Turkey, Turkey

turkish crimes
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turkish crimes

While Turkey begins to flex its diplomatic muscles, three dark Turkish crimes continue to haunt the world: Armenian Genocide, Kurdish ethnic cleansing and the occupation of Northern Cyprus.

Let’s go to the videotape.

israel matzav Blog

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2 responses to “Turkey, Turkey”

  1. vdemirw Avatar

    What means is before the BIG FLOOD anti-Moses jews and anti-Moses Kurds and anti_moses Armens hided in the NOAH s ship ….
    .After the BIG FLOOD while they were embarking the ship , there was waiting host (greeting host like in every port for ship passangers )
    But this host Different and name was THE LUCIFIER (the devil= the seytan )
    Anti-Moses jews, Anti -Moses Kurds and anti-Moses Armens suddenly sneaked-out from the group of the Children s of the ABRAHAM =Ibrahim ( THE BELIVERS = THE TURKS ) and hand-shaked with the Lucifier and got the LUCIFIER VIRUS .The deal beetwen Lucifier was THEY HAD TO SPREAD THELUCIFIER VIRUS TO THE WORLD and genoside The children of the ABRAHAM ( the TURKS ) AND conditionally THE LUCIFIER GAVE THEM ( to the anti Moses Jews , Armens ( all todays Ortodoks religion countries on the map),The Kurds THE DEED ( tapu) OF THE WHOLE REGION and also they had to genoside others WHO OPPOSE THEM (the belivers =The Turks )….. AS YOU SEE the NON-BELIVERS =ANTI-MOSES JEWS,ANTI-JESUS CHRISTIANS and ANTI-Moses and Jesus ORTODOXS CHURCH MEMBERS ( such as Russian,Armen,Greek ,Sirbs,Bulgarians etc.) THEY ARE SPREDING THE LUCIFIER VIRUS TO THE INTERNET EVEN as we speak know….( too bed Microsoft or any compony does not have anti-virus program for it ….BUT THE GOOD NEWS IS THE KORAN THE HOLLY BOOK ( covers OLD TESTEMANT and THE NEW TESTAMENT = called BIBLE )HAS IN IT .MOST RELIABLE UPDATE FROM THE GOD and UNCHANCED BY THE HUMAN LIKE THE POP DID CHANCED THE BIBLE IN VATIKAN )
    Suggested two items to read;
    2) THE LUCIFIER The Formula and THE RULE of the Devil MUST BE OPPOSITE OF THE TRUTH and REPEAT IT LIKE BROKEN RECORD ( THE PERSON WHO EXPOSED TO THE LUCIFIER SHOWING THREE SIGNS explain in the God book 1) When you show the truth eyes will be blind 2) When you tell the truth ears will be deft 3) The person will do more opposite things )

    Anti-Moses Jews signed-up with the GREECE and Greek Gods BECAUSE , they need help from multi-Greek Gods…(they had bad habbits seeing Egyption Gods in the slavery and They did not want to understand why they were slaved from the point of the GOD and THEY ARE ANGRY WITH THE GOD and they did the WHOLE WORLD SLAVED from that exprience etc) ( and very much also hoping to see the ZEUS some day on their military excercises etc. )
    1) ATASOZU ( TENCERE YUVARLANDI ,KAPAGINI BULDU ) burdan gelmektedir .
    2) (( ve diger atasozunun kaynagi ise )) Anti -Musali ve Anti- IISA li Ortodoks Churc memebers KILISELERINDE yaptiklari tek sey Atasozumuzle aciklanmistir ( ORTODOKS = ORTADOKUZ CEKMEK )
    yani izahati ; Church (Kilise ) goruntusu altinda herkesi kandirip .seytansal oldurme planlarinin yapildigi toplanti yerleri ve Turk lere karsi Ortadokuzum diye goruntu verip bize karsi ORTADOKUZ CEKMEK burdan gelir….
    3) ve bunlarin kotu davranislarindan caydiralim derken bir Atasozu daha dogdu….ERMENI,ISTEMEDEN VERMELI …… fakat bu bile sonuc vermedi ve VERECEK KALMADI ve de diger Atasozumuz dogdu ,,,, O da CEHENNEM ki onlara verilecek SON HEDIYEDIR KURAN DA ALLAH in tasdigi ile yazilmistir (butun bunlar Tevrat ,Icil ve Kuran da belirlenmistir . KURAN Allah in en son kitabidir ve Muhammed en son peygamberdir diye ALLAH BUTUN DUNYA YI IKAZ EDIYOR. .Kuran Tevrat ve Incil i ve butun peygamberlerini kapsar INSANLIGA EN SON IKAZLARINI ( PAPA nin Vatikan daki Incil deki yaptigi degisikler yapilmistir Barnabas kayitlari cikarilmistir vesaire KURAN DA INSAN DEGISIKLIGI YOK TUR .EN DOGRU ALLAHIN SOZLERIDIR BUDA ANTI-MUSALI YAHUDI,ANTI -ISA li HRISTIYAN ve ORTADOK sunu YANI SEYTANI (THE LUCIFIER ) CILGINA CEVIRIP BIZE SALDIRIR CUNKU BIZ ONLARA DOGRUSUNU HATIRLATIRIZ ve seytanin formulu tersten oldugu icin onlar bize SAHTESINIZ DERLER KUYRUK ACILARIYLA vesaire vesaire…..

    diger atasozuyle inise gecelim simdilik….ELEMTERE FIS ,KEM GOZLERE SIS

  2. vdemirw Avatar

    NOT ; ANADOLUNUN SESI RADYOSU Anadolunun topragindan ve her kosesinden fiskiran ve asirlaca sizin de parcanizin oldugu ( kaybolmus baglantiniza geri donus ) halk muzikleri ve degisik calgi aletleri , deyisler ve soylesileri ile STERIO olarak 24 saat yayindadir.Bos olan bataryanizi , zem zem suyu gibi ruh boslugunuzu doldurmaniz ve beyin dalgalarinizin duzeni icin , calisirken ve uyurken dinlemeniz tavsiye edilir ( + ) isareti tuslanirsa ses yukselir (—) isareti tuslanirsa ses azalir ( sterio ayarlamasi )


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