Author: Aylin D. Miller



    Roundtable, June 10, 2008, the Caucasus Institute

    On June 10, 2008, the Caucasus Institute supported by the Heinrich Boll Foundation held a roundtable discussion on Turkeys European Integration and Armenia. The speakers were Ralf Fucks, Co-President of the Heinrich Boll Foundation, and Ruben Safrastyan, Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies. During the roundtable speakers focused mostly on the development of Turkeys relationship with EU countries and the impact of this process on official Ankara’s relations with Southern Caucasus nations.

    Participants of the event were experts, public activists, journalists, diplomats, NGO and IO actors. The roundtable was part of a series of expert seminars and public debates organized by the CI in the framework of a project supported by the South Caucasus Bureau of the Heinrich Boll Foundation and aimed at focusing the public discourse in Armenia at some crucial issues of regional development.

  • Next Coke CEO is a son of privilege

    Next Coke CEO is a son of privilege

    The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
    Published on: 06/22/08

    Next Coke CEO is a son of privilege with a feel for average consumers.

    Muhtar Kent will take the reins of Coke on July 1

    ISTANBUL — He is a son of privilege, educated at elite private schools in Turkey and universities in England. He is named after his great uncle, Turkey’s first ambassador to Washington. His father was also an ambassador who never appeared in public without a necktie, carried a walking stick and collected Greek antiquities. Read the full story…



    1802 den 1919 a kadar ermenilerin Türkleri nasıl caniyane katlettiklerini gösterir fotoğraf ve belgeler


    Write to each other;
    Russian army head commander PERJEVALSKY
    Russian army corps.commander NAZAROF
    Russian army commander ODİŞELİDZE
    French colonel MOREL
    French officer ÇAPİLYEN
    Observer; German journalist Dr.VAYS
    Observer; Austrian journalist Dr.ŞİTAN
    Delegation ; Lüsyatos-Tumaşev-

    Subject: Fwd: ermeni dosyası.

    Papa hazretlerine kıbrısta Türklerin yaptığı katliamların fotoğraflarını göstermişler pek güzel etmişler. PAPA hazretleri Türkiye’ye geldiğinde zatı alilerine 1802 den 1919 a kadar ermenilerin Türkleri nasıl caniyane katlettiklerini gösterir fotoğraf ve belgeleri ile 1954 – 1974 yılında kıbrıs rumlarının Türkleri nasıl öldürdükleri,evlerini,ocaklarnı nasıl yağmaladıklarını gösterir belge ve fotoğrafları vermelerinde bir sakınca olmasa gerekir.

    Bence sakıncası yok,siz ne dersiniz?

    Cavit Öner

  • Amazing technology from Japan . . .

    Amazing technology from Japan . . .

    Look closely and guess what they could be…


    Are they pens with cameras?


    Any wild guesses? No clue yet?


    Ladies and gentlemen… congratulations!
    You’ve just looked into the future… yep that’s right!

    You’ve just seen something that will replace your PC in the near future.

    Here is how it works:


    In the revolution of miniature computers, scientists have made great developments with bluetooth technology…

    This is the forthcoming computers you can carry within your pockets .

    This “pen sort of instrument” produces both the monitor as well as the keyboard on any flat surfaces from where you can carry out functions you would normally do on your desktop computer.


    Can anyone say, “Good-bye laptops!”

    Looks like our computers are out of date… again!!!

  • Noam Chomsky / West Point Akademisi konusmasi (1 saat)

    Noam Chomsky / West Point Akademisi konusmasi (1 saat)

    Diger bir gruptan alintidir. Izlenmesini elzem gordugum icin paylasmak istedim.

    Kureselcilik tanimi ile suslendirilmis emperyal somuru duzenini, 14. YYdan bu yana surduren control freakler, gunumuzdeki feodal yapilanmalarini devam ettirebilmek icin toplumlari kucuk parcalara bolerek birbirlerine dusurmekte ve bu kargasa arasinda somuru, “baris ve kardeslik” adina gucunu arttirmakta, hegemonyasini devam ettirmekte. Milli degerlerine sahip cikanlari, somuruye bas kaldiranlari da milliyetci olmak ile suclamaktadirlar. Ozbenligini yitirmis, milliyetsizligi tercih eden kuresel enternasyonalistlerce, milliyetciligin neden tehlike olarak goruldugunu idrak etmek guc olmasa gerek.

    Rasyonal dusunebilmekten korkmayanlarin izlemesi dilegi ile…
    Gusan Yedic


    “srirama1113” <eds1113@… wrote:

     Chomsky’nin Turkiye ve Turk Devletinin Kurtleri nasıl inim inim inlettigi konusundaki yazılarını/soylemlerini de yayınlasak biraz
     daha objektif oluruz sanirim.
     Bu arada radikal liberal nasil olunuyor? Bu bir retorikal oxymoron mu yoksa ben mi cahil kaldım konuya?
     Sevgili Chomsky’cigim Turklerin Ermenilere soykirimi yaptigini da her yerlerde soyler, eklemeden edemedim…Hatta Pilosinin bu konuda buyuk destekcilerindendir…

    From: OYA BAIN

    Sevgili Dilek, cok haklisiniz. PKK’nin ve Ermeni militanlarin buyuk dostudur bu adam


    Sevgili Oya Hanimcim,

    Chomsky’nin PKK destegi, marksist tabani nedeniyledir. Hani bizim 68 kusaginin Zimbabveciligi gibi bir yaklasimdir yani…

    Bahsi gecen kusagin, Fransiz ihtilalinin Jack De Moley’in intikami alan farmasonlarin, katolik kiliseye ve aristokrasiye karsi zaferi.. Bolsevik ihtilalinin de Ortodoks kiliseye ve aristokrasiye karsi siyonist Rus subaylarinin gerceklestirmis oldugu bir ihtilal oldugunu kabul edememesinden dogan bir rahatsizligidir. Chomsky’nin Ermeni konusundaki destegi de, hemen hemen ayni nedenlere dayanir. 1915 olaylarini Ermeni devrimi olarak kabul ederken, basta Ing. ve ABD olmak uzere emperyal guclerin Rusya ile Osmanli topraklarini bolusmede Ermeniler’i arac gibi kullanmis olduklarini kabul edemez. Dune kadar bizim salon sosyalistlerimiz de Ermeni konusunda agizlarini acmazlardi, unuttunuz mu?.. Hele halklarin kardesliginden bahseden dunku burjuva kesimi ise bugun ayri bir makara… 

    Chomsky yasindaki kisilerin kendi tabularini yikmalarinin cok zor oldugunu siz bilirsiniz. Bu yuzden, Chomsky’i tabu olarak degil, dogrulari ve saplantilari ile kabul etmek zorundayizdir. Agzindan her cikani kabul etmek sarti diye bir sart da yoktur. Ancak tribunlerin fanatik taraftarlari bu tur saplantilardan kurtulamazlar. Bir de taraftarligindan dolayi cikar edinenler. Bunlari da sizin bilmeniz lazim…

    Sizin Chomsky karsiti olmaniz ise, PKK ve Ermeni baglantili olmaktan ziyade, anti emperyalist (gunumuz entel agzi ile kureselci) olmasindan kaynaklanmaktadir. Arti olarak da, Israil’in Filistin konusundaki tutumunu elestirmesinden kaynaklanmaktadir. Uluslar arasi bankacilari ve cok uluslu sirketleri desifre etmesi, parlak ambalaji ve fiyonklu kurdelesi icinde paketlenmis kuresellesmenin, aslinda, 14. YYin feodal yapilanmasina donusun, gunumuz versiyonu olusunu ispatlamasindan sevmezsiniz sizler Chomsky’i…

    Diger taraftan, Turkiye’nin PKK ve Ermeni konusundan daha buyuk korkulu ruyasi olan KK (Kukla Kurdistan) konusunun mimarlari Daniel Pipes, Douglas Feith ve Steve Perle (nam-i diger Karanliklar Prensi) gibi neoconlarin arz etmis oldugu tehlikeden daha buyuk bir tehlike degildir Chomsky, Turkiye icin. Bu bahsi gecen kisileri ise cok yakinen tanirsiniz. Amaclarini da bilirsiniz. Keza senelerce Turkiye’yi bu adamlarin kurmus oldugu Livingston’a baglayanlari da yakinen tanirsiniz. Chomsky’nin Turkiye’ye kac kurus zarari oldugunu soyleyemezsiniz ama Livingston’un en son gerceklestirmis oldugu Tayyip Erdogan, George Bush gorusmesi icin harcanan 61 milyon dolarin kimlerin cebinden ciktigini, nedense konu etmezsiniz.

    Kisacasi, sizin Chomsky karsitliginizin PKK ve Ermeni konusu endeksli olmaktan ziyade, Chomsky’nin anti emperyalist yapisindan ve Israil’e yonelik elestirilerinden kaynaklandigini saniyorum. Sanilarimda yanilmadigimi da siz cok iyi bilirsiniz.

    Eger yok illa bana ne, bana ne iste Chomsky Ermeni yanlisi diye tutturacaksaniz, Orham Pamuk’u kac kere onursal konuk olarak agirladiginizi bizlere aktarmak icin hafizalarinizi yoklayin derim. PKK’nin hazirladigi filimlerin maddi sponsorlari hakkinda ne dusunuyorsunuz diye sormaya ise gerek gormuyorum. Cunku cevabi biliyorum…

    Dilek Hanim,

    Radikal Liberal tanimlamasi bana aittir. Amiyane bir tabirle, toplumsal cikarlari savunmak adina dik durus gosteremeyen omurgasizlar demek istemedigim icin o tanimlamayi kullanirim. Hani su, Ata’nin Yurtta Sulh Cihanda Sulh lafini agizlarina pelesenk edip de, silah ticaretinden edinecekleri komisyon ugruna helva da halva da diyebilen kisiler icin kullanirim. Tarikatciliga karsi olup da, siyon tarikatina bagli masonik kuruluslara girmek icin derby maclarinda siranin basinda olabilmek icin geceden stadyum onunde yatan tipler gibi, localardan onay bekleyenler de bu kategoriye girer, benim lugatimda…

    Gusan Yedic

  • Pro Armenian Cong. Berman pushes Armenian propaganda

    Pro Armenian Cong. Berman pushes Armenian propaganda

    Pro Armenian Cong. Berman pushes Armenian propaganda at the House Foreign Relations Committee

    Cong. Berman is speaking to get the Armenian votes in November.

    He is militanly pro Armenian.

    He recently has  met with the convicted Armenian terrorist  Mourat Topalian.

    California Turks/ Azeris must find a way to unseat this biased and unfair representative in Nov. 2008.

    House Committee on Foreign Affairs
    Congressman Howard L. Berman (D-CA), chairman

    Verbatim, as delivered

    June 18, 2008

    Opening Statement by Chairman Howard L. Berman at hearing, “The Caucasus: Frozen Conflicts and Closed Borders”

    Between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea lie the countries of the Caucasus – Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.  Due to disputes that have festered over the course of many years, there are enough compelling questions involving these three countries and their neighbors to occupy us all day long.  During the course of this hearing I’d like to focus on the frozen conflicts affecting economic and political integration in the region, and how U.S. foreign policy is responding to them.  

    I’d like to start with one of the most puzzling and problematic matters: the Turkish land blockade of Armenia, in place since 1993. It’s a punishing policy that holds the Armenian economy back and enormously increases the cost of much of Armenia’s trade with other nations. 

    The land blockade is also, quite possibly, illegal, as it seems to breach Turkey’s undertaking in the 1922 Treaty of Kars to keep its border-crossings with Armenia open.  And it violates the spirit of the World Trade Organization, of which both Turkey and Armenia are members.

    It’s baffling why Ankara would want to pursue this land blockade, which also harms the economy of eastern Turkey, and is therefore clearly contrary to its own interests.  It’s no secret that many Turkish businessmen, especially in the east, have been lobbying for lifting the land blockade.

    It also seems manifestly contrary to the strategic interests of Turkey, which purports to be a solid member of the Western alliance.  Without an outlet to Turkey or Azerbaijan, Armenia is forced to rely on its connections to two of Turkey’s historical rivals, Russia and Iran – and given how antithetical the Iranian regime is to the secular, modern Turkish government, it seems odd that Ankara would want to undertake any actions that will enhance Tehran’s influence in Yerevan.

    Furthermore, the land blockade has done absolutely nothing to persuade Armenia to alter its policies on the Nagorno-Karabakh issue – the ostensible cause of the land blockade in the first place.  Nor is there any prospect that it will do so.  Armenia has demonstrated its resolve to support the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh.  Turkey is more likely to win influence with the Armenian government if it pursues a policy of good-neighborliness than if it slams the border closed.

    Why hasn’t the State Department – which opposes the land blockade – spoken out more forcefully on this matter?  Certainly it’s in our interest to diminish Iran’s influence among its neighbors, not to enhance it.  Ambassador Fried, I’m hoping you’ll lay out for us the steps our government has taken and is taking to convince our ally Turkey to end, once and for all, this counter-productive practice of closed borders.

    And by no means is Turkey Armenia’s only problem in the region.  I’m deeply concerned by the series of increasingly bellicose statements made over the past year about Nagorno-Karabakh by senior Azerbaijani officials, as well as the steady increase in Azerbaijan’s defense budget as that nation acquires more oil wealth.  The serious breakdown earlier this year in the 14-year-old cease-fire has been widely blamed on Azerbaijani provocations.  Mr. Ambassador, how do you see this situation, and what is the status of negotiations over Nagorno-Karabakh? 

    Turning to Georgia, in recent weeks, we’ve seen increasingly aggressive Russian behavior toward the region of Abkhazia: Moscow has established official ties with the separatist government there, issued passports and citizenship to its residents, dispatched a Russian jet to down a Georgian reconnaissance craft, and deployed railway troops to the region under dubious pretenses.

    It was dispiriting to hear the new Russian president, Dmitry Medvedev, dismiss offers of foreign mediation of this conflict during his first official meeting in early June with Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvilli.  Although the United States and the European Union expressed support for the Georgian President’s peace initiatives during their recent summit in Slovenia, follow-up efforts by EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana and your deputy Matt Bryza to encourage peace talks have garnered little traction.   Mr. Ambassador, what steps will this Administration take in the coming months to help prevent further escalation of this conflict?  And do you support calls for the Russian-dominated CIS peacekeeping force to be replaced by a neutral EU contingent as one means of mitigating the conflict?

    And finally, I’d like to address an issue with long-term implications for U.S. foreign policy throughout the region: the prospect of democratization and political development in the South Caucasus.  Lately in the wake of elections in the region, there has been a worrying trend of large-scale protests and forceful police reaction. This explosive combination has the effect of silencing the opposition and strengthening ruling political regimes in a region that is still struggling to establish its democratic credentials.

    Last fall, the Georgian government imposed a sweeping state of emergency following demonstrations by thousands of protesters over a government that appeared out of touch with the people.  Armenia experienced violent clashes that left eight people dead following March presidential elections.  And Azerbaijan could suffer a similar fate during its presidential elections in October, as the government is already cracking down on the media and opposition. 

    Mr. Ambassador, we would welcome your assessment of the democratic prospects of these countries, which are of such great strategic importance to the United States.  Given unstable regimes and considerable political acrimony, what is the potential for fostering sustainable dialogue on a multi-party, parliamentary level? I would also be grateful if you could address the question of how the U.S. administration is holding these governments accountable for human rights abuses, while at the same time working to achieve lasting peace between them.

    It’s a tall order; we don’t have all the time in the world to address all the matters we’d like to today, so I’m going to stop at this point and turn to my colleague and friend Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, the ranking member of the committee, for any comments she may wish to make.