettlement.)  The 1915 Van rebellion by the Armenians was to the Ottoman Empire what  9/11 terrorist attacks represent to America.  If the U.S. can plan and wage a war half a world over in Afghanistan (and later in Iraq) in 21st century, why should it be wrong for the Ottoman Empire to TERESET (temporarily resettle) its treasonous citizens who attacked and killed members of their own government, armies, state, nation and joined the invaders?

    Reading the racist Armenian message, one would never know that Armenians took up arms against their own government, attacked the rear of their own army, terrorized their Muslim neighbors, joined the invading enemy armies, demanded territory for an apartheid (greater Armenia), and caused the death of 524,000 of their countrymen, women and children.  One would never appreciate that the TERESET (temporary resettlement)  was a wartime home security measure and that Turks were only defending their home in the face of brutal foreign invasions and equally savage Armenian nationalists and revolutionaries.

    The Armenian bias and bigotry

    … show in the selection of speakers to validate claims of genocide; all other sources and proper authorities are ignored.  Genocide scholars, for instance, is an Armenian invention created by the notoriously anti-Turkish Zoryan Institute in 1994.  These genocide scholars are not even historians.  Most are English teachers and sociologists.  There are some psychologists and government majors among them.  And seventy-five percent of the board of directors are ethnically Armenians.  But they all like to pose like authorities in history which they absolutely are not.  They vie for winning the confidence of their unsuspecting readers.  What the Armenian claims lack in the credibility department, the Armenian lobby tries to fill the gap with new inventions like these so-called genocide scholars and other avenues like films, exhibits, and panels where only the Armenian side is represented and the Turkish side is censored.  Anything to avoid history, primary sources, facts, peer review, and debate seem to be fine with the Armenian lobby.  They think they are winning on the political side where opinions can be manipulated, political candidates, legislatures, and voters can be convinced without having to deal with legitimate, non-partisan historians and scholars driven by facts only.

    One so called genocide sponsor listed as a speaker, for example, was one of the sponsors of Taner Akcam , the poster boy of sorts of the Armenian lobby.  Akcam was exposed to be a paid Armenian agent showing how the Armenian lobby deceives people.  In a letter dated 17 January 2008, the University of Minnesota legal counsel stated that Akcam’s salary was funded by Cafesjian Foundation  (an Armenian institution) and Zoryan Institute (also an Armenian institution.)  What’s just as troubling is the fact that that letter said.

    “…Dr. Akcam is currently employed by the University as a Research Associate in the College of Liberal Arts (CLA), Department of History. This is an annually renewable, Professional & Administrative (“P&A”) position…”

    A few days after this letter was written, Akcam was spotted in New Orleans, presenting himself as “associate professor” in history to unsuspecting audiences.   He was neither employed as a professor nor historian, as his PhD is in sociology.  Is this important?  It ought to be, in the name of truth.  Why is he posing as a historian then if he is a sociologist?  How did he become a professor when he arrived into the U.S. as only a visiting scholar attached to no university only about ten years ago?  The more one digs, the more one finds the Armenian lobby lurking ominously underneath all this stink.

    Whereas the facts are simple.  Armenians revolted to establish an apartheid (i.e. greater Armenia) in Ottoman territories, when the motherland (the Ottoman Empire) was fighting for its survival against multi-front brutal invasions.  The Ottoman Empire, as a home security measure, was left with no choice but to  TERESET (temporarily resettle) the treasonous elements to non-war zones of the empire (hence not even a deportation.) Measures were taken for security and safety of the groups teresetted, perhaps insufficient and at times ineffective, but without intent to destroy as claimed.

    Unsubstantiated accusations such as race extermination or over 1.5 million Armenians  stand short of truths and the U.S. state archives refute them openly because:

    a- “American Military Mission to Armenia” (General Harbord) Report 1920 and Annex Report Nat. Archives 184.021/175  does not mention any “race extermination” but refers to “…refinements of cruelty by Armenians to Muslims…”

    b-  Joint US-Congress Resolution no. 192, April 22, 1922 relative to the activities of Near East Relief ending 31.12.1921, has unanimously resolved that a total of 1,414,000 Armenians were alive.

    c- George Montgomery, a member of the US delegation at the Paris Conference, had presented a detailed tabulation in 1919,  showing a total of 1,104,000 Armenians alive,  apart from those who had already immigrated to other countries.  ( 29 March 1919 report of the Paris Conference subcommittee on atrocities lists Armenian losses as “…more than 200,000…”  Who may have jacked this number to the current 1.5 million?  Take a guess!)

    d- Reliable sources show that THE TOTAL ARMENIAN POPULATION in the Ottoman Empire was less than 1.3 MILLION ( and others saying up to a maximum of 1.5 million) and hence it would be Armenian falsifiers’ liability to defy and annul these official U.S. State Records.  You think Armenian lobby can do that?  That is, use current pro-Armenian politicians to void the records of the U.S. Congress of 1919 with bogus resolutions?

    In case you missed it, it bears repeating:  these are the U.S. Congress records of 1919, solidly laying down the situation as it was back then.  Can the Armenians change them with propaganda, intimidation, and political pressure today?

    If Armenia, the tiny, land-locked, poverty-stricken, violent, and corrupt  country, wants to avoid bankruptcy and famine, which would turn it into a distant, inaccessible, and irrelevant province of Russia, then Armenia should stop the military occupation of Azeri lands (including Karabakh), allow the return home of one million Azeri refugees, and agree to opening and scholarly studying all relevant archives of WWI era soon.  Nothing short of that will save Armenia… and the time is ticking!


    Some useful reference sites:

    Some PDF Documents:

    a. (Part 1 & 2)

    b. (Part 3)

    c. (General Harbord Report)



    size=2 width=”100%” align=center>

    Further reading:


    If one cherishes values like objectivity, truth, and honesty, then one should use the phrase  “Turkish-Armenian conflict”.  Asking someone “Do you accept or deny Armenian Genocide” shows anti-Turkish bias. The question, in all fairness, should be re-phrased: “What is your stand on the Turkish-Armenian conflict?”

    Turks believe it was a civil war within a world war, engineered, provoked, and waged by the Armenians with active support from Russia, England, and France, and passive support from the U.S. diplomats, missionaries, media, and others with anti-Turkish agendas, all eyeing the vast territories of the collapsing Ottoman Empire. [1]

    Most Armenians claim that  the wartime Tereset (temporary resettlement) of the Armenians was genocide, based on dubious evidence, hearsay, forgeries, and highly refutable arguments, totally ignoring the Armenian complicity in war crimes ranging from raids, rebellions, and terrorism to treason, causing many casualties in the Muslim, mostly Turkish, community, all of which which triggered the Tereset.   Genocide is  a legal term with a very specific definition requiring, not a political, but a LEGAL judgment, which the Armenians lack.  There is massive evidence to the contrary, clearly pointing to a civil war fought by Muslim and Christian irregulars.


    While some amongst us may be forgiven for taking the ceaseless Armenian propaganda at face value and believing blatant Armenian falsifications [2] merely because they are repeated so often, it is difficult and painful for people like us, sons and daughters of  the Turkish survivors most of whose signatures you see below. [3]

    Those seemingly endless “War years” of 1912-1922  (seferberlik yillari) brought wide-spread death and destruction on to all Ottoman citizens. No Turkish family was left untouched, those of most of the signatories’ below included.  Those nameless, faceless, selfless Turkish victims are killed for a second time today with politically motivated and baseless charges of Armenian genocide.

    Allegations of Armenian genocide are racist and dishonest history.

    They are racist because they imply only Armenian (or Christian) dead count, the Turkish (or Muslim) dead do not.  [4]  The former must be remembered and grieved; the latter must be ignored and forgotten.  Do you know how many Muslims, mostly Turks, were killed during World War One?  Answer: About 3 million, including half a million of them at the hands of well-armed, well-motivated, and ruthless Armenian revolutionaries and para-military thugs. [3,5]  Compare that with less than 300,000 Armenian casualties [8] which number is gradually magnified to 1.5 million over the years through Armenian propaganda.

    And the allegations of Armenian genocide are dishonest because they simply dismiss


    1) TUMULT (as in numerous Armenian armed uprisings between 1890 and 1920)  [6,7]

    2) TERRORISM (by Armenian nationalists and militias victimizing Ottoman-Muslims between 1882-1920)  [8,9]

    3) TREASON (Armenians joining the invading enemy armies as early as 1914 and lasting until 1921)  [6,7,8,9,10]

    4) TERRITORIAL DEMANDS (from 1877 to present, where Armenians were a minority, not a majority, attempting to establish Greater Armenia.  Ironically, if the Armenians succeeded, it would be one of the first apartheids of the 20th Century, with a Christian minority ruling over a Muslim majority )  [1-11]

    5) TURKISH SUFFERING AND LOSSES (i.e. those caused by the Armenian nationalists: 524,000 Muslims, mostly Turks, met their tragic end at the hands of Armenian revolutionaries during WWI, per Turkish Historical Society. This figure is not to be confused with 2.5 million Muslim dead who lost their lives due to non-Armenian causes during WWI. Grand total: more than 3 million, according to Justin McCarthy) [7-10]

    6) TERESET (temporary resettlement) triggered by the first five T’s above and amply documented as such; not to be equated to the Armenian misrepresentations as genocide.)  [12]

    Armenians, thus, effectively put an end to their millennium of relatively peaceful and co-habitation in Anatolia with Turks, Kurds, Circassians, and other Muslims by killing their Muslim neighbors and openly joining the invading enemy. Muslims were only defending their home like any citizen anywhere would do.


    Those who take the Armenian “allegations” of genocide at face value seem to also ignore the following facts concerning international law:

    1- Genocide is a legal, technical term precisely defined by the U.N. 1948 convention (Like all proper laws, it is not retroactive to 1915.)   [13]

    2- Genocide verdict can only be given by a “competent court” after “due process” where both sides are properly represented and evidence mutually cross examined.  [14]

    3-  For a genocide verdict, the accusers must prove “intent” and “motive” at a competent court and by allowing due process to run its natural course.  This was not, perhaps cannot ever be, done by the Armenians, whose evidence mostly fall into five major categories:  hearsay,  mis-representations, exaggerations, forgeries, and “other”.  [15]

    4- Such a “competent court” was never convened in the case of Turkish-Armenian conflict and a genocide verdict does not exist  (save a Kangaroo court in occupied Istanbul in 1920 where partisanship, vendettas, and revenge motives left no room for due process.)  [8]

    5-  Genocide claim is political, not historical or factual.  It reflects bias against Turks. Therefore, the  term genocide must be used with the qualifier “alleged”, for scholarly objectivity and truth. [1-15]

    6- Recognizing Armenian claim as genocide will deeply insult Turkish-Americans  as well as Turkish-Europeans, and Turks around the globe.  Such a conduct would negatively influence the  excellent relations currently enjoyed between the U.S. and Turkey, if not the West and Turkey.  It will, no doubt, please Armenian lobbies in the U.S. Europe and Turkey but disappoint, insult, and outrage Turkey,  one of America’s closest allies since the Korean War of  1950-53. Turks stood shoulder to shoulder with Americans in Gulf War, Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, and more.   Armenian lobbies will have been allowed to poison  the U.S.-Turkey relations.  American gratitude and thanks will appear to come in the form of the worst insult that can be dished out to an entire nation.

    7- History is not a matter of “conviction, consensus,  political resolutions, propaganda, or public relations.” History is a matter of research, peer review, thoughtful debate, and honest scholarship. Even historians, by definition, cannot decide on a genocide verdict, which is reserved only for a “competent tribunal” with its legal expertise and due process.

    8- What we witness today, therefore, amounts to lynching [14] of the Turks by Armenians and their supporters to satisfy the age old Armenian hate, bias, and bigotry.  American values like fairness, presumption of innocence until proven guilty, objectivity, balance, honesty, and freedom of speech are stumped under the fanatic Armenian feet.  Unprovoked , unjustified, and unfair defamation of Turkey, one of America’s closest allies in the troubled Middle East, the Balkans, and the Caucasus, in order to appease some nagging Armenian activists runs counter to American interests.

    9- Hate-based, divisive, polarizing, and historically biased proclamations, such as Schiff’s HR 106, have never been an American way to do business. Why start now?

    10- Those who claim genocide verdict [14]  today, based on the much discredited Armenian evidence, are actually engaging in “conviction and execution without due process”, which is the dictionary definition of “lynch mobs”.


    Those who claim Turks need to apologize or show sensitivity to victims of WWI and/or their descendants—without remembering or respecting the Muslim, mostly Turkish, victims of the same WWI due to same wartime conditions—are insulting the silent memory of millions of Muslim, mostly Turkish, victims of WWI tragedy.  They are also engaging in Ethocide [16],

    A new term coined by a Turkish-American in 2003, Ethocide means “systematic extermination of ethics via malicious mass deception for political, economical, religious, social, and other gain.”  Ethocide comes with a new Turkish companion term: “AHLAKKIRIM”  [17]

    If an apology is needed today, then the entire humanity should apologize for the mistakes and excesses of the past generations, without resorting to “selective morality” and discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, race, or religion.  And if more sensitivity is required, then it should be provided by all for all, without resorting to division, polarization, hostility, bias, or bigotry.  Our accounst of WWI are replete with expressions of sadness and sympathy for all the victims of WWI, Turk, Kurd, Laz, Circassian, Armenian, Arab, Greek, Jew, and all others.  We do not feel we should segregate the Armenians or others from this lot and grieve only for them.

    If an apology is needed today, we should all start apologizing for the world hunger, global warming, aids epidemics, endless wars, inequity in income distribution, plundering human and natural resources, violation of civil rights of women, children, and some cases all humans, global lack of education and health care,  and more.


    As Ataturk so ably put it for all of us:  “Peace at home, Peace in the World.”



    [1]  History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey, Vol I & II, Stanford Shaw (Cambridge University Press, London, New York, Melbourne, 1976)

    [2]  The Story Behind Ambassador Morgenthau’s Story, Heath W. Lowry ( The Isis Press, Istanbul, Turkey, 1990)

    [3]  The Ottoman Peoples and the End of Empire, Justin McCarthy (Arnold, London, U.K., 2001

    [4]  Declaration Signed by 69 Prominent North American Academicians, New York Times and Washington Post, may 19, 1985 (for a copy:

    [5]  Ermeniler:  Sürgün ve Göç, Türk Tarih Kurumu (Ankara, Turkey, 2004)

    [6]  Houshamatyan of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, Centennial, Album-Atlas, Volume I, Epic Battles, 1890-1914 (The Next Day Color Printing, Inc., Glendale, CA, U.S.A., 2006)

    [7]  The Armenian Rebellion at Van, Justin McCarthy, Esat Arslan, Cemaletting Taskiran, Omer Turan (The University of Utah Press, Salt lake City, USA, 2006)

    [8]  The Armenian File, Kamuran Gurun (Rustem Bookshop, Mersin, Turkey, 1985)

    [9]  The Armenians in History and the Armenian Question, Esat Uras (Documentary Publications, Istanbul, Turkey, 1988)

    [10]  Free E-Book : “Genocide Of Truth” by Sukru Server Aya, Based On Neutral or Anti-Turkish Sources ( Istanbul Commerce University, Turkey, 2008)  For a copy:

    [11] “Pursuing the Just Cause of Their People”, Michael M. Gunter (Greenwood Press, New York, USA, 1986)

    [12]  “Ermenilerin Zorunlu Göçü, 1915-1917, Kemal Cicek (Turk tarih Kurumu, Ankara, Turkey, 2005)

    [13]  Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Adopted by Resolution 260 (III) A of the United Nations General Assembly on 9 December 1948:

    [14]  Article 6, Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Adopted by Resolution 260 (III) A of the United Nations General Assembly on 9 December 1948:

    [15]  Article 2, Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Adopted by Resolution 260 (III) A of the United Nations General Assembly on 9 December 1948:

    [16]  Ergun KIRLIKOVALI,  2003, “It Was Not ‘Genocide’; It was – and still is – ‘Ethocide’ “, ;


  • Armenia engagement derailing Turkey’s energy policy

    Armenia engagement derailing Turkey’s energy policy

    by Ferruh Demirmen

    Türksam, December 9, 2009

    (Turkish Center for International Relations & Strategic Analysis)

    A misconceived engagement with Armenia has boomeranged beyond diplomacy to impact Turkey’s energy policy. The developments so far are already worrying, and further negative consequences may follow. Turkey’s energy policy is held hostage, and the culprit is a short-sighted Armenia rapprochement that has ignored Azerbaijan’s legitimate concerns on Nagorno-Karabakh.

    While some may view the energy “fallout” as a case of “unintended consequences” for Turkey,  the effects could have been foreseen easily.


    The secret, Switzerland-based Turkish-Armenian normalization process that surfaced in April 2009 in the aftermath of President Obama’s visit to Turkey, albeit launched with good intentions, turned out to be a disappointment for the Turkish side. The “road map” that was announced had a glaring omission: trustworthy preconditions or commitments requisite for normalization of bilateral relations.

    In particular, there was no assurance that the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, vital for Azerbaijan, would be resolved before opening the Turkey-Armenia border. Baku was concerned, and Turkish-Azerbaijani relations soured.

    The two Turkish-Armenian protocols later initialed on August 31 and signed on October 10 confirmed the absence of any caveat on Nagorno-Karabakh, and further alienated Azerbaijan.

    For the better part of 2009 Turkey has been trying to placate Azerbaijan, with promises that it will not open the Turkey-Armenia border unless the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is first resolved.

    The promise is like a double-edged sword. If Turkey reneges on its promise to Azerbaijan, Turkish-Azerbaijani relations will receive a serious, possibly fatal blow. If Turkey keeps its promise, and Turkish-Armenian normalization fails as a result, Turkey will be criticized in the West for being insincere or manipulative on Armenia “opening.” Armenian “genocide” allegations in the US Congress will come to the forefront again. April 24, 2010 is not too far ahead.

    In either case, unless the Armenian parliament refuses to ratify the normalization protocols before the Turkish parliament does, Turkey will be the loser.

    That will be the price paid for an ill-conceived political process. Armenia has made it clear repeatedly that it sees no linkage between the normalization process and the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. So, Turkey is facing a major quandary.

    At present, neither Turkey nor Armenia has submitted the protocols to their respective parliaments for ratification. The fate of the normalization process will hang heavily on the actions of the two parliaments. But for Turkey, and the West in general, some energy projects are at stake.

    The fallout on energy

    From energy point of view, worsening Turkish-Azerbaijani relations, if not stemmed, will come at a heavy price for Turkey. Alarmed at the Turkish-Armenian normalization talks conducted behind his back, an angry and resentful Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan, announced in May that, if forced, Azerbaijan would resort to military force to recapture the Azeri Nagorno-Karabakh territory it lost to Armenia in 1994. (See also recent analysis, ref. 1)

    Aliyev had the sympathy of Turkey and a host of other nations and several UN resolutions to back him up, but that was not enough. Peace talks mediated by the OSCE Minsk Group were also not producing palpable results. (Armenian-Azeri talks in Munich in late November were also inconclusive, ref. 1).

    To give credibility to his warning, or threat, Aliyev decided to play the gas card as a strategic tool. Partnership with Russia, at least on energy initially, was the strategy he had in mind. And Russia, given the opportunity to exploit the South Caucuses conflict, was more than willing to appear cooperative.

    The gas card Aliyev was mulling over was the Shah Deniz gas lying below the bed of the Caspian Sea. Aliyev was already unhappy over the prolonged, yet unresolved, dispute with Turkey over the price of Shah Deniz-1 gas that Turkey had been importing since July 2007. The price of gas was up for negotiation in April 2008, but discussions had reached a deadlock. Aliyev complained that Turkey was paying, at $120/1000 m3, one-third of the market price for gas, and Turkey’s counter offers were not high enough.

    On June 29, Russia’s Gazprom and Azerbaijan’s state-owned company Socor signed a gas agreement in Baku in the presence of respective presidents. The agreement stipulated that, starting in 2010, Gazprom would buy Azeri gaz, including, apparently, Shah Deniz-2 gas when it becomes available (currently in 2015). This would be the first time in Azerbaijan’s history that Azeri gas would be exported to Russia.

    The gas volume initially involved was small (annually 500 million m3), but it was announced that the volume would increase in future. Gazprom would have the right of first refusal on additional supplies of gas when available. The agreement paved the way for a broad Russian-Azerbaijani cooperation that could possibly extend beyond gas.

    The June 29 deal received further endorsement in Baku on October 14.

    The Russian-Azerbaijani accord was a clear message to Turkey, and the West in general, from Aliyev that Azerbaijan would keep its options open as far as exporting its gas from the planned Shah Deniz Phase-2 development. This cast doubt not only on future Shah Deniz-2 gas supplies to Turkey, but also on Azeri gas supplies to the planned west-bound Nabucco project that Turkey had boastfully committed itself to in Ankara on July 13 (ref. 2).

    To export its gas, Azerbaijan is now pursuing other options that circumvent Turkish territory: a subsea line in the Black Sea running from Georgia to Romania (White Stream project), tanker transport of compressed gas from Georgia to Bulgaria, and a swap or direct gas sale deal with Iran. Preliminary agreements have been signed on all of these. The existing pipeline connections with Iran and Russia would facilitate Russia and Iran options.

    Broader implications

    Turkey’s ill-founded Armenia engagement process, lacking any meaningful preconditions, is derailing Turkey’s energy policy. A distrustful Azerbaijan has now moved closer to Russia, and Shah Deniz-2 gas exports to Turkey for its domestic needs, as well as for onward transit to Europe via the planned Nabucco pipeline, are put in jeopardy.

    Import of Turkmen gas via a future Trans-Caspian pipeline, that could also feed the Nabucco pipeline, is also at risk. For Turkmen gas to reach Turkey via the Trans-Caspian pipeline, Azerbaijan’s cooperation is essential.

    Turkey needs Azeri gas in excess of the currently imported Shah Deniz-1 gas to diversify its gas supply sources and routes. Currently there is excessive (some 60%) dependence on Russian gas supplies for Turkey’s domestic needs.

    Despite its shortcomings, Nabucco project is still a vital project for Turkey both from energy and political point of view (ref. 2). If Nabucco does not receive throughput from Azeri or Turkmen sources, Turkey’s long-avowed strategic position as an energy corridor to the West will be seriously compromised.

    Public outcry stemming from alienation from the brotherly Azeri nation is also a price that Turkish policy makers must consider.

    The above considerations leave no doubt that the Ankara-Baku rift should be mended. The sooner the better. The onus of this burden rests mainly on Turkey, not Azerbaijan. Otherwise Azerbaijan will move even closer to Russia, and Turkey may have to do without new Azeri (Shah Deniz-2) gas supplies. That would be rather unfortunate.

    While it would entail a higher cost, Azerbaijan has options to export its gas without transiting Turkish territory.

    Aliyev has indicated a number of times that Azerbaijan is interested in the Nabucco project, but unless Turkey is more accommodating, that interest may go nowhere.

    All indications are that Turkey has overplayed its hand as far as its geographic position as an energy conduit, and has also stonewalled too long to meet reasonable Azeri requests for a gas price that closely reflects market conditions.

    Turkey should not be seen as being obstructionist for the implementation of the Nabucco project. In this connection, the possible ramifications of Turkey’s support for the rival South Stream project during the August 6 Russia-Turkey-Italy energy summit in Ankara were not lost on the EU, and may dampen the EU’s interest in Nabucco.

    It is telling that Austrian OMV (the flag-bearer for Nabucco), Italian ENI and French EDF have signed preliminary agreements with Gazprom recently about joint implementation of the South Stream project. In the light of these developments, one wonders whether the EU’s support for Nabucco is as good as before, and whether Turkey’s apparent wavering on Nabucco is playing a role. The financing problem of Nabucco is also at a standstill.

    Another fallout from strained Turkish-Azerbaijani relations could be the curtailment of the BTC (Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan) throughput, with some of the crude diverted to the Russian and Georgian ports of Novorossiysk and Supsa, respectively. Lukoil, ExxonMobil and Devon, shareholders of AIOC (Azerbaijan International Oil Company) but not the BTC consortium, are already using these routes to export their entitlements from the ACG (Azeri-Chirag-Gunesli) field in Azerbaijan.

    Export of Kazakh crude through the BTC could also be delayed or blocked. An ominous sign in this respect comes from the Russian-Kazakh oil transit agreement signed in Yalta on November 20. The agreement signaled support for the Samsun-Ceyhan pipeline, which Russia, at Turkey’s strong urging, recently endorsed. Samsun-Ceyhan will undermine plans to export Kazakh oil through a trans-Caspian pipeline link to the BTC.

    An irony for the US

    As a footnote to the above, it is also worth observing an irony in Turkey’s “opening” to Armenia. It is no secret that US pressure, in particular the urging of President Obama in person, played a key role in launching the Armenia engagement process. Yet, the process has not only damaged the close Turkish-Azerbaijani partnership, it has drawn Azerbaijan into Russia’s orbit of influence. This runs counter to the long-established US policy of weaning Soviet-era Turkic republics from Russia’s sphere of influence, in particular on energy.

    The maxim, “unintended consequences,”  describes this situation well for the US.

    Concluding remarks

    An ill-conceived political normalization process undertaken with Armenia has pushed a nervous Azerbaijan closer to Russia and has driven this small nation to seek alternative gas export options that circumvent Turkish territory. Future Azeri, and in the longer term Turkmen, gas imports to Turkey are jeopardized.

    Some of the throughput to the BTC may be diverted, and plans to channel Kazakh oil to the BTC may be cancelled or postponed indefinitely.

    In parallel, Turkey’s role to act as an energy corridor to the West is compromised.

    The energy projects impacted are all important for Turkey. If for no other reason than to safeguard these projects, it is vitally important that the Turkish-Azerbaijani relations are put back where they belong, and where they traditionally have been: good, friendly terms.

    Despite rosy statements from Turkish government circles, Turkish-Azeri relations are severely strained. Rapprochement with Armenia should not come at the expense of brotherly relations with Azerbaijan.

    Turkish policy makers who now claim the Turkey-Armenia border would not be opened until the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is resolved, should answer the question: If that were to be so, why did the normalization protocols signed with Armenia not contain the requisite precondition in the first place? It is no secret that the Armenia engagement started under external pressures, both from the US and the EU.

    The adverse energy-related effects stemming from the ill-conceived Armenia normalization process were no surprise, and could have been foreseen in advance.

    Those who are entrusted to lead the nation should be cognizant of the fact that one-sided foreign-policy initiatives that are launched without due consideration of underlying risks can have boomerang effects that may undermine national energy interests.

    If the rift in energy cooperation between Turkey and Azerbaijan deepens, in a sense it will be a betrayal of the legacy of the late Azerbaijani President Haydar Aliyev, who, with resolute determination, championed the realization of the BTC project despite many roadblocks. Turkey will bear the lion’s share of responsibility for this state of affairs.

    Separate from the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, the Armenia normalization process has ignored other legitimate concerns that are important for Turkey (ref. 3).

     A far-sighted national energy policy requires vision, foresight and perseverance. Whether Turkey’s policy makers have these traits, the readers should ponder.

     References cited

    (1)   “Nagorno-Karabakh negotiations in Munich and the possibility of war,” by Sinan Oğan, Türksam, Nov. 23, 2009.

    (2)   “Nabucco: A challenge for EU and a partially fulfilled promise for Turkey,” by Ferruh Demirmen, Eurasia Critic, September 2009.

    (3)   “Current Turkish ‘opening’ to Armenia cannot be supported,” by Ferruh Demirmen, Turkish Forum, October 9, 2009.

    [email protected]