TURKISH AREA STUDY GROUP Twenty-second Spring Symposium

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Twenty-second Spring Symposium




Saturday 7 May 2011


Emmanuel College, Cambridge

The Queen’s Building





10.00 – 10.30   Registration and Coffee


10.45 – 11.35   Metin Heper

Some Thoughts on Currently Conflictual Issues in Turkey


11.40 – 12.30   William Park

The Origins, Nature and Prospects of Turkish Foreign Policy

under Ahmet Davutoğlu


12.40 – 14.20   Lunch


14.25 – 15.15   Deniz Duru

Coexistence in Burgaz, Princes Islands of Istanbul: Living

and Negotiating with Ethnic, Class and Religious Differences


15.20 – 15.45   Figen Phelps

Dame Ninette Valois and Turkish Ballet


15.50 – 16.15   Özlem Güçlü

New Cinema of Turkey: What is ‘new’? Why is it not ‘Turkish’?


16.20   Tea


16.35   Annual General Meeting



A booking form for the Symposium and lunch is enclosed.



No further reminder will be sent, so please make a note of this event in a safe place and observe the closing date for bookings!





Emmanuel College is in St Andrew’s Street, in the city centre and near the bus station. There are no parking facilities, but Cambridge has an excellent and cheap ‘Park & Ride’ service with five well sign-posted sites. Make sure you take a bus to the city centre (NOT the Grafton Centre).

Rezan Muir, Secretary


Turkish Area Study Group





Twenty-second Spring Symposium


Emmanuel College, Cambridge


Saturday 7 May 2011





Personal Details


Surname: ………………………………………..Initials………….Title………


TASG Member?                               Yes/No


Email Address:……………………………………


Mailing Address:……………………………………………………………………..




Costs Number


Attendance Fee

(Please tick as appropriate)

Members –£5 per head                                           [     ]                 £_______


Non-Members £12 per head                                  [     ]                 £_______


Student Non-Members £5 per head                     [     ]                 £_______


Student Members free of charge



Please return this form with your payment to Mrs Rezan Muir, XXX XXXXX XXX, XXXXX XXXXXXXX, XXXXX XXXX XXX (email: ..@…….) to reach her as soon as possible and at the very latest by Saturday,30 April. No late lunch bookings can be accepted.




Supported By Turkish Forum WTA


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