Author: Aylin D. Miller

  • UN 2023 Water Conference

    UN 2023 Water Conference

    [Entry Note: LMGlobal.Org is a “Specially Accredited” NGO to the #UN2023WaterConference during the 1st Round of the Applications in August 2022  – Bircan Ünver]


    un water conference

    As the UN 2023 Water Conference approaches here are some key updates for how you can be part of this milestone event:

    • Registration is now open for accredited non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, academic institutions, the scientific community, the private sector and philanthropic organizations – Register
    • Open call for Side Events has been extended, the new deadline is 20 January 2023 – Apply
    • Thematic webinars to help stakeholders participate in the conference and contribute to the Water Action Agenda will be held on 17 and 18  January 2023 – Register.

    Register your delegation to participate in the UN 2023 Water Conference –  Registration is open from 9 January – 10 February 2023

    Registration for non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, academic institutions, the scientific community, the private sector and philanthropic organizations and other actors will be open from 9 January to 10 February, each accredited organization will be able to request registration up to 10 representatives.

    • ECOSOC Accredited Organizations: Register here
    • Specially Accredited Organizations: Register here

    The results of the second round of Special Accreditation has been published here.

    Open Call for Side Events extended – Deadline: 20 January 2023

    Side events can be organized in connection with the UN 2023 Water Conference, either in-person or virtually, by Member States, the UN system, Intergovernmental Organizations and accredited non-governmental stakeholders. Priority will be given to events organized by Member States and those organized in partnership by several organizations. Side event organizers are encouraged to contribute to the Water Action Agenda by announcing or showcasing their own voluntary commitments. For additional details and guidance on how to submit a side event proposal, including Guidelines, please visit the website:


    • To apply for an in-person side event inside the UN Headquarters:  
    • To apply for an in-person side event outside the UN Headquarters:  
    • To apply for a virtual side event: 

    Multi-Stakeholder Thematic Webinars | 17 – 18 January, 9:00 – 11:00 AM EST

    Register now: 

    The UN 2023 Water Conference will be held in New York, from 22 to 24 March 2023. The Conference will be co-hosted by the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Tajikistan.

    The Multi-Stakeholder Thematic Webinars will be held virtually on 17 and 18 January 2023 from 9:00 – 11:00 AM (EDT) as an additional opportunity for stakeholders to prepare for the UN 2023 Water Conference, including to encourage their contributions to the Water Action Agenda (WAA).  

    • Interested stakeholders should register online by 16 January 2023 using this form:

    The webinars aim to inform participants on the opportunities for engagement in the UN 2023 Water Conference and the WAA by sharing perspectives and expectations on the voluntary commitments and encouraging and inspiring stakeholders to register transformative gamechangers and voluntary commitments to the WAA. 

    For more information about the webinar, please visit: 

    Any questions?

    Visit the UN 2023 Water Conference website  or email us: [email protected]

  • Soldier


    Here is a passage from memoirs of an American soldier Anthony Hebert from his book “Soldier” he gets separated from his team and stuck with a Turkish company during The Korean War.

    “The Turks were of about a company size. We established a perimeter on our hill and sat back to wait for some further word. I didn’t speak their language and nobody in their group spoke English, so we spent a cold, quiet night and the next morning found ourselves surrounded by Chinese.

    I was nervous. There I was with a unit that had never been in combat before, we were surrounded and I couldn’t even talk to them. They couldn’t have been happier. They were having a picnic. Every way they looked, it was the front. They could fire in any direction and kill Chinese. They used up most of the morning doing just that, while I sat around trying to figure out how I could get the hell out of there.

    By the time the sun was high, everybody’s ammo was low, but the Turks were calm as hell about it. They formed a skirmish line, fixed their bayonets and faced north with grins on their faces. I saw the direction they were facing and knew instantly it wasn’t where I wanted to go. I jumped up and jammed my fist to the south. Their line whirled, and I suddenly found myself swept along in one of the most successful, old fashioned bayonet charges of the entire Korean War.

    Herbert Anthony B Soldier

    I learned a lesson from that. The Turks are never trapped. It’s the people who surround them who are in trouble. Watching them use their bayonets that day was a revelation They were dervishes. They had a peculiar style–one I hadn’t learned back at Beginning. They lunged, drove the bayonet into the abdomen, whirled, struck down hard on top of the rifle with their with their left hand and consequently disembowel their victims.

    My most vivid memory of that charge is of my gratitude to God or the United Nations or whoever was responsible for putting the Turks on our side.”

  • Some quotes about Turkish military

    Some quotes about Turkish military

    • “I will no longer fight the Turks. They are very brave and good people.” (Andreas Phitiades)
    • “Give me an army of Turks and I’ll take the world hostage.” (Napoleon Bonaparte)
    • “There are two merits that glorify a person: being courageous for a man and being virtuous for a woman. Besides these two, there is another merit that glorifies both man and woman: so much loving the homeland to an extent with being ready to sacrifice his/her life, if needed. Turks are such courageous and virtuous people. That is why you can kill a Turk but you can never defeat them.” (Napoleon Bonaparte)
    • “Whoever wants to enjoy the pleasure of a war, they should war against the Turks.” (Townsend (British Commander)
    • “No other army in the world other than the Turks can stand for this long.” (General Hamilton)
    • “Turks are fierce riders. In their attack, the Turks turn the enemy like a leaf and destroy it.” (Jahiz)
    • “There is no soldier who is more ready to give his life for the sake of his religion and country other than the Turks.” (General Hamilton)
    • “You can ask any army in the World and they will admit how hard to plan against Turkish soldiers. Turks are for two thousand years professional soldiers. Every Turk’s profession is to become a soldier.” (Donaldson)
    • “Turkish armies have shown heroism and sacrifices unprecedented in history.” (M. Kemal Ataturk)
    • “Turkish army; There has never been a more pure, more solid soldier than yours in any army in the world.” (M. Kemal Ataturk)
    • “Our army is the sole fulcrum of the aims of the nation in the struggle for life and honor.” (M. Kemal Ataturk)
    • “Our army is a steeled expression of Turkish unity, Turkish might and ability, and Turkish patriotism. Our army is the invincible guarantee of the Turkish lands and the systematic efforts we are making to realize the ideal of Turkey.” (M. Kemal Ataturk)
    • “The most vivid example of an armed nation is the Turks. The commoners of this land has the strength of a gun-wrapping claw in the grip of the sickle, dexterity of a duelist with the scribe’s pencil, and even the skirts of his women. The Turk doesn’t walks but strides awake like a soldier sent on an expedition.” (Helmuth Karl Bernhard von Moltke)
    • “The spirit of the Turks will shine again and the history of this heroic nation, born to use weapons, will find its old light.” (Moltke)
    • “It is possible to see the sense of security that a weapon gives to the soul in the gaze of every Turk. He has learned to look at life and events with confidence.” (Molkte)
    • “There is no tribe superior to the Turks in terms of strength and courage; There is no tribe more astute than them in terms of achieving great goals. Allah Almighty created them as lions.” (Ibn Hassul)
    • “We failed at Dardanelles. How could we succeed? Turks were fighting like furious, angry and courageous lions whose homes have been transgressed. I have never seen a nation like Turks.” (Sir Julien Corbet)
    • “If the power of ten valiant men of ten nations were gathered in a single person, it would not be worth a Turk. The thing that Turks talk about the most is war, victory. Their entertainment is horses, they are weapons. The truth and honesty of the Turks is praiseworthy.” (Charles McFarlene)
    • “Turks not only have a boundless bravery but also a dazzling level of intelligence. With such intelligence, they have become victorious, build civilizations, and accomplish the highest achievements of mankind. Without such intelligence they would not be able to rule half the Europe for centuries.” – Carnayev (Russian Commander)
    • “Turks are first class masters in destroying and establishing a state. They have turned the continents upside down, not the countries, and created their dominance, which is not easy to shake in the midst of terrible attacks. History has learned a lot from the Turks. There are such works of art by their hand that they become ornaments for civilization.” (Hammer)
    • “There are two unknowns in the World. The Poles and the Turks!” (Albert Sorel)
    • “Be friends of Turks, never their enemies.” (Gianni de Michelis)
    independence war

    We are not afraid to die.

    • “You can never find a soldier in any other nation like the Turks who smile to death. All they need to succeed is a good commander.” (Mulman)
    • “Turkish soldiers are brave. He loves his homeland and will sacrifice his life for it if necessary without hesitation.” (Albert Einstein)
    • “Turks know how to die, and they know it well. I am experienced enough to know that a nation that knows how to die cannot be defeated. It is possible to build armies out of nothing here and drag these armies to death. I take advantage of these opportunities. But there is one obstacle that has staggered the armies I have forged: the living memories of the Turks! The Turks, who defeated every power and every nation three or four centuries ago, are now staggering every attempt with their indelible memories. I sense this fear in almost every heart. So, it is necessary to defeat not only the Turks, but also their history. In this case, I also understand the secret of the Turks governing dozens of nations. They defeat nations once, but they can imprint their victories on spirits and generations.” (Montecucco)

    Turks know how to be merciful too.

    • “The hand of a Turk who uses a sword with utmost skill is also skillful to heal the wounds of those whom he has defeated.” (Lord Byron)
    • “I’m talking about the Turks. The Turk, who resembles a relentless hurricane, a terrible sea and a ruthless lightning while attacking his enemy; It is a morning wind, a clear lake, in the presence of a friend and an unarmed enemy. To intimidate this heartwarming wind, to turn this dazzling lake into an exuberant sea would be a mistake that hurts nature.” (Torquato Tasso)
    • “I was a prisoner in Poltava. It was a death for me, I survived. The danger loomed stronger before the river of wheat; water in front of me, the enemy behind me, the sun raging above me… The water wanted to drown me, the enemy to tear me apart, the sun to melt me; I survived again. But today I am a prisoner, a prisoner of the Turks. What iron, fire and water could not do, they did to me, they made me captive. Only I have no chains on my feet, nor am I in a dungeon; I’m doing what I want. But this time, I am a prisoner of compassion, nobility and kindness. The Turks wrapped me in this diamond bond. How sweet it is to live as a free prisoner among such a noble, noble and gentle nation.” (Charles XII)
  • What is the structure of the Turkish Armed Forces?

    What is the structure of the Turkish Armed Forces?

    The Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) are the military forces of the Republic of Turkey. They consist of the:

    • Turkish Land Forces (TLF): This branch is responsible for land-based military operations and is the largest branch of the TAF. It includes the Army, Special Forces, and Gendarmerie.
    turkish land forces
    • Turkish Navy (TN): This branch is responsible for naval operations and includes the Fleet, Coastal Defense Forces, and Marine Corps.
    turkish navy
    • Turkish Air Force (TAF): This branch is responsible for air operations and includes the Air Force, Air Defense Forces, and Air Training Command.
    turkish air force
    • Turkish Gendarmerie (TG): This branch is responsible for maintaining public order and security in rural areas and small towns, and it also assists the TLF in military operations.
    Turkish Gendarmerie

    In addition to these branches, the TAF also includes the Turkish Military Academy, the Turkish Military Medical Academy, and various other schools and training centers. The TAF is under the command of the President of Turkey, who is also the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. The Chief of the General Staff, who is appointed by the President, is responsible for the overall administration and command of the TAF.

  • Turkish Kirpis head to front

    Turkish Kirpis head to front

    Turkish armored vehicles head to front in the Donbass | Military Mind | TVP World

    BMC Kirpi (Turkish for “Hedgehog”) is a Turkish made Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle manufactured by BMC. Kirpi provides significant protection against mine and ballistic threats. It combines standard and add-on armor providing protection against ballistic threats while its V-shape underbody and monocoque allows it to protect the personnel inside from land mines and improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

    BMC Kirpi is a heavy armored troop carrier and its primary objective is to transfer personnel from one place to another while protecting them against all kind of threats. However, it can receive different operational roles by being equipped with required mission equipment.

    Used in:

    2012 Syrian-Turkish border clashes
    Turkey-ISIL conflict
    Libyan Civil War
    2019 Turkish offensive into north-eastern Syria
    2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine

    Eurosatory BMC trucks kirpi

  • Sweden joining NATO would crush Russian power

    Sweden joining NATO would crush Russian power

    • Both Finland and Sweden are set to join the NATO alliance this year.
    • The two countries, previously neutral, changed their minds after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
    • Finland and Sweden will both have to rejigger their armed forces away from territorial defense and toward helping defend an entire continent.

    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has created an unwanted situation for Russian President Vladimir Putin, and one of the most unexpected effects of his actions is the flipping of former neutral states Finland and Sweden into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Instead of intimidating his Scandinavian neighbors into accommodating his demands, Putin’s invasion has pushed them into the waiting arms of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, where they will join 30 other countries in the collective defense of Europe.