PBS to screen “A Family Erased” documentary about Armenian Genocide

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Time to protest PBS again..

15.11.2008 14:18 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ A unique documentary about the Armenian genocide will soon be released by PBS’ Frontline titled “A Family Erased”, George Kachadorian, the film director, told PanARMENIAN.Net.

“The film features my father and his sisters who recently made a journey back to historic Armenia – now Eastern Turkey – in search of the homes our family fled around the turn of the century. As my family winds their way through mountain passes far, far off the tourist track, they rely on hand drawn Armenian maps, handed down through the generations, and the help of a Turkish speaking guide to try and locate the streets and towns that have long since been renamed.

As international tensions flare over a new U.S. bill that would formally acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, my father Jim and my aunts Elaine, Marion and Georgiana embark on the adventure of a lifetime – deep into the mountains of Eastern Anatolia on a search for their grandparents’ homes at the epicenter of the 20th century’s first genocide,” Kachadorian said.

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3 responses to “PBS to screen “A Family Erased” documentary about Armenian Genocide”

  1. I’ve lost trust in PBS’s independency as a news organization. Their irresponsible actions like this, one sided political support of an diaspora, cast shadow on PBS fact finding features and independency. I am witholding my financial contribution to PBS and stop monitoring their programs, effective immediately.

  2. The documentary ‘Armenian Genocide” was aired a little over a year ago on PBS, while the producers rejected the documentary ‘Armenian Revolt’ , a film made by an American that shows the oppoite view of the events that took place during World War I. The documentary was blocked by many of PBS’s Armenian contributors. Unfortunatelly, Turkish Americans have not learned to be as aggressive and outspoken as their Armenian counterparts, to get their voices heard. This has had an impact on the biasness of the media, as well as with our Politicians.

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