Turkey warns US over recognizing Armenian claims on 1915 incidents

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Turkey warns US over recognizing Armenian claims on 1915 incidents

Turkey’s foreign minister has warned Barack Obama’s incoming administration that any U.S. recognition of Armenian claims regarding the 1915 incidents could derail reconciliation efforts between the two neighbors.

“It would not be very rational for a third country to take a position on this issue… A wrong step by the United States will harm the process,” the Anatolia news agency quoted Ali Babacan as saying late Friday.

Turkey has “never been closer” to normalizing ties with Armenia, its eastern neighbor, and a breakthrough could be secured in 2009, the minister said, according to the AFP.

Obama, who takes office Tuesday, pledged to his Armenian-American supporters during his election campaign to recognize the 1915 incidents as “genocide”.

The issue of 1915 incidents is highly sensitive for Armenia as well as Turkey. Around 300,000 Armenians and at least as many Turks, died in civil strife that emerged when Armenians took up arms, backed by Russia, for independence in eastern Anatolia.

However Armenia, with the backing of the diaspora, claims up to 1.5 million of their kin were slaughtered in orchestrated killings in 1915. The issue remains unsolved as Armenia drags its feet in accepting Turkey’s proposal of forming a commission to investigate the claims.


Babacan said the dispute was among the issues that Ankara and Yereven had been discussing since reconciliation efforts gathered steam in September when Turkish President Abdullah Gul paid a landmark visit to Armenia, AFP reported citing Anatolian Agency’s report.

“Turkey and Armenia have never been closer to a plan on normalizing relations,” Anatolia quoted Babacan as saying.

Turkey and Armenia have no diplomatic relations and their border has been closed for more than a decade, as Armenia presses the international community to admit the so-called “genocide” claims instead of accepting Turkey’s call to investigate the allegations, and Armenia’s invasion of 20 percent territory of Azerbaijan.

The fence-mending process, he said, was boosted by similar reconciliation efforts between Armenia and Azerbaijan, a close ally of Turkey.

“The prospect of normalizing relations both between Azerbaijan and Armenia and between Turkey and Armenia in 2009 is not a dream,” he added.

Gul became the first Turkish head of state to visit Armenia when he travelled to Yerevan in September to watch a World Cup qualifying football match between the two countries on the invitation of his Armenian counterpart Serzh Sarkisian.

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6 responses to “Turkey warns US over recognizing Armenian claims on 1915 incidents”

  1. If Turkey recognizes the Genoside that happened 100 years ago, how that going to damage the relations beetween Armenia and Turkey? Turkey just need to investigate history without any fear. I don think any talks about land compansations are serious. It is just a proaganda to scare the public. Turkey will gain much more financially and politically if it stops denying what 90 percent of historians are saying.

  2. 90%??????????

    Where do you get these figures from???

    Oh yeah I forgot the mystical 1.5 million Armenians that were supposedly killed. You Armenians are guns with figures. We should come to you when we need some fairy tales…

    Here are some true figures:

    In some foreign resources the Armenian population living in the Ottoman Empire is:

    2.5 million as per Armenian Patriarchate

    2.2 million as per the Armenian Committee of Lausanne

    1.5 million as per the French Yellow Book

    1.5 million as per Britannica

    1 million as per the English yearbook.

    Armenian population as to Ottoman official documents is as follows:

    1.001.465 as per 1893 Census

    1.120.748 as per 1906 Census

    1.221.850 as per Population Statistics of 1914

    So, according to the French and English statistics and your inflated numbers – you should all be dead?

  3. Dussardier Avatar

    “Turkey will gain much more financially and politically if it stops denying what 90 percent of historians are saying.”
    90%? Ah ah ah. Some examples of historians who reject the genocide label in Armenian case:

    William Batkay, Associate Professor at Montclair State University

    Arend-Jan Boekestein, Professor International Relations at Utrecht University and also Member of Parliament in The Netherlands

    Levon Panos Dabagyan, Armenian historian and writer

    Roderic Davidson (RIP), former Professor at George Washington University

    Paul Dumont, Professor at Strasbourg-II University, former Director of the Institut Français d’études Anatoliennes (French Institute of Anatolian Studies, Istanbul)

    Gwynne Dyer, Ph.D. in Ottoman Military History

    Edward J. Erickson, Ph.D. in Ottoman Military History, Researcher at Birmingham University

    David Fromkin, Professor at Boston University

    Michael M. Gunter, Professor at Tennessee University

    E.Y. Hooijmaaijers, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands

    J.C. Hurewitz (RIP), former Professor at Columbia University

    Eberhard Jäckel, Professor Emeritus at Stuttgart University

    Avigdor Levy, Professor at Brandeis University

    Bernard Lewis, Professor Emeritus at Princeton University

    Guenter Lewy, Professor Emeritus at Massachusetts University

    Heath Lowry, Professor at Princeton University

    Andrew Mango, Researcher at University of London

    Peter Mansfield, Professor of Middle East Politics at Willamette University, Oregon

    Robert Mantran (RIP), former Professor of Turkish and Ottoman History at Aix-Marseille University

    Justin McCarthy, Professor at Louisville University

    Pierre Nora, former Professor at School of High Studies in Social Sciences (École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris), Member of the French Academy

    Pierre Oberling, Professor at Hunter College

    Jeremy Salt, Professor of Political Science at Melbourne University

    Stanford J. Shaw (RIP), former Professor at UCLA and Bilkent University

    Philip H. Stoddard, Ph.D. in Ottoman Military History

    Norman Stone, Professor at Bikent University

    Dr. Hew Strachan (Ph.D), Chichele Professor of the History of War at Oxford University ( labels the issue “still not clear” )

    Gilles Veinstein, Professor at Collège de France

    Annette Wieviorka, Researcher at the French National Center for Scientific Research (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris)

    Malcolm E. Yapp, Professor Emeritus of The Modern History of Western Asia at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at the University of London

    Robert F. Zeidner, Ph.D. in Ottoman Military History.

  4. mok10501 Avatar

    Barack Hussein Obama & Hillary Rodham Clinton’s rhetorical campaign promises to the local diaspora cannot be kept. Governing and campaigning do not mix. The reality and the facts about the Armenian claims will be soon be realized by them as the Europeans had awakened recently. Turks have nothing to apologize and accept the fabricated lies anymore.

  5. Quotes, I have quotes too.

    Ergun, Leyla et al: everytime you write racist, ahistorcal nonsense, Ataturk will follow you into print to correct the lies you spew. The more you say, the more he’ll say. Do you dare to contradict Ataturk?

    Mustafa Kemal Ataturk: In a communication to General Kazim Karabekir, on May 6 1920 about attacking the fledgling Armenian Republic, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (founder of the Turkish Republic) said:
    ·“The Christian world, especially America will turn against us, associating such an attack the possibility of ‘a new Armenian massacre’”[i]
    Kazim Karabekir, Istiklal Harbimiz [Our war of Independence], 1969.
    Mustafa Kemal Ataturk: On September 22 1919, from Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, to Major-General Harbord, the head of the American Military Mission to Armenia:
    ·“Kemal used the 800,000 figure to describe the number of Armenian victims. He, in fact,‘disapproved of the Armenian massacres.’(Ermeni kitlini o da takbih ediyordu).”[ii]
    “Rauf Orbayin Hatiralari” Yakin Tarhimiz [Memoires of Rauf Orbay; Our Contemporary History], 1962.

    Mustafa Kemal Ataturk: On April 24 1920, the day after the inauguration of the new parliament of the Turkish Republic, Ataturk stated:
    ·“The World War I massacres against the Armenians (Ermenilere karşi kitliam)[was] a shameful act (fazahat).”
    “Ataturkün Söylev ve Demerçleri 1918-1938”(The Speeches and Statements of Atatürk) vol.1, 1945.

    Mustafa Kemal Ataturk: In an interview with a French publicist he (Mustafa Kemal Ataturk) inveighed against the Ittihadist chiefs, whom he blamed for the crime against the Armenians:
    ·“They,[the Ittihadist] and their accomplices…deserve the gallows. Why are the Allies delaying having all these rascals hung?”[iv]
    (Maurice Prax,“Constantinople: Lectures pour tous,” 1920).

    Mustafa Kemal Ataturk:
    ·“The massacre and deportation of Armenians was the work of a small committee who had seized the power.”
    “Rauf Orbayin Hatiralari” Yakin Tarhimiz [Memoires of Rauf Orbay; Our Contemporary History], 1962.

    Mustafa Kemal Ataturk: In an interview (Los Angeles Examiner, August 1, 1926) with Swiss journalist, Emile Hildebrand, Ataturk said:
    ·“These leftovers from the former Young Turk Party, who should have been accountable for the lives of millions of our Christian subjects who were ruthlessly driven en masse from their homes and massacred, have been restive under the republican rule.”

    Other contemporaneous Turkish voices:

    Turkish Court Martial: To judge Talaat and the other criminals who participated in organizing the genocide of 1915, a Turkish Court Martial was formed on March 8, 1919.
    The following is an abridged version of the accusation against them:
    ·“…the essential point which emerges from the open inquiry is that the crimes committed during the deportations of the Armenians in different locations and at different times were not isolated and local cases. A central force, organized by and composed of persons mentioned here, premeditated and executed them, through secret orders or verbal instructions.
    The court declares unanimously the guilt of the charges mentioned earlier of the accused hereby named, members of the General Council which represent the moral person of the Ittihad. According to the disposition of the law, the Court declares the penalty of death against Talaat, Enver, Djemal and Dr. Nazim, and forced labor for 15 years against Djavid, Moustafa Cherif and Moussa Kiazim.”

    The Great Free-Mason Loge of Turkey: The Great Free-Mason Loge of Turkey voted the following motion:
    ·“The venerable Assembly reached the conclusion that during the last war, brothers Talaat Pasha, Midhat Chukri, Hussein Dhajid, Behaeddine Chekir, forced compatriots to leave their homes, had them assassinated, and stole their goods, and for these reasons they are expelled from the Masonic ranks.”
    c2. The Turkish Journal Yeni Stamboul

    General Vehib Pasha (Bukat): Commander of the Turkish Third Army
    ·“The massacre and destruction of the Armenians and the plunder and pillage of their goods were the result of decisions reached by Ittihad’s Central Committee…The atrocities were carried out under a program that was determined upon and involved a definite case of premeditation.”[ix]
    Records of the 1919 Turkish Military Tribunal
    Mustafa Arif (Deymer): Interior Minister 1918-19

    ·“Unfortunately, our wartime leaders, imbued with a spirit of brigandage, carried out the law of deportation in a manner that could surpass the proclivities of the most bloodthirsty bandits. They decided to exterminate the Armenians and they did exterminate them. This decision was taken by the Central Committee of the Young Turks and was implemented by the Government…The atrocities committed against the Armenians reduced our country to a gigantic slaughterhouse.”
    (VAKIT, 13 Dec. 1918)

    Halide Edib: American Educated Feminist Writer
    ·“…Indeed, we tried to destroy the Armenians through methods peculiar to the Middle Ages. We are living today the saddest and darkest times of our national life.”
    (VAKIT, 22 Oct. 1918)

    “Turks and their history books still cannot accept that there was an organized mass murder of Armenians between 1915 and 1917. Perhaps that is because so many of the murderers and looters were also heroes of the founding of the modern Turkish republic.
    “The founder of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, spoke on the subject dozens of times; he condemned the massacres, which he called infamous, and demanded that those who were guilty be punished.”

    Falih Rifik Atay, a close friend and confidant of Ataturk, a former Ittihadist, and Kemalist publicist:
    · When discussing the persecution of World War I Armenian massacres, he too saw fit to characterize them as “genocide,” using exactly this composite Greco Latin term, at the same time lamenting the fact that there were:
    “…alternative remedies [to the Armenian problem]; why incur the risk of dishonoring the name of the nation? Mustafa Kemal too was against the genocide.”

    Halil Berktay: Professor of History at the University of Sabanci in Istanbul

  6. Ugur Umit Ungor : A Reign of Terror :


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