Ship stops research operations

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The Norwegian research ship Malene Ostervold has sent a message informing that it has stopped its research operations in the sea region southeast of the island of Kastelorizo.

Foreign Ministry spokesman George Koumoutsakos said in an announcement on Saturday that as of Friday, November 14, the Norwegian research ship “Malene Ostervold” had entered the region of the southeastern Mediterranean and more specifically, to the south and to the east of Kastelorizo to carry out, outside Greek territorial waters, geophysical research for Turkish interests, accompanied by the Turkish frigate “Gediz.”

“Given that according to the relevant provisions of the International Agreement on Sea Law, a large part of this region includes the Greek continental shelf, the Foreign Ministry, in constant contact and coordination with the Defence Ministry, has made demarches as of yesterday to the Norwegian ambassador and to the Turkish ambassador in Athens, as well as to the Turkish Foreign Ministry in Ankara, at the level of Assistant Deputy Foreign Minister,” Koumoutsakos said.

The spokesman further said that “at noon today, Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis communicated with Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Stere” and that “apart from this and following relevant instructions by the minister, the Greek ambassador in Oslo communicated with the shipping company owning the Norwegian research ship to notify it of Greece’s relevant positions.”

Koumoutsakos also said that a short while ago “the Norwegian research ship informed with a relevant message that it is stopping research activities in the specific region.”

The National Defence General Staff also announced that the Norwegian ship “Malene Ostervold” informed the gunboat “Polemistis” that it was stopping its research operations.

From: The Athens News Agency at

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