Aylin D. Miller

  • Townshend


    General Charles Townsand – 1918 There is nothing that the Turk desires more ardently than to be friends with us. The price he asks is […]

  • UBI & the COVID-19 pandemic

    UBI & the COVID-19 pandemic

    Has the COVID-19 pandemic increased support for Universal Basic Income? What social policies have governments implemented to cope with the economic effects of the pandemic? […]

  • Forgotten aspects of the Greek war on the Turks

    Forgotten aspects of the Greek war on the Turks

    There are many forgotten aspects of the Great War of 1914. One is the fact that Britain violated Greek neutrality because the Greek government resisted […]

  • Turk Maritime and Global Strategies

    Turk Maritime and Global Strategies

    I am (R) Admiral Cihat Yaycı –the President of Turk Maritime and Global Strategies Center. I was promoted to Rear Admiral on 30 August 2012. […]



    GANDHI & ENVIRONMENT(Mahatma Gandhi at 152  | October 2, 1869 – January 30, 1948) “We have to stop this undeclared war against nature”On the Occasion […]

  • Adult literacy in Turkey

    Adult literacy in Turkey

    UNESCO defines literacy as :”the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create and communicate, using printed and written materials associated with varying contexts”. The historical and […]