Vana Barba Visits Istanbul Regarding New TV Show

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VanaVana Barba was in Istanbul for the preparation of a show that she will present. ’The webcast’ talks about the common traits of Greece and Turkey and will be screened simultaneously in both nations. It is produced by Mary Ekmektsioglou and directed by Erdal Murat Aktaş.

The sexy Greek actress Vana Barba, who gave an interview to the Turkish newspaper Haberturk stated: “I always liked the Turks. Due to historical problems, there hasn’t been a big common understanding between the two populations. Thanks to this show, I believe that Greece and Turkey will come closer”, she said.

Vana Barba, when asked if she knows any natives closely, stated: “I know Zoulfou Livaneli closely. This pleases me immensely. Every year I go to Alikarnassos (Bodrum) on holiday and there are many Turks I know there. And I also like Erdogan. In my opinion, he does very good business for Turkey”, she replied.

via Vana Barba Visits Istanbul Regarding New TV Show | Greek Reporter Europe.

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