Turkey helps free Guardian journalist in Libya

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Ghaith Abdul-Ahad released from Libyan prison after Turkish government and foreign ministry joined negotiations

The Turkish government played a role in helping free the Guardian journalist Ghaith Abdul-Ahad from prison in Libya, it has been disclosed.

Guardian journalist Ghaith Abdul-Ahad had been detained by the Libyan authorities for a fortnight.
Guardian journalist Ghaith Abdul-Ahad had been detained by the Libyan authorities for a fortnight.

Abdul-Ahad had been detained by the Libyan authorities for a fortnight after being picked up from the coastal town of Sabratha on 2 March, along with a Brazilian correspondent.

He was freed on Wednesday after the editor-in-chief of the Guardian, Alan Rusbridger, flew to Tripoli to help organise his release.

Rusbridger revealed on Thursday that the Turkish government, which is handling UK interests in Libya after the closure of the British embassy, had been actively involved in the negotiations to free Abdul-Ahad. It is believed the prime minister and president’s offices were involved in behind-the-scenes talks since the weekend, along with the foreign ministry.

“We’re very grateful for the efforts of many people, including the Turkish government, for their role in helping Ghaith be freed,” said Rusbridger. He added that Abdul-Ahad had been held in solitary confinement, but had not been physically harmed.

Abdul-Ahad entered Libya from Tunisia and was last in touch with the paper on the day of his capture.

The journalist, an Iraqi national, is a highly respected staff correspondent who has written for the Guardian since 2004. He has reported from Somalia, Sudan, Iraq and Afghanistan, telling the stories of ordinary people in times of conflict.

News of Abdul-Ahad’s release came as the New York Times said four of its journalists were missing in Libya. They are: Anthony Shadid, the Beirut bureau chief; two photographers, Tyler Hicks and Lynsey Addario, who have worked extensively in the Middle East and Africa; and Stephen Farrell, a reporter and videographer who was kidnapped by the Taliban in 2009 and rescued by British commandos.

The newspaper said it had last been in contact with the journalists on Tuesday morning, New York time. It said it had received reports the four might have been detained by government forces in the eastern town of Ajdabiya.

via Turkey helps free Guardian journalist in Libya | World news | guardian.co.uk.

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