Category: Gulnara Inandzh

  • Struggle between Saudi Arabia and Iran for reputation in Islamic world

    Struggle between Saudi Arabia and Iran for reputation in Islamic world


    Саудовская Аравия карта



    Gulnara Inanch,

    Head of Representative Office of Lev Gumilev Center of Russia in Azerbaijan.  

    Director of Information and Analytical Center Etnoglobus (, editor of Russian section of Turkishnews American-Turkish Resource  



    Spread and activity of Islam within the last 20 years is the result of globalization policy of the West, particularly the U.S. Its first phase started in the late 80’s of previous century following the collapse of the Soviet Union and activity of Islam in the region.


    Different faith and trends of Islam which came to the territories of the Soviet Union from the Middle East and Persian Gulf became power acting against Russia during the Second Chechen War.


    After withdrawal of Russian troops from Afghanistan, Taliban regime took the control of most part of Afghanistan as a result of which Islam started to be spread in Middle Asia.


    At the same time of opening of the geography of the Former Soviet Union to Islam, big area where the Muslims are settled have traditionally confronted with non-traditional Islam trends.


    Later, as a result of events called as «Arab spring» and by intervention of the US and coalition forces, governments in power in Tunis, Yemen, Egypt and Libya were overthrown and Islamic forces seized the power.


    In reality, when the U.S made a decision regarding government overthrow in the Middle East, it also caused the processes to be out of control in the region. After military intervention in Iraq, Iraqi regions mostly populated by Shias neighboring with Iran fell under the control of Iran.


    Since national consciousness in Arab countries is as the same as religious, tribal consciousness, government overthrow in Arab countries through revolution by the West increased the religious senses of people as a result of which Islamic political parties found a way to the government. Arab countries with limited freedom, living in regimes with closed doors to democracy, linked the freedom with Islam and found it reasonable that political Islam seized the power.


    Islamic forces, seizing the power following «Arab spring», contrary to all expectations, at least for the present moment, pursue moderate policy. The fact that new Egyptian government fights against Al-Qaida militants together with official Tel-Aviv in the borders with Israel is another proof of it. However, claims of Egypt’s new government regarding forming “Pan-Arab” empire with capital Quds by evaluating the country as influential state of the region allow us to think that all the processes are about to change towards radicalism.


    US military operations in Iraq and governmental overthrow in the Middle East contributed to new phase of Islamic formation. Along with hardline Islam demonstrated by “Hamas” in Palestine and “Hezbollah” in Lebanon, victory of moderate proIslamic Justice and Development Party (AKP) in Turkey brought changes to world’s political order. In 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran demonstrated the world specific management order formed by unity of secular and religious laws.  Another country in the region claimed to be Islamic center is Saudi Arabia. Thus, Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia joined in struggle to distribute their reputation sphere in Islamic world.


    Besides, “Arab Spring” has turned the stable competitiveness into armed conflict between the Shia and Sunni Islam. Another reason is the increase of reputation of Iran in the areas settled by the Shias as a result of events that happened in the Middle East.


    Location of the main parts of carbohydrates from Persian Gulf to Caspian Sea in the areas where the Shias live densely makes brain centers of Israel and USA to draw attention to this factor. As a result, the projects such as “the Shia Line”, “Combination of resources of Persian and CaspianBasins” has been made. This factor is one of the reasons of political processes in the Middle East caused by conflicts between the Shia and the Sunnis.


    On another hand, the processes in the Middle East, especially the destiny of Syria, made reconsider the relations of Islam countries among them. It should be noted that, the effort to eliminate tension of recent years and the observance of warmness in relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia in the Non-Aligned Movement Summit held in autumn of the past year in Tehran are one of the factors certifying this thought. But, this obligatory attitude should not be considered as a break from struggle against the reputation in two regional powers in Persian Gulf and Islam world.


    As there possibility of “Arab Spring”, which is now in Syria, is still remained for other Arab countries, to avoid it, Saudi Arabia demonstrates its desire to give to Iran its confidence breaking the coldness ice that continues for a long time.


    From another hand, coming into power of Islam Parties instead of overthrown powers in Arab countries and increase of salafi trends’ influence strengthens the Saudi Arabia in the region and demonstrates its twofaced game against Iran. Clear threats are stated by Salafi leaders against the Shiism.


    It should be stated that, “Arab Spring” caused protests by Alavis in Turkey and increase of inter-trends conflicts and allowed Al-Qaida to penetrate into this country.


    Al-Qaida, supported by Saudi Arabia, struggling for reputation in the region with Iran, having taken advantages of spread of salafism in the region as a result of “Arab spring”, began to increased it’s reputation.  This struggle is still in its initial phase. In the future, competition of Islamic trends, in fact, regional countries supporting these trends, will step into new phase.




  • Palestinian and Israeli people want  peace

    Palestinian and Israeli people want peace

    Палестина посол





    Gulnara Inandzh,


    Director of Information and Analytical Center Ethnoglobus (,

    editor of  Russian section of  Turkishnews American-Turkish Resource website  ,

    Head of  Representative Office of  Lev Gumilev Center of Russia in Azerbaijan.  


    After the parliamentary elections held in Israel there are hopeful statements by Tel Aviv’s officials on Palestine – Israel issue. Now there are hopes for restoration of peace negotiations which remains frozen for a long time. From now negotiations will be conducted under new conditions – with Palestine, a country awarded observer status at the United Nations.

    Palestinian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Naser Abdel Karim comments on the issue for American-Turkish portal.



     -New Israeli PM and Foreign Minister agrees on recognition of independence of Palestine.But during previous period of Benjamin Netanyahu negotiations on Israel-Palestinian conflict was frozen. What is the reason that new Israeli government demonstrates interest in the settlement of the conflict?


    –         It is nice to hear news on recognition of Palestine as an independent state. But it would be better if it is connected with good will and be implemented seriously, without affecting already signed agreements and international treaties.

    Palestine Liberation Organization and State of Israel recognized each-other’s statehood in 1993. This statement doesn’t provide for objection to Palestine’sobserver status at the United Nations.

    However, Netanyahu government causes problem to recognition of State of Palestine.It is clear that for any just and comprehensive peace, independence of the State of Palestine should be recognized based on pre-1967 borders, including Eastern Quds, in accordance with resolutions under international legislation.


    -Israel government offers Mahmoud Abbas, Fatah movement leader, to mention in Arabic that Israel is the home to Jews against recognition of Palestine by Israel government. How do Palestine officials approach this statement?


    –         As I stressed above in my first answer, Netanyahu government continues laying down new conditions to already agreed problems. Palestine Liberation Organization already recognized Israel in 1993 and no Tel Aviv official has raised a question on the mentioned issue within these years.

    Netanyahu offered this condition, along with a number of others, to cause problem and delay negotiations. By the way, it is not the conclusion that we come but all the world leaders consider B.Netanyahu as non-serious.

    We want to return to the negations process which was frozen at the end of period of former PM Ehud Olmert. Negotiations should be conducted within some period and it should not be formal. At the same time, we want illegal settlement to be stopped in the invaded territories of Palestine. This is not the conditions offered by Palestine, but also the condition put before Israel which is provided by the Road Map agreement developed for solution of the conflict.


    -US President Barack Obama is expected to discuss the circumstances over the solution of the conflict during his visit to Israel. How do you think, what can the US offer?


    –         We hail Obama’s visit to the region. His visit shows that White House administration has important plans for both the countries regarding peace based on independence principles. But in order his visit to be effective for the region the US should use its position to have more pressure over Israel to cease settlement of Jews in the Eastern Quds and other Palestinian territories, while Tel Aviv should comply with the previously signed treaties. This should happen within the certain period. Negotiations depend on these treaties and international resolutions.


    -How is the notion of peacefully living with Jews accepted in Palestinian’s public thoughts?


    –         I guess that the people of Palestine, as well as, majority of Israelis want to achieve a peace and to put an end to the conflict. It is also proved by the survey carried out among the people of Palestine and Israel. State of Palestine wants to live in peace and friendship with its neighbor Israel based on pre-1967 borders, including Eastern Quds.



    -Former Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has said that Palestine cannot be recognized as an independent state. In Palestine, there are also radical powers which refuse to recognize Israel as a state and in that case how do you forecast the events?


    –         It is true that Mr. Lieberman represents the radical ideology being natural in Israel government. His party “Israel Is Our Home” is in coalition with B.Netanyahu’s “Likud” party. How can Foreign Minister use threat and digression methods, but Prime Minister refrains himself from reproaching him. A.Lieberman should make serious efforts to support for peace process by his statements.

    Despite radical minority in Palestine, president Mahmoud Abbas, Palestine Liberation Organization (Fatah) and State of Palestine have always insisted on compliance with peace principles. He has consistently tried to persuade radical powers in Palestine and achieved to get population’s opinion by stressing the necessity of achieving peace based on pre-1967 borders.

  • Azerbaijan Islamic Party  is strictly preparing to the president elections

    Azerbaijan Islamic Party is strictly preparing to the president elections






    Gulnara Inandzh,


    Director of Information and Analytical Center Etnoglobus (, editor of Russian section of Turkishnews American-Turkish Resource website  , Head of Representative Office of Lev Gumilev Center of Russia in Azerbaijan.  


    The Exclusive interview of Haji Elchin Manafov, the acting chairman of Azerbaijan Islamic Party, for the American – Turkish site 


    How would you assess the summary of 2012 for the devout of Azerbaijan?

    -The pressures against Azerbaijani devout staid in memories last year. The steps of the official bodies are aimed to limit Moslem in the country. Many devout as well as the members of Moslem party are at the prison. Notwithstanding the liberation of 6 devout with the amnesty decree of the president at the end of the year, many devout are judged with false accusation. It is very disappointed.

    The officials claim they are not enemy of Moslem but their policy shows the opposite. The head of Azerbaijan Islamic Party, Movum Samadovis still into detention. He was forbidden of holding religious rites, using press and internet while he is in the severe regime. The ban of hijab hasn’t been eliminated yet. All abovementioned cause the dissatisfaction of the devout.

    Last year VagifA bdullayev died at the prison. It was mistak that Haji Vagif thrown into detention in his old age. He said that there was no accusation against him at the court. Notwithstanding, he died either with direct pressure or bewail, fact is fact.

    Despite all, we don’t lose our hope.  We expect the situation to be changed. There is president election in the near future. I think, the officials will discuss and change the policy. And, I hope the hijab issue will be solved positively.

    The head of the country is Muslim and he says he supports Islam. During both internal and external visits we have said that we don’t believe that the president is at the top of the pressures against devout. In my mind, all these are happening due to the tyranny of the officers or the impact of external forces.

    Most of the traditions of Azerbaijan people are related to Moslem. Our nation protected these traditions during various stages of the history as well as under the pressures and bans of Soviet period.

    If the government wants its quiet management, it must rely on Moslem. The person that people choose rules the country. Their duty is to serve the people. Paying strange attitude to belief, faith of the citizens is wrong attitude. The devout are dissatisfied of the current situation.

    – The pressure is not against Islam, it is against political Islam and its activity…

    -It seems that there is anxiety of the development of Moslem. Notwithstanding the pre-agreement with the administration of the restaurant where the 20 yearly jubilees would be held at the end of the last year, the measure was banned without any information. I don’t think that the pressures are against the politicization of Moslem.

    The people having no relation with AIP are also arrested. Our friends, school and university mates are afraid to call the name of the party, to be near with us. The devout are always under the fear of arresting.

    Not only the devout engaged in political activities but also, the people delivering lectures from the pulpit, the people working in the mosque and having external religious indications are arrested.

    If the devout working in the institutions freely showed their relation to Islam before, now they try to hide their religious belief.
    The devout engaged in charity were also arrested.

    -«Greens», «Justice» and Society and Development Parties are forming religious block and trying to get the faith of the religious formed in the public. Can AIP join this block?

    -The main purpose of this block is only clear to them. The foundation of the block before president election, diligence causes doubt. The pre – foundation of such block would be reasonable.

    The activity of AIP leans to Azerbaijan statehood. We are interested in the development of Azerbaijan government and replied the summons of the forces serving to this. If the aforesaid block will serve our government, we can join them.

    -The Russian ideologists nominate the possibility of the formation of Eurasian ideology of V.Putin, the president of Russian Federation, held in political plane with religious values as well as Islamic principals…

    -The Islam is the best way of the escape of humanity. I think it is the best idea. There already formed such an idea in Japan that, when the country has reached the highest level of the development, idolatry is not answering these summons. During one of the measures held in Tokyo Moslem was assessed as a religion of humanity.

    Islam has a potential of gathering the people of great geographical place.

    –        During the general assembly of AIP the participation of devout in the president election was discussed. Will the devout participate in the president election?

    It was the first time during the activity of AIP that the necessity of Islam political ideology was put as the right of the citizens.

    AIP is strictly preparing to the president elections and working actively with the devout at the regions. The participation of the devout at the president election should be in three ways – supporting the representative of AIP, boycotting the elections and voting for the corresponding representative.

    The participation of AIP representative will be determined during this period.


  • Mohsen Pakayeen: “Neither Iranian, nor Azerbaijani people have separatist thoughts”

    Mohsen Pakayeen: “Neither Iranian, nor Azerbaijani people have separatist thoughts”






    Gulnara Inandzh,

    Head of Representative Office of Lev Gumilev Center of Russia in Azerbaijan,  

    Director of Information and Analytical Center Etnoglobus (, editor of Russian section of Turkishnews American-Turkish Resource website



    Exclusive interview of Iran’s ambassador to Azerbaijan Mohsen Pakayeen to www.islamı portal.


    – What is the reason of tension between Azerbaijan and Iran although it has decreased somehow?


    – I don’t think that there is any crisis between Iran-Azerbaijan. There may be misunderstanding in the family that we can not call it crisis.  Besides, it is also possible that there are misunderstandings with regard to visa issues between these neighboring countries, but they are being settled through diplomatic ways.


    It should be considered that we have more in common than misunderstandings. I should restate that we have much in common which is reflected in cultural, historical, religious and ethnic factor. Most of the population both in Azerbaijan and Iran speak the same language. There is no another two countries being so close.


    Thanks to the will of the politicians and leaders of two countries these relations develop day by day.  The second and third elements and scientists try to exaggerate some issues, but these are not main problem for us.

    It is necessary that the leaders of our countries should come to agreement in these issues. From this point of view I think that we will have good relations in the future.


    The meetings of countries’ officials last year in Iran and Azerbaijan show the progress of bilateral relations in the positive direction.


    -National Assembly (Milli Mejlis) cancelled the agreement on use of non-visa regime being applied for the citizens located in the 40 km of frontier areas between Iran-Azerbaijan.  How do you think, will this decision cause new tensions?   


    – Parliamentary deputies are the representative of people. The make decisions via discussions. We respect their decisions. We think that it is reasonable to eliminate the limitation with regard to movement of not only our citizens but also Azerbaijani citizens in the neighbor country.  Easing of visa regime may lead to the development of trade and warming and expansion of relations between peoples. Besides we have to consider that there are family and friendship relations between Iran and Azerbaijan.

    Besides, non-visa regime will lead to the development of tourism and both the nation. That is the reason why Iran has unilaterally cancelled the visa regime for Azerbaijani citizens. We do hope that one day Azerbaijan will also cancel visa regime for Iranian citizens.


    – Official Baku says it aims at eliminating access of enemies to Azerbaijan from Iran…


    – 5 thousands of Iranians travels to Azerbaijan. We have not seen any Iranians intending to interfere in internal issues of Azerbaijan.  They got acquainted with Azerbaijan, establish contacts with the people, trade and return.


    Of course, struggling against smugglers and ensuring safety requires specific principles. If we prevent the people from traveling to some country due to safety issues, then the Ministry of Tourism should not operate. We have to avoid negative view towards our relations.


    It is interesting, no one in Azerbaijan violates the law? But, we can not refer it to all Azerbaijanis. There are special bodies engaged in issues with law violators. Criminals don’t need a visa and he or she can manage to pass the border.


    -In the end of last year discussions began with regard to establishment of Free Trade Zone (FTZ) in the borderline areas. What are the perspectives of FTZ?


    -Establishment of FTZ will serve to develop relations between two countries. Such zones are free of taxes which lead to decrease of prices and consequently increase purchasing power of the population.   Ostans of Eastern Azerbaijan provinces and Azerbaijani envoy to Iran have started talks on these issues. Iran has 15 neighbors. We have established FTZ with our neighbors and see its positive results.


    Application of visa regime in Azerbaijan will not prevent FTZ’s activity. Azerbaijani citizens can travel to Iran and trade here. Application of non-visa regime for Iranian citizens in Azerbaijan would make the processes more active and give grounds for generation of mutual confidence.



    – I think that real reason of mutual distress is ethnic issues. Turkish speaking Azerbaijanis live in Iran, while Persian speaking Talishs live Azerbaijan. How do these issues affect the relations?


    -I think neither Iranian nor Azerbaijani people have separatist thoughts. This is much far from our people. In Azerbaijan national consciousnes of Azerbaijanism and in Iran Iranism have been formed. It is not important that national minority is paid much attention in our countries. I don’t believe that it will affect the relations between our countries.


    Processes around Iran, Syrian conflict, placement of “Patriot” missiles in Turkey increase the tension in the region …


    – Syrian conflict has nothing to do with “Arab spring”.  Changes happening in Arab world, especially in the Northern Africa are called as Islamic awakening. People were against the power in these countries electing their new government.


    Uprising in Syria began as a result of intervention of foreign countries. Western countries provided the Al-Qaida sending to act against Bashar al-Assad. Al-Qaida militants carry out terror acts killing their compatriots. We have not seen such cases in Tunis, Egypt or in Yemen.


    These people were against intervention of Western countries and Israel in their internal issues. US have officially announced its support to Syrian opposition. US Congress has made a decision on arming Syrian opposition.


    Unfortunately, Syrian neighbors, including Arabic countries were deceived, but it is too late to go back. They thought they were following reforms, however consequently they supported terrorism. Reform cannot be brought from abroad.


    They may kill the people, even overthrow Bashar al-Assad, but the fact is that they will not bring reform to Syria.  We cannot call Syrian uprising as Islamic awakening or “Arab Spring”.


    Syria is in frontline in struggle against Israel. They think they have to overthrow Syrian government for it.


    – But the processes that we call as «Islamic awakening» opened the door for salafism to the region …


    -We know Syrian opposition very well. Majority of them support reform and some terror. Reform supporters want to achieve reform and prefer doing it through elections, not with weapon.

    Everybody knows salafis. They are Al-Qaida militants. US have officially declared that it has created both Taliban and Al-Qaida and that these militant networks carry out Washington’s interests. Why should we close our eyes to it?.


    We cannot call terrorists elements as Islamic awakening. Islam is against of killing thousands of innocent people and destroying mosques. We cannot justify the crimes committed under the pretext of Islam.


    – Everyone has its own justice. Iran has also confirmed its support to Syrian government …


    – Iran believes that changes should be achieved through the people.
    If it becomes habit that governments are overthrown under the management of foreign powers, no president can consider himself/herself safe.

    We support the powers fighting against the foreign intervention in Syria. We don’t want government to be changed under the pretext of reform.




  • Southern flank is strategically important to Russia

    Southern flank is strategically important to Russia

    N.Caucasus Fed.1

    Gulnara Inandzh

    Director, Ethnoglobus

    An International Online Information and Analysis Center,

    (, editor of Russian section of Turkishnews American-Turkish Resource website  , [email protected]


    The North Caucasus, which is bordered by two regional states, Azerbaijan and Georgia, is strategically important to Russia.  For the preservation of peace in the southern portion of the country, the federal center along with the use of force is conducting economic reforms meant to provide new work places, an improvement in the standard of living of the population, and a reduction in the amount of out-migration.

    Economic weakness and a lack of social development in such a strategically important region represent a serious danger for the state integrity of Russia, because among the reasons that its citizens and especially young people in the south are turning to radical Islamist groups are poverty and unemployment.  Consequently, Moscow believes that changes in these areas will turn people away from radicalism and return them to normal civic life.

    Over the last several years, the Russian government, with this goal in mind, has begun the planned development of this region by means of the involvement of investors, including foreign ones.  At the same time, however, considering the efforts of foreign governments to promote separatism, including in the North Caucasus, Russia has been quite cautious about any foreign role in the economy of that region and not allowed outside investors access to its economy.  In particular, Turkish investors were pushed out of the region and Circassians now living abroad were not provided with opportunities to invest in their historical homeland.

    Because it lacks geopolitical ambitions in the North Caucasus and because it has no desire to become the instrument of outside games in the region, Azerbaijan has become a successful and trusted source of capital investment in the economy of the south of the Russian Federation.  Many factors have contributed to this, including Baku’s economic potential, the similarity of outlooks, natural infrastructure, a major market, among others.

    The 2010 state border agreement between Baku and Moscow promoted the opening of the North Caucasus economic zone for Azerbaijani business.  In the summer of 2011, A.G. Khloponin, the deputy head of the Russian government and the special representative of the Russian President to the North Caucasus Federal District, together with the heads of all North Caucasian republics, came to Baku to discuss Azerbaijani investments.  Immediately after this, Azerbaijan’s economic development minister Shahin Mustafayev visited seven republics of the North Caucasus.  That was followed by a series of business forums and meetings of businessmen. [1]

    Reflecting its particular attention to economic cooperation with Azerbaijan in this area, the plenipotentiary representation of the Russian President in the North Caucasus created a special council for control over the execution of the decisions concerning the federal subjects in the region, and it has plans to open a representation of this plenipotentiary in Azerbaijan.  As deputy plenipotentiary representative Sergey Subbotin observed, “Before the leaders of the North Caucasus Federation District have been given the task of developing relations with Azerbaijan and the time has come for checking the effectiveness of the measures taken to address this task.  The effective resolution of all tasks depends in the first instance on effective control.” [2]

    The involvement of Azerbaijani business is especially evident in the Stavropol and Krasnodar regions of Russia.  In 2009, for example, Azerbaijan occupied third place in the amount of foreign trade with Stavropol, with its total being 123.3 million US dollars or 8.7 percent of the trade turnover of the kray.  Azerbaijani trade turnover with Krasnodar in that year was 71.4 million US dollars.

    Azerbaijan’s Azersun Holdings Company in the following year, to give but one example, opened a tea processing factory in Belorechensk in Krasnodar kray valued at more than three million US dollars annually.  That company has begun construction of a new preserves factory for a similar sum.  And that company alone has invested 22 million US dollars in the development of the infrastructure of Krasnodar kray.  Furthermore, Azerbaijan’s Matanat-A company in September 2011 began building a construction materials factory in Krasnodar’s Uspensky District, a project estimated to cost 30 million euros.

    Daghestan has the largest trade turnover with foreign countries, but the involvement of Azerbaijani business in that neighboring republic still remains at the stage of discussions.  After the signing in 2010 of the inter-governmental agreement on cooperation in the rational use and protection of the water resources of the Samur River, the construction of a hydroelectric station on that river should permit the development of the infrastructure of Daghestan and Azerbaijani districts bordering it.

    No less interesting is the project of the construction of a Trans-Samur highway (Derbent-Akhty-Rutul, across the Bagos pass by tunnel, and the construction of an Avar-Kakhti road connecting Botlikh, Buynaksk and Makhachkala) in order to supply southern Daghestan and Azerbaijan.  The new highway will provide access into and out of Southern and Mountainous Daghestan. [3]

    Azerbaijani capital is involved in the agricultural and construction sectors of the North Caucasus Federal District.  A Stavropol company has reached agreement with the Azerbaijani agricultural ministry about a tender to sell agricultural technology produced there to the Azerbaijani Republic.

    There has also been cooperation in tourism and resorts.  Because the North Caucasus has resorts developed in Soviet times and even further back, Azerbaijani businessmen are finding that Moscow is extremely interested in involving them in the redevelopment of these facilities.  A. Khloponin has suggested that Moscow will provide state guarantees and insurance for investments in this area. [4]

    It is clear that there is a need to establish free trade zones in this region in order to allow for the freer flow of goods and services and workers between southern Russia and Azerbaijan and to provide a framework for attracting additional Azerbaijani investors.  And that may happen given that the Russian side is seeking to move economic relations between Azerbaijan and the North Caucasus Federal District beyond just trade.  All this shows—and this is the key point—that Russia now trusts its southern flank to Azerbaijan.



    [1] See  (accessed 14 November 2012).

    [2] See http://fineko/ (accessed 14 November 2012).

    [3] See (accessed 14 November 2012).

    [4] See http://fineko/ (accessed 14 November 2012).

    sourse ADA Biweekly Newsletter

  • Azerbaijan and Greece will become important partners

    Azerbaijan and Greece will become important partners

    Azerbaijan Shah Deniz partners Select TAP Pipeline





    Gulnara Inandzh, Director of Information and Analytical Center Etnoglobus (, editor of Russian section of Turkishnews American-Turkish Resource website  , [email protected]

    İnterview of ambassador of Greece in Azerbaijan İoannis Metaxas exsclusive for   “New Baku post` 


    -What is the current situation in Greece with overcoming the crisis?


    -As you know, after the recent general elections, which took place inthe 17th of June 2012, a new Greek coalition government was established and took power. Three parties are participating to this government, assuring it a comfortable parliamentary majority. The new government set as a priority to undertake all necessary measures, in order to face the crisis, implement all commitments assumed by previous governments and bring the national economy back to growth. This task is difficult, in view both of the recession in Greece and the unfavorable economic conditions in the Euroarea and the rest of the world. However, efforts have already started, fight of tax evasion is on the top of the government agenda, some new reforms of the public sector are already under implementation and the Agricultural Bank of Greecewas already privatized. These are positive steps, which allow any goodwill observer to understand that the new Greek government is firmly committed to implement a mix of policies that would maintain Greece within the Euroarea and bring the economy back to growth. Consequently, I cannot but be optimistic for the future.



    -What are the political relations between two countries? Are there any visits expected?


    -Political relations are very good. In 2009 President Aliyev visited officiallyGreeceand in 2011 Greek President Papoulias paid also an official visit toBaku. A lot of Ministers visited both capitals during the last years. A lot of agreements are already signed and implemented. Four Greek – Azerbaijani business fora took already place in both capitals. Earlier this year, we both celebrated the twentieth anniversary from the conclusion of bilateral diplomatic relations. However, at this moment, having as I said a new Greek government in power, I am unable to foresee any visit in the near future.


    -What are the current relations in the field of trade?


    -In 2011, exports fromGreecetoAzerbaijanamounted to 11,02 mln USD whereas exports ofAzerbaijantoGreeceamounted to 161,92 mln USD. I hope that this year we will register even better results. We also attribute attention in attracting high quality Azerbaijani tourists and I want to underline thatGreececontinues to be a top and safe world tourist destination.




    -What are the possibilities of mutual investments for businessmen of two countries?


    -A lot of sectors can be considered attractive for Azerbaijani investors inGreece. The real estate and the tourist sectors are the most interesting at this moment. I also believe that the energy sector can offer some possibilities for people looking to long term investment. Good prices, skillful personnel and favorable life standards allow us to say that, despite the crisis,Greeceis an attractive place for investors.



    -What is the position of Greece on the TAP project?


    -The TAP project includes Greece in its design. Consequently, if the TAP project is selected by the Shah Deniz consortium, Azerbaijan and Greece will become important partners, as far as export of Azerbaijani gas to Europeis concerned. It will certainly be a great step forward for both countries’ relationship. It will bring us closer and will boost bilateral economic cooperation.


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