ARMENIANS stop attempts to legislate history

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AZERI bayrak

Support Kobe against racism, stop attempts to

legislate history, let taxpayers know the truth

Last week, Armenian Youth Federation (AYF), launched a public defamation campaign against the NBA Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant for his contract to promote Turkish Airlines. Simultaneously, Armenian special interest groups are pushing to bring the revisionist House Resolution 252, labelling  the World War I ethnic strife in Ottoman Empire as “Armenian genocide”.

Both campaigns are launched amidst an investigation over the $163-million Medicare scam by an Armenian-American crime ring with links to Armenia’s officials.  Moreover,  U.S. diplomatic cables revealed the 2008 shipment of weapons from Armenia to Iran which were used to kill identified U.S. servicemen.

Join all Turkic-Americans today to speak up against racist targetting of the favorite basketball star, to stop revisionist legislation in the Congress, and to tell American taxpayers the truth they deserve to know.

Petition Text

Support Kobe against racism, stop attempts to legislate history, let taxpayers know the truth


On December 15, 2010, the California-based Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) launched a public defamation campaign against the Los Angeles Lakers star Kobe Bryant for his contract to promote the Turkish Airlines. The deal is part of the flagship carrier’s plan to introduce a lucrative Istanbul-Los Angeles direct flights by March 2011. Turkish Airlines, a Star Alliance member and publicly-held company with a considerable U.S. investment, currently carries millions of passengers worldwide, including on the flight routes from Istanbul to Washington, D.C., New York and Chicago.

The Armenian pressure group is demanding Bryant to reject the deal or to accept its one-sided interpretation of the historic World War I ethnic strife in Ottoman Empire as the “Armenian genocide”. In coordination, the Armenian-American special interest groups are pushing to pass the House Resolution 252 to legislate history at the “lame-duck” session of the Congress this week.

The limited ethnic agenda of these Armenian-American groups is sought to spoil U.S. relations with Turkey, a crucial NATO ally, to damage Turkish business interests, and to derail the Turkish-Armenian rapprochement initiated in 2008. The reconciliation, conducted in parallel with negotiations to resolve the long-standing Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, may open way to lasting security and peace in the South Caucasus, a vital region for U.S. interests.

It is also noteworthy that the actions of Armenian-American groups come amidst an investigation over a $163 million Medicare scam, the largest fraud in the history of U.S. health care system, by an Armenian-American crime ring with connections to Armenian government officials. In addition, the U.S. diplomatic cables published last week by the whistle-blowing site Wikileaks uncovered the fact of Armenia’s shipment of weapons to Iran in 2008. According to the information from the U.S. embassy in Armenia, the shipment to Iran, made not without the knowledge of Armenian President Sargsyan, ended up in the hands of Shiite militia in Iraq. At least one U.S. serviceman was identified to have been killed by an Armenian-shipped RPG in Iraq in the spring of 2008.

I join all Turkic-Americans to express my strong disapproval of the actions of Armenian-American groups. I strongly believe that instead of racist attacks against the favorite basketball star or attempts to legislate controversial history in the U.S. Congress, Armenian-American groups could better expend their efforts to address serious issues arising in their community. Moreover, their dedication to Armenian cause could prove more useful in securing the welfare of Armenian people and the development of their country in a sustainable peace with all of its neighbors and away from undesirable associations.


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