Category: Authors

  • Armenia’s 20th Anniversary: A Young Republic; an Ancient Nation

    Armenia’s 20th Anniversary: A Young Republic; an Ancient Nation


    Armenians worldwide had many reasons to celebrate the month of September, as they observed the 20th anniversary of the twin Republics of Armenia and Artsakh (Nagorno Karabagh).
    Two decades ago, Armenians did not have a single independent Republic. Now they have two, and look forward to the day when the two republics are joined by a third — Western Armenia — to form the Republic of United Armenia!
    On Sept. 19-20, the Diaspora Ministry organized a Pan-Armenian conference in Yerevan that drew over 500 participants from 50 countries, along with political and religious leaders from Armenia and Artsakh. It was a reunion of Who’s Who of the Armenian world.
    The conference had four main themes: language and education, youth issues, commemorating the centennial of the Genocide, and strengthening Armenia-Diaspora relations. Some speakers took this opportunity to point out the serious shortcomings that continue to plague Armenia 20 years after independence.
    His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of Cilicia, singled out emigration from Armenia as the greatest national crisis. “Our enemies wished to see an Armenia devoid of Armenians,” he stated. “Today, we are emptying Armenia with our own hands!” His Holiness also condemned the prevalent “corruption” in the country that protects “a prosperous minority.”
    Tashnag Party leader, Hrant Markarian, chided government officials for the persistence of poverty, joblessness, stagnant economy, social insecurity, injustice, criminal behavior, corruption, and emigration. He also criticized them for not withdrawing their signature from the “infamous Armenia-Turkey Protocols.”
    During the panel on the Armenian Genocide — I was one of the moderators — the participants suggested training a new generation of Genocide scholars, Ottoman language specialists, Turkologists, and international law experts. They emphasized that the time had come to demand reparations from Turkey rather than mere genocide recognition and urged filing lawsuits against Turkey in international and national courts.
    While in Armenia, I experienced many exhilarating moments as well as a few disappointing ones. The military parade on Independence Day was the highlight for all Armenians worldwide — watching it at Yerevan’s Republic Square or on television! The goose-step march of highly disciplined soldiers and display of sophisticated tanks, missiles, warplanes and helicopter gunships filled every Armenian with pride and a sense of security from menacing neighbors! Later that evening, hundreds of thousands of spectators were captivated by a special high-tech laser show that projected scenes from Armenian history on the facade of buildings overlooking Republic Square.
    The four locally-manufactured Armenian drones (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), displayed for the first time during this year’s military parade, drew the most attention, especially since the Artsakh forces had just downed a drone Azerbaijan had purchased from Israel! The parade held yet another surprise — a contingent of women soldiers with machine guns who had volunteered to join the exclusively male Armenian armed forces! Also marching was a contingent of military chaplains in clerical garb.
    Two other developments added a special luster to the celebrations of independence. The Mesrob Mashdots Madenataran in Yerevan, the depository of ancient manuscripts, unveiled a massive new wing, funded mostly by Russian-Armenian entrepreneur Sergei Hampartsoumian. On this occasion, Mihran Minassian, a humble man of limited means from Aleppo, Syria, donated to the Madenataran over 10,000 priceless manuscripts and fragments he had collected through his life-long efforts.
    A second momentous event in September was the opening of a state of the art terminal at Yerevan’s Zvartnots Airport. The new complex can serve up to 3.5 million passengers annually, doubling the airport’s capacity. This important project was brought to fruition by industrialist Eduardo Eurnekian of Argentina who controls “Armenia International Airports,” the concessional management firm overseeing the airport.
    Two sour notes: Some of the Independence Day t-shirts handed out to participants of the Pan-Armenian Conference carried a surprising “Made in Turkey” label! The t-shirts were embossed with the following slogan in Armenian: “2011: Armenia is You!” Embarrassed officials explained that the t-shirts were donated by a local businessman!
    More embarrassing was the no-show of the two former Presidents of Armenia at any of the Independence Day celebrations. Regardless of the reasons for their absence, this was a serious mistake by the two heads of state who had led the Republic of Armenia for 17 of its 20 years of independence!
    Despite all of its shortcomings, all Armenians fervently embrace their homeland with a solemn pledge to defend and protect it, and do their utmost to secure the well-being and prosperity of their compatriots in Armenia and Artsakh!
  • Hrant Dink Olayi  ve Turk Destekcilerindeki Asagilik Kompleksi

    Hrant Dink Olayi ve Turk Destekcilerindeki Asagilik Kompleksi

    Hrant Dink olayi tamamen civitildi. Turkiye’yi, Turk tarihini, kulturunu, ulkesini ve insanini adeta kum torbasina cevirmek icin hem arac ve hem de ortam haline getirildi.

    Dink protestolari, Dink yuruyusleri, Dink panelleri, Dink makaleleri, Dink kitaplari, Dink filmleri, Dink odulleri, Dink internet siteleri, Dink muzeleri, Dink…Dink…Dink…

    Dink, yani bir Ermeni binlerce Turkten daha mi degerli?


    Biraz acayim:

    Ermeni teroristleri (ASALA, JCAG, ve digerleri) 1973-1993 arasi, dunyanin her yerinde, ve hatta Turkiye’de, binlerce teror eylemi yaptilar. Bu bombali, kursunlu saldirilarda yuzlerce Turk’u
    katlettiler. Binlerce insan yaralandi. Binalar, evler, arabalr, okullar, havaalanlari, bankalar, devlet binalari … onbinlerce bina hasar gordu. Yuzbinlerce insan degisen yogunlukta travmalar yasadi. Bugun Ermeni terorunun Turk kurbanlarindan hangisinin ismini hatirliyorsunuz?

    Eger bir tanesinin adini soyleyebilirseniz, ben bu yaziyi geri cekecegim ve siz de okumanizi burada

    Ermeni teroru kurbanlarindan hangisi icin yuruyusler, paneller, basin toplantilari, internet siteleri, surekli TV programlari, belgeseller, filmler, yapildi?

    Hangisi icin makaleler, kitaplar, agitlar, siirler, sarkilar yazildi? Oduller, paralar, serefler, burslar dagitildi? Avukatlar ordusu tutuldu? Muzeler, binalar insa edildi?

    Oyleyse soruyorum: Dink, yani bir Ermeni onlarca, yuzlerce, binlerce Turkten daha mi degerli?

    Kandirilmis bir Turk gencinin yaptigi tek bir teror eylemi, Ermenilerin son yuzelli yildir yaptigi binlerce teror eylemini siler mi? Unutturur mu?

    Birak 150 seneyi, bir Dink, bir Arikan’i unutturur mu?


    Suc bizde, cunku buna biz izin verdik…


    Arikan’i ozellikle sectim. Eminim ki cogu okurun Arikan’in kim oldugundan haberi yoktur. Iste sorun da zaten burada ya.

    Bazilarinin Turkiye’de Dink’e olan yaklasimi bir insan haklari ya da demokrasi yaklasimi degil; bilgisizlige dayali bir asagilik kompleksinin tezahuru, disavurumu. Bu yuzden de bu tip “Dink’ciler” e hem kiziyorum, hem de aciyorum…

    Zavallilar, kendi ulkelerini, vatanlarini, insanlarini, kulturlerini, tarihlerini, geleneklerini, goreneklerini, ruhlarini, benliklerini, kimliklerini azar azar sattiklarini goremiyorlar… Oylesine, futbol takimi tutar gibi, kӧrü kӧrüne, bilgisizce ama arsizca bir itaat icindeler… Dink de Dink… Ille de Dink…

    Hani bebeler vardir ya “cok, cok, cok, cok” boyuna emzik emerler… Bos ama mutlu gozlerle dunyaya bakarlar … Iste bu zavallilar da “dink, dink, dink, dink” diye sesler cikararak Turkiye-dusmani propagandalari emiyorlar…


    Karsilastirma oldukca ogretici:

    Arikan 1982 de Los Angeles’te bir genc tarafindan vurulmustu, adi Sasunyan. Dink’i 2007 de Istanbul’da vuran da bir Turk genciydi, adi Ogun Samast.

    Turk genci bazi soylemler ve vaatlerle o anlik kandirilmisti ama simdi pismandi. Arikan’i vuran Ermeni gencinin ise beyni sistematik olarak uzun yillar icinde Turk nefreti ile yikanmisti ve sucunu tekrarlamaya her an hazirdi…

    Arikan’da Dink te olduruldugunde 52 yasindaydi.

    Ikisi de kursunlara hedef oldugunda evliydi.

    Ikisinin de kizlari vardi ve onlar da benzer yaslardaydi.

    Ama Dink icin butun Turkiye ayaga kalkti, terore lanet okudu, yuruyusler yapti, “Hepimiz Ermeniyiz” diye bile sacmaladi…

    Arikan icin Los Angeles’te tek Ermeni bile yurumedi. Birak yurumeyi, yuzlercesi, binlercesi zil takip oynadi. Bir seytan daha gitti diyenler bayram yaptilar. Ermeni kiliselerinde Ermeni teroristler icin paralar toplandi. Bunlardan bihaber Turk magandalar ise 25 sene sonra Istanbul’da 2007 de bir pankart tasiyordu: “Hepimiz Ermeniyiz.” Soruyorum: asagilik kompleksi bu degidir de nedir?


    Dink’in katilini babasi polise yakalatti. Yani kendi babasi bile Turk katili desteklemedi. Sasunyan’i ise bazi Ermeni aileler gunlerce Los Angeles polisinden sakladi. Sonunda Amerikali gorgu sahitleri ortaya cikti da Sasunyan yakalanabildi. Yoksa o da bugun hala yakalanmamis olurdu, tipki suc ortagi gibi (o simdi Lubnan’daymis.)

    Halbuki Samast hemen yakalandi, yargilandi, 22 yila hapis cezasinamahkum oldu… Bu bile bazi Ermenilerin Turk-dusmanligini, kinini, nefretini dizginleyemedi… Neymis efendim, derin devletmis! Fransa’nin serbest biraktigi ASALA katili bugun Ermenistan’da kahraman muamelesi goruyor. Derine de lluzum yok, bunlar sig devletler… ve vapacik hareketler… Ama bu onlari ilgilendirmiyor, cunku olenler Turk ve Musluman… Yani “harcanabilir” turden… Dink lobisi ve onun bazi tanidik-bildik Turk isbirlikcileri bastiriyorlar: derin devlet de derin devlet…

    Dink’in oldurulmesini Turkiye Cumhurbaskani, Basbakani, Bakanlari, Valileri, Belediye Baskanlari, toplum liderleri, kanaat onderleri, sanayiciler, isadamlari, sanatcilar, sporcular, halk herkese
    kinadi… Bu Turkiye icin cok buyuk bir artidir. Tarihi bir hosgoru belgesidir…

    Arikan’in ӧlümünü ise, birkac soguk diplomatik aciklama disinda, kimse kayitsiz sartsiz olarak kinayamadi. Ne Ermeni diasporasi, ne Ermenistan politikacilari, ne Ermeni yazarlari, sanatcilari, aydinlari… Hic kimse! Hepsinde de kayitlar sartlar vardi. “Efendim, oldurme yanlisti ama bu yerde kanlar icinde yatan Turk diplomat, kanli tarihi nedeniyle olumu bir sekilde haketmisti…Zaten bunlar derin devletciydi… ” demeye getiren affettirici soylemler denediler.

    Turkler ve Ermeni Diasporasi aradaki bu “derin” davranis, hissiyat, ve ahlak farkini hala goremeyeniniz kaldi mi?


    Amerikali tarihci Justin McCarthy’nin “Turks In America” diye yeni bir kitabi var. Tavsiye ederim. Mutlaka okuyun. Turkcesi de yakinda cikiyormus galiba–cikmiyorsa da cikmali diye dusunuyorum. Dusunun ki, 500 sayfalik bir kitap ama 200 sayfasi kaynaklara, aciklayici notlara ayrilmis. Yani boylesine zengin ve ayrintili bir arastirma urunu.

    Kitap okuyacak vaktiniz yoksa, lutfen hic olmazsa sadece ikinci bolumunu okuyun. Bostonlu Protestan Misyonerlerin Batida yarattigi olumsuz Turk imajini anlayin, gorun, hissedin…

    Amerika’da son ikiyuz yilda Osmanli ve Turkiye hakkinda yazilanlari, soylenenleri bir okusaniz, kaniniz damarinizda donar. Benimki dondu.

    O kitapta 1819 yilinda bir Boston Kilisesinde Potestan misyoner Pliny Fisk’in vaazini bir okuyun. Yazar McCarthy, o gunlerden baslayip bugune kadar inatla gelen anti-Turk soylemlerin izini adeta usta bir izci surmus.

    Hangi mektup, hangi hutbe, hangi kilise, hangi okul, hangi kitap, hangi gazete, ne zaman, nerede… Kim neler soylemis, yazmis… Reaksiyonlar ne olmus… Bugunlere nerelereden gecilerek, hangi evrimler yasanarak gelinmis… Bunlari tek tek okuyun. Gorun. Nalinci keseri Dinkcilerin iste bu gelenegi nasil surdurdugunu anlayacaksiniz… Onlar icin Dink arac; Turkiye’ye saldirmak, Turk’u karalama amac…

    Bu kitap kadar yazdiktan sonra size biraz tattirmazsam bir belki yeriniz siser. O yuzden, izninzile, sadece ikinci bolumun cok kisa bir ozetini sunayim. Bu kitabin, “Dink’ciler” in bugunku davranislarinin ardindaki karanlik ve nefret dolu zihniyeti nasil aciga vurdugunu goreceksiniz.

    Amerika kuruldugu yillarda (1776-1818) Hristiyanlik, daha dogru bir deyimle Protestanlik, one cikiyor. Gerci anayasa ve yasalar var tabii ama yasam genellikle dini degerler uzerinden duzenleniyor.

    Inanislardan biri ise Yahudilerin Isa peygamber’e ihanet edip kotu yola saptiklari, dunyadaki tum kotuluklerinin kaynaginin bu oldugu, ve eger bu Yahudilerin tekrar Hristiyanliga dondurulmesi saglanabilirse Isa’nin yeryuzune tekrar geri gelecegi ve tum sorunlarin bitecegidir. Inanclari bu. Seversin, sevmezsin. Inanirsin, inanmazsin. Inanclar tartisilmaz ki.

    Hatta bu yuzden Protestanlar ve Presbyteryanlar Kudus’e buyuk ilgi duyuyorlar. Derken misyonerler gonderiyorlar. Ilk giden misyonerler raporlarinda Protestan yapilmasi gerekenleri siraliyorlar: once Yahudiler, sonra Muslumanlar, sonra Ortodokslar (Rum), sonra diger sapmis Hristiyanlar (Ermeni, Nasturi, Asuri, vs) ve sonra da Katolikler.

    Bunlardan ilk ucunde hicbir yol katedemeyince de Ermeniler uzerine yogunlasiyorlar ve anti-Turk,
    anti-Musluman soylemlerle, Anadolu’ya yuzlerce okul ve hastane yapip egitim ve saglik hizmetleri goturerek Ermeniler arasinda hatiri sayilir bir Protestan kesim yaratiyortlar. Iste sorun bu calismalardaki
    anti-Turk, kin dolu ve bolucu soylemlerde. Tamamen hurafe ve nefrete dayali bu soylemlerden bazilari aynen, bazilar hafifleyerek gunumuze kadar gelmisler.

    Iste ABD deki anti-Turk soylemlerin, makale ve kitaplarin, belgesel ve filmlerin, ve hatta politikalarin ardinda bu ikiyuz yillik misyoner edebiyati cikabiliyor.

    Bostonlu Protestan Misyonerlere gore Muslumanlik sahte bir dindir, gelenekleri sapiktir, tum Muslumanlar Hristiyan olmadikca dunyada huzur yoktur. Turkler de Muslumanlarin en birincil temsilcisidir. Tembeldir, sakindir,kafasi calsimaz, reform yapamaz, kendisini yenilemesi, gelistirmesi mumkun degildir, ama kizdigi zaman cok kotu seyler yapan bir canavardir. (Misyonerlik merkezinin, soykirim iddialarini kabul ettigini ilk defa 2003 yilinda beyan eden Globe gazetesinin ve Ermeni Devrimci Orgutu merkezinin hepsinin de Boston’da bulunmasi bir tesaduf mudur?)

    Ondikuzuncu yuzyilda koskoca Osmanli imparatorlugu icin sadece bir veya iki paragraf vardir lise tarih kitaplarinda ve onlarda yukarida yazdigim yalan ve hakaret dolu seylerdir. Bu kitaplara gore Turk’te sanat ve bilim yoktur, varsa mutlaka Hristiyan kokenliler tarafindan yapilmistir. Turk’un mimarisi, han, hamam, kopru, cesme, yol, cami ve diger eserleri, sanati, siiri, felsefesi, Mevlana’si, Yunus’u, Nasreddin
    Hoca’si, Dede Korkut’u, cinisi, halisi, minyaturu, muzigi, hic ama hic yoktur.)

    Binlerce yillik Turk, Amerika’nin Tarih kitaplarinda iki paragraftir ve ikisi de cok kotudur. Haritada zor bulacaginiz Karayip adalarina bile sayfalarca yer veren bu tarih kitaplari, uc kitaya 623 hukmetmis bir dunya imparatorlugu icin sadece iki paragraph ayirmistir… ve orada bile hakaret etmistir.

    Boylece, Pazar okullarinda anti-Turk soylemler ile tanisan minnacik cocuklar, orta okulda ve lisede birkac paragraf ta olsa bu nefret ve onyargi soylemini tekrar duymaktadir. Universiteye gelen genc
    Turk hakkinda fazla birsey bilmez ama bildigi cok kotu seylerdir.

    Universitede ise anti-Turk soylem bilimsel bir havaya sokulur. 1453 Istanbul’un fethi ve onun etkilerinden soz edilirken Turklerin nasil yakip yiktigi belgelenmeye calisilir. Bizans yasami, sanati ve teknolojisi one cikarilir. Dogal olarak, bunu okuyan genc te Turkiye’ye karsi, en hafif deyimiyle,
    endiseli ve mesafeli olur. Seni sever, dost olursun, tanisirsin, Turk oldugunu ogrenince ilk lafi su olur: “Hic Turk’e benzemiyorsun?” Cunu kafasinda pala biyikli, kilicindan kan damlayan bir katil imaji var. (Boylelerine genellikle esprili cevap veririm: Eger devemi ne yaptigimi ima ediyorsan hemen soyleyeyim, onu binanin arkasina parkettim.)

    85 milyonluk Almanya’dan 4-5 milyon turist ceken Turkiye’nin, 330 milyonluk ABD den yarim milyon turist bile cekememesinin ardinda yatan etken sadece cografi uzaklik degildir; yukarida anlattigimiz bu tarihi, dini, ahlaki boyutlardaki uzakliktir. Onyargidir. Haydi nefret demeyeyim de antipatidir. Derin kizginlik ve sevgisizliktir…


    Bu onyargilarin isiginda, ben Dinkciler’i degerlendiriyorum:

    1) Dink ailesi ve yakinlari – bunlarin acisi gercektir ve tabii ki anlasilabilir. Bunlar zaten grubun binde biri bile degildir.

    2) Ozurcu aydinlar – Yani Dink’i Turkiye’yi surekli karalamak icin bir arac ve/veya bir platform olarak kullananlar. Bunlar genellikle 70 li yillarin eli kanli solculari, bugunlerin ise liberal veya dinci yazarlari. Kimse aldanmasin: bunlarin meselesi Turkiye’ye duyduklari kindir ve saldirmak icin her araci kullanirlar: Dink, demokrasi, insan haklari, AB, inanc ozgurlugu… Ben bunlara karsi degilim ama bunlari yaparken Turkiye’ye insafsizca hucum edilmesine karsiyim. Bunlar bence yuzde biri ikiyi gecmez… Azdir ama cok yaygara yaparlar.

    3) Gizli Turk dusmanlari ile bazi asagilik kompleksliler : Bunlar Arikan’i bilmezler. Ermeni terorunun 70 den fazla Turk kurbani icin tek damla goz yasi dokmus degildirler, zaten hatirlamazlar. Tarihteki Ermeni isyanlari, ihanetleri, teroru, bombali kursunlu saldirilari, apartheid icin toprak istekleri, Islamofobyasi ve Turkofobyasi konusunda pek bilgisiz olduklari icin de Ermeni soykirim iddialarina karsi “aman canim, ver-kurtul” yaklasimina siginirlar. Boylece demokrasi, insan haklari, ve AB cephesine tasindiklarini , yani aklandiklarini dusunurler. Zavallidirlar ama buyuk cogunluk da bunlardadir. Merak ediyorum, acaba “Hepimiz Ermeniyiz” pankartlarini tasiyanlar bunlar olabilir mi? Sorunun yanitini okura birakiyorum.


    Eger teror kurbanlari icin adam gibi, Insanca uzuleceksen, o zaman hepsi icin uzul; “Bu Dink, bu degil” diye ayirma. Biraz da sen insan ol. Bu arada biraz oku ve ogren ki seni bu kadar kolayca manipule edemesin “Ozurculer” ve “Dinkciler”. Bunlara karsi en iyi mucadele bilgi ile olur. Onlarin ezberi ancak bilgi ile bozulur.

    Son soz: Onlarin Dink’i varsa benim de Arikan’im var… Ve Arikan’imin yaninda 70 tane Alim, Velim, Mehmedim, Ahmedim var. Dinkciler ve Ozurculer hatirlamak istese de var… istemese de var!

    Yeter artik gozumuzun icine baka baka yaptiginiz bu kadar irkcilik, ayrimcilik, ve hakaretler; hepsini ama hepsini sizlere gerisin geri iade ediyorum. Tepe tepe kullanin!

    Hem babasi ve hem annesi Balkan Savaslarindan sag cikabilmislerin oglu

    Not: Ingilizce argumanlar icin:



    Republic of Turkey , born from the ashes of a 600-year Empire and having the character of independence , has pioneered many freedom movements which resulted with the establishment of new free countries within the first half of 20th century . The founders of the Republic under the leadership of Ataturk set up this new state by giving the whole nation  , desolated and impoverished , the spirit of resistance and by getting their rights with force against the Western Allies at that time ; therefore , they deserve our feelings of gratitude and respect .

    Today , at this point , we , as Turkey , need to follow much more active government policies . Personally , I strongly believe that the nationalism concept taking place among the founding principles of the Republic  should be considered as Imperial Nationalism . In other words , Turkey , will exert its power and authority in every piece of land which it already exists or existed before and which it strongly wishes to exist in the future . No need to say , this is not an enlargement basing on the military power , but on the contrary , an enlargement policy by using all the historical and cultural close relations and by creating a land of attraction for other states and people . Military power must always be respected and must create hesitation among the possible enemies .

     First of all , I want to start wit a basic fact of creation : every entity in the universe has an energy and the power of this energy is directly proportional to its mass .

     If we apply this fact to politics , the way to gain power in world politics goes through creating unity , as our ancestors wisely said “union makes us strong” . Examples are many : USA today , Ottoman & Roman Empires in the past … Of course , the age of empires ended long time ago , but there is always a future for the unions . Even the United States , despite its present power and influence , continuously brainstorms about establishing a One-World-Government under the authority of the United Nations controlled & directed by the USA .

     Under the light of the basic reality above , Turkey , in order to be effective in world politics , needs to unite . The candidates for setting up a union stand next to us : Azerbaijan , Kazakhstan , Turkmenistan , Uzbekistan , Kyrgyzstan and , due to geographical and historical ties , Georgia and Tajikistan . Except the last two , all Turkish origin states … This unification process can first start with the establishment of confederation and may end up with a federation .

     Due to its historical experience and the effectiveness in state establishment , Turkey must perform a leadership for establishing “Eurasia Federation” consisting of the eight states above . This new Federation will represent  a union covering approximaely 5 million square kilometers and a population of 150+ million , which is hard to ignore .

     It is obvious that many of the other actors in the world politics will try every way in order to prevent such a powerful union . Moreover , the present administrators in these eight countries will be reluctant in giving up the power they currently use . However , nobody can claim that it will be easy . I personally do believe that the people forming the nations of those states will look at this unification idea with sympathy .

    Finally , the last but not least , this new “Eurasia Federation” will need a technology-creating reliable partner in order to set up a confederation . That partner is JAPAN . Imagine Japan and Turkey with their own distinctive and leading characteristics and , right beside them , all other participating countries with their natural and social wealth . The future lies in the united political and social entities .

    Even the idea itself is exciting !… Don’t you think this is worth trying ???

  • Turkey Risks Confrontation With Iran Over NATO Missile Shield

    Turkey Risks Confrontation With Iran Over NATO Missile Shield

    Turkey Risks Confrontation With Iran Over NATO Missile Shield

    Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 8 Issue: 172
    September 20, 2011

    By: Saban Kardas

    Turkey has signed a memorandum with the United States on the deployment of a US radar station in the country, which will form part of the missile defense shield project to boost the protection of NATO members against potential missile threats from the East. Earlier this month, the Turkish foreign ministry confirmed that preparations had reached the final stage, and Turkey would host early warning radar to contribute to the Alliance’s missile defense system. Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu stressed that as part of the integrated NATO project, Turkey will host only radar components, and no interceptors would be installed in the country (NTV, September 4). Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan also maintained that after very detailed examination by the Turkish armed forces and foreign ministry, and broad-based consultation at cabinet level, they decided to proceed with the project, as it would enhance the country’s security (Anadolu Ajansi, September 6).

    On September 14, the Turkish press publicized the signing of the memorandum by the foreign ministry under-secretary Feridun Sinirlioglu and US Ambassador to Turkey Francis Ricciardone concerning the deployment of the radar at a military base in eastern Turkey, which is expected to be operational by the end of the year. The onsite security at the radar station will be provided by around 50 US personnel, while the area will be protected by the Turkish armed forces. The Turkish foreign ministry also confirmed these developments: “site surveys and the necessary legal regulations have been concluded, and the installation of the radar at a military facility in Kurecik has been decided” (,, September 14, Cihan, September 19).

    The radars in Turkey, together with interceptors in Romania and Poland and missile launchers based on warships in the Mediterranean, will be part of the defensive system to protect NATO members against potential missile attacks. When the shield was endorsed by the Alliance at the NATO Summit in Lisbon in November 2010, it was surrounded by many controversies. Concerns over the feasibility and financing of the project aside, the most controversial aspect was Turkey’s reservations about it, which cast doubt on the future of the system (EDM, October 21, 2010).

    At the time, Turkey worked hard to ensure that Iran was not singled out as the country against which the system was developed, fearing that such a development would damage its ties with its neighbors with whom it had forged stronger relations. Over several months of discussion prior to the summit, Turkey even threatened to veto the project, leading to tensions in US-Turkish relations. Ankara later dropped its objections, arguing that the project would also boost its efforts to acquire defensive capabilities against increasing threats from ballistic missiles. Though Turkey claimed credit for preventing Iran from being named in the Lisbon declaration, Western political and military officials have made no secret of the fact that Iran’s missile capability and nuclear program was the main source of concern triggering this project.

    Iran has expressed its uneasiness over these developments. When Turkey first announced that it would go ahead with the plans, Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi criticized the project. “The West claims the radar system [in Turkey] is to confront Iranian missiles, but they should be aware that we will not tolerate any aggression against our national interests,” Vahidi said (Hurriyet Daily News, September 7). Iranian foreign ministry spokesperson, Ramin Mehmanparast, joined the criticism, noting that “We expect friendly countries and neighbors…not to promote policies that create tension and which will definitely have complicated consequences… Iran condemns any action that creates an arms race in the world and region” (, September 8). Likewise, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also warned Turkey against this development: “Turkey is among our brothers and sincere friends, but when enemies deploy a missile system there and admit that it is against Iran, we should be careful” (, September 17).

    The agreement is proving to be controversial domestically. Amongst Turkish public opinion, there is widespread perception fed by speculative newspaper reports that the missile shield is being built to protect Israel. Main opposition party representatives also express similar views, accusing the government of signing an agreement that would protect Israel, which Erdogan refuted as nonsensical (Anadolu Ajansi, September 6). As a NATO partner, Israel arguably seeks to be protected by the system, while US officials express willingness to fuse information obtained through the radars in Turkey and Israel for greater operability of the system. Yet, Davutoglu insisted that the information gathered through the radar station would not be shared with Israel. Moreover, he stated that Turkey used its veto threat to thwart Israel’s attempt to open an office at NATO Headquarters in Brussels under NATO’s Mediterranean Dialogue program (CNN Turk, September 18).

    The Turkish government wants to signal that it remains steadfast in its policy of isolating Israel rather than simply bowing to pressure from Washington to deploy radars on Turkish soil. Instead, the government conveys the message that Turkey willingly participates in the project, because it deems the system vital for its own security. Yet, so far Iran appears unconvinced by this interpretation and might risk a confrontation with Turkey over the issue.

    The extent to which Iran reacts to Turkey’s move remains to be seen. But, Iran’s reference to “escalation” is important in many ways. Part of Iran’s military strategy is based on using its missile program as deterrence against attack by the United States and Israel. If the missile shield project is fully developed, it will reduce the utility of Iran’s missile system, perhaps forcing it to boost its strike capacity, hence triggering an arms race. This is certainly a scenario Turkey wants to avoid, and it will have to tread carefully to allay Iran’s anxiety. However, at a time when Turkey and the United States appear to be working closely in the Middle East, Ankara will likely find it difficult to convince Tehran.

    In contrast, the decision on the basing of the radars signifies a major turning point in US-Turkish relations, as part of Turkey’s broader strategic reorientation of its Middle East policies in a direction in tune with its senior ally. After years of rather confrontational relations, Ankara and Washington are now going through a much more cooperative phase in the region, using also the momentum generated by overlapping policies in response to the Arab Spring.

  • Visit to Nakhichevan Shows Why Armenians  Can Never Again Live Under Azeri Rule

    Visit to Nakhichevan Shows Why Armenians Can Never Again Live Under Azeri Rule


    By Harut Sassounian

    Publisher, The California Courier


    Scottish researcher Steven Sim reported about his troubling experiences in Nakhichevan, a historic Armenian territory now occupied by Azerbaijan. Since Sim’s 2006 revealing report has not been adequately publicized in the international media, I would like to present here some of its highlights.


    Sim stated that he entered Nakhichevan by land from Turkey and traveled to the village of Abrakunis at Yernjak valley. When he asked a 12-year-old about an ancient church there, the boy pointed to an empty piece of land.


    Sim next visited Bananiyar, known to Armenians as Aparank, where he reported that “at least until the 1970s there were some ruins of a large medieval church located on high ground in the middle of the village. Now a mosque is built on the former church grounds.” At Norashen, two Armenian churches and a graveyard had existed at the north-western edge of this village. He found no trace of either churches or the graveyard.


    On his 3rd day in Nakhichivan, while traveling by train to Julfa, Sim observed the remains of the Jugha graveyard. He reported seeing “a hillside covered by stone slabs, spread out over three ridges. All of the gravestones had been toppled, without any exceptions.”


    In Ordubad, Sim was taken to the police station where his bag was searched, as he was interrogated about the purpose of his visit. He was then placed on the next bus back to Nakhichevan city. From there he went to Shurut which used to be “a small Armenian town during the late medieval period, with churches, schools, monasteries, scriptoria and several tens of thousands of inhabitants.”


    At the neighboring Krna village, there were no traces of the local Armenian Church. The same was true about the village of Gah. When he asked a passerby about the church in Shurut, he was told that it had been destroyed.


    In Shurut, Sim was confronted by a group of villagers. When he said that he had come to see the old church, they told him that there was never a church in their village. As he left Shurut, the taxi driver told Sim that the villagers had phoned the police in Julfa and that law enforcement officials would probably be waiting for him somewhere along the road.


    A car was indeed waiting for Sim. “A policeman got into the back of the taxi and asked me if I had a topographic map, and an ethnographic book.” When Sim answered that he did not, the policeman made a cursory search of his bag. In Julfa, Sim stopped at the police headquarters, where his bag was searched again. After waiting in a corridor for a while, Sim was taken to the town’s Araz Hotel. He was escorted to a garden in the back of the building. Sim was finally allowed to leave after 3 hours. Everything in Sim’s “bag was taken out and carefully looked at, and the bag itself was examined for any secret compartments. This lasted for about 15 minutes, without a word being spoken.”


    Sim was asked about his job. How much did he earn, who paid him to come to Nakhichevan, and why would he spend his own money to come here? The officers examined carefully Sim’s notebook and checked through all of his photographs stored in his digital camera. They showed most interest in a photograph he had taken in Nakhichevan city. “It was of a stone slab that I had seen in the gardens opposite the Momina Hatun mausoleum, surrounded by a large collection of ram-shaped gravestones. On this stone was carved a cross rising from a rectangular base.”


    The Azeri officials told him that it was not a cross. Sim told them that he had read about the church in an Armenian book. They angrily responded: “It is wrong. It is lying to you. You see, Armenians are always lying — they are lying to everyone.” They also stated that “there never were any Armenian churches anywhere in Nakhichevan. There were no Armenians ever living here — so how could there have been churches here?” The Azeris told Sim: “We think that you are not here with good intentions towards the Azerbaijan republic.”


    Sim stated that his unpleasant experiences in Nakhichevan shed “some light onto the attitudes that Azerbaijan holds about Armenians and anything Armenian.” The report shows why it is impossible for Armenians of Artsakh (Karabagh) to live ever again under oppressive Azeri rule. If a Scottish visitor is treated so poorly, imagine how much worse Azeris treated their Armenian subjects in Artsakh until its liberation.

  • Book on Armenia-Turkey Protocols Warns  Arabs not to Trust Turkish Friendship

    Book on Armenia-Turkey Protocols Warns Arabs not to Trust Turkish Friendship




    Publisher of The California Courier


    I was privileged to attend a special program in Beirut last Friday, sponsored by the Armenian National Committee of Lebanon, dedicated to the publication of my new book in Arabic: “Armenia-Turkey Protocols: Truth or Deception?” The book is the compilation of 43 columns I had written in The California Courier in the last three years on the controversial Protocols.


    After introductory remarks by George Sabounjian of the local ANC, Dr. Nora Arissian of Damascus, Syria, the translator of the book, asserted that Sassounian’s columns exposed the Turkish government’s fake intent. She reminded the audience that the author had accurately predicted at the outset of the negotiations that Turkey would not keep its promise to ratify the Protocols and lift the blockade of Armenia.


    Dr. Arissian was followed by veteran Lebanese Minister Michel Edde who had written a lengthy and insightful introduction to the book. Mr. Edde had held five ministerial posts during his long and distinguished career in various Lebanese cabinets. In his remarks, the prominent Minister commended the author for his analytical columns, praised the Armenian community of Lebanon for its active role in the country’s progress, and condemned Turkey for its denial of the Armenian Genocide. At the end of his remarks, Minister Edde surprised the audience by announcing a generous and unexpected personal contribution of $25,000 to the ANC of Lebanon.


    The evening’s program was conducted in Arabic, given the fact that there were Arab guests in the audience and the book was intended for Arab leaders and masses. I was gratified to be able to deliver a portion of my remarks in Arabic. Surprisingly, I still remembered the Arabic I had learned over 40 years ago as a student at the local Sophia Hagopian High School.


    I reminded the attendees that the Turkish government’s true intent was to exploit the Protocols in order to pressure Armenia into giving up its pursuit of the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide, and create a smokescreen of peaceful negotiations so that other countries, particularly the United States, would be warned not to undermine this make-believe reconciliation and budding relationship by recognizing the Armenian Genocide.


    In addition, Turkey wanted Armenia to return Nagorno Karabagh (Artsakh) to Azerbaijan’s control, give up its demands for Western Armenia which is currently under Turkish occupation, and to tried undermine overall Armenian unity by pitting the Diaspora against the homeland.


    Doggedly pursuing its intent to extract additional concessions from Armenia, the Turkish government kept refusing to ratify the Protocols it had signed two years ago. Failing to accomplish its self-serving objectives, the Turkish Parliament recently took the final step to kill the Protocols by removing them from its agenda, citing a technicality.


    This failed experiment of Armenia-Turkey Protocols clearly proves that Turkey is more interested in playing diplomatic games and creating false impressions than pursuing peaceful co-existence. Turkish commitments cannot be taken seriously and Turkey’s leaders’ signatures on international agreements are not worth the paper they are written on.


    In my remarks, I pointed out that Turkish leaders have been presenting themselves as defenders of the Palestinian cause, and supporters of all Arabs and Muslims, while continuing to be Israel’s strategic partner, and covertly sharing with it some of the most sensitive military secrets of Arab countries.


    In my opinion, Palestinians and Arabs in general do not need the fake friendship of Turkey’s neo-Ottoman leaders. Arab masses must demand that their own indigenous leaders, not self-serving foreign rulers, defend their national interest.


    We just saw how Turkey sided with the despotic regimes in Egypt and Libya until the very last moment when the dictators of these countries were about to be toppled. This is not genuine friendship. This is crass opportunism!


    Since Arabs and Armenians have both experienced horrendous suffering and atrocities under the Ottoman yoke, they can not be fooled easily by dishonest Turkish gestures of rapprochement. The survivors of the Armenian Genocide were the grateful beneficiaries of Arab hospitality throughout the Middle East. Without such humanitarian intervention, many more Armenians would have perished.


    I ended my remarks by expressing my gratitude to Minister Michel Edde for writing an inspiring introduction to my book, and to Dr. Nora Arissian who had spent countless hours to painstakingly translate it from English into Arabic, as well as my previous book on the Armenian Genocide. I also thanked the Armenian National Committee of Lebanon for hosting the evening’s program at the Pyunic Hall of Aztag newspaper, and the Hamazkayine Publishing House for

    publishing the book. I expressed my special gratitude to benefactor Gabriel Chemberjian and his Pyunic Foundation for sponsoring the book’s translation and publication. At the end of the program, signed copies of the book were distributed to the guests.