Contact: James C. Ryan, USMA 1962
[email protected]
It is widely known that the United States, Turkey, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia have been sponsoring the insurgents in Syria. These opposition forces are composed of Jihadists, Islamist militias and elements of Al-Qaeda such as Jabhat al-Nusra. This comprises the so-called Free Syria Army, an army primarily of non-Syrians. Are these the people, specializing in sectarian beheadings, rapes and murder, who will inspire the Syrian people with democracy American style? Will they win the hearts and minds of the people? Doubtful. In fact, this “army,” rampaging about like so many Hannibal Lectors, has actually eaten the hearts and livers of
still-living Syrian citizens. This has not been mentioned in the stately halls of the U.S. Congress. It should be. If not now, when?
Talk abounds how the United States must act against the dictatorial brutality of using poison gas, yet unproven. Others say that the president’s prestige and credibility are on the line. Therefore we must bomb Syria. And there are those who maintain that the United States must win over world opinion by standing firm against dictators. In our view, no matter what course is taken, to bomb or not to bomb, the United States loses. And as far as the “moral high ground?” We remember well who helped Saddam Hussein launch his poison gas attacks against Iran. And we also remember Agent Orange.
As long as the brutal tools of war are used to carry fear-filled olive branches, the US will lose. There is no strategic or tactical or moral benefit to the United States for bombing Syria. For with all the shock and awe and terror and fear inevitably comes loathing. Bombing an already chaotic situation is only a prescription for disaster and more loathing, much more. There is also the enormous risk of causing a vastly wider conflict. We refuse to accept another political adventure into the same carnage of war under the same tired misrepresentations and false-flag patriotism. We spoke out for the innocent victims of the Iraq war and today we speak for all the innocent Syrian victims past and perhaps to come. In all aspects, bombing Syria is exactly the wrong thing to do. Now is the time for dialogue not dynamite.
Basra, Iraq, 24 March 2003
Mike Moore, The Daily Mirror (UK)
dissipation of its military. Membership is open to all alumni of the United States service academies, and widows, widowers, parents, and children of deceased graduates. Enrollment has grown steadily and includes retired and active duty