Lavrov never used foul language with Miliband – Russian ministry

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16:18 | 13/ 09/ 2008

MOSCOW, September 13 (RIA Novosti) – The Russian Foreign Ministry denied on Saturday British media reports that the head of the Russian diplomatic body, Sergei Lavrov, used foul language talking to his British counterpart David Miliband.

British media circulated reports on Friday night and early Saturday that Minister Lavrov scolded British Foreign Secretary Miliband and even used foul language as they discussed over a telephone the recent situation in Georgia.

“It is inadmissible in the practice of diplomacy. The use of foul language either means insulting a partner or insulting a country, which he represents. Therefore, I categorically reject such insults against our minister,” Andrei Nesterenko, a spokesman for the Russian ministry, said.

He added that the ministry is preparing the full script of the conversation between the top diplomats and will soon publish it on the official website.

A spokesman for the British Foreign Office said Britain will not comment on the conversation between Lavrov and Miliband, but will be very interested in what the Russian Foreign Ministry publishes on its website.

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