Israeli attacks on Gaza kill 9 Palestinians

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Israeli State TerrorismGaza Strip, (Pal Telegraph)- Two Palestinians were killed Sunday at dawn in Israeli airstrikes on Ansar area, west of Gaza city.

Death toll reached nine in less than 12 hours.

Medical sources confirmed that the two victims identified as Suhail Jundia, 26, and Murdi Hajjaj, 18, from al-Shujaia neighborhood, were moved to Asshifa hospital after being attacked by Israeli air forces.

According to local sources, Israeli warplanes carried out several airstrikes targeting different sites in Khan Younis town and eastern Gaza city.

Israeli bombing inflicted great damage to Palestinian properties and created a state of panic among civilians who were asleep on that time.

Seven Palestinians were killed yesterday in two separate airstrikes in Rafah city, southern Gaza Strip.

Israeli military officials told that they would continue to bomb Gaza Strip in response to Palestinian rocket attacks that killed one Israeli and injured six others in Ashkelon region.

However, Palestinians attempted to lunch homemade rockets at Israeli settlements as an act of self-defense., 30 October 2011

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