Iran, Egypt, Turkey should form an Islamic triangle

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Iran, Egypt, Turkey should form an Islamic triangle: Al-Azhar imam

Tehran Times Political Desk

TEHRAN – Sheikh Ahmad al-Tayyib, the imam of Al-Azhar Mosque in Cairo, has called on Iran, Egypt, and Turkey to establish an Islamic triangle, Iranian MP Nasser Soudani has said.

Soudani made the remarks in an interview with the IRNA correspondent in Beirut published on Saturday in reference to a meeting of an Iranian delegation with al-Tayyib, which was held in Cairo on July 26.

Soudani quoted al-Tayyib as saying that the Iran-Turkey-Egypt triangle would serve the interests of the Islamic world.

According to IRNA, the imam of the Al-Azhar Mosque also called for the expansion of relations between Arab countries and Iran.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Soudani said that al-Tayyib hailed the fatwa (religious edict) that Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei issued on October 2, 2010 that prohibits insulting the companions of Prophet Muhammad (S) and his wives.

Ayatollah Khamenei’s fatwa was issued after Kuwaiti Shia cleric Yasser al-Habib insulted Aisha, a wife of Prophet Muhammad (S).

via tehran times : Iran, Egypt, Turkey should form an Islamic triangle: Al-Azhar imam.

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