Georgia war boosts Turkey-Armenia thaw

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By Paul de Bendern

ANKARA (Reuters) – The first visit by a Turkish leader to Armenia should give momentum to help mend almost a century of hostility with the Caucasus country made more urgent since Russia’s war with Georgia.

President Abdullah Gul’s trip to Yeveran on Saturday carried huge symbolic importance for neighbours with no diplomatic ties and whose relationship is haunted by the killings of hundreds of thousands of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey during World War One.

“A beautiful beginning,” Turkish newspaper Vatan said on its front page. “A hope-inspiring meeting,” said the daily Radikal.

The presidents of Turkey and Armenia held talks and watched a World Cup qualifier soccer match together during an encounter they said could help herald a new beginning in ties and aid regional security. Their foreign ministers would now work to build on what was achieved during Gul’s one-day visit.

Georgia war boosts Turkey-Armenia thaw | World | Reuters.

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