AN ETHNIC ARMENIAN … Sibel Edmonds Drops A Turkish Bombshell

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From: Muzaffer Karasulu

Subject: Interesting Article from RBN
This is an old story but  I knew something different than this about this story. For example,  I did not know that she was an ethnic Armenian.


by Joel Skousen, World Affairs Brief

Sibel Edmonds, the former FBI translator and whistleblower is a US citizen who was raised in Turkey. Fluent in Turkish, she got a job as a translator with the FBI where, over the next several years, she got wind of things she wasn’t supposed to see or hear. She became a whistleblower against the FBI hierarchy after she discovered collusion between other Turkish translators at the FBI and Middle Eastern terrorists, government officials and even Congressmen and women. Naturally, this is something the FBI should have been interested in investigating, but they weren’t. When she went to her superiors at the Bureau about the treachery she was witnessing within the translators office she was stonewalled at every step of the way and finally fired when she blew the whistle on them. Ever since, the FBI and the DOJ have been using every legal, illegal and unethical means to keep her from testifying openly about what she knows.

This week, Edmonds finally got her day on the witness stand before the Ohio Elections Commission (OEC), based on her allegations of Turkish influence buying in the electoral process. According to Edmund’s press release explaining why she is finally breaking her government imposed gag order, “The Government of Turkey had illegally infiltrated and influenced various U.S. government institutions and officials, including the Department of State, the Department of Defense, and individual members of the United States Congress.” Her no-holds-barred testimony is shaking the establishment precisely because our own government is involved in using Turkey as an intermediate in various nefarious affairs in the Middle East. That is one reason why Turkey has been able to get away with bribery and corruption without government interference.

Apparently, Edmonds got a glimpse of a much larger government conspiracy centered around Turkish interests and secret foreign policy initiatives involving Israel, energy pipelines, and state sponsored terrorism. Ever since the demise of the Ottoman empire, Turkey has had to make deals with the West in order to remain a player in world politics. Strategically located between all the major powers in Europe and the Middle East, Turkey acts as the smuggling facilitator of everything illicit going between the European powers and this nexus of conflict. In return, Turkey wants EU membership, which has been rejected, and is now turning to Russia for a deal with the other side. More on that later.

Because the government doesn’t want any of this to get to the public, Google’s blogger site has blocked Edmund’s blog page during this period and, along with every other establishment news outlet, has refused to publish anything about her dramatic revelations. Google, which got initial funding from the CIA, is more and more acting like a de facto government censor and propagandist. Kurt Nimmo of commented that, “Increasingly, Google and its properties — the vastly popular video site YouTube and equally popular Blogger — are tools for shutting down opposition to the government. On the weekend, Google removed an Alex Jones video critical of Obama’s policies.”

Brad Friedman of Brad’s Blog has had the best coverage on the net concerning Edmund’s testimony. He first summarizes a 2008 interview Sibel Edmonds had with the London Sunday Times: “’What I found was damning,’ Edmonds tells the Times about the information she learned while at the FBI concerning the nuclear blackmarket activities and proliferation of several government agencies, including her own unit at the FBI. ‘While the FBI was investigating, several arms of the government were shielding what was going on.’ Among the newly disclosed information from Edmonds, in the extraordinary front_page Times article tonight:

1) Foreign intelligence agents from Turkey, Israel and Pakistan enlisted the support of high_level US officials in order to acquire a network of moles deep inside of sensitive American military and nuclear agencies, including “PhD students – with security clearance [at] Los Alamos nuclear laboratory in New Mexico, which is responsible for the security of the US nuclear deterrent.”

2) Members of the diplomatic community were given lists of potential “moles” at the sensitive installations. Edmonds tells the Times: “the lists contained all their ‘hooking points’, which could be financial or sexual pressure points, their exact job in the Pentagon and what stuff they had access to.”

3) Well_known US officials were then bribed by foreign agents to steal US nuclear secrets. One such incident from 2000 involves an agent overheard on a wiretap discussing “nuclear information that had been stolen from an air force base in Alabama,” in which the agent allegedly is heard saying: “We have a package and we’re going to sell it for $250,000.” Nuclear secrets were then subsequently sold by foreign agents to America’s enemies, including Iran, North Korea and Libya.

4) Pakistani officials involved in the nuclear black market network have significant cross_over with al_Qaeda and 9/11. Officials such as the chief of ISI, Pakistan’s spy agency, allegedly sent $100,000 to 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta, and aides of A.Q. Kahn ___ who had used the stolen secrets to develop nuclear weapons for Pakistan ___ met with Osama bin Laden “weeks before 9/11…to discuss an Al_Qaeda nuclear device.”

5) Elements of the US government have repeatedly shut down investigations into these crimes under the guise of protecting “certain diplomatic relations.”

6) The US government has been aware of all of the above information since at least 2001.

As for Edmonds testimony before the Ohio Election Commission, Friedman says “The deposition is being videotaped and Edmonds hopes that it can be released as soon as possible after the deposition, though there have been some objections about releasing the video tape… Wow… just had lengthy conversation with [Ohio State Senator] Krikorian about Edmonds’ testimony. Just wow… Hang on to your seats…From my opinion, if I’m some of the current members of Congress, I’d be very very worried about the information that’s going to come out of this. There are current members of Congress that she has implicated in bribery, espionage [Congressman Schmidt (R-OH) is accused directly and that is why the issue is before the Ohio Election Commission]. It’s not good. It’s crazy. For people in power situations in the United States, who know about this information, if they don’t take action against it, in my opinion, it’s negligence.’

“Current members implicated are Dan Burton (R-IN), described as basically accepting bribes and involved in espionage for the Turkish government…she could not discuss the extremely illegal activities that Mr. Burton committed against U.S. interests, as she put it. Also, a current female Democratic member of Congress who has been blackmailed by the Turkish Government…called a ‘hooking exercise’…she’s apparently bi-sexual and they bugged her apartment, she’s married with children, and they set up a relationship with another female who went in and had sexual relationships with her. And they had all the episodes bugged within this current Representative’s home and they blackmailed her. [Wayne Madsen reveals that the Congresswomen is none other than “Jan Schakowsky (D_IL), a close ally of President Barack Obama and his chief of staff, former Representative Rahm Emanuel, who, like Schakowsky, represented a Chicago district.“]

“The context of the discussion was that this particular Representative [Schakowsky] was amenable to passage of the Armenian Genocide Resolution [which Turkey doesn’t want passed. “The Armenian Genocide was carried out by the ‘Young Turk’ government of the Ottoman Empire in 1915_1916 (with subsidiaries to 1922_23). One and a half million Armenians were killed, out of a total of two and a half million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire.” –Armenian Research Center]. Then, based on this ‘hooking’ operation, she [would] change her position [In reality, no such change was necessary because the Turkish lobby was successful in getting Republicans and key Democrats to call off the vote].

“Other people implicated besides Dan Burton included: Congressmen Livingston (R-TX), Hastert (R-IL) [now a lobbyist for Turkey], Dick Gephardt (D-MO), Stephen Solarz (D-NY) other non-Congressional members, people like Brent Scowcroft [Kissinger Associate and former NSA for Pres. George H.W. Bush], other appointed members of the U.S. government.

“One of the reasons we sought her testimony is especially for these reasons. I can tell you that counsel for Schmidt [Bruce Fein of the Bush administration] has been objecting to much of the testimony. I stopped counting the number of objections that were raised [The DOJ didn’t show up because Fein is acting informally on their behalf. This way, the Obama administration avoids the appearance of again defending a Bush era problem] . But, she’s an extremely credible witness, she knows a lot about what happened. She’s implicated Turkish organizations operating in the U.S. with both overt and covert operations [American Turkish Council, ATC, ATAA, and TACA]…She talked about how she was recruited to join these operations, she talked about the fact that the Inspector General’s report exonerated her, she talked about the circumstances around her dismissal.

“She talked about the fact that these Turkish American operations were, she said in her words, ‘all receiving support from the Turkish government. ‘She talks about one of the main lobby issues is suppressing U.S. media coverage of the Armenian Genocide and preventing the Armenian Genocide resolution in Congress from passing… She talked about the Rand Corp. [a CIA front], Brewster-Jennings [also a government front], plus nuclear secrets [Turkey was a facilitator for the CIA/Pakistani Khan nuclear smuggling ring].”


Frustrated with the West’s failure to live up to its secret promises to reward Turkey with membership in the EU (public opinion is very much against allowing any more Turks and Muslims into the EU), Turkey has decided to reestablish links with Russia, the nemesis of the West. Hilmi Toros of IPS News writes from Istanbul.

“Once the worst of enemies, involved in 12 wars in three centuries, Turkey and Russia have suddenly become the best of friends, forging strong bonds that could be a counterpoint to the European Union if it freezes Turkey out of full membership. The countries call their ties ‘multi-dimensional co-operation,’ somewhat short of a ‘strategic partnership.’ but that too may be in the offing. On an eight-hour visit to Turkish capital Ankara last week, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin signed 20 deals with his counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan. These are mostly commercial contracts in energy, collectively worth some 40 billion dollars.

“The two leaders also declared that rival gas pipelines Nabucco and South Stream to bring natural gas to European markets would be ‘complimentary’ rather than ‘conflicting.’ Nabucco, the 7.9 billion euro project backed by the EU and the United States, would bypass Russia in bringing gas from Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Iraq and potentially also from Iran to Europe via Turkey. It is due to be operational by 2014.The Russian proposed South Stream, to become operational by 2016, would carry gas from Russia to Europe through Turkey’s territorial waters in the Black Sea and onward to Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Serbia, Hungary and Slovenia to Austria. Its objective is to bypass Ukraine, currently the conduit for 80 percent of Russian gas pumped to Europe.

“In the end, conflicting or complimentary, if both projects are realized, Russia and Turkey would play a major role in meeting Europe’s growing gas needs. For Europe, either an unfriendly Turkey or Russia would endanger energy security – and it would be much worse if both were ever to gang up on the EU together.” That’s precisely the threat this new partnership is intended to relay. Europe was hoping to moderate Russia’s stranglehold on Europe’s gas supplies by routing a new line through Turkey. This now gives Turkey more leverage to go back to the negotiating table over EU membership with new powers.

August 14, 2009

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14 responses to “AN ETHNIC ARMENIAN … Sibel Edmonds Drops A Turkish Bombshell”

  1. I congratulate Brother Kurasulu for getting A+ at the Ataturk Institute of Reading Comprehension, whose motto is “Der Armenier sind unser ungluck.”

    Only a true graduate of the Institute could headline a year old piece concerning the August, 2009 testimony of Sibel Edmonds, and find within it a crypto reference to Sibel as an Armenian, a reference which by the way is wholly, completely and totally absent. But we get it – anyone who speaks out truthfully about Turkish intelligence operations in the US as required by her oath of US citizenship and by her FBI oath is…an obvious Armenian.

  2. Chuckles (a.k.a. JDA),

    Gee, sounds like shades of the past (and even in some areas to this day) when anyone who said ANYTHING negative about Armenians (OMG…Heaven forbid that such blasphemy be uttered amonst the pure and rightous Armenian people, for they are the new chosen lambs of God, and are therefore blessed beyond reproach) was automatically labeled a paid agent of Turkey! Remember Chuckles when you yourself accused me of being one back in the day (I sure do)! Old habits sure die hard, huh.

    Besides, none of this will be making much difference soon anyway. Something in the air tells me a major reversal trend is brewing and that it won’t be long now before some interesting things begin to occur. Stay tuned.

  3. Kirlikovali Avatar

    Another deception by a crypto Armenian, huh?

    Why am I not surprised?

  4. Yes, v funny and all, but do please show me the evidence that Sibel is ARMENIAN.

    By the way, “Armenian” is not a word meaning “to disagree with Turkish nationalists.”

    And to add context, we all recognize that Ergun is not actually Turkish, but instead the Turkish speaking great grandchild of an Islimized Greek, eager to show his Turkish colors.

  5. Rob,
    I have certainly never accused you of being paid by anyone, certainly not the highly regarded Turkish government. For that matters, I doubt that anyone pays you, other than perhaps the New Jersey department of Unemployment.

  6. Kirlikovali Avatar

    Anyone who reads JDA’s writings should know by now why Armenian Diaspora opinion thugs have no credibility. Lies and decelption are simple tools of business for them, in the true tradition of Andonian, the master faker of Talaat Telegrams. If an Armenian writes without referenec to the six T’s of the conflict, please think “Andonian”….

  7. As usual, Kirlikovali displays a low opinion of his Turkish readers.

    As anyone not suffering from attention deficit disorder or senility can see, I asserted no facts or authority. Hence my credibility is not at issue. I did challenge the poster to show us facts supporting the allegation that Sibel Edmonds is Armenian.

    The original poster never defended his headline that Sibel Edmonds is Armenian, and Kirlikovali has run away from his own post to the same effect as far and as fat as he can waddle away from them.

    Put up or shut up, Korkak.

  8. Chuckles (a.k.a. JDA),

    You state “Your credibility is not at issue”! You can’t make such a statement and you know it. To do so would infer that you did indeed have some semblance of credibility. We all know that this is certainly not the case (you lost that a loooong time ago)! By writing false claims simply makes you look more the fool. But then again, that’s why you’re Chuckles the Clown…jester and buffoon extradinaire! What would we do without you and the comic relief which you bring!

    As for the NJ Unemployment center, I understand that they want you to return their pens that you took, ever since you went back on welfare…AGAIN! What’s the matter Chuckles, isn’t the carnival paying you enough? Or have you went back to turning tricks in drag on the street corners for some extra scratch (you did comment on how sailors were the best tippers)? I can see where your clown outfit wouldn’t be very appealing.

  9. Rob,

    As usual, you are long on the homoerotic imagery, and short of facts.

    What is the evidence that Sibel Edmonds is Armenian?

    We can agree, can we not, that “Armenian” is not the same thing as disagreeing with Turkish ultra nationalists?

  10. Chuckles,

    You can disagree with me all you want. It matters not to anyone. Remember Chuckles that you have no credibility! As for the homoerotic imagery, hey…you were the one that just brought that up. I merely talked about your possible night job and sailors being good tippers (since you may be making enough with the carnival circuit). What conclussions you draw from that is just a veiled fantasy that you keep deep inside you. Anyway, this forum isn’t the place to discuss your latent sexual fantasies!

    As for Sibel Edmonds, she could very well be of Armenian heritage. I really don’t care. To me, that’s ancient history. Since no one in the Christian world seems to care about the reams of evidence we have showing that there was never a ‘genocide”, why should anyone care about what some woman who claims this or that has to say!

    As for your “Armenian Weakly”, note how all of your posts are still up, whereas 90% of my, or most other Turk’s, posts are censored and then deleted. What conclussions can one derive from this given information about AW’s editorial board? I have NEVER seen such a cowardly group anywhere!! I post and they quake in their slippers! They can’t allow any possibility of the truth to ever come forth lest the other brainwashed Armenians there start to think for themselves. Even when I posted that Harant Dink deserved what happened to him (especially after reading that he had written in his Argos paper that Turks blood was poison whereas Armenian blood is pure!)!!! May he burn in hell. And to think that thousands of Turks who were conned by the Armenian diaspora (just like the century-old con job upon the world’s Christian nations…sound familiar?), came out to mourn his death in Istanbul! Anyway, the cowards with the huge yellow streak going down their backs (the editorila board at AW), censored me and deleted my post, among several others! Typical behavior for typical Armenians (at least since the 1880’s)…stab someone from the back and then run away like hell, and then shout/scream that YOU were the victims and that YOU had NEVER hurt anyone!

  11. Robert,

    Civilized persons condemn murder, no matter who the victim is. In the quote below, you applaud the killing of a man for what you think he said:

    “Even when I posted that Harant Dink deserved what happened to him (especially after reading that he had written in his Argos paper that Turks blood was poison whereas Armenian blood is pure!)!!! May he burn in hell”

    You also inadvertently disclose that you cannot even read Turkish. If you could, you would know that Dink said no such thing. The Agos quote was actually that Dink chastised anti-Turkish attitudes in some Diasporans.

    Since you think that people should die for their thoughts and words, you actually are a disciple of Al Qaeda. Your attitudes expose you to be an enemy of what this nation is built upon, and what many Turks value – freedom of thought and speech.

    A baby fascist, and a murderer at heart. May God change your heart.

  12. Chuckles (a.k.a. JDA),

    First of all, you tend to always make assumptions which always turn out to be untrue (FYI, my Turkish is fluent). This always makes you look foolish (but not to worry…we’re all very used to you doing that to yourself, thus your new handle…CHUCKLES THE CLOWN). Several of my friends and relatives have all confirmed that Dink had written numerous, anti-Turkish material in “Argos” (and YES, he did indeed write that Turks blood was poison while Armenian blood was pure)! I stand by my earlier comment. If I were in Yerevan and did the same thing, I wouldn’t last 12 hours. Dink lived for years in Istanbul in freedom, ate and drank our food and water, took advantage of the natural hospitality of the Turkish people, and then stabs them in the back, not once, but several times in his newspaper! He’s a very lucky person that Turks are a tolerant lot, but only to a certain point (Even Napolean once said…”Never anger a Turk to the point that he raises his sword”). He simply pushed his luck too far and pissed off the wrong people.

    Secondly, you state that “Civilized persons condemn murder, no matter who the victim is.” Given your statement (Oooo, I love this part!), perhaps you can enlighten all of us here as to why, for almost three decades, the Armenian community AND especially the Armenian Orthodox Church here in the US and Europe, NEVER uttered a word of condemnation when ASALA, JCAG, and other Armenian terrorist groups murdered and maimed hundreds of innocent people around the world?!! In fact, US, INTERPOL, MIT and other European law enforcement and intelligence organizations have shown that during these decades (primarily in the Boston and LA regions), the Armenian Orthodox Church actually hid the terrorists, and then helped many of them escape to other countries (these areas being mainly Armenia, Sryia and Lebanon [the last two areas are where to this very day, they arm and train the PKK])! Once again, you prove that you have no credibility because you’re so full of…!

    BTW, on Armenian Weakly, I wrote you, via Ragnar, a nice and potent response. Unfortunately, as is typical for your inferior sub-species, it was censored and then deleted by the well known cowardly Armenian editorial board! Too bad…it was one of my better works. That’s okay thoug, since I do get about 10% of my comments through and posted. This of course gets Gayane and all of the other brainwashed flakes on that site to have a hissy fit (Gawd, I love it!). It gives meaning to life when I become the shining light beacon of truth on that site and watch the others scatter like roaches from the reality of truth.

    Chukles, you make this soooo easy and fun for me, I have to thank you for relieving my boredom. One day, should you spend time in prison, you’ll be sure to become someone’s…”special friend”.

    Catch you on the next round, or on AW. Stay tuned.

  13. Robert,

    You’ve changed spots. From idiot to rough tough barbarian. Congratulations.

    Here I suppose we say the ultranationalist mindset, even if it is hosted in the body of a neurasthenic chihuahua. Hrant Dink, outsider, who was lucky for the food Turks allowed him to have. Even though he earned the money with which to support his family. Even though he was as much a child of Anatolia as any Turk who ever lived. Even though Robert claims to be an American.

    Robert, please place before us the actual Turkish sentence you are told by all of your friends and relatives Dink wrote. Explain to us how it should be translated. I will return the favor.

    By the way, I thought all your friends and relatives were super secret commandos. Nice that they find time to work as translators as well.

  14. Chuckles,

    Welcome back. So, you like my “spots”. Thank you. I picked them out myself, just for you :).

    I see that you’re going in and out of your delusions yet again. Hmm, after re-reading my post, I can’t seem to find the passage where I am suppossed to have said that Dink didn’t earn and pay for his meals, etc., and that he lived solely on handouts and the generosity of Turks (the “food that Turks allowed him to have”). Perhaps you should re-read my post yet again yourself. Then you may be able to get it right the next time. Also, check the Argos archives yourself to find the statement, in addition to numerous others that I may not even be aware of.

    BTW, I happen to like Chihuahuas, as well as all dogs and cats. What have you got against animals anyway? Of course…you must have been bitten by a Chihuahua during one of your clown acts! What did it do, go for your privates? If that’s the case, then I can see why you have the psychological connection between a Chihuahua and your…well. 😉

    You really should write to the members of the editorial board of AW. They have once more censored and deleted my three posts there. As you can clearly see, none of your posts are deleted here, are they? What does that tell you Chuckles?

    What would I do without you Chuckles? You help cure my boredom. You’re the comic relief that my life needs. For that I say thank you.

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