Christian-Muslim meeting in Istanbul endorses dialogue of life

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2012-09-26 Vatican Radio

1 0 624671A two day symposium on Muslim-Christian dialogue takes place in the Turkish capital of Istanbul this weekend, exploring the theme of ‘Being a foreigner and dialogue with the other’. Organised for the past two decades by the different religious communities in the city, the meeting this year takes place in the Franciscan church of St Etienne and enjoys the support of the journalists and writers foundation of Istanbul.

The symposium comes as world leaders continue to condemn the violent reactions to a U.S. made video which mocks Islam and the prophet Mohammed. So is there any way an encounter of this kind can help to diffuse tensions and promote better understanding beyond the purely academic world? To try and find out, Vatican Radio’s Philippa Hitchen spoke to one of the participants at the Istanbul meeting, Mustafa Cenap Aydin, director of Rome’s Istituto Tevere for interfaith dialogue….

via Christian-Muslim meeting in Istanbul endorses dialogue of life.

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One response to “Christian-Muslim meeting in Istanbul endorses dialogue of life”

  1. TF Editor(s), please pay attention !…When you utilize cut&paste operation for the news like this w/o any corrections. Conspicuously or not, I have seen several articles like this whenever Istanbul is mentioned uses the frame” Turkish capital of Istanbul”. Since when Istanbul became the capital of Turkey that we did not noticed? Thanks for your attention and possible correction of this type of errors.

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