Soyun Sadikhov: “Vladimir Zhirinovsky should publicly apologize to Azerbaijani People”

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Moscow – APA. “We want the court to assess the book “The last march to the south” by Vladimir Zhirinovsky and publicly apologize to Azerbaijani people.

We can not allow anyone to stir up national and religious conflicts,” says the article written by Soyun Sadikhov, president of “AzerRos” National-Cultural Autonomy of Azerbaijanis in Russia, member of Public Council of Russian Regional Development Ministry.

AzerRos sued Vladimir Zhirinovsky grounding that Azerbaijanis people were insulted in the above-mentioned book. The article says that the book written by Vladimir Zhirinovsky insults Islamic world and Azerbaijani people.
“Separation of Muslim world is to the advantage of the entire humanity. The danger coming from the Islamic world should be prevented. Other religions are not able to conduct large-scale religious wars. We should realize finally who has brought civilization? Who conquered space and invaded other countries? Who plundered other nations, turned them into slaves, turned Christian churches into mosques? What culture did the Turks bring to the Central Asia? There is no such a notion as Turkish culture, those riding horses with swords in their hands can not have culture. Janissaries forming the basis of the Turkish army are Slavonic children captured together with their parents. They killed their parents and brought up their children in Turkish, Muslim spirit, and strengthened their army. Slavonic children killed Slavonic peoples under the Turkish flag, this is horrible. Who will answer for this? Who will answer for the humiliation of Byzantine culture, Slavonic peoples?”
Zhirinovsky’s unique ideas about the Nagorno Karabakh conflict were also involved in the article. “How long will the confrontation between Azerbaijanis and Armenians continue? Will it continue until the liquidation of all Armenian people by not the Turks already, but by Azerbaijanis, the another Turkic-speaking people? The Turks and Azerbaijanis are the same people in substance. The Turks killed one and half million Armenians in 1915 and Azerbaijanis started to do it in 1988. The Turks committed it within three days, but Azerbaijanis are doing it for almost 15 years. They intend to wipe out both Armenian people and state. Why? because, they are Christians. Armenians tackled uniting of Turks and Azerbaijanis. What is Nakhchivan? It is an artificial institution, the place in Armenian lands populated by Azerbaijanis, the territory set for direct links with Turks. Those lands always belonged to Armenia, the great Armenia from sea to sea. What is Armenia today? It is only small piece remained after the Urartu, a powerful state with a great culture. The civilization began there and moved to other territories. Azerbaijanis are the Persian tribe revived by the way of conquest. Seldjug Turks moved from the East in that time and made this Persian tribe the Turks. Who are the Azerbaijanis? It is a tribe lived in the Caspian cost. It is a country equaled to the territory of one district of Moscow. Can you imagine the Sokolniki is the state and people living there are Sokolniki nation. Azerbaijan is like this, the populated region in the Caspian cost”.

Soyun Sadikhov said many offensive phrases were used in the book against Azerbaijani and Turkish peoples and made some refreshers for Zhirinovsky: “I would like to remind Mr. Zhirinovsky that Azerbaijan’s history and culture have very ancient roots. Unfortunately Vladimir Zhirinovsky doesn’t know Ismayil bin Yassar, Musa Shehevat, Abdul Faraj Isfahani, Khatib Tabrizi, Ibn Sina’s student Bahmanyar, genius poets Nizami, Fuzuli, Molla Panah Vagif, great dramatist Mirza Fathali Akhundov, or their names are not interesting for him. A list of Azerbaijani world-known doctors, philosophers, writers, poets, musicians, architects can be extended more and more. But if you consider it not as culture, but barbarism, there is no need to extend this list. I believe that any person not depending on his nationality and religion must secure the national solidarity. The government officials have to take responsibility for these issues, because these persons are heard. We asked the court to evaluate the Vladimir Zhirinovsky’s book “Attack toward the South” and demanded the author to apologize demonstratively to the Azerbaijani people. We cannot allow the building up a fire in the ethnic and religious conflicts”.

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