Author: Aylin D. Miller

  • Turkey Has Destroyed Russia’s Hope Of Western Cooperation – Paul Craig Roberts

    Turkey Has Destroyed Russia’s Hope Of Western Cooperation – Paul Craig Roberts

    PCRPaul Craig Roberts
    UPDATE: A friend, George Abert, suggested a reason why the Turks shot down the Russian fighter-bomber over Syria. The Russians have a technology that they recently demonstrated against the newest US missile cruiser and Israel’s US jet fighters. The technology shuts down the communication systems of hostile forces, leaving them blind. He wonders if the Russian aircraft was shot down in order to encourage the Russians to use its unknown technology whenever Russian aircraft are in the vicinity of NATO and Israeli aircraft. He bets that the US has sent every Raven and ELINT specialist to the area in hopes that Russia’s use of the technology will allow them to learn enough about the system to duplicate it or learn how to block it.
    Turkey’s unprovoked shoot-down of a Russian military aircraft over Syria raises interesting questions. It seems unlikely that the Turkish government would commit an act of war against a much more powerful neighbor unless Washington had cleared the attack. Turkey’s government is not very competent, but even the incompetent know better than to put themselves into a position of facing Russia alone.
    If the attack was cleared with Washington, was Obama bypassed by the neocons who control his government, or is Obama himself complicit? Clearly the neoconservatives are disturbed by the French president’s call for unity with Russia against ISIL and easily could have used their connections to Turkey to stage an event that Washington can use to prevent cooperation with Russia.
    Washington’s complicity is certainly indicated, but it is not completely out of the question that the well-placed Turks who are purchasing oil from ISIL took revenge against Russia for destroying their oil tanker investments and profitable business. But if the attack has a private or semi-private origin in connections between gangsters and military, would Turkey’s president have defended the shoot-down on such spurious grounds as “national defense”? No one can believe that one Russian jet is a threat to Turkey’s security.
    Don’t expect the presstitutes to look into any such questions. The presstitutes, such as the BBC’s Moscow correspondent Sarah Rainsford, are spinning the story that the loss of the Russian aircraft, and earlier the airliner, proves that Putin’s policy of air strikes against iSIL has backfired as Russians are not safer.
    The responses to the shoot-down are also interesting. From what I heard of Obama’s press conference, Obama’s definition of “moderate Syrian rebels” includes all the extremist jihadish groups, such as al Nursa and ISIL, that are the focus of the Russian attacks. Only Assad is an extremist. Obama, following the neocon line, says that Assad has too much blood on his hands to be allowed to remain president of Syria.
    Obama is not specific about the “blood on Assad’s hands,” but we can be. The blood is the blood of ISIL forces fighting the Syrian army. Obama doesn’t refer to the blood on ISIL’s hands, but even the presstitutes have told us the horror stories associated with the blood on ISIL’s hands, with whom Obama has allied us.
    And what about the blood on Obama’s hands? Here we are talking about a very large quantity of blood: the blood of entire countries—Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, and the blood that Obama’s puppet government in Kiev has spilled of the ethnic Russian inhabitants of Ukraine, not to forget the Palestinian blood spilled by Israel using US supplied weapons.
    If the blood on Assad’s hands disqualifies Assad from office, the much greater quantity on Obama’s hands disqualifies Obama. And Cameron. And Hollande. And Merkel. And Netanyahu.
    Throughout the entire Washington orchestrated conflicts in the Middle East, Africa, and Ukraine, the Russian government has spoken reasonably and responded in a diplomatic manner to the many provocations. The Russian government relied on European governments realizing that Europe does not benefit from conflicts generated by Washington and separating themselves from a policy that is against their interests. But Europe proved to be a collection of American vassals, not independent countries capable of independent foreign policies.
    In its campaign against ISIL in Syria, the Russian government relied on the agreement made with NATO countries to avoid engaging in the air. Now Turkey has violated this agreement.
    I will be surprised if the Russian government any longer places any trust in the words of the West and any hope in diplomacy with the West. By now the Russian government and the Russian people will have learned that the Wolfowitz doctrine means what it says and is in force against Russia.
    From the Ukrainian attack on Crimea’s power supply and the blackout that is affecting Crimea, the Russian government has also learned that Washington’s puppet government in Kiev intends further conflict with Russia.
    Washington has made it clear from the beginning that Washington’s focus is on overthrowing Assad, not ISIL. Despite the alleged attack on France by ISIL, the US State Department press spokesperson, Admiral John Kirby, said that Russia cannot be a member of the coalition against ISIL until Russia stops propping up Assad.
    To the extent that the shoot-down of the Russian military aircraft has a silver lining, the incident has likely saved the Russian government from a coalition in which Russia would have lost control of its war against ISIL and would have had to accept the defeat of Assad’s removal.
    Each step along the way the Russian government has held strong cards that it did not play, trusting instead to diplomacy. Diplomacy has now proven to be a deadend. If Russia does not join the real game and begin to play its strong cards, Russia will be defeated.

  • America’s Leading Soldier says “We have NOT Contained ISIS”

    America’s Leading Soldier says “We have NOT Contained ISIS”

    By Onan Coca /

    Hey! Remember this?

    I don’t think they’re gaining strength. What is true is that, from the start our goal has been first to contain, and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq. And in Syria it — they’ll come in, they’ll leave. But you don’t see this systematic march by ISIL across the terrain. What we have not yet been able to do is to completely decapitate their command and control structures. We’ve made some progress in trying to reduce the flow of foreign fighters and part of our goal has to be to recruit more effective Sunni partners in Iraq to really go on offense rather than simply engage in defense.

    Sadly for Democrats, on Tuesday the nation’s most important soldier, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford, absolutely destroyed President Obama’s ISIS narrative when he told Congress that “We have not contained ISIS…”!

    “We have NOT contained ISIL… Strategically they have spread since 2010…”

    Oh. My. Goodness. Here’s what we learned from General Dunford on Tuesday:

    1. ISIS is not contained.
    2. We are at war. No, we’re not.
    3. For much of our fight against ISIS we did not have a strategy to defeat them.
    4. The current military approved strategy is a recent development.
    5. We are in deep doo-doo.

    (That last one is my own personal summary of General Dunford’s answers.)

    Twitter was, of course, abuzz in the aftermath of Dunford’s damning testimony.

    Everything the Obama administration touches falls apart – so our failing efforts against ISIS shouldn’t surprise us. Whether it’s the economy, our healthcare or our foreign policy… Obama and the Democrats have a knack for screwing things up.

  • More than 22 Muslim Terror Training Camps on American Soil!?!

    More than 22 Muslim Terror Training Camps on American Soil!?!

    cihad women jihad cihat

    By Tim Brown / /

    While the Federal Bureau of Investigation continues to investigate 1,000 ISIS-tied individuals in the united States, there are at least 22 paramilitary Islamic communities in the US that they know of, but are not doing anything about. Now, the stage has been set for more Islamic jihad attacks on US soil under the watchful eye of the FBI.

    The groups are operated by Jamaat al-Fuqra, a Pakistan-based group, who main front group is Muslims of the Americas.

    Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani, a Pakistani cleric, heads up the group in Islamberg, New York. The communes operated by the organization are in mostly remote areas of California, Georgia, South Carolina, New York, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, Michigan, Tennessee and other states.

    The Clarion Project reported on these camps:

    The organization says it has a network of 22 “villages” around the U.S., with Islamberg as its main headquarters in New York. Clarion Project obtained secret MOA footage showing female members receiving paramilitary training at Islamberg. It was featured on the Kelly File on FOX News Channel in October. A second MOA tape released by Clarion shows its spokesman declaring the U.S. to be a Muslim-majority country.

    A 2007 FBI record states that MOA members have been involved in at least 10 murders, one disappearance, three firebombings, one attempted firebombing, two explosive bombings and one attempted bombing. It states:

    “The documented propensity for violence by this organization supports the belief the leadership of the MOA extols membership to pursue a policy of jihad or holy war against individuals or groups it considers enemies of Islam, which includes the U.S. Government. Members of the MOA are encouraged to travel to Pakistan to receive religious and military/terrorist training from Sheikh Gilani.”

    The document also says that, “The MOA is now an autonomous organization which possesses an infrastructure capable of planning and mounting terrorist campaigns overseas and within the U.S.”

    Other FBI reports describe the MOA in similar ways, with a 2003 file stating, “Investigation of the Muslims of the Americas is based on specific and articulate facts giving justification to believe they are engaged in international terrorism…”

    MOA members believe the holiest Islamic site in the country is located at their Islamville commune in South Carolina. Other MOA entities include the International Quranic Open University, United Muslim Christian Forum, Islamic Post, Muslim Veterans of America and American Muslim Medical Relief Team.

    An Islamic commune in Mahmoudberg, Texas has been around since the early 1980s and one member of the group was shot and killed in a reported “accident,” as one member returned fire to what they claim were people harassing them. Several members have used false aliases, Social Security numbers and birth certificates, according to two FBI documents from 1992.

    Pamela Geller, author of Stop the Islamization of America, says that the communes are mostly made up of Blacks who converted to Islam while in federal prison and have operated “under the not-so-watchful eye” of the FBI since the early 80

    However, the real question is why are they allowed to operate? At the time of the writing of the Clarion Project’s article, MOA was designated as a terrorist organization. In 2005, Jamaat ul-Fuqra was also listed by Homeland Security as a possible sponsor of a terrorist attack on the US, and in 1998, the State Department’s Patterns of Global Terrorism report described the group as an “Islamic sect that seeks to purify Islam through violence.”

    In January 2002, the State Department was asked why MOA was no longer listed in their annual terrorism reports. Here was the reply:

    “Jamaat ul-Fuqra has never been designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization. It was included in several recent annual terrorism reports under ‘other terrorist groups,’ i.e., groups that had carried out acts of terrorism but that were not formally designated by the Secretary of State. However, because of the group’s inactivity during 2000, it was not included in the most recent terrorism report covering that calendar year.”

    The obvious question is why have these groups, with anti-American sentiments and violent intentions been allowed to grow under the supervision of the FBI?

    I’ll venture a guess that it is because the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the federal government in a similar manner to Communists and are working hand in hand for the destruction of America.

    The next San Bernardino, Garland, or Oklahoma is just waiting to happen, but will it occur in your city or state, and are you prepared to deal with the Islamists when they strike? Or, are you more willing to take the Constitutional approach to cut Islam off at the knees and deal with those that adhere to it as those engaged in sedition? The choice is yours.

    Take a look at Jihad in America: The Grand Deception for more on this topic.

  • Russian military reveals new details of ISIS funding

    Russian military reveals new details of ISIS funding

    The Russian Defense Ministry is giving a major media briefing to outline measures to combat international terrorism. The military operation in Syria is expected to dominate the event.

    • 02 December 2015 16:37 GMT Mufti Ravil Gainutdin, the head of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia and the Russian Council of Muftis, has called for calm in the assessment of Russian-Turkish relations, and said he has instructed the employees of both organizations to refrain from sharp comments on the relationship between the two countries. “We are religious figures who are of no relation to politics,” the mufti said. “We believe that today we all need to calm down, be rational and think of people’s well-being. But we think that we have not passed the point of no return as of yet. A compromise can still be found – negotiations and diplomacy can help settle any conflict,” he added.
    • 16:00 GMT Watch the full video of the Defense Ministry briefing:  
    • 15:18 GMT Responding to the Russian allegations, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that nobody had a right to “slander” Turkey by accusing it of buying oil from Islamic State. Speaking at a university in the Qatar’s capital of Doha on Wednesday, Erdogan once again claimed that he would resign if such accusations were proven to be true and stressed he did not want Turkey’s relations with Russia to deteriorate further.
    • 12:59 GMT The photos and footage used in the media briefing have been published on the Defense Ministry’s website.
    • 12:56 GMT Russia is to provide evidence of Turkey’s role in training, arming and smuggling foreign fighters into Syria next week.
    • 12:42 GMT Footage of a Russian airstrike on an oil storage facility controlled by IS has been provided by the Defense Ministry.  
    • 12:35 GMT Russia doesn’t expect Turkish President Erdogan to resign in the face of the new evidence, even though he had promised to do so. His resignation is not Russia’s goal and is a matter for the Turkish people.
    • 12:31 GMT Russia cannot comprehend that such a large-scale business as oil smuggling could not have been noticed by the Turkish authorities. Russia concludes that the Turkish leadership is directly involved in the smuggling.
    • 12:26 GMT The US-led coalition has failed to intensify strikes on oil tankers and other IS oil infrastructure. Russia will send intelligence on potential targets to coalition members, assuming that a lack of intelligence may be the reason for their hesitance. Russia, for its part, will continue attacking the oil business of the terrorists and expects the US-led coalition to do the same.
  • Putin: Turkey Will Regret Downing Plane

    Putin: Turkey Will Regret Downing Plane

    Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday vowed Turkey’s leadership would be made to regret the downing of one of Moscow’s warplanes as the top diplomats from both countries held their first high-level meeting since the incident.

    Moscow announced a halt to talks on a major gas pipeline with NATO member Ankara as Putin fired another salvo in their war of words, while Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan shot back by claiming he had “proof” Russia was involved in illegal oil trading with the Islamic State group.

    Turkey has become Moscow’s prime international sparring partner after it shot down a Russian jet on its border with Syria on November 24 — sparking fury and economic sanctions from the Kremlin.

    Erdogan’s claims of Russian complicity with IS mirror allegations made by Moscow against Turkey and its leader in recent days.

    “We will not forget this complicity with terrorists. We always considered and will always consider treachery to be the ultimate and lowest act. Let those in Turkey who shot our pilots in the back know this,” Putin told lawmakers in his annual state of the nation speech, which also focused on Russia’s air strikes in Syria.

    Russia has accused Erdogan and his family of personally profiting from the oil trade with IS, which controls a large chunk of Syrian territory including many oil fields.

    “We know for example who in Turkey fills their pockets and allows terrorists to make money from the stolen oil in Syria,” Putin said.

    “It is precisely with this money that the bandits recruit mercenaries, buy arms and organise inhuman terrorist acts aimed against our citizens, the citizens of France, Lebanon, Mali and other countries.”

    Erdogan has furiously denied the accusations against him and his family and said Turkey had proof that Russia was, in fact, involved in trading oil with IS.

    “We have the proof in our hands. We will reveal it to the world,” the Turkish leader said in a televised speech in Ankara.

    Putin, whose administration has already announced sanctions against Ankara including a ban on the import of some Turkish foods, and reintroduced visas for visitors from the country, insisted Turkey would be made to regret its actions.

    “We will not rattle our sabres. But if someone thinks that after committing heinous war crimes, the murder of our people, it will end with (an embargo on) tomatoes and limitations in construction and other fields then they are deeply mistaken,” Putin said.”We will not stop reminding them of what they did and they will not stop regretting their actions.”

    Immediately after the speech Russia’s energy minister Alexander Novak announced the suspension of talks between Ankara and Moscow over the major TurkStream pipeline project.

    Negotiations over the project to pipe Russian gas to Turkey under the Black Sea have been floundering since Moscow launched air strikes in Syria in late September in support of the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, which Ankara fiercely opposes.

    But the official announcement of the break-off in the talks dealt another blow to floundering Russian-Turkish ties, as Putin lamented the damage to a relationship that he has spent years nurturing.

    “Only Allah, most likely, knows why they did this. And evidently Allah decided to punish the ruling clique in Turkey by depriving them of their intelligence and reason,” he said.

    The latest furious exchange comes as the two countries’ top diplomats met for the first face-to-face meeting between the two sides since the plane incident.

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov agreed to talks with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu on the sidelines of a conference in Belgrade after Putin on Monday snubbed Erdogan at the UN climate summit in Paris.

    There appears, however, little chance that the two sides will lower the tone as the two strongmen insist the other should apologise over the incident.

    Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Thursday accused Moscow of running a “Soviet propaganda machine”.

    “There was a Soviet propaganda machine in the Cold War era,” Davutoglu told reporters in Ankara.

    “They were called Pravda lies,” he said, referring to the daily newspaper that was the mouthpiece of the Communist Party.

    © AFP 2015

  • Married For 70 Years

    Married For 70 Years

    98 Year-Old Couple Recreate Their Wedding Day After 70 Years

     Every wedding anniversary is worthy of celebration, but a 70th anniversary is one that deserves something truly special. Chinese couple Wang Deyi, 98, and Cao Yuehua, 97, were married in 1945 at Northern Hot Springs Park in Chongqing. They had four children who, this year, helped them to recreate the wedding photo from so long ago.
    “My parents are 98 this year,” the couple’s youngest son, 60-year-old Cao Pangpei told CNN. “They have been together for so long, going through the war, the political turmoil and diseases, and can still stay with each other and love each other. We want to help them to commemorate their love.”
    More info: chinanews (h/t: cnn)

    Cao Yuehua and Wang Deyi got married in 1945


    70 years later, they decided to recreate their wedding photos with the help of their 4 children


    “They can barely remember many things in their life, but they can recite the love poems they wrote to each other during the wartime”


    “They’ve lived through tough times [being separated during the war], but they never stopped loving each other”


    “My dad asked my mom for a dance and they fell in love with each other almost at first sight,” said the youngest son


    “That’s how my father met my mother”


    “We want to help them preserve their memories of the love they’ve shared”


    “When we are both 100-years-old, we will come back again, ok?” added the happy wife
