Syrians protest the regime in Turkey while others show their support in Damascus

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Syrian refugees protest against President Bashar Assad, in a camp in Yayladagi, Turkey, near the Syrian border, Wednesday, June 15, 2011. Syria’s government is calling for the return of thousands of refugees who fled to Turkey to escape violence in northern Syria. Syrian Information Minister Adnan Mahmoud says security, electricity, water and communications have now been restored in Jisr al-Shughour and the area is now safe. Some 8,000 Syrians have sought refuge in camps in neighboring Turkey following a military crackdown that authorities said was to snuff out “armed terrorists” in the region.

via PhotoBlog – Syrians protest the regime in Turkey while others show their support in Damascus.

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One response to “Syrians protest the regime in Turkey while others show their support in Damascus”

  1. vdemirw Avatar

    Battels of the Termites ( agackurtlari ) backed by the anti-moses jews and anti-jesus cvhristians !!!

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