Angelina Jolie-mania hits South-Central Turkey

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jolie goodwill

16 June 2011 | The tourist industry of the remote Turkish province of Hatai lived through a sudden boom, when crowds of Turks filled up all the hotels in the area.

According to the private TV Channel CNN-Turk the guests influx is due to the expected visit of Angelina Jolie.

The Hollywood star is an UN good will ambassador and is expected to pay visit to the area, bordering Syria. There she is supposed to visit the refugee camp of Yayladagi, where over 9000 Syrians, fleeing repressions in their homeland, have found shelter.

via Balkan Travellers – Angelina Jolie-mania hits South-Central Turkey.

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2 responses to “Angelina Jolie-mania hits South-Central Turkey”

  1. vdemirw Avatar

    GOOD FOR her adoption collection of inspections and posible holilywood movie deals !!!

    WHY NOT FREQUINT FLEYER MILES FOR PALASTANIAN BABYS !!! Do not afraid from anti-moses jews and the Rabbies Palestanians babys are already circumcisazed !!!

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