Turkey’s Diverse Attractions

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Those looking for an exotic and remarkable vacation can do no better than Turkey. The country is so large that nearly every climate a vacationer could want is available. Whether you want to shop, experience culinary delights, or swim in tropical waters at a beach resort, Turkey has it all. It also has gorgeous scenery and some of the most historic sites you can visit on this planet.

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Despite, this many people don’t realize that Turkey has all that it has to offer. Or, if they do, they hold certain beliefs because the country is predominantly Muslim — perhaps they heard news stories about Israel and the tensions with Turkey.

In fact, Turkey has some of the earliest advanced civilizations known to man. Hacilar and Catalhoyuk date to between 7,000-6,000 B.C. Also, Turkey has had equality for women going back many millennia. In fact, Turkey gave women the right to vote before most European countries and the US.

Technically, Turkey has no national religion. They also have no sanctions against religions other than Islam. They are a Democracy with full religious freedom. They are one of the oldest democracies in the region.

So, if you are looking for a vacation you won’t soon forget, in one of the world’s oldest civilizations, consider a trip to Turkey. There are delights waiting for you there guaranteed to last a lifetime.

via https://www.huffpost.com/entry/photos-visiting-beautiful_b_962242#s360904&title=Tetrapylon_at_Aphrodisias

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