Cemal Pasha’s Grandson Says Genocide,

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Morgenthau’s Great Granddaughter doesn’t


By Harut Sassounian

Publisher, The California Courier


Hundreds of Armenians turned out at UCLA last Thursday night to hear with great apprehension Hasan Cemal, the grandson of Cemal Pasha — one of the top three Turkish butchers of the Armenian nation. This unique and controversial event, titled “From Der Zor to Dzidzernagapert: A Conversation with Hasan Cemal,” was organized by AGBU Asbeds.


Understandably, there was great tension in the air. The large hall was filled to capacity and many were turned away due to lack of room. The presence of armed policemen and security guards inside the hall was both reassuring and disturbing. Cemal confirmed that he was cautioned against coming to Los Angeles, but fortunately everything proceeded calmly. The most shocking thing that evening was not what Cemal said, but what another speaker, Dr. Pamela Steiner, the great granddaughter of Amb. Henry Morgenthau, did not say!


Kurken Berksanlar, Chairman of ABGU Asbeds, welcomed everyone to “an open-minded conversation.” While admitting that some Armenians view with great suspicion Turks who acknowledge the Genocide, he believed that “progressive” Turks, who are speaking openly about the evens of 1915…, appear to be above and beyond the reach and control of today’s Turkish government.” Berksanlar then introduced the keynote speaker Hasan Cemal and the two discussants, Dr. Pamela Steiner, and Prof. Richard Hovannisian.


A columnist at Milliyet newspaper, Cemal immediately won over his skeptical audience by greeting them in Armenian — “parev harkeli paregamner” — and telling them: “I came here to open my heart and open my mind to you…. I know your pain, your grief of Genocide, your grief of Meds Yeghern.” Ignoring Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code which bans the use of the term Armenian Genocide, he courageously repeated those words several more times during his talk. He also condemned the Turkish government’s denial of the Armenian Genocide, calling it “colluding in the crime!”


Cemal described his deeply moving 2008 visit to the Armenian Genocide Monument in Yerevan, where he laid three carnations in memory of his close friend, Hrant Dink, the Armenian journalist who was assassinated in Istanbul by Turkish extremists. While visiting Yerevan, he had a startling encounter with Armen Gevorkyan, grandson of the man who in 1922 assassinated his grandfather, Cemal Pasha.


Cemal described the progress made in Turkey during the past three decades on the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, going from total denialism to an apology campaign, restoration of Armenian churches, and holding academic conferences on this topic. He asked Armenians to come to Turkey to participate in the “recovery of memory.” He urged them never to forget the past, without becoming its captives.


While Cemal’s candid remarks left a good impression on the audience, Dr. Steiner turned off the attendees with her adamant and intentional refusal to use the word genocide. Instead, she used such typical Turkish denialist terminology as “tragedy,” “suffering,” and “events of 1915.” As director of the Inter-Communal Trust-Building Project, she spoke about “possible steps towards building trust between Armenians and Turks.” She stunned the audience by asking Armenians to acknowledge that “the Turkish people [who] suffered horrendously during World War I … need and deserve acknowledgment for that!” As if that request was not outrageous enough, she went on to urge Armenians to “consider acknowledging Turkish suffering before they receive an acknowledgment for theirs!”


During the question and answer period, when I pointed out the irony of Cemal Pasha’s grandson freely using the term Armenian Genocide, while the great granddaughter of Amb. Morgenthau would not, Dr. Steiner’s response was inadequate. Her justification was that she was playing the role of a “facilitator,” seeking “conciliation” between Armenians and Turks.


The final discussant, Prof. Hovannisian, in a stern voice, gave a polite, yet powerful response to the previous speakers. He told Hasan Cemal that the large Armenian audience had come not to listen to him as a Turkish journalist, but as the grandson of Cemal Pasha. He explained that understanding the Turkish perpetrators’ mindset cannot in any way justify their actions. He cautioned everyone not to equate Armenian suffering resulting from intentional destruction with the suffering of Turks as a result of war. He emphasized that Armenians were seeking not only recognition, but, more importantly, restitution of their confiscated properties. He urged the Turkish government to return the hundreds of Armenian churches in Turkey to the Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul. Finally, in a direct allusion to Dr. Steiner, Prof. Hovannisian emphasized that “conciliation” required “acts of contrition.” His remarks were greeted with a standing ovation.


I found Cemal to be both candid and brave. He could have easily avoided the use of the term Armenian Genocide, maintaining that doing so could land him in jail. However, he made no excuses and used the genocide term several times. Considering his grandfather responsible for “the Great Catastrophe,” he described today’s Turkey as “a manic-depressive country!”


Although it is not easy to forget that Hasan Cemal is the grandson of one of the three masterminds of the Armenian Genocide, it would be wrong to hold children responsible for the sins of their parents. His position has dramatically evolved since his Boston appearance two years ago, when he avoided the term Armenian Genocide. I asked him privately at the end of his UCLA talk if he was not concerned that he could be taken to court for using the word genocide. Even though he said he did not think so, he found it important enough to mention my concern in a column he wrote in Milliyet upon his return to Istanbul.


The only sour note in Cemal’s words that evening was his rejection of demands for the return of Armenian territories from Turkey. Nevertheless, it is not surprising to hear a Turk, no matter how tolerant, defend his country’s territorial integrity. He did state, however, that the Turkish government should apologize to Armenians and pay compensation to them.


On the other hand, Dr. Steiner, as a Jewish-American and direct descendant of Amb. Morgenthau, cannot be excused for her persistent refusal to use the term genocide, despite her self-avowed good intentions. Anyone who does not acknowledge the truth of the Armenian Genocide loses the moral authority to play a constructive role in Armenian-Turkish relations. One cannot remain neutral between a victim and victimizer. She should heed the wise words of Holocaust survivor and Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel who stated: “Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim!”


As facilitator between the two communities, Dr. Steiner probably believes that she should not take sides. But telling the truth is not taking sides between Armenians and Turks, anymore than acknowledging the Holocaust is siding with Jews. Furthermore, it is not clear what exactly her role is as facilitator. Genocide is not a dispute that requires the services of a mediator. How can she reconcile two nations without the victimizer first making amends for what her own great grandfather called “The Murder of a Nation!”


Two days after her talk at UCLA, Dr. Steiner sent me a lengthy e-mail explaining further her role as facilitator and insisting that Amb. Morgenthau would have supported her work. I cannot pretend to know her great grandfather better than her, but being familiar with the Ambassador’s humanitarian efforts during and after the Genocide, I have no doubt that he would have done everything possible to bring justice to Armenians, rather than remaining neutral between the perpetrators and their victims.

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14 responses to “Cemal Pasha’s Grandson Says Genocide,”

  1. Ergun Kirlikovali Avatar
    Ergun Kirlikovali

    Bu Sasunyan’a neden bu kadar yalakalik yapiyorsunuz, anlamiyorum. Adamin yazilari zaten heryerde (Asbarez, Hiffington Post…). Birde TF te burnumuza sokmaniz dogru mu? Ben Asbarez’e yorum astigimda bir dakika icinde siliyorlar. Karsi gorusleri hic barindirmiyorlar. Bizden zaten yazi yazan az. Onlara da bu bu Sasunyan iskencesini neden yapiyorsunuz? Bunu adi demokratlik, ifade hurriyeti filan degil… Ne oldugunu buraya yazmak istemiyorum… Artik okuyan anlasin…

  2. Yilmaz Taskin Avatar
    Yilmaz Taskin

    Hundreds of Armenians turned out at UCLA last Thursday night to hear with great apprehension Hasan Cemal, the grandson of Cemal Pasha — one of the top three Turkish butchers of the Armenian nation. This unique and controversial event, titled “From Der Zor to Dzidzernagapert: A Conversation with Hasan Cemal,” was organized by AGBU Asbeds.

    What is the aim of TURKISH FORM!!! What about those Armenians butchered the defensless Turks? They showed what kind of butchers they are, as recent as, in Azerbeycan war. They sculped the people. Some of the pictures were in Time Magazine.. Even the animals would not do that!!!.

    If Turkish Form is going to carry this kinds of articles, I will not associate with it anymore!!!

  3. Although I can appreciate your attempt to at least make people aware of Morgenthau’s great-granddaughter’s stance regarding the so-called “genocide”, I feel that this forum should counter the Armenian forums by reporting positive things about us, as well as highlighting the constant whinings by the Armenian diaspora and their collective effects on the ears of the world’s population. Also, how about doing follow-up pieces about the many crimes that Armenians are ALWAYS committing!

  4. mok10501 Avatar

    Who gives a horse’s dung to what Cemal Pasha said or his grandson apparently now is acknowledging? Whoever says it doesn’t matter, lie is a lie,. What it matters, however, is that the Armenian’s who’re forcefully begging to be recognized by the Turks are still trying to cover the sun with a mud. It won’t work. Try to be truthful an honest. Don’t rely on what Agop or Cemal said stories but be constructive and reliable on the facts if you want to live in peace with the Turks. BTW, Cemal Pasha or his grandson had always displayed their contempt with the nation and they suffer from the illness of self-promotions in their endeavors. Armenians’ dependency on them is nothing else but like CIA’s using an internal disagreement in a rival country as a fifth column help. I strongly agree with Mr. Kırlıkovalı’s assessment of the issue. These type of made up stories cannot win anyone in TF society and we should respectfully ask this fellow to make sure that he plays on a even field, otherwise he should go write on Asbarez.

  5. Kufi Seydali Avatar
    Kufi Seydali

    Oh oh, Sassounian is shocked by what Dr. Pamela Steiner did not say but very happy with what Hasan Cemal said!
    Yes, indeed, he couldn’t buy her and probably she is not from
    Parrot family. Presumambly she wouldn’t dirty her nest like
    Hasan Cemal. Well, Hasan Cemal is not the only one Armenians
    bought, and we have a lot more of those, he is welcome to them.

    I fully agree with Ergun bey! In that, TF should stop supporting
    this blood thirsty creature, Sassounian. In no Armenain Web-page or platform would they tolerate any of our views or comments, so, why should we? They want a fight, let them have it. He who spreads animosity and hatred, earns nothing better.

    I would like to assure all decent Armernians that Sassounian is definitely not working for the interests of Armenia and the Armenian People. One can choose his friends, but not his neighbours and brothers.

  6. I wonder what do these people paid back to open their hearts and minds?

  7. Erol Turgut Avatar
    Erol Turgut

    I really cannot judge about the mental state of Turkey, apart from the fact that the country has an acute infection of bigotry. On the other hand one should be really anxious about the functionality of Cemal’s brain. Have you ever heard of leprosy of brain. Yes, Cemal must have sickened of this illness. While reading the report it was immediately clear to me that the man was afflicted with the most repelling disease, deforming him out of a human being. I had an impulse to vomit. I have only pity on this demon like creatur.

  8. Mersinli Ahmet Pasha Avatar
    Mersinli Ahmet Pasha

    Bu yaziyi bizim yorumlarimiz ile yogurup isin dogrusu millete yorum haber olarak verilse TF adi daha saygin olurdu.

    O geceyi ben de izleme firsatini bulabildim. Isin asli Mosyo Cemal’in soyledikleri , ve Dr Pamela Steiner’in soylemedikleri ,konusmalari dinleyen Diaspora uyelerinin kafasini tam karistirdi basligi altinda verilmeli.
    Hasan Cemal ne dedi..Diasporanin asil bekcileri aptalca dileklerinizden vaz gecin zira Turk hukumetinin kararliligi karsisinda istedikleriniz olmiyacak, hayali dilek listeniz kabul olmiyacak. Bari sade bir ozur dilenmesine kabul olun , bu kadar senedir verdiginiz cabanin karsisinda isminizi kurtarin. Asil onemlisive son 10-20 senedir Ermenistana yatirdiginiz milyonlarca dolarin size ekonomik donusu icin Turk hukumeti ile uzlasmaya gidin ve tazminatinizi dolayli yoldan alin
    Dr Steiner ne dedi; Yeter artik bu sacmaliktan vaz gecin tum Dunya sikildi, Yahudiler bile Almanlar ile el sikisiyor ve telafiyi baska yollardan ariyor..o zaman siz niye yapmiyorsunuz. Oyle ucuz kelimer ile bu isi suslemeyin bende soylemeyi kabul etmiyorumu ifade etti.
    Bunu anlamak icin eskimis kurt Hovanisyanin elleri basinin arasinda ikisinin arasinda otururken ” Ben burada ne yapiyorum..Rezil olduk” diye dusunurken resmini koymaniz daha uygun olurdu. Elinizde yoksa isterseniz yolliyabilirim.
    Elin ekmegine yag bal sureceginize kendi isimize bakalim. Kavganin degistigini ve ona gore bizim de degistigimiz artik anliyalim.
    Sen seni bilmez isen TF sen seni , patlatirlar enseni!!!!!!

  9. vdemirw Avatar

    Ding……Ding….ding……..There we go again…..HERE IS REALLY WHAT HAPPEND ….and THE DETAILS…….These kind issues are beetween the anti-moses jews and anti-jesus Christians COMPITI TIONS which HOW I MAY SERVE THE MASTER THE LUCIFIER (The devil, The seytan ) HERE IS HOW STARTED ….When the Armens was embarking NOAH s ARK there was ALSO a waiting host ( Greeting host ) which was THE LUCIFIER and Armens suddenly sneaked away from the crowd and HAND SHAKED WITH THE LUCIFIER and GOT THE LUCIFIER VIRUS according the deals They got THE GRAND DEED (tapu ) of the region and in return they had the kill their ship mates and anybody elses beside them around Mt.Ararat and around that region and also THEY HAVE TO SPREAD THE LUCIFIER VIRUS (seytan mikrobu ) AROUND THE WORLD and ayrica Ortodoks kiliselerinin de sadece ortodokuz cekmeleri icin kullanilmasi sart kosulmus mus that deal still is going on as we speaking now. (agri-Dagi ismini boylece BUTUN AGRILARIN geldigi yer olmasindan almistir….

  10. salih atalay Avatar
    salih atalay


    Stop preaching to the converted and concentrate your efforts to counter claims in such prejudiced organizations like Sasunyan’s. They probably will not tolerate and publish your messages but try. Our ancestors made a great mistake in leaving some Armenians for seed in ’15. Also, some “Turks” like Cemal and Pamuk. It is up to us now to counter the weeds that have since grown fat in the US. Gazanız mubarek olsun.

  11. Sinan Rushtuni Avatar
    Sinan Rushtuni

    Once brain washed always brainwashed. The great Turkish educational system has done its job i.e. creating a belieavable history even if it does not fit the truth.
    It proves one more time that no matter how many proofs there are if you repeat the lies and denils it will become truth…Zieg Heil..zieg Heil…Goebells tried it and you have been trying since then…as you say ” bos lafla peynir gemisini yurutuyorsunuz”

  12. vdemirw Avatar

    Does anybody wants Education OR Master Degree…..The classes are open 24 / 7 at the top of the mt. ARARAT…. (to the Anti-moses jews and anti-jesus christians ) – HEAD START UNLIMITED ART PROJECTS TO THE ANTI-MOSES JEWS and ANTI-JESUS CHRISTIANS AND WHERE TO DISPLAY THEM RIGH TFULLY ( The Proper place to displace is top of the Mount Ararat next to the NOAH s ARK (Nuhun Gemisi )) THE THEMA OF THE ART ( KONU ) When the armens was embarking the NOAH s ship they hand sake with THE LUCIFIER (the devil – the seytan ) the geeting host for the ship ……They got THE GRAND DEED (tapu ) of the region and in return they had the kill their ship mates and anybody elses beside them around Mt.Ararat and around that region and also THEY HAVE TO SPREAD THE LUCIFIER VIRUS (seytan mikrobu ) AROUND THE WORLD and ayrica Ortodoks kiliselerinin de sadece ortodokuz cekmeleri icin kullanilmasi sart kosulmus mus that deal still is going on as we speaking now. (agri-Dagi ismini boylece BUTUN AGRILARIN geldigi yer olmasindan almistir…

  13. Bedir Memmedli Avatar
    Bedir Memmedli

    To people like Hasan Cemal, it is just much easier to apologize to Armenians by saying “genocide” than using their brain to study their own history. They simply give up after facing pressures and accusations by Armenians for the sake of cheap popularity and quick fame. Come on, have dignity and show some respect for the blood of your great fathers who lost their lives to Armenians in order to save the Turkish nation and its borders! (PS: I believe he is the same person who made similar speech some time ago in Watertown, Massachusetts, in front of Armenians. I am sure Armenians are paying for his trip and taking him for US-wide journey until he apologizes to every single Armenian living in America. What a puppet!)

  14. A simple word sure riles you old farts.

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