Author: Aylin D. Miller

  • The Middle Eastern Balance of Power Matures

    The Middle Eastern Balance of Power Matures


    George Friedman

    By George Friedman

    Last week, a coalition of predominantly Sunni Arab countries, primarily from the Arabian Peninsula and organized by Saudi Arabia, launched airstrikes in Yemen that have continued into this week. The airstrikes target Yemeni al-Houthis, a Shiite sect supported by Iran, and their Sunni partners, which include the majority of military forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh. What made the strikes particularly interesting was what was lacking: U.S. aircraft. Although the United States provided intelligence and other support, it was a coalition of Arab states that launched the extended air campaign against the al-Houthis.

    Three things make this important. First, it shows the United States’ new regional strategy in operation. Washington is moving away from the strategy it has followed since the early 2000s — of being the prime military force in regional conflicts — and is shifting the primary burden of fighting to regional powers while playing a secondary role. Second, after years of buying advanced weaponry, the Saudis and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries

    are capable of carrying out a fairly sophisticated campaign, at least in Yemen. The campaign began by suppressing enemy air defenses — the al-Houthis had acquired surface-to-air missiles from the Yemeni military — and moved on to attacking al-Houthi command-and-control systems. This means that while the regional powers have long been happy to shift the burden of combat to the United States, they are also able to assume the burden if the United States refuses to engage.

    Most important, the attacks on the al-Houthis shine the spotlight on a growing situation in the region: a war between the Sunnis and Shiites. In Iraq and Syria, a full-scale war is underway. A battle rages in Tikrit with the Sunni Islamic State and its allies on one side, and a complex combination of the Shiite-dominated Iraqi army, Shiite militias, Sunni Arab tribal groups and Sunni Kurdish forces on the other. In Syria, the battle is between the secular government of President Bashar al Assad — nevertheless dominated by Alawites, a Shiite sect — and Sunni groups. However, Sunnis, Druze and Christians have sided with the regime as well. It is not reasonable to refer to the Syrian opposition as a coalition because there is significant internal hostility. Indeed, there is tension not only between the Shiites and Sunnis, but also within the Shiite and Sunni groups. In Yemen, a local power struggle among warring factions has been branded and elevated into a sectarian conflict for the benefit of the regional players. It is much more complex than simply a Shiite-Sunni war. At the same time, it cannot be understood without the Sunni-Shiite component.

    Iran’s Strategy and the Saudis’ Response

    One reason this is so important is that it represents a move by Iran to gain a major sphere of influence in the Arab world. This is not a new strategy. Iran has sought greater influence on the Arabian Peninsula since the rule of the Shah. More recently, it has struggled to create a sphere of influence stretching from Iran to the Mediterranean Sea. The survival of the al Assad government in Syria and the success of a pro-Iranian government in Iraq would create that Iranian sphere of influence, given the strength of Hezbollah in Lebanon and the ability of al Assad’s Syria to project its power.

    For a while, it appeared that this strategy had been blocked by the near collapse of the al Assad government in 2012 and the creation of an Iraqi government that appeared to be relatively successful and was far from being an Iranian puppet. These developments, coupled with Western sanctions, placed Iran on the defensive, and the idea of an Iranian sphere of influence appeared to have become merely a dream.

    However, paradoxically, the rise of the Islamic State has reinvigorated Iranian power in two ways. First, while the propaganda of the Islamic State is horrific and designed to make the group look not only terrifying, but also enormously powerful, the truth is that, although it is not weak, the Islamic State represents merely a fraction of Iraq’s Sunni community, and the Sunnis are a minority in Iraq. At the same time, the propaganda has mobilized the Shiite community to resist the Islamic State, allowed Iranian advisers to effectively manage the Shiite militias in Iraq and (to some extent) the Iraqi army, and forced the United States to use its airpower in tandem with Iranian-led ground forces. Given the American strategy of blocking the Islamic State — even if doing so requires cooperation with Iran — while not putting forces on the ground, this means that as the Islamic State’s underlying weakness becomes more of a factor, the default winner in Iraq will be Iran.

    A somewhat similar situation exists in Syria, though with a different demographic. Iran and Russia have historically supported the al Assad government. The Iranians have been the more important supporters, particularly because they committed their ally, Hezbollah, to the battle. What once appeared to be a lost cause is now far from it. The United States was extremely hostile toward al Assad, but given the current alternatives in Syria, Washington has become at least neutral toward the Syrian government. Al Assad would undoubtedly like to have U.S. neutrality translate into a direct dialogue with Washington. Regardless of the outcome, Iran has the means to maintain its influence in Syria.

    When you look at a map and think of the situation in Yemen, you get a sense of why the Saudis and Gulf Cooperation Council countries had to do something. Given what is happening along the northern border of the Arabian Peninsula, the Saudis have to calculate the possibility of an al-Houthi victory establishing a pro-Iranian, Shiite state to its south as well. The Saudis and the Gulf countries would be facing the possibility of a Shiite or Iranian encirclement. These are not the same thing, but they are linked in complex ways. Working in the Saudis’ favor is the fact that the al-Houthis are not Shiite proxies like Hezbollah, and Saudi money combined with military operations designed to cut off Iranian supply lines to the al-Houthis could mitigate the threat overall. Either way, the Saudis had to act.

    During the Arab Spring, one of the nearly successful attempts to topple a government occurred in Bahrain. The uprising failed primarily because Saudi Arabia intervened and imposed its will on the country. The Saudis showed themselves to be extremely sensitive to the rise of Shiite regimes with close relations with the Iranians on the Arabian Peninsula. The result was unilateral intervention and suppression. Whatever the moral issues, it is clear that the Saudis are frightened by rising Iranian and Shiite power and are willing to use their strength. That is what they have done in Yemen.

    In a way, the issue is simple for the Saudis. They represent the center of gravity of the religious Sunni world. As such, they and their allies have embarked on a strategy that is strategically defensive and tactically offensive. Their goal is to block Iranian and Shiite influence, and the means they are implementing is coalition warfare that uses air power to support local forces on the ground. Unless there is a full invasion of Yemen, the Saudis are following the American strategy of the 2000s on a smaller scale.

    The U.S. Stance

    The American strategy is more complex. As I’ve written before, the United States has undertaken a strategy focused on maintaining the balance of power. This kind of approach is always messy because the goal is not to support any particular power, but to maintain a balance between multiple powers. Therefore, the United States is providing intelligence and mission planning for the Saudi coalition against the al-Houthis and their Iranian allies. In Iraq, the United States is providing support to Shiites — and by extension, their allies — by bombing Islamic State installations. In Syria, U.S. strategy is so complex that it defies clear explanation. That is the nature of refusing large-scale intervention but being committed to a balance of power. The United States can oppose Iran in one theater and support it in another. The more simplistic models of the Cold War are not relevant here.

    All of this is happening at the same time that nuclear negotiations appear to be coming to some sort of closure. The United States is not really concerned about Iran’s nuclear weapons. As I have said many times, we have heard since the mid-2000s that Iran was a year or two away from nuclear weapons. Each year, the fateful date was pushed back. Building deliverable nuclear weapons is difficult, and the Iranians have not even carried out a nuclear test, an essential step before a deliverable weapon is created. What was a major issue a few years ago is now part of a constellation of issues where U.S.-Iranian relations interact, support and contradict. Deal or no deal, the United States will bomb the Islamic State, which will help Iran, and support the Saudis in Yemen, which will not.

    The real issue now is what it was a few years ago: Iran appears to be building a sphere of influence to the Mediterranean Sea, but this time, that sphere of influence potentially includes Yemen. That, in turn, creates a threat to the Arabian Peninsula from two directions. The Iranians are trying to place a vise around it. The Saudis must react, but the question is whether airstrikes are capable of stopping the al-Houthis. They are a relatively low-cost way to wage war, but they fail frequently. The first question is what the Saudis will do then. The second question is what the Americans will do. The current doctrine requires a balance between Iran and Saudi Arabia, with the United States tilting back and forth. Under this doctrine — and in this military reality — the United States cannot afford full-scale engagement on the ground in Iraq.

    Turkey’s Role

    Relatively silent but absolutely vital to this tale is Turkey. It has the largest economy in the region and has the largest army, although just how good its army is can be debated. Turkey is watching chaos along its southern border, rising tension in the Caucasus, and conflict across the Black Sea. Of all these, Syria and Iraq and the potential rise of Iranian power is the most disturbing. Turkey has said little about Iran of late, but last week Ankara suddenly criticized Tehran and accused Iran of trying to dominate the region. Turkey frequently says things without doing anything, but the development is still noteworthy.

    It should be remembered that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has hoped to see Turkey as a regional leader and the leader of the Sunni world. With the Saudis taking an active role and the Turks doing little in Syria or Iraq, the moment is passing Turkey by. Such moments come and go, so history is not changed. But Turkey is still the major Sunni power and the third leg of the regional balance involving Saudi Arabia and Iran.

    The evolution of Turkey would be the critical step in the emergence of a regional balance of power, in which local powers, not the United Kingdom or the United States, determine the outcome. The American role, like the British role before it, would not be directly waging war in the region but providing aid designed to stabilize the balance of power. That can be seen in Yemen or Iraq. It is extremely complex and not suited for simplistic or ideological analysis. But it is here, it is unfolding and it will represent the next generation of Middle Eastern dynamics. And if the Iranians put aside their theoretical nuclear weapons and focus on this, that will draw in the Turks and round out the balance of power.


    George Friedman

    Founder and Chairman Print Text Size
    George Friedman

    George Friedman is the Chairman of Stratfor, a company he founded in 1996 that is now a leader in the field of global intelligence.  Friedman guides Stratfor’s strategic vision and oversees the development and training of the company’s intelligence unit. His book Flashpoints: The Emerging Crisis in Europe was released on Jan. 27.

    Dr. Friedman is the author of The New York Times best-seller
 The Next Decade, which forecasts the major events and challenges that
 will test America and its presidents over the course
 of the next decade. Dr. Friedman’s previous book, The Next
 100 Years, was also a New 
York Times best-seller and was published in over 20
 languages. His other books on warfare and intelligence include America’s Secret War, The Future of War and The Intelligence Edge.

    A very popular keynote speaker, Dr. Friedman is in high demand at numerous conferences and industry-specific events for major financial firms such as J.P. Morgan, Citibank, Ernst & Young and many Fortune 500 companies. In addition, he has briefed the Australian Command and Staff College, Eglin Air Force Research Laboratory, U.S. Marine Corps Command and Staff College and many other military and government organizations. Dr. Friedman is frequently invited to speak internationally, including in Turkey, Germany, Poland, Azerbaijan, Australia and New Zealand.

    The world’s top media organizations regularly ask Dr. Friedman to appear as an international affairs expert. He has been featured in TIME, The New York Times Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Fortune, Newsweek, The Financial Times and many other domestic and international publications, as well as broadcast media ranging from NPR to CNN to CNBC. He and Stratfor were also featured in cover stories in Barron’s and the New Statesman.

    He received his Bachelor’s degree from the City College of the City University of New York and holds a Ph.D. in Government from Cornell University.


    • Global Geopolitics
    • Intelligence Gathering and Analysis
    • International Affairs
    • Geopolitical Forecasting
    • Modern and Historical Warfare
    • U.S. Foreign Policy
  • Contentions Turkey into the Press Freedom Abyss

    Contentions Turkey into the Press Freedom Abyss

  • Letter to Harut Sassounian

    Ten Reasons Why Obama Should Travel to Armenia on April 24

    Dear Mr. Sassounian,

    Whether President Husein Obama decides to visit Yerevan, be it on the 24th April or on some other date, that must surely be his own decision and only if he deems it necessary and conducive to American interests.

    You, Sir, counted ten (10) reasons why he should! I can equally count just as many reasons why he shouldn’t from the American point of view. However, this pissing race won’t take us anywhere!

    In your point 4, you say that; “Pres. Obama could lay the foundation for improved Armenian-Turkish relations “. You very well know that your initiative is based on revenge and definitely not on improving relations or peaceful co-existence. The unfriendly activities by your Diaspora organisations and the ASALA terrorists’ bloody work (55 dead Turkish Diplomats) is ample proof of that.

    In your point 5, you talk of Turkey lifting the blockade, and Pres. Obama taking a look at Mount “Ararat” which is within the boundaries of the Turkish Republic(Iğdır Province) and its Turkish name is AGRI dag. (View of AGRI from Igdir:

    1024px MountArarat

    View of AGRI dag from IGDIR.

    This is indeed a thorrny question since Armenia refuses to recognize the borders with Turkey and Azerbaijan. Not forgetting that Armenia occupies 20 % of Azeri territory as a result of aggression and occupation by Armenia, clearly condemned by the UN Security Council. Pres. Obama surely knows very well the facts on Berg Karabag as well as where Agri dag is situated.

    Yes, you are right that Pres. Obama should tell Armenia to withdraw from Karabagh and at the same time ask her to close the Russian military bases within Armenia.

    Yes, Pres. Obama should remind Armenia of the fact that despite of her biblical ties to the christian West, she is surrounded by Turcic Muslim countries as neighbors. That may be a curse or a blessing depending on which side of Arart you assume God lives!

    Mr. Sassounian, considering the spiritual aspects of Easter time, may be you feel a softening of your heart to forgive and forget for the sake of the future generations of Armenians and Turks. I wish you, your readers and loved ones a happy Easter season and remain

    sincerely yours

    Küfi Seydali

  • Turkish and Greek Cypriots mull mutual steps on drilling to restart talks

    Turkish and Greek Cypriots mull mutual steps on drilling to restart talks

    Hürriyet Daily News


    Both the Turkish and Greek Cypriots are considering a halt to exploration activities for hydrocarbon reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean, in order to restart settlement talks for reunification of Cyprus.

    Turkey’s Barbaros Hayreddin Paşa seismic vessel has taken a break in its activities in the Eastern Mediterranean and anchored off the Gazimağusa harbor as a “good will sign,” Turkish Cypriot spokesperson Osman Ertuğ has said, describing it as a “good will gesture” ahead of a possible resumption of Cyprus peace talks.

    “Barbaros is waiting outside the Gazimağusa harbor as a good will gesture, despite a Turkish maritime Navigational Telex [Navtex] order that is valid until April 6,” Ertuğ told reporters on March 27.

    The move aims to support the efforts of U.N. Special Adviser on Cyprus Espen Barth Eide, Ertuğ said, adding that their hopes are fueled for the resumption of Cyprus talks.

    Espen Barth Eide
    In a recent visit to the island, Eide had signaled hope for restarting reunification talks between the two sides, telling the Turkish side that the Greek Cypriots “were obliged to give a break in drilling activities due to technical reasons, which would be an opportunity to get back to the table.”

    For his part, Ertuğ stated that if the Greek Cypriots are to demand that Turkey avoids collecting seismic data, then the Greek Cypriots should also end their unilateral drilling activities. “But if they show previously signed agreements as a reason to continue their collection, then we’ll continue our drilling too. Alternatively, let’s conduct those explorations together. At least, let’s not leave the reunification talks table,” he said.


    images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQw0vom2eYzkznUtcdusYtMxLxw2uix9V6kUXcj8HVBC e19KqON1gwHJE

    Osman Ertug

    Turkey’s reissuing of a new Navtex for seismic surveys of the Barbaros vessel is dependent on Greek Cyprus’s continuation of its unilateral drilling activities, Ertuğ added.

    He also claimed that the Greek Cypriots has abandoned negotiations not because of Turkey’s seismic surveys in the region, but because the talks were about to reach the “give and take” stage.

    “The Greek Cypriots are not ready for ‘give and take’ phase of the talks,” Ertuğ said.

    Greek Cypriot authorities said on Oct. 21 that the Barbaros had entered their exclusive economic zone and intended to stay in the area, according to a maritime advisory issued in early October.

    Nicosia is unhappy that Ankara is searching for oil and gas in the same area as the Cypriot government has already licensed exploratory drills, in an exclusive economic zone.

    In October 2014, Greek Cyprus suspended its participation in U.N.-led peace talks launched in February 2014, when the research vessel had entered the region that Greek Cyprus claims as its Exclusive Economic Zone.

    However, the Turkish side disputes Greek Cyprus’ rights to a swathe of sea to the island’s south and southeast that is rich in natural gas reserves, demanding an equal share of resources between the two governments of the divided island.


    Küfi Seydali

  • Davutoglu vs. Davutoglu

    Davutoglu vs. Davutoglu

    Fw: Davutoglu vs. Davutoglu :: Bekdil at Gatesto


    by Burak Bekdil
    The Gatestone Institute
    March 26, 2015

      Be the first of your friends to like this.


    In a speech in parliament on Jan. 28, Turkey’s main opposition leader, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, addressed Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu: “You are not the prime minister. You are kid seated on the prime minister’s chair.”

    The weird situation Davutoglu has found himself in is the product of his boss and predecessor, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

    Last summer, as election season approached, then Prime Minister Erdogan and then Foreign Minister Davutoglu tightened their grip on the internet. The duo deliberately limited their citizens’ access to social media and to popular and informative websites. They also increased the government’s power over the courts and the power of the MIT (Turkish intelligence Agency) to spy on people. None of this stopped the AKP from winning at the polls.

    Shortly after Erdogan won the presidential election in August, he nominated Davutoglu to be his successor as party chairman and prime minister.

    But Erdogan’s longer-term plan was different. In a move possibly modeled after the arrangement between Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev in Russia, Davutoglu would take the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) to parliamentary elections in June 2015 and win a two-thirds majority, allowing them to amend the constitution to enable Erdogan to become a hands-on “executive president” (rather than a symbolic one), with almost endless executive powers — while the prime minister would be reduced to a symbolic role. In other words, Davutoglu’s political task would finish off his own mission.

    Turkey’s prime minister is probably the world’s first ever politician demanding votes to end his own rule.

    Since then, Davutoglu has carefully avoided political conflict with Erdogan in public. His loyalty to his boss has remained unquestioned. In public speeches, Davutoglu is often seen echoing Erdogan and imitating his confrontational rhetoric. But he probably has also been privately (and grudgingly) rethinking his own role: the “photo-op” premier.

    The first blow came when Davutoglu asked three of four former cabinet ministers accused of corruption, to volunteer to be tried at the supreme court. A parliamentary commission was investigating the charges. In the face of strong evidence against the suspects, even the commission’s AKP members signaled they could vote in favor of court proceedings. That is, until Erdogan intervened to save all four of them.

    After pressure from Erdogan, to Davutoglu’s embarrassment, all nine members of the AKP commission voted against legal proceedings.

    Heartbroken, but still keen to fight corruption, Davutoglu did not know the second blow would come soon.

    Davutoglu drafted a bill, dubbed “The Transparency Package,” which would introduce compulsory asset declaration for senior party officials, provincial and district-level party executives, and executives of radio and television channels. The presidents and members of the top courts, as well as the heads of chambers of these courts, would also have been accountable for asset declaration.

    But Erdogan, meeting with party officials in the absence of Davutoglu, ordered to freeze the effort, which he said was “badly-timed ahead of parliamentary elections [on June 7].” In early February, the AKP said the transparency package was being indefinitely postponed.

    Heartbroken once again, Davutoglu decided to augment his team by pushing Turkey’s master spy, Hakan Fidan, into parliamentary elections. Fidan would run for parliament and become a minister in Davutoglu’s post-election cabinet.

    But Erdogan expressed resentment over Fidan’s candidacy. “He should have taken my consent before leaving the job,” he said. That was enough to pull the string.

    About a month after his resignation as chief intelligence officer, Fidan withdrew his candidacy, quit the AKP and was back at his former job almost on the same day as he quit party politics.

    Davutoglu is still campaigning for the June 7 elections. If the AKP can win 330 or more seats in Turkey’s 550-seat legislature, Erdogan’s dream of an “executive presidency” can at least be put to a referendum. More votes for the AKP will mean higher chances for Erdogan’s “executive presidency.” Davutoglu is probably the world’s first ever politician demanding votes to end his own rule.

    Burak Bekdil, based in Ankara, is a columnist for the Turkish daily Hürriyet and a fellow at the Middle East Forum.

  • KIRLIKOVALI: 10 Reasons Why Obama Should NOT Travel to Armenia on April 24

    KIRLIKOVALI: 10 Reasons Why Obama Should NOT Travel to Armenia on April 24


    Sassounian: 10 Reasons Why Obama Should Travel to Armenia on April 24

    KIRLIKOVALI: 10 Reasons Why Obama Should NOT Travel to Armenia on April 24


    on March 24, 2015



    1. Obama would pay tribute to hundreds of thousands of compassionate American citizens for having raised over $117 million—today’s equivalent of over $2 billion—to aid destitute Armenians in the aftermath of the genocide.

    Please note that not a single cent of that enormous amount of aid went to destitute Muslims, mostly Turks, my family among them. This “American Aid” is a sad case of “selective morality” where help is given not to all those who needed it, but only to those who were co-religionists. This is how racists the outlook was in American those days.


    Initiated by Morgenthau and supported by President Woodrow Wilson, Near East Relief helped rescue and care for 132,000 Armenian orphans.


    Beware of numbers given by an Armenian propagandist. But even if we assume that the figure of 132,000 Armenian orphans is true, that does nothing for the more than a million Turkish orphans, my father among them, who were poor, destitute, sick, and without much hope. Morgenthau was too racist to ask for any part of that help to be given to those children who were of the “wrong ethnicity” and “wrong religion”. This massive aid is a shame in the history of racism in America.


    This massive charitable effort was the first international humanitarian outreach in U.S. history.

    First international humanitarian outreach in U.S. history? How about help given to the Philippines and  Cuba? These Armenian propagandists are too dependent on deception and misrepresentation. Even if it were  the first outreach, though, does it excuse the “selective morality” aspect of that help?


    1. By visiting Armenia on this occasion, Obama would be reaffirming the longstanding U.S. acknowledgment of the Armenian Genocide

    But also destroying the US-Turkey relations just to honor a discredited political claim  and hurt US interests in order to uphold Armenia’s interests


    —a settled historical fact recognized as genocide by:

    Armenian diaspora, Armenia’s scholars, and their supporters


    – the U.S. government in a document submitted to the World Court in 1951;


     But other US records refute Armenian claims:


    1- George Montgomery, a member of the U.S. delegation at the Paris Peace Conference, had presented a detailed tabulation in 1919, showing a total of 1,104,000 Armenians alive, apart from those who had already immigrated to other countries.


    2- 29 March 1919 report of the Paris Conference subcommittee on atrocities, chaired by the U.S. secretary of State Lansing, lists Armenian losses as “…more than 200,000…” Even this number is exaggerated as they got their information from the Armenian church. The Turkish Historical Society documented the deaths of 53,000 Armenians using Ottoman police reports field on site, of which number only about 8,400 are reported as victims of massacres.


    3- Nielsen, Fred K., American-Turkish Claims Settlement Under the Agreement of December 24, 1923 and Supplemental Agreements between the United States and Turkey: On December 24, 1923 Opinion and report (1937).




    – the House of Representatives in 1975 and 1984;


    But other US Congress’ records refute Armenian claims :


    1- “American Military Mission to Armenia” (General Harbord) Report 1920 and the Annex Report Nat. Archives 184.021/175 which refers to “…refinements of cruelty by Armenians to Muslims…”.


    2- US Senate Resolution, Nov. 10, 1919 – Doc 151, p.8 : 1,293,000 Armenians alive and accounted for.


    3- Joint U.S. Congress Resolution No. 192, April 22, 1922 relative to the activities of Near East Relief ending 31 December 1921 which has unanimously resolved that a total of 1,414,000 Armenians were alive. This makes killing of 1.5 million Armenians an impossibility, since the total Armenian population was around 1.5 million at the time.


    – President Ronald Reagan in a Presidential Proclamation issued on April 22, 1981;


    Same president lashed out against Armenians terrorists because of JCAG killing a Turkish diplomat in Los Angels (Kemal Arikan in 1982) and distanced himself from Armenians


    – 43 out of 50 U.S. states;


    They were all one-time, resolutions with no legal impact that were passed with intense Armenian lobbying.  So, they can hardly be considered American support for Armenian case.


    – two dozen countries, including France, Italy, Russia, Canada, Holland, Vatican, Switzerland, Sweden, Argentina, Lebanon, Greece, Cyprus, Poland, and Venezuela;


    All non-binding resolutions passed because of intense Armenian nagging.  Please note that most relevant countries like the US, the UK, Sweden, Israel, Spain, and the UN did not agree with Armenian claims.  Armenian, after 100 years of lies, slanders, intimidation, and terrorism, could only manage have a handful of nations pass “one time, non-binding resolutions” .  Only 10% of the UN member nations have passed those meaningless, non-binding resolutions.  That is hardly a success or “sweeping support” for the baseless Armenian political claim of genocide. 


    – several international organizations, including the UN Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities;


    Here is another Armenian deception.  UN- Sub-Commission only agreed to “receive” the Armenian claim; which in diplomatic parlance, means “I do not agree with you, but out of my kindness, I will have your claim in my files.”  It is a polite rejection of the Armenian claim.


    the European Parliament;


    Some in the political parties, as a gesture against Turkey, more than as support for the Armenian claim, did support the unfounded Armenian claim.  These political maneuvers mean nothing when it comes to judging history.  Politicians are not historians.



    and the International Association of Genocide Scholars.


    Genocide Scholars is an invention of the Armenian lobby, specifically the creation of  Zoprya Institute, notorious for its hate for all things Turkish.  Genocide Scholars are mostly not historians; they are mostly retired teachers, unemployed psychologists, sociologists who agree to promote “the official Armenian narrative” in exchange for favors (book deals, panesl, films, honorariums, etc.)  They deceive public with a perception created for them by the “Genocuide Industry” who employ them as key note speakers in staged events where Turkish views are censored.


    The Centennial could well be Obama’s last opportunity to regain the trust of the Armenian-American community by honoring his solemn pledge as Senator and presidential candidate to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide.

    1. Obama could lay the foundation for improved Armenian-Turkish relations based on truth and justice, in line with a pending resolution in the House of Representatives, and his previous April 24 statements, declaring that “a full, frank, and just acknowledgement of the facts is in all of our interests.” Obama’s visit would also encourage Turkish human rights activists to continue their arduous task of assisting the government of Turkey to reckon with the darkest pages of its past.
    2. The U.S. president could take advantage of this visit to urge Turkey to lift the blockade of Armenia, while taking a glimpse at the biblical Mount Ararat just across the closed border.
    3. In response to mounting attacks by Azerbaijan on Nagorno-Karabagh (Artsakh), Obama could stress Washington’s strong support for a peaceful settlement of this thorny conflict.
    4. Obama’s visit would help balance Armenia’s relations with the West, particularly after its membership in the Russian-led Eurasian Economic Union, and in view of Putin’s planned trip to Yerevan on April 24. Armenia has enjoyed close relations with Western Europe and the United States, and has participated in international peacekeeping forces in Afghanistan, Iraq, Kosovo, and Lebanon. More recently, the appointment of former Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan as Armenia’s Ambassador to Washington underscores the importance Yerevan attaches to its relations with the United States.
    5. Since Obama, due to the Ukraine crisis, is not planning to travel to Moscow to take part in the World War II Victory Day celebrations on May 9, he would have the opportunity to meet with President Vladimir Putin in Yerevan, in a less conspicuous atmosphere.
    6. Obama’s visit to Armenia would be a significant gesture of goodwill toward the Armenian-American community. Last week, 16 major Armenian-American organizations sent a joint letter to the president urging him to participate in the Armenian Genocide Centennial events in Armenia.
    7. Obama would be making a historic first U.S. presidential trip to Armenia, preceded by several high-ranking American officials: Secretary of State James Baker III in 1992; Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in 2001; and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2010 and 2012, when she laid a wreath at the Armenian Genocide Memorial in Yerevan, as all U.S. Ambassadors have done on every April 24, since the country’s independence in 1991.