Author: Aylin D. Miller

  • « Les Etats-Unis accepteront-ils leur défaite ou vont-ils défier  l’ours russe et le dragon chinois ? »

    « Les Etats-Unis accepteront-ils leur défaite ou vont-ils défier l’ours russe et le dragon chinois ? »

    La guerre de Syrie remet en cause l’ordre mondial unipolaire

    7 avril 2018 Robert Bibeau

    Par Elijah Magnier Le 2.04.2018. Sur Le Grand Soir.

    Elijah Magnier a publié aujourd’hui un article en trois parties sur la guerre contre la Syrie et son rôle dans la compétition politique internationale :

    Les Etats-Unis accepteront-ils leur défaite ou vont-ils défier l’ours russe et le dragon chinois ?

    Partie 1, 2, 3 (en anglais).

    La première partie décrit la situation actuelle sur les différents fronts en Syrie, et les développements ultérieurs les plus probables. Le gouvernement syrien est en train de gagner la guerre. Le général Votel de CentCom a reconnu que la stratégie américaine en Syrie avait échoué. Voilà la conclusion de Magnier à cette première partie :

    Les Etats-Unis ont perdu la « bataille extrême » – ils se sont révélés incapables d’atteindre leur objectif de « changement de régime » en Syrie. L’ours russe s’est réveillé de sa longue hibernation lorsqu’il a réalisé que les Etats-Unis essayaient de l’isoler. Moscou s’est rapproché le dragon chinois, qui partage l’objectif de la Russie d’éliminer tous les extrémistes et les terroristes djihadistes en Syrie.

    La Russie et la Chine travaillent maintenant en étroite collaboration pour modifier l’ordre unilatéral et mettre fin à la domination des États-Unis sur le monde entier.

    La deuxième partie examine l’évolution des relations entre les États-Unis et la Russie au cours de la dernière décennie, et le rôle que les politiques étasuniennes de « changement de régime » en Europe de l’Est et au Moyen-Orient y ont joué. L’attaque étasunienne contre la Syrie s’inscrivait dans le cadre d’un défi plus large à la Russie. Elle a donné naissance à une nouvelle coalition qui s’oppose maintenant aux mouvements étasuniens :

    Obama a vu l’État islamique se développer en Irak et s’installer en Syrie, il l’a regardé occuper l’Irak, il a laissé les djihadistes se rendre au Moyen-Orient, il a ouvert toutes les prisons saoudiennes à condition que les extrémistes djihadistes qui y étaient emprisonnés soient expédiés en Syrie. Pendant une année entière, malgré « 70 pays réunis dans une coalition luttant contre l’EI » en Syrie, le groupe EI a augmenté son emprise et ses revenus en vendant des quantités croissantes de pétrole. Tout cela pour arrêter l’Iran et la Russie, créer des États faillis (comme en Libye) et faire se battre les musulmans entre eux.

    Mais Moscou, Pékin et Téhéran savaient qu’il fallait arrêter les djihadistes au Levant avant qu’ils n’arrivent dans leur propre pays.

    La Syrie ne sera pas une autre Libye et la Russie, et la Chine ainsi que l’Iran ont décidé que la domination unilatérale des États-Unis s’arrêterait une bonne fois pour toutes aux portes du Levant

    La troisième partie donne une vue d’ensemble encore plus large et montre comment la Chine et la coopération russo-chinoise parviennent à remettre en cause la domination unilatérale des États-Unis sur le globe :

    Pendant que les Etats-Unis vendaient pour 110 milliards de dollars d’armes à l’Arabie Saoudite pour tuer davantage de Yéménites et menacer ses voisins (Qatar, Syrie et Iran), la Russie a signé des contrats pour 10 ans avec la Chine pour 600 milliards de dollars, et avec l’Iran pour 400 milliards de dollars. De plus, la Chine a signé avec l’Iran des contrats d’une valeur de 400 milliards de dollars. Ces contrats portent sur la coopération économique, les échanges énergétiques ; ils sont les prémices d’un avenir économique de très haut niveau pour ces pays bientôt libérés de la domination américaine.

    Les États-Unis croient qu’ils peuvent isoler la Russie, la Chine et l’Iran : la Russie a une frontière de 7 000 kilomètres avec la Chine, l’Iran n’est pas l’Irak, et la Syrie n’est pas l’Afghanistan. En Syrie, il a été mis fin à la fatalité d’un monde gouverné unilatéralement par un empire hégémonique. Désormais le monde avance vers le pluralisme.

    La grande question est celle-ci : Washington est-il prêt à accepter sa défaite, à reconnaître qu’il a perdu son contrôle sur le monde, et à se retirer de Syrie ?

    En recevant récemment le dirigeant nord-coréen Kim Yong-un à Pékin, la Chine a remis en cause le rôle prépondérant des États-Unis dans les discussions sur la Corée du Nord. Il n’y aura pas de solution unipolaire de ce conflit – ni par des pourparlers, ni par la guerre. Un conflit au sujet de la Corée pourrait rapidement supplanter le conflit en Syrie en termes d’ampleur et de conséquences potentielles. Dans le contexte mondial, la guerre contre la Syrie n’est qu’un point de départ. Ce sera probablement en Corée, et peut-être à Taïwan, que se livrera la véritable bataille entre l’ordre unilatéral et l’ordre multilatéral.

    Moon of Alabama

    « Les Etats-Unis accepteront-ils leur défaite ou vont-ils défier l’ours russe et le dragon chinois ? »


    Posted on 28/03/2018 by Elijah J Magnier


    Published here: via @alraimediagroup

    Damascus – from Elijah J. Magnier: @ejmalrai

    Following the liberation of eastern Ghouta from the jihadists, and their departure to the northern city of Idlib under al-Qaeda and Turkish control, the city of Duma is now engaged in negotiations with the Russian side to find a way out for the militants of the “Army of Islam” (Jaish al-Islam). These militants fought against many jihadists and rebels and have therefore no remaining friends in the Syrian arena. However, this negotiation has become a tactical detail because the capital, Damascus, has become safe and is no longer exposed to daily shelling as was the case before the liberation of Ghouta.

    Après la libération du Ghouta orientale depuis les djihadistes et leur départ pour la ville du Nord de Idlib sous al-Qaïda et le contrôle turc, la ville de la Douma est maintenant engagé des négociations avec la partie russe à trouver un moyen pour les militants de le « armée de l’Islam » (Jaish al-Islam). Ces militants ont lutté contre de nombreux djihadistes et rebelles et n’ont donc pas d’autres amis dans l’arène syrien. Toutefois, cette négociation est devenu un détail tactique, car Damas, la capitale, est devenu sûre et est n’est plus exposée à des bombardements quotidiens, comme ce fut le cas avant la libération de Ghouta.

    What next?

    The Yarmouk Camp and al-Hajar al-Aswad:

    The elimination of the “Islamic State” group (ISIS) and the remnants of al-Qaeda in the Yarmouk camp and the nearby area of al-Hajar al-Aswad, south of Damascus, is also a tactical detail because there is no way out for these militants, trapped on all sides : the liberation of the area is not an issue.

    The Syrian Steppe (al-Badiya):

    In the Syrian steppes (al-Badiya), ISIS has still a pocket that the Syrian army is expecting to deal with this summer. This area is also totally besieged, ISIS can go nowhere and, while waiting, its willpower and morale are deteriorating and reaching a minimum level.

    Le Camp de Yarmouk et al-Hajar al-Aswad :

    l’élimination du groupe « Etat islamique » (ISIS) et les restes d’al-Qaïda dans le camp de Yarmouk et les environs d’al-Hajar al-Aswad, au sud de Damas, est également un détail tactique car il n’existe aucun moyen sur pour ces les militants, pris au piège de tous les côtés : la libération de la zone n’est pas un problème.

    La Steppe syrienne (al-Badiya) : dans la steppe syrienne (al-Badiya), ISIS a toujours une poche que l’armée syrienne s’attend à faire face à cet été. Cette zone est aussi totalement assiégée, ISIS peut aller nulle part et, en attendant, sa volonté et le moral sont détériore et atteindre un niveau minimal.

    Idlib and al-Qaeda:

    As for the city of Idlib where the various opposition and jihadist forces are multiplying, the latter remain in a permanent power struggle that eats at each other. They will not be able to manage the presence of different nationalities and creeds opposing each other in one city. Therefore, the role of Turkey will be crucial in manoeuvring control in this area and prevent infighting among jihadists or even eliminate those unwilling to submit to Ankara’s policy.

    The Turkish occupation forces:

    The Turkish presence in the north-west and north-central has become inevitable. A long term but very slow and inconsistent battle is expected between the Turkish and Syrian states. It is natural in the circumstances to expect a threat and counter-threat by both governments.

    Idlib et al-Qaeda:

    Quant à la ville d’Idlib, où les différentes forces de l’opposition et les djihadistes sont multiplient, ce dernier reste une lutte de pouvoir permanent qui mange les uns les autres. Ils ne seront pas en mesure de gérer la présence de différentes nationalités et confessions s’opposant à l’autre dans une seule ville. Donc, le rôle de la Turquie sera cruciale en manoeuvres de contrôle dans ce domaine et éviter les luttes intestines entre les djihadistes ou même d’éliminer ceux qui refusent de se soumettre à la politique d’Ankara.

    Les forces d’occupation turques :

    la présence turque dans le Nord-Ouest et le centre-nord est devenu inévitable. Une bataille incompatible et à long terme mais très lent est prévu entre les États turque et syrienne. Il est naturel dans les circonstances d’attendre une menace et lutte contre la menace par les deux gouvernements.

    If Damascus decides to opt for war against Turkey, it must deal with this issue without counting on its allies. Neither Russia nor Iran want a military confrontation with the Turkish army.Syria has the right to demand the restoration of its territory through diplomatic means first and then put pressure on Ankara through its allies and friends. The use of military force as a solution could then be adopted by Damascus as a final attempt to regain its territory in extremis.

    Russia may be tempted to intervene diplomatically and find a solution between Damascus and Ankara if indeed Moscow’s aim is that it expects its forces to co-exist with the Syrian Army in a peaceful Syria.

    Si Damas décide d’opter pour la guerre contre la Turquie, il faut traiter cette question sans compter sur ses alliés. Ni la Russie ni l’Iran veulent une confrontation militaire avec l’armée turque. La Syrie a le droit d’exiger la restauration de son territoire par des moyens diplomatiques tout d’abord, et ensuite, mettre la pression sur Ankara par le biais de ses alliés et amis. L’utilisation de la force militaire comme solution pourrait ensuite adoptée par Damas comme une ultime tentative de retrouver son territoire en extremis. La Russie peut-être être tentée d’intervenir diplomatiquement et de trouver une solution entre Damas et Ankara si en effet le but de Moscou est qu’elle attend ses forces à co-exister avec l’armée syrienne dans une Syrie Pacifique.

    US occupation forces in Deir-Ezzour and al-Hasaka:

    US forces remain in the north-east (almost 24% of the total Syrian territories under the US army’s control), with a large ISIS pocket protected by Washington at the present time “for undeclared reasons and objectives”. ISIS is deployed on the Syrian-Iraqi borders and conducts a « normal life » as they show in propaganda media adverts. Moreover, ISIS militants carry out insurgency attacks against the Syrian and the Iraqi Armies from both sides of the borders they are very familiar with.

    It is most unlikely for the US forces to leave anytime soon unless forced to by insurgency attacks. They would want to avoid major casualties if and when the environment in which they exist becomes hostile.

    Washington has proved it is capable of bearing losses, in Iraq. It remained despite the loss of about 4,500 troops and officers. As the ex-US Secretary of State James Baker said: ”America will go to war in the Middle East if necessary to control energy sources.”

    Les forces américaines aux Deir-Ezzour et al-Hasaka:

    Les forces américaines restent dans le nord-est (près de 24 % des territoires syriens totales sous contrôle de l’armée américaine), avec une grande poche à ISIS protégée par Washington à l’heure actuelle « pour des raisons non déclarées et objectifs ». ISIS est déployée à la frontière syrienne-iraquienne et mène une « vie normale », car ils montrent dans la propagande médiatique annonces. Par ailleurs, des militants de ISIS mener des attaques de l’insurrection contre le syrien et les armées irakiennes des deux côtés des frontières, ils sont très familiers avec. Il est peu probable pour les forces américaines de quitter n’importe quand bientôt à moins obligés par les attaques de l’insurrection. Ils voudraient éviter les grandes pertes lorsque l’environnement dans lequel ils existent devient hostile. Washington a prouvé qu’il est capable de supporter les pertes, en Irak. Il est resté, malgré la perte d’environ 4 500 soldats et officiers. Comme Secrétaire d’État James Baker des États-Unis a déclaré : « L’Amérique ira à la guerre au Moyen-Orient si nécessaire au contrôle des sources d’énergie. »

    Indeed, in Syria, there are energy resources (oil and gas) under US control which amount to about 13 percent of the total Syrian stock. In addition, the US presence makes it easier for Israel to use a US established airport in north-east Syria as a hub on the Syrian-Iraqi border.

    The United States can also reshuffle the situation in Iraq, Syria and Turkey to threaten all these countries with a possible “Kurdish state” since the local Kurds are those protecting and acting like US proxies. Even though, it is an unlikely scenario and the Kurds are expected to be abandoned by the US forces at a certain point and left to their destiny sometime in the future.

    However, the US goals in occupied Syrian territory go against all the bordering countries and this may influence the duration of the US presence. There is no doubt that the US occupation of Syrian territory is very disturbing to the anti-American axis and is considered as a “poisonous thorn” in the Levant.

    En effet, en Syrie, il sont a des ressources énergétiques (pétrole et gaz) sous contrôle des États-Unis qui s’élèvent à environ 13 pour cent de la population syrienne. En outre, la présence américaine rend plus facile pour Israël d’utiliser un aéroport américain établi en Syrie au nord-est comme une plaque tournante sur la frontière syrienne-irakienne.

    Les Etats-Unis peuvent également remaniement la situation en Irak, Syrie et Turquie menacer tous ces pays avec un « Etat kurde » possible depuis les Kurdes les sont ceux qui protègent et agissant comme mandataires des Etats-Unis. Même si, c’est un scénario improbable et les Kurdes sont censés être abandonnés par les forces américaines à un moment donné et laissé à leur destin dans le futur.

    Toutefois, les objectifs américains en territoire syrien occupé vont à l’encontre de tous les pays riverains, et cela peut influencer la durée de la présence américaine. Il n’y a aucun doute que l’occupation américaine du territoire syrien est très inquiétante pour l’axe anti-américain et est considérée comme une « épine toxique » dans le Levant.

    On the other hand, the existence of ISIS has also become a small detail because it is besieged. It can move freely within the American enclave but cautiously toward its enemies: the Syrian and Iraqi armies. Therefore, it does not have any strategic horizon, especially since the Islamist card failed to change the Iraqi and the Syrian regimes. The “creative chaos” installed by the American establishment under the title of “The New Middle East” has also failed in its hoped for effect.

    Daraa and Quneitra:

    This does not mean Syria is liberated and that the control of the Syrian state extends over the entire Syrian territory. But there is an important battle coming up in the south of Syria in the Daraa and Quneitra provinces.

    En revanche, l’existence d’ISIS est devenu aussi un petit détail, parce qu’elle est assiégée. Il peut se déplacer librement au sein de l’enclave américaine mais prudemment vers ses ennemis : les armées syrienne et irakienne. Par conséquent, il n’a pas tout horizon stratégique, surtout depuis la carte islamiste n’a pu changer les régimes syriens et irakien. Le « chaos créatif » installé par l’establishment américain sous le titre de « The New Middle East » a également échoué dans ses espérées pour effet.

    Daraa et Quneitra : cela ne signifie pas la Syrie est libérée et que le contrôle de l’Etat syrien s’étend sur l’ensemble du territoire syrien. Mais il y a une bataille importante à venir dans le sud de la Syrie dans les provinces de Daraa et de Quneitra.

    Why is this battle important, and more important than the pocket of ISIS in Yarmouk or the Syrian Steppe, or even more important than the city of Idlib, where Al Qaeda and other groups have gathered in the past two years?

    The big dilemma remains for the two southern provinces: Daraa and Quneitra. These two provinces are on the border with Israel in the de-escalation zone agreed between the US, Jordan and the Russian.

    But Damascus insists on liberating it with or without Russia’s approval. The Syrian government would also like to liberate that area which is under al-Qaeda, the rebels plus the one in the control of pro-ISIS militants of “Jaish Khaled bin Walid” .

    And of course, as soon as we talk about the Syrian army liberating an al-Qaeda controlled territory, we can as usual expect an avalanche of accusations by the international media where the area will be portrayed as « lived in exclusively by over half a million civilians all defending their homes. »

    Pourquoi est cette bataille importante et plus important que la poche d’ISIS à Yarmouk ou la Steppe syrienne ou plus important encore que la ville d’Idlib, où Al Qaeda et autres groupes sont réunis au cours des deux dernières années ? Le grand dilemme reste pour les deux provinces du Sud : Daraa et Quneitra. Ces deux provinces conviennent à la frontière avec Israël dans la zone de la désescalade entre les Etats-Unis, la Jordanie et la Russie.

    Mais Damas insiste sur la libération il avec ou sans l’approbation de la Russie. Le gouvernement syrien tiens également libérer cette région qui se trouve sous al-Qaïda, les rebelles ainsi que celui du contrôle des militants pro-ISIS de « Jaish Khaled bin Walid ».

    Et bien sûr, dès que nous parlons de l’armée syrienne, libérant un territoire d’al-Qaïda contrôlée, nous pouvons comme d’habitude attendre une avalanche d’accusations par les médias internationaux, où la zone sera présentée comme une « habité exclusivement par plus de la moitié d’un million civils tout ce que défendre leurs maisons. »

    This manipulation of and by the media has been going on since the battles for Qusseyr, Qalamoun, Aleppo, Madaya and finally the battle of Ghouta. Washington has instructed the CIA, the Pentagon and the US State Department to use civilian tools with Non Governmental Organisations to raise human rights concern only against those countries who have rejected US dominance. This has been the case since the first day Russia set foot in Syria in September 2015, when it was undermined until the situation of the ground turned in favour of the Syrian government, and this is when serious criticism and attacks began against Russia and against Damascus’s allies in Syria.

    For these particular reasons, Daraa must be the priority for the Syrian government to solve. It must initiate the negotiation to clear all militants willing to be dumped in Idlib – the « trash bin » destination where all jihadists are sent to from all the liberated areas of Syria.

    Cette manipulation des et par les médias s’est passé depuis les batailles de Qusseyr, Qalamoun, Alep, Madaya et enfin la bataille de Ghouta. Washington a demandé à la CIA, le Pentagone et le département d’Etat américain à utiliser des outils civils avec des Organisations Non gouvernementales pour inquiéter des droits de l’homme que contre les pays qui ont rejeté la domination américaine. Cela a été le cas depuis la premier jour la Russie mis les pieds en Syrie en septembre 2015, quand il était sapée tant que la situation du sol tourné en faveur du gouvernement syrien, et c’est alors que sérieuses critiques et les attaques ont commencé contre la Russie et contre Alliés de Damas en Syrie. Pour ces raisons particulières, Daraa doit être la priorité pour le gouvernement syrien à résoudre. Il doit entamer la négociation pour effacer tous les militants prêts à immerger à Idlib – la destination « poubelle » où tous les djihadistes sont envoyés à partir de toutes les zones libérées de la Syrie.

    The US has lost the « extremist battle »- they were incapable of achieving the “regime change” objective in Syria. That was the awakening of the Russian bear from its long hibernation who realised how the US was trying to corner it. Moscow also relied on the Chinese dragon, which shares Russia’s goals to eliminate all extremists and jihadist terrorists in Syria.

    Both Russia and China are now working closely to put an end to the uni-polar superpower and thus end US world dominance.

    Proof read by: Maurice Brasher

    If you read this reporting and you like it, please don’t feel embarrassed to contribute and help fund it for as little as 1 Euro. Your contribution, however small will help ensure its continuity. Thank you.

    Les États-Unis a perdu la « bataille d’extrémistes » – ils ont été incapables d’atteindre l’objectif de « changement de régime » en Syrie. C’était le réveil de l’ours russe de sa longue hibernation qui réalisa comment les États-Unis essayait de ce coin. Moscou a également invoqué le dragon chinois, qui partage les objectifs de la Russie d’éliminer tous les extrémistes et les terroristes djihadistes en Syrie.

    La Russie et la Chine sont maintenant travaillant en étroite collaboration pour mettre un terme à la superpuissance unipolaire et ainsi mettre fin à la domination mondiale américaine.

    La preuve lu par : Maurice Brasher

    si vous lisez cette déclaration et vous l’aimez, s’il vous plaît ne se sentent pas gênés pour contribuer et aider à la financer pour aussi peu que 1 Euro. Votre contribution, si petite aidera à assurer sa pérennité. Merci.

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    By @DarioAlok

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    Damascus – from Elijah J. Magnier: @ejmalrai

    With the end of al-Ghouta battle and the defeat of Jihadists, Moscow is reaching its objectives in the Levant.

    Despite the US, the EU and the mainstream media gathering to attack him and try to demonise his policy, the Russian President Vladimir Putin can now say:”veni, vidi, vici”.

    The US estimated that Russia, by 2020, would be too strong militarily and economically to be isolated or weakened. This is why Washington tried its best to surround Russia and “cut its legs off” much before and close the oceans toits commerce and to its Chinese ally.

    The last US attack, while hiding behind the EU, to attract Ukraine intothe European orbit and stop the flow of the Russian gas to Europe – a vital resource of the Russian economy – was in 2014 and this pushed the Russian bear to wake up and decide to act and react accordingly.

    Moreover, in 2015, the US strikes a nuclear deal with Iran – putting an awful lot of pressure on the EU to accelerate its approval and finalise the deal – in an attempt to separate Iran from Russia. However, the Iranian Leader Sayyed Ali Khaminei was adamant: “There would be no talks involving any other dossier than the nuclear one. We don’t and will never trust the Americans”.

    Avec la fin de la bataille d’al-Ghouta et la défaite de djihadistes, Moscou est d’atteindre ses objectifs dans le Levant. Malgré les États-Unis, l’Union européenne et les grands médias, rassemblement pour l’attaquer et tenter de diaboliser sa politique, le Président russe Vladimir Putin peut maintenant dire : « veni, vidi, vici ». Aux États-Unis a estimé que la Russie, d’ici à 2020, serait trop forte militairement et économiquement à être isolé ou affaiblie. C’est pourquoi Washington a essayé de son mieux pour encercler la Russie et « couper ses jambes » beaucoup avant et fermer les océans à son commerce et son chinois allient. La dernière attaque américaine, tout en se cachant derrière l’UE, pour attirer l’Ukraine dans l’orbite européenne et arrêter l’écoulement du gaz russe vers l’Europe – une ressource vitale de l’économie russe – était en 2014 et cela a poussé la Russie portent pour réveiller et décider d’agir et de réagir selon ly. En outre, en 2015, les Etats-Unis frappe un accord nucléaire avec l’Iran – mettre énormément de pression sur l’Union européenne à accélérer son approbation et finaliser la transaction – dans une tentative…

    Cependant, les Iraniens Leader Sayyed Ali Khaminei a été catégorique : « il n’y aurait aucune négociation impliquant n’importe quel autre dossier, celui du nucléaire. Nous n’et n’approuveront jamais les américains ».

    The US looked like a generous donor helping Iran to reopen its doors to the world without paying any price in Washington. This is why Donald Trump is now trying to find ways to revoke it, a deal he sees of financial and political benefit only to Europe and not to the United States. Iran is ready for a partnership with Europe but rejects US dominance.

    Trump is even blackmailing Europe by threatening to impose high taxes on its products if the old continentdoesn’t go along with the US policy. He has asked the European countries to decide : either they prefer to do business with Iran or with the United States.

    President Trump has not understood, to date, that with or without the nuclear deal, Iran is heading towards a wide partnership with Russia and China. Beijing needs a reliable source of energy, an exit to the oceans and a window to the Mediterranean market. Iran can provide that and enjoy the colossal Chinese economic benefits, its market, and its support.

    Les États-Unis ressemblaient à un généreux donateur aider l’Iran à rouvrir ses portes au monde sans avoir à payer n’importe quel prix à Washington. C’est pourquoi Donald Trump essaie maintenant de trouver des façons de les révoquer, une affaire, il voit des avantages financiers et politiques seulement vers l’Europe et non aux États-Unis. L’Iran est prêt à un partenariat avec l’Europe mais rejette la domination américaine. Trump est même exercer un chantage sur l’Europe en menaçant d’imposer des taxes élevées sur ses produits si le vieux continent ne va pas avec la politique américaine. Il a demandé les pays européens de décider : soit ils préfèrent faire des affaires avec l’Iran ou avec les États-Unis. Le Président Trump n’a pas compris, à ce jour, que, avec ou sans l’accord sur le nucléaire, l’Iran se dirige vers un large partenariat avec la Russie et la Chine. Beijing a besoin d’une source fiable d’énergie, une sortie vers les océans et une fenêtre sur le marché méditerranéen. Iran peut prévoir qu’et apprécier les avantages économiques chinois colossales, son marché et son soutien.

    Iran didn’t only accept President Obama’s gift, it decided to face the US on the battlefield through the US’s Syrian proxies and its plans to destabilise the Levant. By sending Iranian Special Forces and relying on its allies (Hezbollah, Iraqi groups and others), Iran and Russia managed to defeat ISIS and al-Qaeda in many battles in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon.

    The US lost one Syrian city after another despite its hopeless attempts at the UN, and despite its arming of the jihadists. The US asked Europe to open its doors to allow radicals to take the step of becoming jihadist extremists and go into action. It also, over the years, asked Turkey to open its borders to allow the flow of these future jihadists and old al-Qaeda guards to move by waves into Syria to destabilise the Syrian government.

    Not only that, it has offered its CIA training to jihadists in Jordan and Turkey and asked Saudi Arabia and Qatar to pay billions of dollars to promote the success of “The New Jihadist Middle East”. And lastly, the US is manipulating the mainstream media. For the first time in history, we see a general manipulation of the media in a democratic country, with loss of credibility, much turning of « blind eyes » and fake news – and not just regarding Syria.

    L’Iran n’a pas accepté seulement cadeau du président Obama, il a décidé de faire face aux Etats-Unis sur le champ de bataille à travers les Etats-Unis du syrien proxies et ses plans visant à déstabiliser le Levant. En envoyant des Forces spéciales iraniennes et en s’appuyant sur ses alliés (le Hezbollah, des groupes irakiens et autres), l’Iran et la Russie a réussi à vaincre ISIS et al-Qaïda à de nombreuses batailles en Syrie, Irak et Liban. Les États-Unis a perdu une ville syrienne après l’autre malgré ses tentatives désespérées à l’ONU, et son armement des djihadistes. Les Etats-Unis a demandé à l’Europe à ouvrir ses portes pour permettre des radicaux pour passer à l’étape de devenir extrémistes djihadistes et passer à l’action. Il également, au cours des années, a demandé à la Turquie d’ouvrir ses frontières pour permettre l’écoulement de ces futurs djihadistes et anciens gardes d’al-Qaïda de passer par les vagues en Syrie de déstabiliser le gouvernement syrien. Non seulement, il a offert sa formation de CIA de djihadistes en Jordanie et en Turquie et a demandé l’Arabie saoudite et le Qatar à payer des milliards de dollars pour favoriser la réussite de « The New Jihadist Middle East. Et enfin, aux États-Unis sont de manipuler les médias traditionnels. Pour la première fois dans l’histoire, nous voyons une manipulation générale des médias dans un pays démocratique, avec une perte de crédibilité, beaucoup de tournage de « les yeux des aveugles » et fausses nouvelles – et pas seulement en ce qui concerne la Syrie.

    Moscow, Damascus and Tehran rejected many “red lines” imposed by the US on Syria (on the Tanf Syrian-Iraqi borders, the US forces imposed a safety parameter of 50 miles. Iran kept the distance but surrounded the US forces from the north, west and south). In fact, the war in Syria was far from being a civil war but the transposition of a worldwide war between two axes: but only one can win.

    Russia moved forward and concluded a deal with the Syrian government to exploit its oil and gas resources. Iin Syria, energy wealth is estimated as follows: 63% on land and 37% in the Mediterranean, in the 14 richest blocks opposite Tartus and Lattakia with a production estimated above that of Kuwaiti oil production. On land, Syria’s energy is distributed as follow: 47% in al-Badiya, 2% in Aleppo, 12% in Deir-Ezzour, and 2% in the Golan. Syria can compete with Iraq and even Iran, with its energy in full production once the war is over.

    The US establishment is finding it difficult to digest seeing this huge fortune in the hands of a Syrian government, and an ally of Russia and Iran, and, which above all, rejects US dominance and control.

    Moscou, de Damas et de Téhéran a rejeté plusieurs « lignes rouges » imposées par les Etats-Unis sur la Syrie (aux frontières syrienne Tanf iraquiens, les forces américaines ont imposé un paramètre de sécurité de 50 milles. Iran gardé la distance mais entouré des forces américaines du Nord, Ouest et Sud). En fait, la guerre en Syrie était loin d’être une guerre civile mais la transposition d’une guerre mondiale entre deux axes : mais seul peut gagner. La Russie avance et conclut une entente avec le gouvernement syrien à exploiter ses ressources pétrolières et gazières. IIN Syrie, richesse de l’énergie est estimée comme suit : 63 % sur terre et 37 % en Méditerranée, dans les 14 blocs plus riches en face de Tartous et Lattaquié, avec une production estimée supérieure à celle de la production de pétrole koweïtien. Sur terre, l’énergie de la Syrie est distribué comme suit : 47 % en al-Badiya, 2 % à Alep, Deir Ezzour 12 % et 2 % dans le Golan. La Syrie peut rivaliser avec l’Irak et l’Iran même, avec son énergie en pleine production, une fois la guerre terminée. La mise en place aux États-Unis a du mal à digérer voir th.

    Actually, in 2006, the ex-US Secretary Condoleezza Rice said: ”It is time for a new Middle East…We shall win, they shall lose”. It was the time Israel attacked Lebanon so the country submitted to US control and dominance. Israel failed when the Lebanese resistance stood against its attempt to invade the country for the third time and the “axis of the resistance” prevailed. This pushed the US to use different tactics (called “the soft war”), relying on proxies and locals in the Middle East rather than pushing its own army that drastically failed in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    It was clear that Washington is militarily capable of invading any country in the Middle East but it can’t keep its forces there for long. This is when it was necessary for the US establishment to use more subtle technique: “cold steel”, rather than firearms They promoted the slogan of “democracy” or “freedom of expression”, or “freedom of religion”, or even « allowing youths to express their concern about human rights »

    En fait, en 2006, Secrétaire d’État Condoleezza Rice des États-Unis a déclaré : « il est temps pour un nouveau Moyen-Orient… Nous allons gagner, ils perdront ». C’était que le temps Israël attaqué Liban alors que le pays nous soumis à contrôle et domination. Israël a échoué lorsque la résistance libanaise s’élevait contre sa tentative d’envahir le pays pour la troisième fois et « l’axe de la résistance » a prévalu. Cela a poussé les Etats-Unis à utiliser des tactiques différentes (appelés « la guerre douce »), en s’appuyant sur les procurations et les habitants du Moyen-Orient plutôt que de pousser sa propre armée qui n’a pas radicalement en Afghanistan et en Irak. Il était clair que Washington est militairement capable d’envahir tous les pays du Moyen-Orient, mais il ne peut pas garder ses forces pour longtemps. C’est quand il était nécessaire pour la mise en place aux États-Unis d’utiliser plus subtile technique : « cold steel », plutôt que des armes à feu, ils ont promu le slogan de la « démocratie » ou « liberté d’expression », ou « la liberté de religion », ou même « permettant aux jeunes d’exprimer leur préoccupation sur les droits de l’homme »

    All these were fake slogans – regardless of their righteous titles – and were directed towards every single country unwilling to accept the US policy and control. This is where the “Arab Spring” (or Tsunami) hit the Middle East with the support of the US Secretary of State and the CIA who financed “schools of revolution and activism”.

    Tous ces étaient fausses slogans – quelles que soient leurs titres justes – et ont été dirigés vers chaque pays refuse d’accepter la politique américaine et le contrôle. C’est où le « Printemps arabe » (ou Tsunami) a frappé le Moyen-Orient, avec le soutien de la Secrétaire d’Etat américaine et la CIA qui a financé les « écoles de la révolution et l’activisme ».

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    Revolutions were a new phenomena using one slogan with different colours and were called the “Colour revolutions”: in Georgia (Rose), Ukraine (Orange), Iraq (Purple), Kyrgyzstan (Tulip), Lebanon (Cedar), Belarus (Jeans), Iran (Green), Egypt (Lotus)…

    In the Middle East, the US called Google for help, supported social media availability and investing 30 million dollars to support Muslim youth through the internet and invited activists to rise in their respective countries. In June 2011, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton described the internet as “the Che Guevara of the 21st century in the Arab Spring uprisings”.

    George W. Bush, Barack Obama and now Donald Trump all are following the same policy with different tactics, opening the road to changes in the Middle East by trying to remove dictators and replace these with Jihadists or with other dictators. The “management of savagery” (attributed to al-Qaeda and speaking about how to create a failed state and take advantage by moving towards the leadership of the country) was more applied by the US establishment than by the jihadists who wrote about it.

    Révolutions étaient un phénomène nouveau en utilisant un slogan avec différentes couleurs et s’appelaient les « révolutions de couleur » : en Géorgie (Rose), Ukraine (Orange), Irak (violet), Kirghizistan (tulipe), Liban (cèdre), Bélarus (Jeans), Iran (vert), Egypte (Lotus)… Au Moyen-Orient, les États-Unis appelé Google à l’aide, prise en charge de disponibilité des médias sociaux et investir 30 millions de dollars pour soutenir la jeunesse musulmane par le biais de l’internet et les militants invités à monter dans leurs pays respectifs. En juin 2011, Secrétaire d’Etat américaine Hillary Clinton a décrit l’internet comme « le Che Guevara du XXIe siècle dans les soulèvements du printemps arabe ». Bush, Barack Obama et maintenant de Donald Trump tous suivent la même politique avec des tactiques différentes, ouvrant la voie à des changements au Moyen-Orient en essayant de supprimer les dictateurs et remplacer ces djihadistes ou avec d’autres dictateurs. La « gestion de sauvagerie » (attribuée à al-Qaïda et parler de comment créer un échec d’État et profiter en déplaçant envers…

    Obama saw the “Islamic State” growing in Iraq, moving to Syria, watched it occupying Iraq, allowed Jihadists to travel to the Middle East, opened all Saudi jails on condition jihadist extremists imprisoned are shipped to Syria. For one entire year, with “70 countries in a coalition fighting against ISIS” in Syria, the group was in fact expanding and increasing its wealth by selling increasing quantities of oil. All that to stop Iran and Russia, and create failed states (as in Libya) and fight Muslims with Muslims.

    But Moscow, Beijing and Tehran knew that Jihadists must be stopped in the Levant before they had the chance to move to their own countries. Of course, President Medvedev made a mistake in 2010 by allowing the fall of Libya and with it the severance of an important source of energy. The US and the EU were fully aware of the presence of extremists in Benghazi but, regardless, have supported these extremists and allowed the destruction of the Libyan army at the beginning of the “Revolution”.

    Obama a vu la culture de « Etat islamique » en Irak, se déplaçant vers la Syrie, ont regardé il occupant l’Irak, a permis des djihadistes pour se rendre au Moyen-Orient, a ouvert à toutes les prisons saoudiennes sur djihadiste condition extrémistes emprisonnés sont expédiées vers la Syrie. Pour une année entière, avec « 70 pays dans une coalition luttant contre ISIS » en Syrie, le groupe était en fait en expansion et augmenter sa richesse en vendant des quantités croissantes de pétrole. Tout ça pour arrêter l’Iran et la Russie et créer des États défaillants (comme en Libye) et combattre les musulmans avec les musulmans. Mais Moscou, Pékin et Téhéran savaient que les djihadistes doivent être arrêtés dans le Levant avant d’avoir la chance de se déplacer dans leur propre pays. Bien sûr, le président Medvedev a fait une erreur en 2010 en permettant à la chute de la Libye et avec lui la rupture d’une source importante d’énergie. Les Etats-Unis et l’UE étaient pleinement conscients de la présence d’extrémistes à Benghazi mais, quelles que soient, ont soutenu ces extrémistes et a permis la destruction de l’armée libyenne au début de la…

    Lebanon, before Libya, managed to stay away from the US’s orbit and Russia, in 2006, was not yet ready to punch according to its weight. Libya was a Russian and a Chinese mistake at the UN and Russia believed it was not possible to do something to stop the process. But Syria is not going to be another Libya and Russia and China agreed, along with Iran, to stop once and for allthe US unilateral dominance at the gates of the Levant.

    Part 3 to follow.

    Proof read by: Maurice Brasher

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    Liban, avant la Libye, a réussi à rester à l’écart des États-Unis pour l’orbite et la Russie, en 2006, n’était pas encore prête à perforer selon son poids. La Libye était un russe et une erreur chinoise à l’ONU et la Russie croyait qu’il n’était pas possible de faire quelque chose pour arrêter le processus. Mais la Syrie ne va pas être une autre Libye et la Russie et la Chine ont convenu, ainsi que de l’Iran, pour arrêter une fois pour toutes la domination unilatérale américaine aux portes du Levant.

    Partie 3 à suivre.

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    By @DarioAlok

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    Posted on 28/03/2018 by Elijah J Magnier

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    Damascus – from Elijah J. Magnier: @ejmalrai

    Russia introduced China to Syria during the war when the Chinese navy arrived in the Mediterranean and reached the shores of Tartous and Lattakia to send a message to America and its allies that the monolithic dominance of the world was over.

    There are thousands of Chinese jihadists who fought with ISIS and al-Qaeda and Beijing was concerned, willing to see all these killed in Syria. Cooperation between the Chinese and the Syrian intelligence services was established. Damascus has a unique and a very rich bank of information about foreign fighters many countries in the world would like to have access to, since over 80 nationalities of foreign fighters were allowed into Syria in a failed attempt to topple the regime and establish an Islamic State.

    La Russie a présenté Chine en Syrie pendant la guerre quand la marine chinoise sont arrivés en Méditerranée et atteint les côtes de Tartous et Lattaquié pour envoyer un message à l’Amérique et ses alliés qui prit fin la domination monolithique du monde. Il y a des milliers de chinois djihadistes qui ont combattu avec ISIS et al-Qaïda et Pékin portait, désireux de voir tous ces tués en Syrie. Coopération entre les chinois et les services de renseignement syrien a été créée. Damas a un unique et une banque très riche d’informations sur les combattants étrangers de nombreux pays dans le monde voudrais avoir accès, puisque plus de 80 nationalités de combattants étrangers ont été autorisées en Syrie dans une tentative de renverser le régime et d’établir un État islamique.

    But Washington is still trying to protect its position, refusing to give up on the crown of world domination it has enjoyed for over a decade and it is ready to fight against the “axis opposing the US” using other means outside Syria. The US establishment and its allies are expelling Russian diplomats and imposing sanctions on China and Iran. The US defeat in Syria is obviously very painful.

    What Washington is pretending to ignore is that the world no longer believes in the US’s military muscles and that there are two potential countries, less arrogant and willing to create alliances rather than bullying weaker countries: Russia and China. These are gathering more allies against the US axis.

    Mais Washington cherche toujours à protéger sa position, refusant de renoncer à la Couronne de domination mondiale elle jouit de plus d’une décennie et il est prêt à se battre contre « l’axe s’opposant aux États-Unis » par d’autres moyens à l’extérieur de la Syrie. La mise en place aux États-Unis et ses alliés sont expulser des diplomates russes et imposant des sanctions contre la Chine et l’Iran. La défaite des Etats-Unis en Syrie est évidemment très douloureuse. Ce que Washington fait semblant d’ignorer, c’est que le monde ne croit plus aux États-Unis de muscles militaires et qu’il y a deux pays potentiels, moins arrogantes et désireux de créer des alliances, plutôt que de pays plus faibles de l’intimidation : la Russie et la Chine. Ceux-ci sont regroupent plus d’alliés contre l’axe US.

    The US is still living in the era of 1991 when the Soviet Union collapsed. Its strong decline continued until the arrival of President Vladimir Putin to power in 2000. Washington realised there is a new person at the Kremlin in the castle of the Tsars with a determined intention to restore the lost glory. Russia had only nuclear weapons at that time and nothing else but the will was strong for the Russian bear to wakeup from its hibernation.

    Putin did not declare war on America but extended his hand and tried to build friendship or at least not enmity. But Washington saw in Moscow the potentiality to recover in a couple of decades and worked on slowing down the process or interrupting it if possible. This is why the US started to pull to its side many countries of the ex-Soviet Union which have declared independence and include these in NATO and in the European Union surrounding Russia.

    Les États-Unis vit encore à l’ère de 1991 lorsque l’Union soviétique s’est effondrée. Sa forte baisse s’est poursuivie jusqu’à l’arrivée du président Vladimir Putin au pouvoir en 2000. Washington a réalisé il y a une nouvelle personne au Kremlin dans le château des Tsars avec une intention déterminée pour restaurer la gloire perdue. La Russie avait seulement des armes nucléaires à ce moment-là et rien d’autre, mais la volonté était forte pour l’ours russe à la réactivation de son hibernation. Poutine n’a pas déclaré la guerre sur l’Amérique mais tendit la main et a essayé de construire l’amitié ou du moins pas d’inimitié. Mais Washington a vu à Moscou la potentialité de récupérer dans une vingtaine d’années et a travaillé sur la ralentir ou interrompre si possible. C’est pourquoi les Etats-Unis ont commencé à tirer vers son côté nombre de pays de l’ex-URSS qui ont déclaré l’indépendance et inclure ces derniers dans l’OTAN et dans l’Union européenne autour de la Russie.

    China, which includes cheap labor and can clone any commercial or military technology, like Russia has perceived America’s fear of its rapid economic development and wealth. Thus, the Chinese-Russian rapprochement was mainly created by the aggressive US policy towards the two countries, and this mainly because the American concentrate exclusively on military muscle when dealing with the World.

    Washington has focused its naval control over the South China Sea and the Straits of Malacca, bringing back memories of its military presence during the Second World War with the attempt to tighten its pressure on Beijing. The US is aware of their naval superiority and know that China needs the sea for its commerce and for its supply of energy.

    La Chine, qui comprend la main-d’œuvre bon marché et permet de cloner n’importe quelle technologie militaire ou commercial, comme la Russie a perçu la peur de l’Amérique de son développement économique rapide et de la richesse. Ainsi, le rapprochement de la Chine et la Russie a été principalement créé par la politique américaine agressive envers les deux pays et ce principalement parce que les militaires américains concentré exclusivement sur le muscle lorsqu’il s’agit du monde. Washington a porté son contrôle naval de la mer de Chine du Sud et le détroit de Malacca, ramener des souvenirs de sa présence militaire au cours de la seconde guerre mondiale avec la tentative de renforcer sa pression sur Pékin. Les États-Unis sont conscients de leur supériorité navale et savent que la Chine doit la mer pour son commerce et son approvisionnement en énergie.

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    China started to protect itself by setting up the Eurasian political and economic Shanghai Cooperation Organisation in June 2001 with the goal also to focus on economic initiatives, increase military and counter terrorism cooperation with intelligence sharing. This Cooperation includes about half of the World’s total population and the states (including five nuclear states) of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Iran, India and Pakistan – and rejected Washington’s and Tokyo’s request to be observers only.

    China has gone to the countries affected by US policy to establish a rapprochement. Further, it established the “string of Pearls” of states and islands for marine protection and encircled India, Japan and other American allies.

    La Chine a commencé à se protéger en mettant en place l’Organisation de coopération de Shanghai politique et économique eurasienne en juin 2001 dans le but également de se concentrer sur des initiatives économiques, augmenter la coopération militaire et contre le terrorisme avec l’échange de renseignements. Cette coopération comprend environ la moitié de la population totale du monde et des États (y compris les cinq puissances nucléaires) de la Chine, la Russie, Kazakhstan, Tadjikistan, Ouzbékistan, Kirghizistan, Mongolie, Iran, Inde et Pakistan – et rejeté de Washington et de Tokyo demande à être des observateurs seulement. La Chine est allé vers les pays touchés par la politique américaine d’établir un rapprochement. En outre, elle a créé le « collier de perles » des États et des îles pour la protection du milieu marin et encercle par Inde, Japon et autres alliées de l’Amérique.

    The Indian Ocean sees the passage of 60% of the trade in oil from the Middle East, making the Straits of Malacca indispensable for China to protect. Therefore Beijing established relationships with Malaysia, Singapore, Myanmar, Coco islands, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and a presence in the African coast in Sudan and Kenya.

    L’océan Indien voit le passage de 60 % du commerce du pétrole du Moyen-Orient, rendant le détroit de Malacca indispensable pour la Chine à protéger. Beijing a donc établi des relations avec la Malaisie, Singapour, Myanmar, Coco îles, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, au Pakistan et une présence sur la côte africaine au Soudan et au Kenya.

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    Moreover, China revived the world’s oldest overland trade route of the Han Dynasty called “the Silk Road”. The modern Chinese Silk Road will provided a link to Beijing with the world for trade expected worth one trillion dollars (for 900 separate projects). The Silk Road reaches 11 cities in Europe and others in Africa by railway and pipeline and is expected to bring together seven Asian countries under the slogan “One Belt, One Way”. It will offer gas and trade to China and will cover 70% of the planet’s population.

    En outre, la Chine relancé plus vieux commerce route terrestre du monde de la dynastie Han, appelée « route de la soie ». Route de la soie chinoise moderne seront dotés d’un lien à Pékin avec le monde du commerce attendu d’une valeur de 1 billion de dollars (pour 900 projets distincts). La route de la soie atteint 11 villes en Europe et d’autres en Afrique par chemin de fer et de pipeline et devrait réunir des sept pays d’Asie sous le slogan « Une courroie, One Way ». Il offrira des gaz et le commerce en Chine et couvrira 70 % de la population de la planète.

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    China is also part of the BRICS Group, which was established in 2009 and includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, which account for about 40 percent of world production.

    La Chine fait également partie du groupe BRIC, qui a été créé en 2009 et qui comprend le Brésil, Russie, Inde, Chine et Afrique du Sud, qui représentent environ 40 pour cent de la production mondiale.

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    And last but not least, in 2013, China presented the Asian World Bank (AIIB) that was set up to strike America at the core and bring together 57 countries – including several European states – but excluding the United States and Japan, its staunch ally.

    Et enfin et surtout, en 2013, la Chine a présenté la Banque mondiale (AIIB asiatique) qui a été mis en place pour frapper l’Amérique au coeur et à rassembler des 57 pays – y compris plusieurs Etats européens – mais à l’exclusion des États-Unis et au Japon, son allié indéfectible.

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    The Asian International Bank – with $100 billion – aims to get rid of American financial control over the world’s economy. Washington considered this move as provocative, aiming at finding alternatives to its control of the world’s economy and financial that the United States has controlled for decades without any rival.

    With its superficial but continuous sanctions, Washington believes it is capable of preventing the Eurasia Union (which begins from the Atlantic Ocean to the Indian Ocean, including six large states containing 3/4 of the world’s energy), to trouble Russia and to bother China.

    La Banque asiatique de International – avec 100 milliards de dollars, vise à se débarrasser du contrôle financier américain sur l’économie mondiale. Washington a considéré ce mouvement comme une provocation, visant à trouver des solutions de rechange à son contrôle de l’économie mondiale et financier que les États-Unis a contrôlé pendant des décennies sans aucun rival. Avec ses sanctions superficielles mais continues, Washington estime qu’il est capable d’empêcher l’Union de l’Eurasie (qui commence de l’océan Atlantique à l’océan Indien, y compris six grands États contenant 3/4 de l’énergie mondiale), à la Russie de l’ennui et à peine de Chine.

    Moreover, the US was thinking of creating a “Middle Eastern NATO” to counter the “Shiite crescent” and the “Iranian threat”. This idea was destroyed following the Saudi Arabia disastrous war on Yemen and because Middle Eastern countries are unable to unite politically, economically or militarily.

    While the US is fighting and losing in Syria, most countries that rejected American hegemony are gathering together in one way or another. There is cooperation between these countries – as we saw above – to get rid of Washington’s dominance, arrogance and destructive foreign policy.

    En outre, les États-Unis pensait de la création d’une « OTAN du Moyen Orient » pour contrer le « croissant chiite » et la « menace iranienne ». Cette idée a été détruite après la guerre désastreuse de l’Arabie saoudite sur l’Yémen et parce que les pays du Moyen-Orient sont incapables de s’unir politiquement, économiquement et militairement. Alors que les États-Unis sont combats et perdre en Syrie, la plupart des pays qui rejettent l’hégémonie américaine sont rassemblant d’une manière ou d’une autre. Il y a coopération entre ces pays – comme nous l’avons vu ci-dessus – se pour débarrasser de la domination, l’arrogance et destructrice de politique étrangère de Washington.

    The US believes in changing regimes and directly – or through proxies – to occupy or control countries and impose a heavy protection fee to avoid toppling Middle Eastern monarchies (like Saudi Arabia as Donald Trump said himself). The US establishment is also manipulating youth and exploiting it under the title “Freedom activists” to guide them towards failing states, allowing extremists (Libya and both Syria and Iraq) to just get away with it).

    America is deploying missiles everywhere where its military bases are deployed all over the world and has never thought of using its energy and power to support the economy and peace. It is only focused on controlling states and the sources of energy regardless of the consequences, because there is no accountability for its doing.

    Les États-Unis croit dans l’évolution des régimes et directement- ou par l’intermédiaire de serveurs proxy – d’occuper ou de contrôler le pays et imposer un lourd protection frais pour éviter le renversement des monarchies du Moyen-Orient (comme l’Arabie saoudite comme Donald Trump dit lui-même). The US mise en place est également manipuler les jeunes et l’exploiter sous le titre « Les activistes de la liberté » pour les guider vers les États défaillants, permettant aux extrémistes (Libye et Syrie et Irak) pour simplement sortir avec elle). L’Amérique se déploie des missiles partout où ses bases militaires sont déployés partout dans le monde et a jamais pensé à utiliser son énergie et puissance pour soutenir l’économie et la paix. Il est uniquement focalisée sur la lutte contre les États et les sources d’énergie peu importe les conséquences, car il n’y a aucune responsabilité pour son accomplissement.

    Failure is everywhere: Washington’s plan failed- as General Wesley Clark, retired 4-star U.S. Army general, Supreme Allied Commander of NATO during the 1999 War on Yugoslavia said – to occupy seven countries (Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia and Sudan), and its failure in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria because it underestimated the reaction to its foreign policy.

    However, it has largely succeeded in planting hate among the Muslim population, turning the objective of al-Qaeda (its goal to target the far enemy, i.e. the US) and replaced it with ISIS (the goal is to target the near enemy, i.e. minorities and other Muslims), reviving an animosity between Muslims that is 1400 year old. Today the majority of the western population believes the war in the Middle East is “between Muslims. Let them kill each other…who cares?”.

    Défaillance est partout : plan de Washington a échoué-comme le général Wesley Clark, à la retraite 4 étoiles US Army, commandant général, suprême des forces alliées de l’OTAN pendant la guerre de 1999 sur l’Yougoslavie a dit – d’occuper de sept pays (Iran, Irak, Syrie, Liban, Libye, Somalie et Soudan), et son échec en Afghanistan, Irak et Syrie parce qu’il a sous-estimé la réaction de sa politique étrangère. Toutefois, il a largement réussi à planter la haine parmi la population musulmane, en tournant l’objectif d’al-Qaïda (son objectif pour cible l’ennemi lointain, c’est-à-dire aux États-Unis) et l’a remplacé avec ISIS (le but est de cibler l’ennemi proche, c’est-à-dire les minorités et les autres musulmans), renouant avec une animosité entre les musulmans qui est âgée de 1400 ans. Aujourd’hui la majorité de la population de l’Ouest estime que la guerre au Moyen-Orient est « entre les musulmans. Laissez-les s’entretuent… qui s’en soucie ? ».

    While the United States is selling for $110 billions weapons to Saudi Arabia to kill more Yemenis and threaten its neighbours (Qatar, Syria and Iran), Russia has signed 10 year contracts with China worth 600 billion dollars, and with Iran worth 400 billion dollars. Also, China has signed contracts with Iran worth 400 billion dollars. These contracts are aimed at economic cooperation, energy exchange; they promise an advanced economic future for these countries away from US dominance.

    The US believes it can corner Russia, China and Iran: Russia has a 7,000 kilometre border with China, Iran is not Iraq and Syria is not Afghanistan. In Syria, the destiny of that a world be ruled by unilateralism is over. The world is heading toward pluralism.

    The question remains: Is Washington prepared to accept its defeat and acknowledge that it has lost control of the world and pull out of Syria?

    Alors que les États-Unis se vend pour $110 milliards d’armes à l’Arabie saoudite de tuer plus d’yéménites et de menacer ses voisins (Qatar, la Syrie et l’Iran), la Russie a signé des contrats de 10 ans avec la Chine d’une valeur de 600 milliards de dollars et avec l’Iran d’une valeur de 400 milliards de dollars. Aussi, la Chine a signé des contrats avec l’Iran d’une valeur de 400 milliards de dollars. Ces contrats visent à la coopération économique, bourse de l’énergie ; ils promettent un avenir économique avancé pour ces pays de la domination américaine. Les États-Unis croit il peut accaparer la Russie, la Chine et l’Iran : la Russie a une 7 000 kilomètres de frontière avec la Chine, Iran n’est pas l’Iraq et la Syrie n’est pas l’Afghanistan. En Syrie, le destin de qui un monde gouverné par l’unilatéralisme est terminée. Le monde se dirige vers le pluralisme. La question demeure : Washington se prépare à accepter sa défaite et reconnaît qu’il a perdu le contrôle du monde et sortir de la Syrie ?

    Proof read by: Maurice Brasher

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  • Recent Harvard Lecture: Self-Determination for Nagorno Karabakh

    Recent Harvard Lecture: Self-Determination for Nagorno Karabakh

    While the Turkish-American community was as usual pre-occupied with arts and entertainment ), during the exact same time the Armenian diaspora was busily continuing to lay the groundwork for an independent Nagorno-Karabağ.

    I have attached the complete text of former Armenian Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian’s April 12, 2018 speech at the Harvard University Law School below. Turks as well as Azeris should pay heed since it not only mentions Nagorno-Karabağ but refers to “Kurdistan” as well and quite obviously the thesis of “Self-Determination” Oskanian was attempting to make would apply in both cases if one were to subscribe to it.

    Enis Pınar

    Kimden: USC Institute of Armenian Studies [mailto:armenian=Yerine USC Institute of Armenian Studies
    Tarih: Thursday, April 5, 2018 7:06 PM
    Konu: Self-Determination Under International Law: With Vartan Oskanian

    April 12 – Harvard Law School Pound Hall – 12-1pm

    After a series of lectures at University of Southern California, in a class called IN PURSUIT OF INDEPENDENCE, Vartan Oskanian, former Foreign Minister of Armenia, will be heading to Harvard University for a lecture on a matter that is at the crux of Armenia’s existence and future development.

    Vartan Oskanian served as Armenia’s foreign minister from 1998 to 2008 and is the founder of Civilitas Foundation, a Yerevan-based education and advocacy NGO. He is a graduate of The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Mr. Oskanian was a visiting assistant professor at the American University of Armenia and currently a visiting lecturer at the University of Southern California and Tufts University.

    The talk will be moderated by Anna Crowe, Lecturer on Law and Clinical Instructor at the Human Rights Program of Harvard Law School.

    Organized by:
    West Coast Law Students Association
    Middle East Law Students Association
    Harvard International Law Journal
    Harvard European Law Association

    Sponsored by the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research – NAASR


    Former Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian Delivers Talk on Self-Determination at Harvard Law School (Full Transcript)

    April 16, 2018

    CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (A.W.)—Armenia’s Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Vartan Oskanian delivered a talk at Harvard Law School titled “Self-Determination Under International Law: The Cases of Kosovo and Nagorno-Karabagh,” on April 12.

    Oskanian speaking at Harvard Law School (Photo: Harout Ekmanian)

    The talk was organized by the joint efforts of Harvard Law International Journal, Harvard West Coast Law Students Association, Harvard European Law Association, and the Harvard Middle Eastern Law Students Association. It was moderated Anna Crowe, Lecturer on Law and Clinical Instructor at the Human Rights Program of Harvard Law School, and sponsored by the National Association for Armenian Studies and Re­­search (NAASR).

    Oskanian addressed the right of self-determination in the cases of Kosovo and Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabagh) through the dual lenses of international law and global politics, as well as the origins and the evolution of the right for self-determination, and what the sources of international law say about it. He also touched upon the currently active self-determination movements, including Kurdish and Catalan referenda, and assessed the impact and relevance to these movements.

    Before his talk at Harvard Law School, Oskanian delivered a series of lectures at the University of Southern California in a class called “In Pursuit of Independence.” Next fall, he will teach a course at Tisch College of Civic Life of Tufts University called “Special Topics in International Relations: The Politics of Self-Determination and Secession.”

    Below is the full transcript of Oskanian’s talk at Harvard Law School.

    ‘Self-Determination Under International Law: The Cases of Kosovo and Nagorno-Karabagh’
    Vartan Oskanian at Harvard Law School – April 12, 2018

    Thank you for the invitation. I truly appreciate this opportunity.

    Although my theme today is international law and, in particular, the law of self-determination and secession, let me reinforce the fact that I am not an international lawyer; have never argued or judged a case in international courts, nor represented any government in judicial proceedings. I am simply a practitioner of diplomacy.

    My diplomatic and ten-year tenure as foreign minister of Armenia, and as Armenia’s chief negotiator for Nagorno-Karabagh conflict with Azerbaijan, propelled me to the forefront of diplomatic activities of one of the most pressing and trying global transformations: that of the emergence of great number of new independent states at the end of the Cold War and subsequently a parade of sub-state self-determination claims each with unforeseen consequences.

    Nagorno-Karabagh was, and still is, one of them. So was Kosovo together with many others. This period coincided also with the emergence of many other secessionist movements outside the context of the unraveling of the USSR and Yugoslavia—South Sudan, Timor L’este, and later on Quebec, Scotland, and more recently Kurdistan and Catalonia.

    If you are pursuing a self-determination claim, you need to pose and seek answers to two fundamental questions: First, is there enforceable international law or its all politics? Can we speak of international law as a coherent activity? Second, is there a law on self-determination and secession that minority groups can rely on to support their claims? The answer to these questions depends on who you ask, what the circumstances are, and the geopolitical interests of the rich and powerful.

    There is a common belief in diplomatic and political circles that there are two kinds of international legal order. They concede the existence of law in areas such as trade, telecommunication or civil aviation while at the same time dismissing as mere unenforceable aspirations, laws on the use of force, human rights, sovereignty and self-determination. This duality of international law goes back, at least to early 1920s, to Hans Morgenthau, one of the founders of international relations and a realist in his outlook, who contrasted two different types of international law, a “functional international law” based on ‘permanent or stable interests’ and ‘political international law’ that was opportunistic, indeterminate and aspirational.

    Before I move to the second question, whether there is a law on self-determination and secession that minority groups can rely on to support their claim, let me briefly talk about the sources of international law.

    Unlike national law which is made in the legislature, international law creation is much more complex, and has a multitude of sources.

    There are several sources of international law. One is international treaties and conventions; the second is international custom and the general principles of law, as evidence of a general practice accepted as law; and third, the subsidiary means for the determination of rules of law, such as judicial decision and the teachings of the most highly qualified publicists. This also includes the United Nations General Assembly resolutions. For example, Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention in the Domestic Affairs of States and the Protection of their Sovereignty (1965), Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States (1970), etc., are all treated as strong evidence of rules of customary international law.

    The law of self-determination has its roots, not in treaties, that would have made things much simpler, but in the customs, general principles of law and the subsidiary means, such as UN General Assembly declarations and resolutions, judicial decisions and the writings of qualified publicist. And that is why the right of self-determination is more elusive in the context of law. And if we add to this that the issue of self-determination falls also in the domain of Morganthau’s “political international law,” it becomes even clearer the complexities associated with it and the divide it creates between the opponents and proponents of the right for self-determination..

    The principle of self-determination developed as political idea and corollary to growing ethnic and linguistic political demands in the 18th and 19th centuries. Those times equating a nation with a homogeneous populace was very common. It gained prominence when President Wilson became the most public advocate of self-determination as a guiding principle in the post-war period, but was never fully implemented as the allies were guided mostly by political considerations to buttress Germany and the Soviet Union.

    It was only after the founding of the UNin 1945 that the principle of self-determination began a gradual shift to a more enforceable right to freedom from colonial rule. The UN Charter, of course, explicitly refers in its Article 2(1) to the self-determination of peoples, but it is its Chapters XI and XII on non-self-governing and trust territories that gave the principle its more enforceable character, eventually transforming self-determination from principle to right.

    During the 1950s and 1960s The UN General Assembly passed several resolutions granting independence to colonial territories and countries. All of them had two things in common; the focus was on territory rather than people and had a “safeguard clause” stressing the preservation of territorial integrity, by stating that “any attempt aimed at the partial or total disruption of the national unity and the territorial integrity of a country is incompatible with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.”

    In 1966, the adoption of two international human rights covenants—one on economic, social, and cultural rights, the other on civil and political rights—raised, for the first time, true possibility that international law might provide some support for other form of self-determination. Both covenants state that “all peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of the right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.”

    And in 1970, the General Assembly unanimously approved a landmark resolution, known as the “Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States.” This Declaration was unique and groundbreaking for two reasons: one, for its expansion of the scope of the right of self-determination arguing that it be implemented through the “establishment of a sovereign and independent State, the free association with an independent State or the emergence into any other political status freely determined by a people;” two, while like the resolutions that preceded it, emphasized the preservation of territorial integrity, for containing a qualification specifying that the protection of territorial integrity applies to states “possessed of a government representing the whole people belonging to the territory without distinction as to race, creed or color.”

    There is no consensus among scholars or governments on how this qualification affects the relationship between the right of self-determination and the principle of territorial integrity. Some have argued that the principle of self-determination can be accorded priority over the principle of territorial integrity if a state is not possessed of a government representing the whole people. Others, of course, disagree.

    In my view, what has preceded and followed this particular qualification established in the “Friendly Relations” resolution, does provide bases to argue for the existence of what came to be known in the parlance of international law as the right for “remedial secession.” One may go back to the early 1920s to see evidence of this norm in the Aaland Island case, when non of this trajectory of the evolution of the self-determination law, whether in the context of decolonization or outside of it, ever existed.. And the juxtaposition of the natural law reasoning with the positivist tradition renders this notion even a more credible and applicable norm of international law.

    Aaland Islands, located in the Baltic Sea between Sweden and Finland, were under Swedish control from 1157 to 1809 and retained their Swedish linguistic, cultural heritage thereafter. After Sweden’s defeat by Russia in 1809, Finland, including Aaland, was ceded to Russia, and Finland became an autonomous Grand Duchy within the Russian Empire. In 1917, shortly after the March Russian Revolution, Finland declared its independence in December 1917. Riding the Wilsonian self-determination wave, the Swedish population of Aaland opted for unification with Sweden causing serious turmoil and instability in the region. To address the issue, the League of Nations appointed two bodies of experts, each with a little different task, to examine the question.

    Their decision was negative, and they basically argued that granting them their wish “it would be to uphold a theory incompatible with the very idea of the State as a territorial and political unity.” However, the Commission did suggest that under extreme oppression, self-determination by Aaland citizens might be possible. “The separation of a minority from the state of which it forms a part and its incorporation in another state can only be considered as an altogether exceptional solution, a last resort when the state lacks the will or the power to enact and apply just and effective guarantees.” This is a clear articulation for the right for remedial secession

    In 1993, one of the rounds of Nagorno-Karabagh talks was organized in Mariehamn, the capital of Aaland Islands in Finland. Finland, at that time was, along with Russia, the co-chair of the Minsk Group process on Nagorno-Karabagh. Their purpose was to demonstrate to all participants, Armenian and Azeri, but particularly for the Nagorno-Karabagh representatives, how workable it is Aaland’s autonomous all Swede minority status within Finland. We stayed on the Island for about a week, and along our daily regular talks, were given tours to governmental institutions, had talks with officials and regular citizens. Clearly, it was a happy Swedish island, and the Swedish minority was the master of its faith and future. The only reminder of Finnish sovereignty over the Island were the Finnish flags on top of government buildings. As we were wrapping up the talks and the trip in general, the head of Nagorno-Karabagh delegation made an astounding statement: “We have truly liked what we have seen here, and I can officially declare that we will accept a similar autonomous status for Nagorno-Karabagh.” Then came the punchline: “but within Finland; not Azerbaijan.” We all laughed. But this is very telling and goes directly to heart of the notion of “remedial secession.”

    Another example of institutional practice that supports the idea of secession as a remedial right was the Canadian Supreme Court interpretation of self-determination and secession in its 1996 landmark decision. The Federal Government of Canada asked the court for an advisory opinion on several aspects of Quebec separation, hoping that the result might discourage Quebecers from voting for it. The Court’s opinion was that “a right to secession only arises under the principle of self-determination of peoples at international law where a people is governed as part of a colonial empire, where a people is subject to alien subjugation, domination or exploitation; and possibly where a people is denied any meaningful exercise of its right to self-determination within the state of which it forms part.”

    Interestingly, the Canadian Supreme Court in its decision also introduced a caveat, stating that if a referendum found in favor of independence, the rest of Canada “would have no basis to deny the right of the government of Quebec to pursue secession.” In my view, this statement has extremely consequential effect on the political aspects of the law of self-determination, and I will ask you to hold on to this thought until I come back to it towards the end of my talk.

    Then, of course, there is the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) Advisory Opinion on Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence. As you know, on February 2008 Kosovo unilaterally declared its independence. In October of the same year, the General Assembly decided to ask the Court to render an advisory opinion on the following question: “Is the unilateral Declaration of Independence by the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo in accordance with international law?” The court in its advisory opinion said that the practice of states both in the context of decolonization and outside of it “does not point to the emergence in international law of a new rule prohibiting the making of a declaration of independence in such cases.” That means the international law neither forbids nor supports secession. It is simply agnostic about it. Thus, the ICJ itself, in his opinion, adopted a very narrow approach, not providing any guidance regarding the contemporary scope of self-determination.

    However, the value of the ICJ’s Advisory Opinion is not in its opinion per se, rather in its explanatory notes and the positions expressed by the more than forty or so states in their written and oral presentations to the court.

    There are three important takeaways from all this which, in my view, reaffirm certain understandings that are critical in establishing positions regarding the right of self-determination in international law.

    One is that as several participants in their arguments before the court contended that a prohibition of unilateral declaration of independence is implicit in the principle of territorial integrity, the court responded that the scope of the principle of territorial integrity is confined to the sphere of relations between states, citing the UN charter, the Friendly Relations resolution and OSCE Helsinki Final Act. Indeed, Article two of the UN Charter provides that “all members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of many State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.”

    Two is, that when several participants invoked resolutions of Security Council condemning particular declarations of independence, such as Southern Rhodesia (1965), Northern Cyprus (1983) and Respublika Srpska (1992), the court responded that the illegality attached to those declarations of independence stemmed not from the unilateral character of the declarations as such, but from the fact that they were, or would have been, connected with the unlawful use of force or other egregious violations of norm of general international law.

    Three is, that the Court simply noted—taking no position—that “radically different views” were expressed on the question of whether a right of remedial secession exists and, if so, in what circumstances and if those circumstances were present in Kosovo.

    This last point is hugely important because the bigger question and the more controversial part of the right of self-determination is not as much whether there is a right for remedial secession in international law. There is. Rather, the circumstances which one may maintain that would give rise to right to remedial secession are sufficiently present in any particular case.

    The determination of the presence of circumstances is more of a political decision rather than a legal judgment, and it is the very critical component around which law and politics intertwine. However, as a result of the new developments in international law after the end of the Cold War, now in addition to unlawful use of military force, oppression and atrocities committed, the protection of minority rights and entitlement to democratic government are key elements in determining the circumstances that may give rise to the right for remedial secession.

    Kosovo and Nagorno-Karabagh are very similar yet different. Both are geographically separate and ethnically, religiously distinct from the mother state. Both neighbor a country of their kin. Both have been disputed territories at one point in their history, both had autonomous status within their mother states during the Cold War, and their autonomous status revoked at one point. Both subjected to severe oppression and atrocities. The key difference is geopolitical.. Kosovo is at the heart of Europe and has history of triggering and implicating others in a broader conflict and jeopardize Europe’s and world’s peace and security. Hence the extraordinary global attention and the international community’s immediate and continued involvement in providing an early solution. Karabagh has taken a different path but gone through similar process. If ever Nagorno-Karabagh case goes to ICJ, the nature and content of the arguments will not be much different from Kosovo’s case.

    And finally let me introduce two overbearing political developments which, in my view, complements the existing legal framework in support of the right of self-determination and secession.

    First is that earlier, speaking of Canada’s Supreme Court decision on Quebec’s referendum I said hold on to the thought that the justices said that if a referendum found in favor of independence, the rest of Canada “would have no basis to deny the right of the government of Quebec to pursue secession.” This naturally means that political negotiations would have to follow to define the terms under which Quebec would gain independence, should it maintain that goal. This, clearly is a political decision; a recommendation of sort to reach a peaceful resolution.

    This also implies that references to the state’s own constitution as a non-negotiable bar, as is being employed in case of Kurdistan, Catalonia and also Nagorno-Karabagh, to any concessions or even negotiations do not represent good faith, and cannot be justification for use of force to suppress the movement.

    Second is that since the end of the Cold War, there has been at least a dozen of peace processes related to ethnic conflicts mediated by third parties and mandated by international organizations, where in their proposed solutions granting satisfaction to the aspirations of the minority groups have been the norm rather than the exception. Some have been fully implemented, others failed due to different circumstances and few others are still work in progress.

    But the fact is that after lengthy and arduous processes, the mediators, in all those cases where the historical, legal and military realities have tilted the balance on the self-determination side, seem to have always favored to arrive to the inevitable sooner than later. The Road Map for Peace for the Israeli/Palestinian conflict; the Good Friday Accord for Northern Ireland; the Machakos Protocol for Sudan; Ahtisaari plan and Security Council Resolution for Kosovo; the Baker Peace Plan for the Western Sahara, the Dayton Accords for Bosnia, UNSC Resolution 1272 for East Timor; the Comprehensive Agreement for Bougainville; the New Constitution for the Union of Serbia and Montenegro, the Madrid Principles for Nagorno-Karabagh.

    All self-determination or secessionist movements are, in essence and at heart, ethnic conflicts. They originate in history; get litigated, adjudicated, argued and negotiated in international organizations; always have their military component, since one or the other side and, most of the time, both sides use force against each other to achieve their goals; and finally, if they ever get resolved, are resolved at the political level. It is true that at the end of day it is the politics that has the final word. But history, law, military outcome and geopolitical realities on the ground, are all critical in determining the fate of a particular claim, and inevitably forces the political hand even of the most ardent opponents, including the mother states, of the right of self-determination and secession.

    1 Comment

    1. avatarDave says:

    April 17, 2018 at 4:34 pm

    And so, mr. Oskanian, what is Artsakh’s case specifically?
    What are the arguments in its favor?
    Let’s admit that, ultimately, it depends on politics and military strength.


  • Why I Left Poland for Turkey?

    Stereotypes would often dictate that turkish men come to Poland to find a slavic wife. But on today’s episode of Kult America I met with Kaja, a polish woman, who has left Poland for a turkish man.

  • Did Hitler model his Holocaust on the Armenian Genocide?

    Did Hitler model his Holocaust on the Armenian Genocide?

    The Holocaust and 1915 Armenian events are two different things and it dilutes the facts and confuses people to mix them together. Let me put it that way, if Hitler indeed had taken the Ottoman-Armenian events as a model, he would leave all Jews in Berlin comfortably in peace.

    1915 events broke out because armed Armenian groups in north-east were fighting for independence, and the Ottomans, afraid they cannot cope with them, as they were backed by Russia, looked for the solution in deporting them, along with the rest of Armenian civilians living in that region, ie around northeast border with Russia, to south. The purpose was to keep that land and prevent a disintegration of Ottoman Empire (or whatever left of it). I am not trying to show it as a casual thing, the results were tragic, but this is the full picture.

    Armenians in the west (including the capital, Constantinople) and the Arabic states of Ottoman empire were not deported or murdered. As an example, the population of Armenians in Istanbul at that time was 164,000, in Izmit 62,000.. Some of the most Armenian populated cities were in west. You can find my source and other details here:

    How many Armenians were living in the Ottoman Empire?

    Because you compared the Armenian events with the holocaust.. As a simple person, one thing I know about the holocaust is that the nazis hunted down one by one every jewish citizen in the countries they invaded, from Greece to Scandinavian countries, directly or indirectly (thru collaboration with local governments) and sent them to camps with the ultimate goal, to exterminate the jewish race.

    If the Ottomans wished to wipe out the all Armenian race, like Hitler did for Jews, they would probably start from those in front of their noses. But none in west were touched. (Armenians in west, especially in the capital, were the wealthiest of their people.) This is, as I said earlier, like Nazis forgot or ignored about the Jews in Berlin or Munich..

    If you are skeptical, here are some other references:

    – “The majority of the Armenians in Constantinople, the capital city, were spared deportation.” Frequently Asked Questions about the Armenian Genocide

    -2000 were deported or arrested from Constantinople according to some sources Deportation of Armenian intellectuals on 24 April 1915

    The two events, thus, historically are very different, and no need to merge them forcefully to short-cut to a conclusion. The Turkish and Armenian people should be the sides who better most sensitive about details as it is our history. Understanding them can help us shape the future in a better way.

  • Afrin seems quite intact After Turks took control. Does the Kurdish media lie about invasion and destruction?

    Afrin seems quite intact After Turks took control. Does the Kurdish media lie about invasion and destruction?

    Adnan Hakoun, studied at Damascus University – Faculty of Economics

    i am syrian who live in turkey now..i lived in syria for the whole 7 years of war and just left the country last year..i came to turkey illeagely (walking through mountains not by plane) so i had to cross those areas on my way from Damascus (my home city) to turkey and i had to live in the north of syria fo 40 days befor i managed to enter turkey…
    so what i have learned is this:

    every side is lying about what is happening and every side has his own media which make them appear as the rightful and good side…what is rally happening is that the militias which claim to protect the KURDS in the north of syria are actually protecting them frome ISIS and those other extremist militias in the area..but at the same time they made some really horrible crimes against the NON-KURD civilians (arabs , turkmans and arminyans) in the same areas..trying to kick them out of what (so-called) Kurdish they can proclaim there own country (kurdistan)…a story which i didn’t hear from media but from my friends from DEİR-ALZOR whos actually kicked out of thier homes and saw thier village distroyed completly by those militias because its a NON-KURD village.. here the turkish goverment moved to stop them from what they are doing and enterd the area and took control over it .. kicking those militias out..and again the real loser every time is the civilians who pay the real price in every political conflict..maybe Afrine seems intact when you compare it with AL-RAQA after recapturing it from ISIS but thats does not mean that there is no civilians suffering or no people have been killed by mistake… because it’s IMPOSSIBLE to make any war for either a good reason or bad reason without killing any innocent people….and more important is that those soldier on the ground are not robots they have there minds and feelings there mercyness or savageness and with all this amount of chaos in the war its really hard to ensure that they are Committing to the rules and commands.

    sorry for the long answer but it’s not a yes or no question.