Clinton renews US offer to help Turkey after quake

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hillyclintonarticle.afpWASHINGTON (AFP) – Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has renewed an offer of US help for Turkey after its earthquake, but the Ankara government said it can handle the response by itself, an official said on Tuesday.

Ms Clinton spoke on Monday by telephone with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu to offer condolences and ‘reiterate the offer that our embassy has made to Turkish authorities to be helpful,’ State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland said.

‘My understanding is that the foreign minister was very grateful for that, but that they have indicated so far that they intend to handle the response to the earthquake within their national disaster management system.’

At least 432 people died in the magnitude 7.2 earthquake that rocked eastern Van province on Sunday. Turkey, the only Muslim-majority member of Nato, is a strategic ally of the United States.

via Clinton renews US offer to help Turkey after quake.

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One response to “Clinton renews US offer to help Turkey after quake”

  1. Only Mrs.Clinton allow to the VAN which SHE HAS TO DIG-OUT with her finger nails TO RESCUE THE TRAPPED VAN CATS
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