Turkey will be on Iran’s side in future talks with 5+1: ex-MP

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Turkey will be on Iran’s side in future talks with 5+1: ex-MP

Tehran Times Political Desk

TEHRAN — Former lawmaker Hamid-Reza Taraqi has said that Iran will not be alone in the next round of talks with the 5+1 group and will have Turkey on its side.

Iran and the 5+1 group (the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France, and Germany) held talks in Geneva from December 6 to 7. The two sides agreed that the next round of talks be held in Istanbul in late January.

According to Supreme National Security Council Secretary Saeed Jalili, who represented Iran at the talks, the next round of negotiations will focus on “common ground for cooperation.”

Talking to the Mehr News Agency on Saturday, Taraqi said the fact that the talks will be held in Istanbul will place Turkey on Iran’s side.

Given the failure of the 5+1 group in the previous round of talks, seemingly Iran will lead the negotiation to its preferred direction which is finding solutions to international issues, added Taraqi, a senior member of the Islamic Coalition Party.

Talks must be based on defined framework

Professor Pirouz Mojtahedzadeh has also said the next round of talks must be based on a clear framework and mutual understanding.

If the two sides again insist on their own opinions, the negotiations will bear no fruit, Mojtahedzadeh, a renowned scholar and geopolitical expert, told the MNA.

“Before the talks with the 5+1 group, the Iranian delegation must make diplomatic attempts to negotiate based on a clear framework for the first time,” he noted.

Iran must disclose West’s unjust stance

Political analyst Mohammad-Hassan Qadiri-Abyaneh has suggested that the Iranian delegation use the opportunity provided by talks to disclose the “unjust stance” of the West.

The Westerners do not like to see the prosperity of Islamic states as they are seeking to maintain their domination over these countries, he told the MNA.

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