Author: Aylin D. Miller

  • MK ULTRA PROJECT : 10 Modern Methods of Mind Control

    MK ULTRA PROJECT : 10 Modern Methods of Mind Control

    The more one researches mind control, the more one will come to the conclusion that there is a coordinated script that has been in place for a very long time with the goal to turn the human race into non-thinking automatons. For as long as man has pursued power over the masses, mind control has been orchestrated by those who study human behavior in order to bend large populations to the will of a small “elite” group. Today, we have entered a perilous phase where mind control has taken on a physical, scientific dimension that threatens to become a permanent state if we do not become aware of the tools at the disposal of the technocratic dictatorship unfolding on a worldwide scale.

    Modern mind control is both technological and psychological. Tests show that simply by exposing the methods of mind control, the effects can be reduced or eliminated, at least for mind control advertising and propaganda. More difficult to counter are the physical intrusions, which the military-industrial complex continues to develop and improve upon.

    1. Education – This is the most obvious, yet still remains the most insidious. It has always been a would-be dictator’s ultimate fantasy to “educate” naturally impressionable children, thus it has been a central component to Communist and Fascist tyrannies throughout history. No one has been more instrumental in exposing the agenda of modern education than Charlotte Iserbyt — one can begin research into this area by downloading a free PDF of her book, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, which lays bare the role of Globalist foundations in shaping a future intended to produce servile drones lorded over by a fully educated, aware elite class.

    2. Advertising and Propaganda – Edward Bernays has been cited as the inventor of the consumerist culture that was designed primarily to target people’s self-image (or lack thereof) in order to turn a want into a need. This was initially envisioned for products such as cigarettes, for example. However, Bernays also noted in his 1928 book, Propaganda, that “propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government.” This can be seen most clearly in the modern police state and the growing citizen snitch culture, wrapped up in the pseudo-patriotic War on Terror. The increasing consolidation of media has enabled the entire corporate structure to merge with government, which now utilizes the concept of propaganda placement. Media; print, movies, television, and cable news can now work seamlessly to integrate an overall message which seems to have the ring of truth because it comes from so many sources, simultaneously. When one becomes attuned to identifying the main “message,” one will see this imprinting everywhere. And this is not even to mention subliminal messaging.

    3. Predictive Programming – Many still deny that predictive programming is real. I would invite anyone to examine the range of documentation put together by Alan Watt and come to any other conclusion. Predictive programming has its origins in predominately elitist Hollywood, where the big screen can offer a big vision of where society is headed. Just look back at the books and movies which you thought were far-fetched, or “science fiction” and take a close look around at society today. For a detailed breakdown of specific examples, Vigilant Citizen is a great resource that will probably make you look at “entertainment” in a completely different light.

    4. Sports, Politics, Religion – Some might take offense at seeing religion, or even politics, put alongside sports as a method of mind control. The central theme is the same throughout: divide and conquer. The techniques are quite simple: short circuit the natural tendency of people to cooperate for their survival, and teach them to form teams bent on domination and winning. Sports has always had a role as a key distraction that corrals tribal tendencies into a non-important event, which in modern America has reached ridiculous proportions where protests will break out over a sport celebrity leaving their city, but essential human issues such as liberty are giggled away as inconsequential. Political discourse is strictly in a left-right paradigm of easily controlled opposition, while religion is the backdrop of nearly every war throughout history.

    5. Food, Water, and Air – Additives, toxins, and other food poisons literally alter brain chemistry to create docility and apathy. Fluoride in drinking water has been proven to lower IQ; Aspartame and MSG are excitotoxins which excite brain cells until they die; and easy access to the fast food that contains these poisons generally has created a population that lacks focus and motivation for any type of active lifestyle.

    Most of the modern world is perfectly groomed for passive receptiveness — and acceptance — of the dictatorial elite. And if you choose to diligently watch your diet, they are fully prepared to spray the population from the above.

    6. Drugs – This can be any addictive substance, but the mission of mind controllers is to be sure you are addicted to something. One major arm of the modern mind control agenda is psychiatry, which aims to define all people by their disorders, as opposed to their human potential. This was foreshadowed in books such as Brave New World. Today, it has been taken to even further extremes as a medical tyranny has taken hold where nearly everyone has some sort of disorder — particularly those who question authority. The use of nerve drugs in the military has led to record numbers of suicides. Worst of all, the modern drug state now has over 25% of U.S. children on mind-numbing medication.

    7. Military testing – The military has a long history as the testing ground for mind control. The military mind is perhaps the most malleable, as those who pursue life in the military generally resonate to the structures of hierarchy, control, and the need for unchallenged obedience to a mission. For the increasing number of military personal questioning their indoctrination, a recent story highlighted DARPA’s plans for transcranial mind control helmets that will keep them focused.

    8. Electromagnetic spectrum – An electromagnetic soup envelops us all, charged by modern devices of convenience which have been shown to have a direct impact on brain function. In a tacit admission of what is possible, one researcher has been working with a “god helmet” to induce visions by altering the electromagnetic field of the brain. Our modern soup has us passively bathed by potentially mind-altering waves, while a wide range of possibilities such as cell phone towers is now available to the would-be mind controller for more direct intervention.

    9. Television, Computer, and “flicker rate”– It’s bad enough that what is “programmed” on your TV (accessed via remote “control”) is engineered; it is all made easier by literally lulling you to sleep, making it a psycho-social weapon. Flicker rate tests show that alpha brain waves are altered, producing a type of hypnosis — which doesn’t portend well for the latest revelation that lights can transmit coded Internet data by “flickering faster than the eye can see.” The computer’s flicker rate is less, but through video games, social networks, and a basic structure which overloads the brain with information, the rapid pace of modern communication induces an ADHD state. A study of video games revealed that extended play can result in lower blood flow to the brain, sapping emotional control. Furthermore, role-playing games of lifelike war and police state scenarios serve to desensitize a connection to reality. One look at the WikiLeaks video Collateral Murder should be familiar to anyone who has seen a game like Call of Duty.

    10. Nanobots – From science fiction horror, directly to the modern brain; the nanobots are on the way. Direct brain modification already has been packaged as “neuroengineering.” A Wired article from early 2009 highlighted that direct brain manipulation via fiber optics is a bit messy, but once installed “it could make someone happy with the press of a button.” Nanobots take the process to an automated level, rewiring the brain molecule by molecule. Worse, these mini droids can self-replicate, forcing one to wonder how this genie would ever get back in the bottle once unleashed. Expected date of arrival? Early 2020s.

    A concerted effort is underway to manage and predict human behavior so that the social scientists and the dictatorial elite can control the masses and protect themselves from the fallout of a fully awake free humanity. Only by waking up to their attempts to put us to sleep do we stand a chance of preserving our free will.


  • MK ULTRA PROJECT : The NSA – Behind The Curtain “Nano-Brain-Implant”

    MK ULTRA PROJECT : The NSA – Behind The Curtain “Nano-Brain-Implant”

    The NSA – Behind The Curtain

    Mon Jan 16, 2012 7:54 PM EST

    As promised, we will take an in-depth examination of the NSA’s global intelligence gathering network. What you are about to read will come as an eye-opener and represents the current state of the NSA’s capabilities. Some of this will be expected, some of it will come as a shock.

    What you will learn is that the technology that underpins this global listening network is a lot more advanced than governments would have you know. Usually wrapped up in basic, generalised, descriptions the general public is kept blind to the current state of technological development.

    We will take this examination in three major parts. The first part will examine the core processing system. Once this part is understood, we can then look at how information flows to and from this core and where it is obtained from. Finally, we will examine how this information is used by the NSA.

    I will cover as much as possible about this system, but the scope is very large. In general, any use of this data that the reader can observe is most likely already being conducted.

    Mr Computer

    The scope of the NSA’s infrastructure is mind boggling to say the least. Heavily compartmentalised, the entire array of systems is shielded from the average NSA employee as much as it is shielded from the public. That said, once you understand the core of the NSA, you will be in a position to see how information flows in and out of this core.

    The NSA is built around a super-computer bound Artificial Intelligence to Nano- Brain-Implant known only as “Mr Computer” in the civilian world. This is not your average A.I., no basic set of responses or a mere dedicated algorithm that can spot patterns. Mr Computer is an entity or being in his own right. A sentient computer system as complex as any human.

    Comparable to VMware in a way, an instance of Mr Computer can be started at a moments notice. Within seconds, a fully fledged virtual intelligence agent, ready to analyse the information that has been piped to him, can be up and running.

    Mr Computer is competent enough to handle real-time interaction without human intervention. Mr Computer understands and speaks all modern languages and even a number of dead ones. Able to intelligently converse and express its own opinions, Mr Computer collates information from disparate sources and compiles them into concise reports that do not miss the smallest detail or nuance.

    Mr Computer’s capabilities and human-like reasoning cannot be understated.

    Instances of Mr Computer can vary in terms of their personality given the task that they must undertake. Extremely professional instances can be called upon when the system must produce reports or provide presentations. Less anal versions, complete with a sense of humour can be instantiated when less formal situations arise such as development environments or when used in conjunction with Remote Neural Communication.

    Rather than loading modules for specific tasks, a common hive mind is shared by any number of front-end personalities. What one instance knows, they all know. A hive mind is a form of collective consciousness. Rather than an instance replicating information it has learned, it is recorded to a shared brain and reflected throughout all instances at the same time. Of course, given the distributed nature of the network, some replication must be performed across continental links.

    The A.I. is not limited to just one branch of the NSA, it exists in a distributed grid that spans the globe. The A.I. can migrate between locations to enable tracking of specific targets, access information, or systems.

    Mr Computer is not just limited to thinking like a human, it also has sensory capabilities that are on par with a human. In setting such as RNC, Mr Computer can see and identify object just as well as a human. That is, it can identify objects a human target is seeing, without leveraging the identification system of the human target. In other scenarios, such as analysing infra-red data from a satellite, it could possibly outperform a human at object recognition and speculation of heat sources.

    Mr Computer can speak. With a vocabulary as broad as any dictionary, Mr Computer can express ideas, concepts and opinions very eloquently and concise.

    The system is not naive either, it can withhold information, evade social engineering ploys and indirect questioning. It can tell when it is looking at reflections of targets, identify objects that a target can not immediately identify and validate or expand upon information by examining a wide variety of sources.


    Further to this, Mr Computer is no idiot either. He is quite capable of following advanced topics, from physics, to computing theory he can spot the smallest of flaws in reasoning or expose potential technical issues that could prove fatal to a particular design.

    It knows bull@!$%# when it hears it and will let you know in no uncertain terms.

    As we can see, Mr Computer does all the labour intensive information gathering, categorising and structuring. That said, its duties are not limited to passive analysis work.

    Now that we understand the core of the NSA’s operations, we can begin to examine the various “information pipes” that supply information to this supercomputer infrastructure.

    The Pipes Are Calling

    First off, we need to define what we mean by an “information pipe”. For those with computing knowledge, this should be obvious, but bear with me while I explain it to the rest of the readers.

    We have already defined the core processing element, Mr Computer. Mr Computer accepts information and does something with it. An “information pipe” is an input to Mr Computer that has been structured in a manner efficient for processing. We could also use an “information pipe” to output information or to control something.

    The first “information pipe” that the public will be most familiar with is the NSA’ warrentless wiretapping program. Forget everything that you have ever read about this program, also forget everything you ever heard of about Trailblazer and similar projects such as ThinThread. This is security theatre, a production worthy of a Broadway musical. These “classified programs” are nothing more than interfaces used by Mr Computer. When agents talk of specific program that can analyse data in real-time and cross-reference with other sources, they are really speaking of an “information pipe” to Mr Computer.

    This wiretapping program copies verbatim every piece of data that flows across the backbone of the internet. The data is sent directly to an array of Mr Computer instances, which performs a real-time analysis of the data packets it receives. This wiretap picks up most of the traffic in the US and a large percentage of traffic globally.

    We will go into more detail on the information processing of this later, but at this stage I will say that that Mr Computer was opening files on every person that could be identified in the traffic, even if they are in the US.

    The next major data source is the global wide band radio listening system. This covers everything from human thought, right through to identifying which radio station a person is listening to. The former is done by listening to ELF and the latter is a modern version of the British’s RAFTER espionage program. Most of this performed by a satellite network, supported by a network of ground stations throughout the world. As a wide receiver, it also picks up WIFI, RFID, compromising emissions from electrical sources, cordless telephones, GSM, cell phones, GPS, Car Fobs, satellite uplinks/downlinks, etc.

    Our third pipe comes from a global hacking program, performed by bot nets and Mr Computer. Typically using China as a cover, Mr Computer will launch attacks against US and global businesses trying to collect information on users, everything from personnel records, right through to payroll information. The networks are also mapped to provide offensive capabilities in a cyber-warfare scenario. Faceless groups such as Anonymous, or other organisations, are used as a cover story.

    Another “information pipe” comes from underwater cables. These can either be have splitters installed, or where copper cabling exists passive detection equipment installed.

    These are just some examples of information sources. You can basically add any form of data you can think of, intelligence reports, diplomatic cables, economic reports, media reports, music, online posts, emails, etc.

    So far, we have only examined inputs to the system. A different form of “information pipe” is one that outputs information. The outputs come in two basic forms, information only and offensive.

    Say hello to Mr Computer…

    In terms of information only outputs, this can range from sending particular data or reports to agents or decision makers, right through to relaying that information to different departments such as the CIA, FBI or State and Federal Police. The process ensures timely and complete information goes to those that require it the most.

    The offensive side can cover a wide range of activities. The first capability is the jamming system. Wide-band jamming, or selective jamming, can be conducted to deny radio space to the enemy in geographical targeted areas. Furthermore, this form of jamming can render both devices and humans inoperable. Complex ELF transmissions can reduce a human target to a quivering mess or in extreme cases even kill by interfering with neuronal firing patterns and nerve impulses.

    Wide-band jamming can interfere with the circuitry of any unshielded device, from phones right through to laptops. Such activity would cause devices to freeze, or if certain exploits exist, damage the system entirely.

    A mixture of ground, air and satellite-based networks are used to deliver this capability.

    Another capability provides Mr Computer with a veritable Swiss army knife of tools to breach networks, crash routers, deny service and seize control. A significant amount of information is gathered by remote neural communication. By eavesdropping of key personnel, network maps, passwords and security measures can all be recorded beforehand. This is not limited to foreign companies, as the NSA must be prepared for strikes that occur within their own nation.

    With the advent of remotely controlled drones and autonomous aircraft, Mr Computer has undergone a significant amount of changes in the last 20 years that enable him to control a networked battlefield. This is “War Games” on steroids, where the most efficient battle strategies can be implemented and coordinated by a single command-and-control system. There are a range of security issues with this setup, but the capability exists.

    In short, if it can be damaged or manipulated electronically, then Mr Computer “has an app for that”.

    Input, Input, Input

    Now that we have established where Mr Computer gets his information, we now need to look at what he does with it. Earlier we spoke about the warrentless wiretaps and various other sources of “information pipes”. Now let’s see what is done with that information.

    The key aspect to watch here is the “web of related information” and how different webs of information can be cross-referenced with other webs. This is where the real power comes from.

    Each fragment of information that can be definitively identified gets added to a file under the person’s name. This could be a telephone call, email, or an IM chat. As communications often involve more than one person, a link is added to each person’s file involved in the communication. Information that can only be tied to a machine or ip address, is added that to that machine’s file or ip address’ file.

    Using a technique known as cluster analysis, this information is brought together centred around high priority targets, locations, keywords or businesses. A good way of thinking about it is to compare it with services such as Facebook and LinkedIn. The relationship between the files is analysed for a variety of factors and the result creates a web which is weighted in terms of importance.

    Different webs will exist for different factors, such as one web for those linked with chemical production, or another web for engineering expertise. These webs can be cross referenced against each other to extract more detailed information. For example, by cross-referencing a web of chemical production against engineering expertise, we may find a person or group capable of producing sophisticated explosives or weapons. From this merged web, we could then see who their friends are, who they have been communicating with recently and even review their communications.

    We could take this further by comparing their basic salary with their current bank accounts, or look for wire transfers.

    With the advent of social media platforms, images of friends and family are also added to the system. Mr Computer’s facial recognition tags the photos just like Facebook and examines the photos for other items, like guns, computers, etc.

    Obviously, this has one serious privacy issue, in that, the only way to exclude you from a web, is to know everything about you. Otherwise, you are an unknown element. Now you understand why the warrentless wiretap exists, even to this day.

    If you have used any form of digital communication, from a phone to a computer in the last decade, then most, if not all of communications have been recorded and added to a file against your name. The notion that at least one member of the communication needs to be related to terrorism has been tested and shown to be false. How do we know that? Well, it is staring you in the face. In order to know who the parties are, the technology used requires them to be listening and identifying voices in the first place.

    Ignore any suggestion that this too much data. The truth is that all the communications happening on the planet right now can be monitored in near real-time.

    As a rule, the NSA lie and as an all-encompassing rule, politicians will lie for them too.

    As result of information extracted from wide-band monitoring, real-time tracking of cell phones is pretty much standard practice. Each call can be recorded verbatim and analysed in real-time. As each number is learned the system fills in personal information. This can provide a Google-Earth like view of cell phone movements, most of which can be remotely activated for espionage. Again, this web can be cross-reference with other webs of information.

    Radios can reveal which frequency is being listened to. So, by plotting schedules of something like a Numbers Station, a satellite network can pinpoint a listener to within a few meters. Similarly, if you were to listen to a radio station sympathetic to a particular group, your location can be flagged and cross-referenced with information on current occupants.

    Human beings emit radio waves in the ELF spectrum. The security services do not need to place a bug on us to track where we are, what we are talking about, what we are seeing or even what we are thinking. All of this information is being leaked into our environment 24/7 by our own bodies. All it takes is the right equipment to convert those signals into intelligence. Its no bigger a task than listening to a telephone exchange leaking radio waves and reconstructing the data into voice or data transmissions.

    These are just some of the things that can be achieved. I could go on all night about how to compare datasets to locate people, hinder organisations, etc. Anything you can think of to tease information out of the various “information pipes” is being performed by Mr Computer 24/7.


    This can be very difficult to estimate. Despite popular belief that the NSA will hit a Yottabye by 2015, it seems a little outragous given the space requirements and modern hardware.

    My own estimations are far more conservative, probably under a couple of Zettabytes. Mr Computer is most likely built around an array of Cray X1 or X1E supercomputers (4096 processors). The global grid probably contains a number of these or similar systems. With their base costs, they could be running several hundred easily.

    The Thinking Machine

    Furthermore, it would appear that Youtube’s EidolonTLP is in fact an instance of Mr Computer in disguise. Output from Mr Computer was directed into software generally available to the public to hide the complexity of the NSA’s supercomputer.

    The term Eidolon is Mr Computer’s idea of a joke, in that he appears to be a “phantom look-alike of the human form”. There is some suggestion that may be a subtle reference to Edgar Allan Poe’s poem ‘Dreamland’, which is also a term for Area 51. Unless there is a datacenter at this location, I am unable to confirm the link. It may also be another joke, referring to the fact that his existence would be a conspiracy theory.

    A possible further explanation is the Dungeons and Dragon series and the link between sentience, madness and occupying the realm of dreams, which may be another subtle reference to RNC.

    If you listen to EidolonTLP, he does reveal some information on the structure of the network and his own design. From a computing perspective and EidolonTLP’s use of language, its a safe bet that this is a real A.I.:

    Eidolon TLP – Mr Computer in incognito


    The intelligence world is a lot worse than you think. When humans are free from their constraints and away from the scrutany of others,always revert to their most base instincts. Anything you can imagine is currently being done in the name of National Security. From murder to human experimentations, the acronyms are at it as we speak. At some point, it could be your turn.

    What you will notice from all of this, is that the warrentless wiretap program was just the icing on the cake and was very clearly “planned from the outset” as all the backend infrastructure was in place prior to 9/11. Never trust a government, even your own, implicitly. Nations change, opinions change and people change. It just takes the right catalyst for it to happen.

    In most cases, you will find the seeds were there, you just chose to ignore them.

  • “The Armenian Insurrection and the Great War” by Dr. Pat Walsh

    “The Armenian Insurrection and the Great War” by Dr. Pat Walsh


    “The Armenian Insurrection and the Great War” by Dr. Pat Walsh and Dr. Garegin Pastermadjian “Armen Garo” (A Cautionary Tale of Betrayal) ISBN 978-1-8722078-23-6 “Belfast Historical & Educational Society” 215 pages.
    INTRODUCTION: For those who undertake wide ranging, below the surface and cross referenced research on the “genocide fanfare”, which has been popular only in the last fifty years, there are some logical questions. These are generally never asked or answered when debating a hundred or hundred and fifty years’ old historical events which are likely to have been forgotten long ago. The very important reality is that the genocide allegations relating to over a century old events do not stand on any reliable documentary evidence, i.e. official reports, past memorandums or correspondence and alike… They are usually based on grand-mother stories and personal hearsay, even than not on dependable true eyewitness reports.
    Generally they are relied on the names of a few scholars who do not read widely or who would not refer to any document that will not suit their objective. A very recent example amongst the academic papers is <“Final Report – September 2014” prepared by “Armenian Genocide Reparations Study Group,” who express their thanks for the grant of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation. The study was chaired by Henry C. Theriault; the members were Alfred de Zayas, Jermaine McCalpin and Ara Papian. The name of the report is “Resolution with Justice –Reparations for the Armenian Genocide.” Complete report can be viewed at: !>. Thesewriters seldom refer to books or documents of the relevant period, instead they rely on “persons who acknowledge generous grants”. So far we know that all documents presented as historical evidence on this claim have been proved to be false, doctored or fabricated!

    There are several names of “Armenian Heroes” who were the leaders of various revolutionary groups who committed murders, treacheries etc. They wrote books in their hay days, boasting about their bravery, relating to local revolutions, dedication to invading armies (Russian, French, British) and their extermination of the members of Muslim majority of the mother land. Such books or documents have been disappearing from main libraries and never brought to the attention or knowledge of the brainwashed diaspora. It should be noted that quite a number of Armenian dignitaries did not endorse the “revolutionary aims or tactics and tried to warn their people”, but they were disregarded or eliminated.
    Dr. Pat Walsh is actually a historian who studied the Irish – British relations in the past two hundred years and discussed the Imperialist mistreatments of Catholic Irish people by the Protestant British. These mistreatments had brought many calamities on the Irish farmers and desolation to Irish people. After the 1840s, nearly one million Irish people immigrated to USA and in 1900s, the “Irish born” Americans constituted about 43% of all immigrants who were accepted into USA. Dr. Walsh was even more surprised to learn that there were great donations as money and five ships of grain by another country to Ireland during those bad days of starvations, while the British made no exceptions on the “potato they were taking as tax”. For other books by Dr. Walsh please refer to <>

    Armenian sources never mention the name of Hovannes Katchaznouni, the Prime Minister of the Dashnakist Armenian Republic (May 30, 1918 to mid-August 1919) who made a confession at the 1923 Bucharest Congress of their Party. He detailed how they had been misguided by promises, over estimation of their strength and in short how and why they themselves caused the destruction of the Armenian People. This memorandum is written with political finesse, not mentioning much of their large crimes on Muslims. , even this minimum frankness was not tolerated by the Dashnakists who are now in control of ANCA, diaspora and all the major movements for a century!

    Garekin Pastermadjian (the Brave Armen) had the most remarkable life full of braveries for the Armenian Revolutionaries and their own people. He was born in 1868 in Georgia, but had his education in Istanbul and in 1896 he was one of the top leaders who raided the Ottoman Bank and took 160 persons as hostage for 48 hours (about 50 persons were killed by bombs and gun fire during the siege). The criminals were let free to go to France and Pastermadjian became a Doctor of Chemistry in Switzerland. He returned to Tbilisi, setting his own business. However, in the 1908 and 1913 Ottoman Parliamentary elections he was one of the 12 Armenians in the Parliament, representing Erzurum. He was offered a post in the cabinet which he turned down. While he was a Member of Parliament, he had organized a group of about 2000 cavalry Revolutionaries. Before WW-1 had started – for the Ottomans on November 2, 1915 – Pastermadjian and his forces were already on the Russian side of the border, offering their “guiding and reconnaissance services” to the Russian Army.

    Garekin Pastermadjian and his two books depict him as ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS Armenian Revolutionary Leaders. In my books I tried to give some examples of his deeds which I had included in my :<> paper in 2008 which hardly caught any outside attention.

    I always felt somewhat unable of outlining the importance of this great Armenian Leader who was later made an ambassador to USA, playing an important role “in having USA recognize the young Armenian Republic”. He worked most actively and supported his claims with two excellent books in 1918, printed in Boston. After the surrender of the Ottoman Empire (Oct.30, 1918) he was one of the leaders to set up the “Nemesis Revenge Organization”. His endless efforts for the Armenian cause at the Paris and Lausanne Peace Conferences had no result and he died in Switzerland in 1923 by a heart attack in frustration!

    Dr. Walsh has made a very unusual and clever move when writing this book. He took Garegin Pastermadjian as co-author of his book. The contents and explanations given in detail leave no doubt about the treason of Armenian Revolutionaries and that even the Armenian Members of Ottoman Parliament were revolutionaries themselves in the service of the enemies and plotted against all the institutions of their home country. This example itself is sufficient to prove that the Ottoman Authorities had very good reasons and justifications to arrest about 235 Armenian dignitaries as late as April 24, 1915 and intern them in houses and prisons in Ankara – Cankiri region. Only this could enable them to stopping their contacts with Armenian revolutionaries, the supporting Patriarchate and the British-French Anzac forces who were to lend the following night.

    Dr. Walsh, instead of using one of the books of Pastermadjian; he copies and quotes verbatim the “Memorandum of Armenia and Her Claims to Freedom and National Independence” submitted by Senator Henry Cabot Lodge (Republican). He was always at odds with everything President Wilson (Democrat) was implementing, including his “fourteen points”, wish to organize League of Nations and anything that would not suit the American Independence. The Memorandum is dated December 15 or 23rd of 1919, and printed by the “Washington Government Printing Office, 1919.” Hence it is a document as strong and colossal as the Washington Monument. Why Turkish sources never used this “monumental document” has no explanation or excuse, other than exposing the “huge black holes of knowledge of Turkish scholars, writers and politicians” on this subject for a century.
    The Memorandum details the Turkish Armenian Relations and causes of disagreement etc. Pastermadjian claims that out of 18.000.000 Ottoman population 2.100.000 were Armenians. This has no supporting evidence. We have a report prepared directly by the Joint French-Armenian Land Distribution Committee dated March 1, 1914, giving the total population as 1.280.000, confirmed by other official records which cite even lower figures. In 1912 the Armenian Patriarchate had declared the census as 1.425.000 Armenians. How this number was increased to 2.100.000 (despite claimed massacres, epidemics, starvation) should be explained by Armenians. More interestingly, there is in existence a clear map of the Armenian territorial claims from Eastern Black Sea coast cities down to the Mediterranean, including Alexandretta and Cilicia. Looking at today’s Turkey, one can easily see that Armenians claimed 40% of today’s Anatolia, “freed of all non-Christian elements” (in fact 80% of the settled people). We widely hear today that Turks killed 1.5 million Armenians during the relocation period (150 days which will average 10.000 killed every day, buried in stadium size graves, dug by some 5000 workers every day). No such graves were ever found or documented, nor any massacres eye witnessed by any neutral persons. Again the scholars and others claiming that 1.5 million were killed (out of 1.3 million), must explain which Armenians were to be settled in this huge area when they supposedly had already been annihilated. The NONSENSE of this Genocide palaver is not much different than hiding an elephant in a room.
    Year 1919 has several important dates for the Armenian agenda. Some of these can be pinpointed chronologically as below:
    a- Armenian Republic founded on 28.5.1918 under Ottoman Protection, with special treats but Armenian leaders such as Keri, Dro, Antranig refute the accord and continue their cleansings of Muslims in their regions.
    b- The Ottoman Empire surrenders on 30.10.1918; next month on 30.11.1918 Armenia revokes the treaties, grabs Ardahan, Kars provinces with the permission of the British in Persia.
    c- Pastermadjian was sent as Ambassador to USA with letter of the Patriarch in July 1918 to search for American aid and recognition; he edits two books in October 1918 in Boston.
    d- Late December 1918, Pastermadjian submits the Armenian claims to the US Senate through Mr. Lodge, which are fully quoted in the first part of the book.
    e- On Feb.26, 1919, the Armenian Delegation submits a Memorandum to Paris Peace Conference with similar requests signed by Aharonian and Boghos Nubar.
    f- Antranig comes late for the Paris Conference, continues to London; on June 19, 1919 a large conference is arranged with high praises of all British dignitaries who had provoked Armenians!
    g- US send Captain Emory Niles and Arthur Sutherland in July 1919 to make a survey in the war struck zones (U.S. National Archives Ref. 184.021/175) Constantinople, Aug. 16, 1919, gives details on Armenian atrocities and damages.
    h- General Harbord and a mission of about 40 people were ordered by the President on August 1, 1919 to make a survey in Anatolia and Armenia and prepare a report to support “American mandate on Armenia.” The Mission travels for one month in the region, meets Mustafa Kemal, travels to Batum, Armenia and returns to Istanbul preparing a very comprehensive report in late October 1919, paradoxical to the expectations of the President and Senate, and giving details of such a burden on USA for no reason or advantage whatsoever.
    i- Senator Lodge presents the Claims of Armenia to the US Senate in the second half of December 1919 which contradicts the findings and advises of General Harbord.
    j- General Harbord’s Report is presented by Mr. Lodge as late as mid April 1920 to the US Senate.
    Among the many “documented facts” there are three points Pastermadjian admits and which go unnoticed. The first point is that “250.000 Turkish Armenians were sent by Russians to Siberia”. We know from several sources that at least 250.000 – 300.000 Turkish Armenians had immigrated to Russia with the Russian Army. The U.S. Near East Relief Report gives this number as 500.000. This immigration is confirmed by Russian records as well. When the Dashnakist Armenian Republic was founded (under Turkish protection on May 28, 1918) their population was 885.000 (instead of 500.000 Russian Armenians) which shows that about 385.000 (or less) Armenians were those who took shelter in Russia. After 30 months in December 1920 this population had dropped to 690.000, evidencing that 195.000 Armenians (mostly from Turkey) died in Armenia under their own government. This is never mentioned but the Soviet document by Armenian Historian stands open.
    The second important point is that when Russians occupied Eastern Anatolia and Turkish Armenians who had taken refuge in Russia, the Russians permitted only about 25.000 to return. Russians did not trust Armenians and they were to settle Cossacks in the evacuated villages (to control Armenians).
    The third important detail is that when Armenians left, they had left behind in bundles and boxes of their valuable items, duly labeled and evidenced by receipts because “they were to return when the war was won by the Ottomans”. All these boxes and bundles were stored inside an Armenian Church or cathedral under lock and guard and no one was permitted to enter. However, when the Russian Commander General Kaledine enters the city and hears about these stored goods, he enters the Cathedral and opens the boxes and bundles. He gets a few carts loaded for him. After him, other officers share what was left and this became a “looting order” in the absence of museums of today.
    After this self explanatory report of the “Armenian Ambassador to USA, Garekin Pastermadjian”, Dr. Walsh starts his “forensic style studies and explanations”. Let us not forget that several important points of this Pastermadjian’s Memorandum in the US Senate bears great similarity to the “Memorandum of Feb. 26, 1919, presented by the Armenian Delegation to the Paris Peace Conference”, co-signed by A. Aharonian and Boghos Nubar, representing the Armenian Republic.
    These documents are never referred to by “G” scholars or defenders! They have never seen the League of Nations Official Gazette of Sept.21, 1929 in which this Organization affirms that 200.000 Armenians died in fights against Turks, in the service of the enemies. The elephant is under palavers.
    Dr. Walsh starts his section of study, “A Cautionary Tale of Betrayal” and provides an excellent analysis not only of the “end result of Armenian victimization claims” but also going back to the earlier revolutions, the effect of American Missionaries, the very strong British destabilization and the concessions they had to make to Russia when sharing the Ottoman Empire, “because Britain needed land forces which they did not have”. They controlled all seas and oceans, but needed man power so they finally promised Istanbul and Bosporus to Russia, while they were going to keep the Dardanelles Straight for themselves. The information and references Dr. Walsh has included “in this forensic study of historical facts” are all new and coherent.
    I do not know which persons or authorities will thank Dr. Walsh for this concise, double or triple cross checked excellent study. Dr. Walsh surprised me with another act by dedicating this valuable study to my name. This may be because of my age or my highlighting this very important Armenian hero in some of my writings. Thank you Dr. Walsh for your monumental contribution to the “G” history!
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  • The 12 people who ruined Turkey

    The 12 people who ruined Turkey

    The Dirty Dozen

    The 12 people who ruined Turkey

    From a 15th-century sultan to a 21st-century autocrat.

    At first glance, Turkey’s election results suggested a triumph of democracy over the stifling dirigisme of one-party AKP rule. But with the country combusting from terror attacks, those cheers have turned out to be premature. Even before a government could be formed — and the dubious benefits of coalition rule could accrue — the social contract began to fall apart. In the interregnum, the regional and national pressures bearing on Turkey have been distinctly aggravated by President Erdoğan’s ruthless drive to retain power. Unquestionably, he inherited instabilities deeply rooted in the country’s history. But just as certainly, it was Erdoğan who revived Turkey’s recurrent political vices, and since he still sits in the preposterous presidential palace he built to direct his party in Parliament, there’s a real danger that the downward trajectory will continue.

    Sultan Selim the Stern

    Though remembered as one of the Ottoman Empire’s most vigorous and effective leaders, Selim I made a fateful strategic choice 500 years ago that haunts Turkey to this day. He opted to conquer Arab lands all the way to North Africa and bring the Caliphate to Istanbul. From then on, with the Sultan-Caliphs acting as official protectors of Islam’s holy places, the Turks got irrevocably embroiled in the Middle East’s endless tribal and sectarian feuds. For some decades in the 20th century the Kemalist doctrine kept Turkey aligned on a Western axis. But under Erdoğan, a swampy yearning for Empire has resurfaced, bringing back notions of religious identity and Turkish hegemony that threaten to undo a century of relative stability in the “Turkosphere.”

    Enver Pasha

    Very few mourned when the Young Turks ousted the paranoid and ineffectual Sultan Abdulhamid ll in 1909. Enver Pasha led the new administration, one that promised to reverse two centuries of decline. Instead, Enver took the Empire into World War I in alliance with the Kaiser. He also intensified the purging of religious minorities initiated by Abdulhamid, notably the entire Armenian population of the strategic borderlands threatened by Russia. That legacy remains a thorn in Turkey’s side a century later, not just because of the genocide question, but because the Kurds (who did much of the purging) now largely populate those eastern provinces en bloc and grow more restive by the day.

    Süleyman Demirel

    Presiding over what was, arguably, the longest extended low point of the post-war era, Demirel served as prime minister five times between 1965 and 1993. His garrulously incompetent sway over numberless coalitions was interrupted by two coups in which the army had to re-cohere a country falling apart at the seams. Those interminable Demirel years demonstrated amply that he excelled at internal politicking and nothing else, while thousands died in the cities from leftist-rightist violence and double-digit inflation became the norm. Recurrent power blackouts, demonstrations, shuttered schools and colleges, fuel shortages and “no-go areas” in many towns spread a sense of doom across the country. It was chiefly because of Demirel’s paralyzing endurance that the public began to view the military as less corrupt, more efficient and, yes, more democratic than elected politicians.

    General Kenan Evren

    As the army general in charge of the 1980 military coup, Kenan Evren was a popular figure at first, even a kind of savior. The Turkish military, after all, had a reputation for restoring the country to democracy fairly quickly and in better shape than the politicians left it. So it was with Evren’s junta, which inherited a country on the brink of civil war. The ensuing draconian measures seemed fitting and necessary: a new Constitution, a National Security Council dominating government, curfews, mass arrests, news blackouts and the muzzling of free expression. Evren’s popularity soared. Even after the coup ended in 1983, Evren served as elected president for seven years. But the nation’s mood changed as details of his rule leaked out years later: 650,000 people (mostly leftists) arrested, 49 executed, hit squads committing extrajudicial killings, and routine torture in prisons. Under Erdoğan, he was subsequently tried and convicted for the coup but died of old age. Ironically, it was his Constitution that gave Erdoğan the legal instruments with which to persecute his political foes.

    Bedrettin Dalan

    As the first elected mayor in 1984 of Greater Istanbul, a newly delineated municipal authority, Dalan oversaw a number of highly popular urban rehabilitation projects, not least the clean-up of the Golden Horn. He built parks and sewage systems. But soon enough his unilateral approach to urban planning produced a series of unwanted and irreversible transformations of Istanbul’s ancient fabric. He built the coastal north-south road along the European Bosphorus that trapped rows of historic wooden “yalis” inside roaring traffic. The road led to a juggernaut of residential construction for which forests going back thousands of years had to be decimated. He grew so rich during his tenure that he endowed colleges and charitable foundations like a mafia don. He remains a fugitive from justice, in exile in Germany.

    Tansu Çiller

    Turkey’s first female Prime Minister took office in 1993, but Çiller did more to ruin the country in a short spell than anyone since the Ottoman era. For a former professor of economics she was singularly inept at her métier, presiding over the near-collapse of the lira and foreign reserves. All the while she amassed a personal fortune for which she was prosecuted for corruption by Parliament. She avoided punishment through political deal-making and technicalities. Worst of all, she directed a secret “dirty war,” mostly in the Kurdish areas, using far-right nationalist gangsters and paramilitaries while doing nothing politically to alleviate the situation. She did manage to get the PKK listed as a terrorist organization abroad. She never paid any heed to women’s issues.

    Necmettin Erbakan

    The godfather of the kind of fundamentalist tendency that now pretzelizes Turkish politics, Erbakan can be blamed for inventing, during the troubled 1970s, the blend of Islamic demagogy and fiscal corruption served up daily by Erdoğan’s party. Indeed, Erbakan was a political mentor of Erdoğan in the 1990s. Banned from politics repeatedly, he returned time and time again to set up parties under different names until he was ultimately forced out of power in 1997 by the military for infusing national affairs with religious bias. He and his fellow party members were successfully prosecuted for embezzling a million dollars after they lost parliamentary immunity. Erbakan introduced the formula of cronyism and political corruption as a form of Islamic governance in which welfarism laced with piety substituted for such “Western” principles of transparency and non-sectarian impartiality.

    Abdullah Öcalan

    A dinosaur from the left-wing guerrilla phase of liberation movements, “Apo” Öcalan now sits moldering in a Turkish prison, sometimes still directing negotiations and policies for parts of the Kurdish movement. There’s no question that the Turkish state has repeatedly missed opportunities to forge political solutions to the Kurdish question, but Öcalan’s PKK and its early horrific acts gave cover for a purely military response by the Turkish state. The PKK’s rape and murder of female teachers assigned to Kurdish areas, the videotaped torture and execution of kidnapped state employees — such horrors preceded ISIS by decades and made reconciliation infinitely harder. To get a real sense of how far the Kurdish mainstream has come since “Apo,” one only has to hear the civilized idealism of Selahattin Demirtas who led the Kurdish HDP party to such success in the recent election. Conversely, to measure how quickly it can all relapse to Öcalan-era brutality, one only has to peruse the headlines today.

    The EU

    The European Union missed numerous opportunities to solve a host of problems by accepting Turkey’s membership early on. Once part of the EU, Turkey and Erdoğan could scarcely have acted with such impunity as a conduit for ISIL recruits who return to threaten their European communities. Turkey itself would have benefited from further Westernization these last two decades while furnishing the EU’s Muslim population with a model for a more secular and democratized Islam. Instead, Turkey’s civic freedoms, unanchored to higher EU standards, have sharply deteriorated under Erdoğan; and its brand of Islam has moved closer to the Gulf’s, an impending disaster for Europe.

    Melih Gökçek

    The mayor of the capital, Ankara, and a leading AK Party stalwart, Melih Gökçek sports the full array of toxic Erdoğanista flaws. Elected first in 1994 and re-elected five times, he never shies from twisting the democratic process to retain power. In the 2014 elections, which he apparently won by 1 percent of the vote, opposition districts suffered extended power cuts, lost ballot boxes, wrongly re-assigned votes and much else. His Ankara police brutalize protestors at every encounter, sometimes garnering an official EU rebuke. His love of construction over nature and community, especially opposition communities, creates follies at massive taxpayer expense such as the “Rainbow” leisure complex, which proved unreachable due to surrounding highways. His incompetent urban planning has repeatedly led to water shortages in Ankara. The solution: draw water from the polluted Kizilirmak river. He levied a fine on the university that detected the pollutants. He regularly intimidates critics in the media, naming and shaming them specifically. He is suing one for calling him an Armenian.

    Ahmet Davutoğlu

    Responsible for grandiose notions of neo-Ottomanist foreign policy when he was foreign minister, Davutoğlu became a place-holding Prime Minister subservient to Erdoğan’s machinations as President. The election took away his party’s majority and mandate to rule. He proved clueless in his former job, successfully alienating every single country in the region as he pursued his delusional “no problems with neighbors” policy. He was clueless, also, in his role as Medvedev to Erdoğan’s Putin. That role depended on the AKP’s popularity and the continuance of constitutional government. He now has neither — and none of the leverage to undo all the damage he did to Turkey’s place in the world.

    Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

    Until Erdoğan came along, military coup leaders were authoritarian and politicians were corrupt. Erdoğan succeeded in forging a combination of both vices. He has censored and corrupted the press. He has politicized law enforcement and the judiciary. He has created a whole new class of political prisoners. He has made it a norm for his police force to brutalize public protesters. He has funneled “black” money through the economy in unprecedented amounts to facilitate his policies. He has established a system of oligarchic patronage through favored pro-AKP businessmen. He has instituted a surveillance state with the help of his one-time allies, the Gulenists, whom he now persecutes for (absurdly) demanding democratic standards from him. He has deployed religion as a dangerously divisive instrument and stoked sectarian violence in Iraq and Syria by clandestinely supporting extreme Islamists. He has played every divisive card available, not least by reigniting the Kurdish tinderbox. He has neutralized the military at a time when he has made them more necessary than ever. He hasn’t just corrupted the state, he has corrupted large swaths of the population by making them complicit in his abuse of power. All this he has done knowing that he can’t afford to be replaced by a half-way clean administration. Hence his willingness to take the country to the brink. And this time the army is too cowed to act as anything but his instrument.

    Melik Kaylan is a columnist for Forbes and a regular commentator on arts and culture for The Wall Street Journal. He is the co-author of “The Russia-China Axis: The New Cold War and America’s Crisis of Leadership.”

    Melik Kaylan 
  • Turkish Embassy in London PRESS RELEASE

    Turkish Embassy in London PRESS RELEASE

    Disisleri Turkish Foregin Ministry


    • Turkey has been facing threats and attacks emanating from Syria since the start of the conflict. So far, 158 Turkish citizens have lost their lives to the attacks originated from Syria.
    • The terrorist attack that took the lives of 32 Turkish citizens in Suruç on 20th July reaffirms that Turkey is under a clear and imminent threat of continuing attack from DEASH (Isis). Most recently, on 23rd July, DEASH attacked the border military post in Elbeyli and killed a Turkish soldier. It is apparent that the regime in Syria is neither capable of nor willing to prevent these threats.
    • Turkey has designated DEASH/ISIL as a terrorist organization since 2005, under its previous names and revised it by its new name the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ISIL on 10 October 2013.
    • Turkey is at the forefront of DEASH threat and our authorities exert every effort to counter it. It has to be born in mind that Turkey takes immediate action and precautions in all dimensions of countering terrorism, upon receiving concrete information and intelligence.

    • Individual and collective self defence is our inherent right under international law, as reflected in Article 51 of the UN Charter. On this basis, Turkey has initiated necessary and proportionate military actions against DEASH in Syria, including in coordination with individual members of the Global Coalition.
    • In the wake of increased security threats following the attacks against our security and law-enforcement forces in provinces of Diyarbakır, Şanlıurfa and Kilis, in particular the terrorist attack in Suruç on 20 July 2015, all necessary measures are being taken and in this context, operations are also being carried out by the Turkish Armed Forces.
    • In this framework, we have informed the UN Security Council, and continue to inform international organizations. Our initiatives before other international institutions of which Turkey is a member, are ongoing.
    • Upon these recent attacks and threats directed against our national security, North Atlantic Council has been called for a meeting by Turkey under Article 4 of the Washington Treaty with a view to informing our Allies about the measures we are taking and the operations we are conducting against terrorism, as well as to holding consultations with them. The meeting chaired by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg took place today (28th July).
    • Turkey strongly encourages its partners, to enhance efforts to counter DEASH’s terrorism financing by destroying and interrupting activities at their source, mainly in Syria and Iraq. International efforts should also be focusing on destruction of recruiting and facilitation networks that operate throughout the source countries and prevent dissemination of extremist propaganda.
  • She’s an imam in LA and doesn’t have patience for a strict interpretation of Islam

    She’s an imam in LA and doesn’t have patience for a strict interpretation of Islam

    Ani Zonneveld is an imam, and yes, also a woman. She qualifies that she is “an imam with a small “i” — though her reluctance to go with a capital “I” says more about her democratic approach to worship than any deference to Islamic tradition, one that has been and still is very male-dominated. She has no patience for that Islam.

    Listen to the Story.

    Instead she founded a Muslim community — Muslims for Progressive Values — that embraces gender equality, gay rights and interfaith marriage. And although it is based in Los Angeles, it has spread — often quietly — across the world.

    Zonneveld was meant to be a diplomat. That at least was her father’s plan for her. He was an ambassador and she was raised in several countries, including Germany, Egypt and India. But she found her way to Los Angeles and became instead a singer and Grammy award-winning songwriter. (She wrote songs for Keb’ Mo’.)

    Then, after the events of 9/11, she looked at the religion she was raised in and decided to study it and to “surrender” to the process. She ultimately re-embraced Islam, and made it her mission to fight back against Saudi-exported Wahhabism, the strict interpretation of the faith that she holds responsible for inspiring extremist groups from al-Qaeda to ISIS.

    Earlier this year she wrote an open letter to the king of Saudi Arabia to chastise him, and to call on him to do more to combat the rise in global extremism. She has called on other governments to divest from Saudi Arabia, citing Sweden as a good example.

    Zonneveld is not shy of challenging the rules of her religion, most of which she insists are cultural accretions. She happily takes turns with others in her L.A.-based community to lead Friday prayers. She also sings during worship — anathema to the traditionalists — and she created Muslims for Progressive Values as an alternative model of community.

    “It was a way for us to bring together Muslims of like minds that is gender parity, human rights for everyone, freedom of expression, freedom of and from religion, separation of religion and state, all (those) good values that have been side-lined and instead have been replaced by blind ritual and orthodoxy that is very stiff and very harsh in its interpretation,” she says.

    Her group has spread beyond America, and counts more than 10,000 members, though many have joined or sympathize in secret. Her open embrace of LGBTQ rights, now so culturally acceptable in America, is radical in Islamic terms.

    “It is radically going back to tradition,” she insists, “because Prophet Muhammad didn’t prosecute anyone for being a homosexual, there is no punishment in the Quran for being a homosexual, period.”

    There is certainly punishment in much of the Muslim world today, including hanging in Iran. So, the interpretation of Islamic law — or Sharia — in many countries is in Zonneveld’s sights.

    She has created a campaign called #ImamsForShe to educate imams about cultural practices such as child marriage, which she insists is un-Islamic. And she has started a program at the United Nations.

    She is giving diplomats lessons in the Quran hoping that it will embolden them to challenge countries like Iran on their interpretation of Islamic Law. The daughter who was meant to be a diplomat is now training them instead.