Turkish Military Opposes Armenian Apology Campaign

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Turkey’s powerful generals on Friday stepped into a deepening controversy over an apology by Turkish intellectuals for the mass killings of Armenians in World War One, saying the campaign had “harmful consequences”.

The Internet initiative, which has drawn criticism from Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan and nationalists, coincides with a diplomatic rapprochement between Turkey and Armenia to end almost 100 years of hostility. Nearly 14,000 people have signed the apology.

“We definitely think that what is done is not right. Apologizing is wrong and can yield harmful consequences,” Brigadier General Metin Gurak, spokesman for the General Staff, told a news conference.

On Wednesday, Erdogan said the campaign had no other benefit than “stirring up trouble, disturbing our peace and undoing the steps which have been taken”.

President Abdullah Gul has distanced himself from those comments, hailing the initiative as proof of Turkey’s democratic health. He became the first Turkish leader to visit Armenia in September as Turkey sought to improve ties.

Turks, including Nobel prize-winning author Orhan Pamuk, have been prosecuted in the European Union candidate country for affirming that the mass killings of Armenians in 1915 amounted to genocide.

Turkey accepts that many Armenians were killed during the waning years of the Ottoman Empire, but strongly reject Armenian assertions it was genocide, saying that Muslim Turks also died in inter-ethnic conflicts. Western historians have backed Armenian arguments that the killings amounted to genocide.

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2 responses to “Turkish Military Opposes Armenian Apology Campaign”

  1.  Avatar

    I could understand Turkish people who would be so much ashamed of the things that their ancestors did, but there are many who know the truth and say they must have finished the job in 1915. The world must make those understand that these kind of things must be at least apologized for and regretted about, as Germany did for Holocaust.

  2. This is to Anonymous…Turkish people should be ashamed….for not being Politically active in the Diaspora, for not protesting the Armenian genocide allegations, for not forming strong lobbies, and for not bringing world attention to the massacres of hundreds of thousands of Turks, Muslims, Jews that suffered in the hands of Ottoman Armenian Revolutionaries!! Turkish people should be ashamed…for never demanding justice nor recognition for the assasination of 42 innocent Turkish Diplomats and their families whom were killed by Armenian Asala assassins in the 70’s and 80’s !Turkish people should be ashamed…for allowing the world to close their eyes to the massacres of the Azeri women, children and the elderly in Khojali in 1992! Turkish people should be ashamed…for starting a ridiculous apology campaign, and never ONCE mentioning and demanding an apology for our ancestors deaths!!

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