Israelis ‘using Kurds to build power base’

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Gary Younge in New York
Monday June 21, 2004
The Guardian
Israeli military and intelligence operatives are active in Kurdish areas of Iran,
Syria and Iraq, providing training for commando units and running covert
operations that could further destabilise the entire region, according to a report
in the New Yorker magazine.
The article was written by Seymour Hersh, the Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter
who exposed the abuse scandal in Abu Ghraib. It is sourced primarily to unnamed
former and current intelligence officials in Israel, the United States and Turkey.
Israel’s aims, according to Hersh, are to build up the Kurdish military strength
in order to offset the strength of the Shia militias and to create a base in Iran
from which they can spy on Iran’s suspected nuclear-making facilities.
“Israel has always supported the Kurds in a Machiavellian way – a balance
against Saddam,” one former Israeli intelligence officer told the New Yorker.
“It’s Realpolitik. By aligning with the Kurds Israel gains eyes and ears in Iran,
Iraq and Syria. The critical question is ‘What will the behaviour of Iran be if there
is an independent Kurdistan with close ties to Israel? Iran does not want an
Israeli land-based aircraft carrier on its border.”
By supporting Kurdish separatists, Israel also risks alienating its Turkish ally
and undermining attempts to create a stable Iraq. “If you end up with a divided
Iraq it will bring more blood, tears and pain to the Middle East and you will be
blamed,” a senior Turkish official told Mr Hersh.
Intel Brief, an intelligence newsletter produced by former CIA chiefs, noted
early this month that the Israeli actions are placing increasing stress on their
relationship with Turkey, which was already strained over the war. “The Turks
are increasingly concerned by the expanding Israeli presence in Kurdistan and
alleged encouragement of Kurdish ambitions to create an independent state.”
According to Mr Hersh, Israel decided to step up its role in Kurdistan last summer
after it was clear that the United States incursion into Iraq was failing, principally
because it feared the chaos would strengthen Iran. The Israelis are particularly
concerned that Iran may be developing a nuclear capability.
Iran said on Saturday it would reconsider its suspension of some uranium
enrichment activities after the International Atomic Energy Agency issued a
resolution deploring Iran’s limited cooperation with the agency.
In the autumn the former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak told the US vice
president, Dick Cheney, that America had lost in Iraq. Israel “had learned that
there’s no way to win an occupation,” he told Mr Cheney, and the only issue
was “choosing the size of your humiliation”.
From July last year, argues Mr Hersh, the Israeli government started what one
former Israeli intelligence official called “Plan B” in order to protect itself from
the fallout of the chaos prompted by America’s failure ahead of June 30. If the
June 30 transfer of sovereignty does not go well, “there is no fallback, nothing,”
a former National Security Council member tells Hersh. “The neocons still think
they can pull the rabbit out of the hat in Iraq,” a former intelligence official says.
“What’s the plan? They say, ‘We don’t need it. Democracy is strong enough.
We’ll work it out.’”
Israel has a longstanding relationship with the Kurds, whom they regard as one
of the few non-Arab allies in the area. The Iraqi Kurds, who played a key role in
providing the United States with intelligence ahead of the war, have been
angered by the United Nations resolution on Iraq earlier this month. The
resolution did not affirm the interim constitution that granted them minority
veto power in a permanent constitution and so could potentially leave them
One Turkish official told Mr Hersh that Kurdish independence would be calamitous
for the region. “The lesson of Yugoslavia is that when you give one country
independence everybody will want it. Kirkuk will be the Sarajevo of Iraq. If
something happens there, it will be impossible to contain the crisis.”

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One response to “Israelis ‘using Kurds to build power base’”

  1. What means is before the BIG FLOOD anti-Moses jews and anti-Moses Kurds and anti_moses Armens hided in the NOAH s ship ….
    .After the BIG FLOOD while they were embarking the ship , there was waiting host (greeting host like in every port for ship passangers )
    But this host Different and name was THE LUCIFIER (the devil= the seytan )
    Anti-Moses jews, Anti -Moses Kurds and anti-Moses Armens suddenly sneaked-out from the group of the Children s of the ABRAHAM =Ibrahim ( THE BELIVERS = THE TURKS ) and hand-shaked with the Lucifier and got the LUCIFIER VIRUS .The deal beetwen Lucifier was THEY HAD TO SPREAD THELUCIFIER VIRUS TO THE WORLD and genoside The children of the ABRAHAM ( the TURKS ) AND conditionally THE LUCIFIER GAVE THEM ( to the anti Moses Jews , Armens ( all todays Ortodoks religion countries on the map),The Kurds THE DEED ( tapu) OF THE WHOLE REGION and also they had to genoside others WHO OPPOSE THEM (the belivers =The Turks )….. AS YOU SEE the NON-BELIVERS =ANTI-MOSES JEWS,ANTI-JESUS CHRISTIANS and ANTI-Moses and Jesus ORTODOXS CHURCH MEMBERS ( such as Russian,Armen,Greek ,Sirbs,Bulgarians etc.) THEY ARE SPREDING THE LUCIFIER VIRUS TO THE INTERNET EVEN as we speak know….( too bed Microsoft or any compony does not have anti-virus program for it ….BUT THE GOOD NEWS IS THE KORAN THE HOLLY BOOK ( covers OLD TESTEMANT and THE NEW TESTAMENT = called BIBLE )HAS IN IT .MOST RELIABLE UPDATE FROM THE GOD and UNCHANCED BY THE HUMAN LIKE THE POP DID CHANCED THE BIBLE IN VATIKAN )
    Suggested two items to read;
    2) THE LUCIFIER The Formula and THE RULE of the Devil MUST BE OPPOSITE OF THE TRUTH and REPEAT IT LIKE BROKEN RECORD ( THE PERSON WHO EXPOSED TO THE LUCIFIER SHOWING THREE SIGNS explain in the God book 1) When you show the truth eyes will be blind 2) When you tell the truth ears will be deft 3) The person will do more opposite things )

    Anti-Moses Jews signed-up with the GREECE and Greek Gods BECAUSE , they need help from multi-Greek Gods…(they had bad habbits seeing Egyption Gods in the slavery and They did not want to understand why they were slaved from the point of the GOD and THEY ARE ANGRY WITH THE GOD and they did the WHOLE WORLD SLAVED from that exprience etc) ( and very much also hoping to see the ZEUS some day on their military excercises etc. )
    1) ATASOZU ( TENCERE YUVARLANDI ,KAPAGINI BULDU ) burdan gelmektedir .
    2) (( ve diger atasozunun kaynagi ise )) Anti -Musali ve Anti- IISA li Ortodoks Churc memebers KILISELERINDE yaptiklari tek sey Atasozumuzle aciklanmistir ( ORTODOKS = ORTADOKUZ CEKMEK )
    yani izahati ; Church (Kilise ) goruntusu altinda herkesi kandirip .seytansal oldurme planlarinin yapildigi toplanti yerleri ve Turk lere karsi Ortadokuzum diye goruntu verip bize karsi ORTADOKUZ CEKMEK burdan gelir….
    3) ve bunlarin kotu davranislarindan caydiralim derken bir Atasozu daha dogdu….ERMENI,ISTEMEDEN VERMELI …… fakat bu bile sonuc vermedi ve VERECEK KALMADI ve de diger Atasozumuz dogdu ,,,, O da CEHENNEM ki onlara verilecek SON HEDIYEDIR KURAN DA ALLAH in tasdigi ile yazilmistir (butun bunlar Tevrat ,Icil ve Kuran da belirlenmistir . KURAN Allah in en son kitabidir ve Muhammed en son peygamberdir diye ALLAH BUTUN DUNYA YI IKAZ EDIYOR. .Kuran Tevrat ve Incil i ve butun peygamberlerini kapsar INSANLIGA EN SON IKAZLARINI ( PAPA nin Vatikan daki Incil deki yaptigi degisikler yapilmistir Barnabas kayitlari cikarilmistir vesaire KURAN DA INSAN DEGISIKLIGI YOK TUR .EN DOGRU ALLAHIN SOZLERIDIR BUDA ANTI-MUSALI YAHUDI,ANTI -ISA li HRISTIYAN ve ORTADOK sunu YANI SEYTANI (THE LUCIFIER ) CILGINA CEVIRIP BIZE SALDIRIR CUNKU BIZ ONLARA DOGRUSUNU HATIRLATIRIZ ve seytanin formulu tersten oldugu icin onlar bize SAHTESINIZ DERLER KUYRUK ACILARIYLA vesaire vesaire…..

    diger atasozuyle inise gecelim simdilik….ELEMTERE FIS ,KEM GOZLERE SIS

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