Author: Aylin D. Miller




    pulat tacar the truth will out

    The tragic events of the First World War, the ebb and flow of the calamities of war in the Eastern Anatolia front, including the relocation and resettlement of some of the Armenian population in specific areas has become a topic construed out of context and abused for political ends to hammer Türkiye and the Turkish people. Retired Ambassador Pulat Y. Tacar has studied this subject extensively from a legal-judicial point of view and has published numerous articles on the subject.

    This book, titled “The Truth Will Out,” is a comprehensive compilation of his previously published articles to shed light on one of Türkiye’s foreign policy challenges.

    Ambassador Pulat Y. Tacar, a highly seasoned diplomat with a legal background, an emeritus in his career, having countered Armenian allegations and historically distorted narrative against Türkiye and the Turks even at third party inquiries and high-level international platforms, has opted to deal with the allegations from its most vulnerable façade, that of legal, judicial basis.

    AVİM has a number of publications on the historical, political, religious aspects of the events of the time. The 44th book published by AVİM and Terazi Publishing, “The Truth Will Out,” is a legalistic reference source that is bound to sustain its validity. As AVİM, we are proud to present this valuable work to readers interested in the subject.

    To access the book, please click here:

  • S.Korea: Its Diplomatic Horizons Toward Republic of Türkiye

    S.Korea: Its Diplomatic Horizons Toward Republic of Türkiye

    South Korea Must Broaden Its Diplomatic Horizons Toward Türkiye and the Turkic World ( Below in Korean Language )

    In a world increasingly defined by complex geopolitical rivalries and shifting alliances, South Korea must consider diversifying its international partnerships to ensure national security and long-term prosperity. One compelling avenue lies in forging deeper ties with Türkiye and the broader Turkic world, encompassing over 450 million people and rooted in a shared historical, cultural, and strategic legacy. The time has come for South Korea to revisit these connections and embrace a partnership with profound mutual benefits.

    Historical Brotherhood: A Foundation of Trust

     The bond between South Korea and Türkiye is not a mere diplomatic formality but a deeply ingrained relationship that transcends generations. This connection dates back to antiquity, with alliances between the Göktürks and Goguryeo during periods of conflict and expansion. It was profoundly solidified during the Korean War when Türkiye responded with unparalleled solidarity, dispatching the Turkish Brigade to defend South Korea. The term “Korean-Turkish brotherhood” encapsulates this unique relationship, one often described as “blood brothers.”

     Today, this bond resonates deeply within Türkiye. The average age of Turkish veterans of the Korean War is now 89, yet their unwavering sentiment remains: “An attack on South Korea is an attack on Türkiye.” This powerful ethos is echoed by younger generations of Turks who maintain a profound sense of care and connection to their Korean counterparts. Such enduring solidarity underscores an exceptional opportunity for South Korea to reevaluate its partnerships in a rapidly changing world.

     Shared Challenges, Shared Opportunities Türkiye and South Korea face strikingly similar challenges, including managing nuanced relations with powerful neighbors such as Russia and China. The Turkic world, united under the Organization of Turkic States (OTS), has emerged as a significant counterweight in the region. Through initiatives in defense, energy, and cultural cooperation, the OTS exemplifies the potential of unified action among nations with shared roots.

    South Korea’s engagement with the OTS could yield substantial dividends. The bloc offers an alternative alliance system that complements South Korea’s existing relationships, diversifying its strategic options. By partnering with Türkiye and the broader Turkic world, South Korea can reduce overreliance on relationships that may prioritize narrow interests confined to the Korean Peninsula.

    The Turkic World: A Rising Force Türkiye’s initiatives in Central Asia exemplify a strategic vision for strengthening ties within the Turkic world. Recent developments, including collaborations in trade, infrastructure, and cultural exchange, demonstrate the region’s collective commitment to self-reliance and global influence. South Korea stands to benefit immensely by aligning with this vision. Closer ties with Türkiye and the Turkic nations would provide access to new markets, diversified economic partnerships, and enhanced security frameworks—all vital to safeguarding South Korea’s national interests.

     Moreover, this realignment would honor the historical bonds that unite these nations. The cultural affinities and shared values between South Korea and the Turkic world provide a strong foundation for collaboration, extending beyond economics to areas such as technology, education, and cultural diplomacy.

     A Strategic Imperative South Korea’s current alliances, while significant, are not without limitations. The evolving geopolitical landscape necessitates a broader approach to international relations. Türkiye’s proven loyalty during times of need, coupled with its strategic leadership in the Turkic world and blood brotherhood, offers South Korea a partner that understands the value of mutual support and long-term cooperation as a family.

    By strengthening ties with Türkiye and engaging with the OTS, South Korea can position itself as a key player in a diversified alliance network that transcends traditional boundaries. This approach not only aligns with South Korea’s historical blood brotherhood with Türkiye but also recognizes the vast potential of the Turkic world as a partner in navigating the complexities of modern geopolitics.

     Conclusion South Korea’s future lies in embracing a broader, more inclusive diplomatic strategy. Partnering with Türkiye becoming a very important world player and regional  super power and the Turkic world is not merely a nod to shared history but a pragmatic move toward a diversified and resilient international presence. The world is far larger than the confines of the Korean Peninsula, and South Korea must seize the opportunity to collaborate with its “blood brothers” in Türkiye and the Turkic world. This path promises not only strengthened alliances but also a legacy of mutual respect, security  shared prosperity, and enduring solidarity.

     Ibrahim Kurtulus

    Turkish Community Activist 

    Honorary South Korean Citizen

    6462677488 cell 


    내 사설:

    한국은 튀르키예 및 튀르크 세계와의 외교적 지평을 넓혀야 한다

    점점 복잡해지는 지정학적 경쟁과 변화하는 동맹이 특징인 세계에서, 한국은 국가 안보와 장기적 번영을 보장하기 위해 국제 파트너십을 다양화할 필요가 있습니다. 이를 위한 강력한 방안 중 하나는 튀르키예와 4억 명 이상의 사람들로 이루어진 튀르크 세계와의 관계를 더욱 강화하는 것입니다. 이들 관계는 역사적, 문화적, 전략적 유산에 뿌리를 두고 있으며, 이제 한국은 이러한 연결성을 재조명하고 상호 이익이 깊은 협력 관계를 수용해야 할 때입니다.

    역사적 형제애: 신뢰의 기반

    한국과 튀르키예 간의 유대는 단순한 외교적 형식이 아니라 세대를 초월한 깊은 관계입니다. 이 관계는 고대까지 거슬러 올라가며, 고구려와 돌궐 간의 동맹으로부터 시작되었습니다. 특히 한국전쟁 당시 튀르키예가 한국을 방어하기 위해 터키 여단을 파병하며 전례 없는 연대를 보여줌으로써 굳건해졌습니다. “한국-튀르키예 형제애”라는 용어는 이러한 특별한 관계를 표현하며, 종종 “혈맹”으로 묘사됩니다.

    현재 이 유대는 튀르키예에서 깊은 공감을 불러일으킵니다. 튀르키예 한국전 참전용사들의 평균 연령이 이제 89세임에도 불구하고, 그들의 변함없는 신념은 “한국에 대한 공격은 곧 튀르키예에 대한 공격”이라는 것입니다. 이러한 강력한 정신은 한국 동료들에 대한 깊은 관심과 연결을 유지하고 있는 튀르키예의 젊은 세대들 사이에서도 반영됩니다. 이러한 지속적인 연대는 급변하는 세계에서 한국이 파트너십을 재평가할 수 있는 특별한 기회를 보여줍니다.

    공유된 도전 과제와 기회

    튀르키예와 한국은 러시아와 중국과 같은 강대국 이웃들과의 복잡한 관계를 관리하는 것을 포함하여 매우 유사한 도전 과제에 직면해 있습니다. 튀르크 세계는 튀르크국가기구(OTS)를 중심으로 지역에서 중요한 균형세력으로 떠오르고 있습니다. 방위, 에너지, 문화 협력 분야에서 OTS가 보여준 통합된 행동의 잠재력은 이들 국가 간의 협력 가능성을 강조합니다.

    한국이 OTS와 협력하게 되면 상당한 이점을 얻을 수 있습니다. 이 블록은 한국의 기존 관계를 보완하는 대체적인 동맹 체계를 제공하며, 전략적 옵션을 다양화합니다. 튀르키예와 튀르크 세계와 협력함으로써 한국은 한반도에 국한된 협소한 이익에 의존하는 관계를 줄일 수 있습니다.

    떠오르는 힘: 튀르크 세계

    중앙아시아에서의 튀르키예의 이니셔티브는 튀르크 세계와의 관계를 강화하기 위한 전략적 비전을 보여줍니다. 최근 무역, 인프라, 문화 교류 분야에서의 협력은 자립과 세계적 영향력에 대한 지역의 집단적 의지를 증명합니다. 한국이 이 비전에 맞추어 협력하면 엄청난 이익을 얻을 수 있습니다. 튀르키예와 튀르크 국가들과의 긴밀한 관계는 새로운 시장에 접근하고, 경제 파트너십을 다양화하며, 한국의 국가 이익을 보호하는 데 중요한 보안 체계를 제공할 것입니다.

    또한 이러한 재정렬은 이들 국가를 단결시키는 역사적 유대를 기리는 것이기도 합니다. 한국과 튀르크 세계 간의 문화적 친화성과 공유된 가치는 경제를 넘어 기술, 교육, 문화 외교와 같은 분야로 협력을 확장할 수 있는 강력한 기반을 제공합니다.

    전략적 필연성

    한국의 현재 동맹은 중요하지만, 한계도 존재합니다. 변화하는 지정학적 환경은 국제 관계에 대한 더 광범위한 접근 방식을 요구합니다. 튀르키예의 입증된 충성심, 튀르크 세계 내에서의 전략적 리더십, 그리고 혈맹으로서의 관계는 한국에게 상호 지원과 가족과 같은 장기적 협력의 가치를 이해하는 파트너를 제공합니다.

    튀르키예와의 관계를 강화하고 OTS와 협력함으로써, 한국은 전통적인 경계를 초월한 다양화된 동맹 네트워크의 핵심 플레이어로 자리 잡을 수 있습니다. 이러한 접근 방식은 한국의 튀르키예와의 역사적 혈맹 관계와 일치할 뿐만 아니라 현대 지정학의 복잡성을 헤쳐 나가기 위한 파트너로서 튀르크 세계의 광대한 잠재력을 인식합니다.


    한국의 미래는 더 광범위하고 포괄적인 외교 전략을 수용하는 데 달려 있습니다. 세계적이고 지역적 강국으로 떠오르는 튀르키예 및 튀르크 세계와의 파트너십은 단순히 공유된 역사에 대한 존중일 뿐만 아니라 다양화되고 탄력적인 국제적 입지를 위한 실용적인 움직임입니다. 세계는 한반도의 경계를 훨씬 넘어서 있으며, 한국은 튀르키예와 튀르크 세계의 “혈맹”과 협력할 기회를 포착해야 합니다. 이러한 길은 강력한 동맹, 상호 존중, 안전, 공동 번영, 지속적인 연대의 유산을 약속합니다.

    이브라힘 쿠르툴루스
    튀르키예 커뮤니티 활동가

    명예 대한민국 시민

    646267488 cell phone 

  • Turkey is the biggest winner

    Turkey is the biggest winner

    Key notes:

    • The Russian military has packed up their equipment and left Syria.
    • The rebels in Syria are now the official government.
    • The Russians are having trouble getting their ships and equipment back home.
    • The new government of Syria is not hostile to the West.
    • Turkey is the biggest winner in the recent events.
    • Russia and Iran are the losers.
    • The war in Ukraine is still ongoing.
    • Russia has recently attacked Ukraine.
    rus askerleri ve araclari nato uyesi turkiye uzerinden rusyaya donmek zorundalar

    Jake Broe, United States Air Force veteran who served as a Nuclear and Missile Operations Officer (13N) talks about the above topics in his video.

    The video is about the recent events in Syria, Russia, and Ukraine. The video starts with the Russian military packing up their equipment and leaving Syria. The rebels in Syria are now the official government and they are politely asking the Russians to leave. The Russians are having trouble getting their ships and equipment back home. Paradoxically, they may have to pass through NATO member Türkiye’s territory. The video then talks about the new government of Syria and how they are not hostile to the West. The video also talks about the role of Turkey in the region and how they are the biggest winner in the recent events. The video ends with a discussion about the war in Ukraine and the recent attacks by Russia.

  • Syria’s Collapse

    Syria’s Collapse

    Syria’s Collapse and the Resurgence of Türkiye: A Critical Turning Point in Middle Eastern Geopolitics.

    The Syrian conflict is rapidly reaching a breaking point, with Bashar al-Assad’s administration teetering on the brink of collapse. The Assad regime, already a shadow of its former self, faces an existential crisis compounded by growing internal dissent, economic devastation, and increasing isolation. As Syria falls apart, the region’s geopolitical landscape is being reshaped, and Türkiye has emerged as a decisive player whose role cannot be ignored.

    Türkiye’s Strategic Pushback Against Terrorism
    Türkiye’s unyielding stance on its national security has redefined the dynamics in northern Syria and Iraq . Through military operations and its strategic alliance with the Syrian National Army (SNA), Türkiye has neutralized the influence of the CIA backed PKK and its affiliates, the PYD and YPG, which Ankara sees as direct threats to its sovereignty. The Turkish government has been unequivocal: it will not tolerate the establishment of a terrorist PKK PYG YPG group -controlled autonomous region along its border, particularly one backed by the CIA and supported by the same terrorist groups the U.S. and EU have officially designated as such. It should be clearly noted Turkiye has never had a problem with Kurds . Turkiyes number one enemy is the CIA backed PKK, YPG and PYD.

    This determination has not only thwarted PKK/ YPG ambitions but has also showcased Türkiye’s ability to reshape the power lines in Syria. According to certain news outlets, Türkiye’s military presence in northern Syria remains vital, ensuring that these groups cannot create a land-grab-style movement that threatens regional stability.

    The United States’ Misstep
    What is most astonishing in this geopolitical chess game is the United States’ decision to align itself with terrorist organizations that they have labeled as terrorist ( During Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing on combating ISIS, U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) questions Secretary Carter and General Dunford on the U.S. military strategy in working with terrorist PKK and PYG ) like the PKK and YPG instead of leveraging its NATO ally, Türkiye, the second-largest military power within the alliance. This miscalculation has not only strained U.S.-Türkiye relations but has also weakened Washington’s strategic influence in the Middle East.

    The Obama and Biden administrations’ decision to support the Kurdish Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, controlled by PYG, PYD/PKK elements, represents a failure to prioritize long-term strategic alliances over short-term expediencies. As many news out lets aptly highlights, Türkiye’s resurgence has rewritten the rules of power in the region, pushing back against Iranian and Russian influence while exposing the U.S.’s flawed approach. For 24 years I have said in many of my speeches at Bowling Green Falg raisings “ Indeed, it would be impossible to view Turkiye s geo-graphic situation as anything but strategic , Only a peaceful, stronger, democratic, and secular Turkiye at the table can legitimize U.S and western policies & soft power in the region.”

    Let’s look at the Winners and Losers

    In the chaos of Syria, Türkiye and Israel have emerged as unlikely beneficiaries. Israel views Türkiye’s role as a linchpin in Syria positively, as it disrupts the “Shiite Crescent” that stretches from Tehran to Beirut. By cutting this axis in half, Türkiye has indirectly bolstered Israel’s security interests. Is why we saw on November 22, 2024 of Israeli, Internal Security Agency Shin Bet Chief Ronen Bar immediately flies to Türkiye underscores an essential truth: Türkiye’s role is indispensable to achieving meaningful progress in the Middle East.

    On the other hand, the resistance axis—comprising Assad, Tehran, and Hezbollah—has suffered significant setbacks. With Türkiye controlling key security zones in northern Syria, the balance of power has shifted, further isolating Assad and diminishing Iran’s foothold in the region.

    Türkiye: The Key to Stability
    Türkiye has consistently stated its commitment to Syria’s territorial integrity, yet its actions have been driven by an unshakable resolve to secure its borders. The Atlantic Council underscores that Türkiye’s military operations are not about territorial ambitions but about ensuring its national security. Türkiye’s presence in northern Syria has not only contained terrorist groups but also prevented Iran and Russia from consolidating power in the region.

    This is a clear message: without Türkiye at the table, no viable solution in Syria is possible. Türkiye’s actions have demonstrated that it is the indispensable actor in the region, capable of balancing competing interests while prioritizing its own security and national interests.

    A Wake-Up Call for Washington
    The U.S. must recognize that its relationship with Türkiye is pivotal to achieving long-term stability in the Middle East. While the damage done under the Obama and Biden administrations cannot be undone overnight, there is room for a recalibrated approach. Under a potential Trump White House, Washington must shift its focus from grand resets to pragmatic cooperation with its NATO ally.

    Türkiye’s secular governance, military strength, and strategic location make it an invaluable partner for the U.S. Moving forward, Washington should prioritize rebuilding trust with Ankara by addressing Türkiye’s security concerns and fostering meaningful collaboration on shared goals.

    Türkiye’s resurgence has not only pushed back against the PKK/YPG , Russia and Iran but has also reshaped the geopolitical calculus in Syria and Iraq . As the Assad regime collapses , the importance of Türkiye as a stabilizing force and a counterweight to Iranian and Russian ambitions cannot be overstated. The U.S. and Israel must realign its policies, recognizing Türkiye’s critical role in the region, and work towards a future where this indispensable NATO ally is given the respect and partnership it deserves.

    Ibrahim Kurtulus 

    Community Activist 

  • Why doesn’t Europe accept Turkey into its Union?

    Why doesn’t Europe accept Turkey into its Union?

    Turks used to think that “the West” was a civilization. Yet for the past 100 years they have seen that this is not true. To be “a civilization,” they should act civilized; but they don’t. The latest examples: Two World Wars, Palestine genocide, childish nuclear pissing contest with Russia.

    On the contrary, the West was as bloody as any bloody period in human history, if not more so. They enriched themselves on the backs of the poor nations through open and hidden slavery, invaded areas with rich underground resources, eliminated much of the native populations, brought slaves, and dominated the world.

    They became richer, not because they were better people, but because they were not. This then gave them a superiority complex. Almost all wars were started by them.

    The superiority complex, made them racists, belittled any people who didn’t dress, talk, or lived like them. So, here we have a Europe who cannot stand Turks and their music, food, religion, just seeing them among themselves is enough to find any reason to reject entry into the EU.

    As an example, In the 20th Century, if you count Russia as part of the West, this academic report says the Western countries have killed 30 times more defenseless civilians as the Islamic World:

    The difference is not a percentage; it is 30 times. The disparity ratio increases to 60, if you eliminate the two Jewish leaders in the transition from the Ottoman-to-Republic period.

    The situation is not any better when it comes to starting wars and various conflicts around the world.

    So, I think the world should come up with a better definition of what “a civilization” is, to help educate the World public opinion to create a just and civil world order.

    This education should start how the Muslims taught them “equality among all before God,” and equal justice, mathematics, musical notes; how all major scientific disciplines were started by Muslims, including scientific methodology, mathematical algorithms, which are the bases of today’s computational science. Your students used to come to Islamic City universities to study. They all had large libraries.

    Did you get my meaning, EU?

    Or are you still busy robbing various nations of their diamond, rare elements, petroleum, natural gas, their cheap labor, so that you have no time to spare for Turkiye’s application to enter EU?

    Well, don’t bother. Many of us are fed up with your complexes also.Isn’t this the reason you sent your warships to the Eastern Mediterranean Sea immediately after the Hamas attack on Israel, to protect “your rights’ as a colonialist on the rich natural gas fields, worth hundreds of trillions of Dollars, that don’t belong to you but to the nations with shores on that sea.

    Güneş Ecer

  • Russia: if Turkey never joined NATO

    Russia: if Turkey never joined NATO

    Turkey’s decision to join NATO in 1952 was a pivotal moment in its history and had a significant impact on its relationship with Russia.

    Without NATO membership, Turkey would have been more vulnerable to Soviet influence and pressure but it would not have guaranteed a direct military confrontation.

    The specific dynamics of their relationship would have depended on various factors, including the changing geopolitical landscape and the leadership of both countries.

    The Soviet Union had historically sought control over the Dardanelles and Bosphorus straits, which are crucial for shipping traffic between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean.

    In 1946 Stalin did demand that Turkey cede territory in Anatolia to the Soviet Union.

    Stalin also demanded that Turkey hand over control of the Golden Horn to the Soviet Union, so that a Soviet Military base could be built there.

    That would have given Stalin complete control of the access to the Black Sea.

    Turkey refused and even before NATO, the USA backed them up by sending a Naval task force to Turkey.

    NATO membership provided Turkey with a security guarantee and deterred Soviet aggression.

    Compilation: M. Blucher, Wikipedia, Carnegie