US president warns against losing Turkey as West’s ally

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WASHINGTON, United States — President Barack Obama warned on Thursday (July 8th) that Turkey might seek alliances outside the West if the EU keeps demonstrating “reluctance” over its membership bid. In an interview with the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, Obama said “I do not think that Europe’s slow pace or reluctance is the only or the principal factor behind some of the changes we have observed recently in Turkey’s orientation … [but] it is inevitably destined to impact on the way Turkish people see Europe. If they do not feel themselves part of the European family, it is natural that they are going to look elsewhere for alliances and affiliations.”

barack obama

However, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu dismissed concerns that his country is moving away from the West and reaffirmed that Turkey’s top priority remains EU membership. “Our integration process into the EU is the most strategic objective of Turkey. Nobody can blame Turkey for the delay in this process,” he told the Financial Times.

Source : SETimes

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2 responses to “US president warns against losing Turkey as West’s ally”

  1. Kufi Seydali Avatar
    Kufi Seydali


    Dear Mr. President,

    It is indeed delightful and most satisfying that you found such words
    with regards to the stalling tactics of the EU. Satisfying indeed,
    because those same words were the words of Ismet Inonu, who was
    threatened by US President Lyndon Johnson over Cyprus in 1964.
    While Greeks and Greek Cypriot nationalist elements were busy butchering
    the Turkish Cypriots, Johnson prevented Turkey from acting against
    the brutal, Greek teror. Yes, the result of that unwise decision by Johnson
    was pushing Turkey closer to Russia and the development of the Turkish
    armament industry – thank God. Those developments made the 1974 intervention
    in Cyprus necessary and possible, and replaced the Greek military Junta (1967 – 1974)
    by a democratic regime – again thanks to Turkey.

    Now Mr. President, it is good that you give such messages and lessons to
    the Europeans, but, what about you playing the Armenian and Kurdish cards
    against Turkey? Believe me Sir, you disappointed the Turkish nation as much as
    the Europeans have been doing over EU membership. Turkey contributed a great
    deal to European and North Atlantic defence which has now been rewarded by
    ungratefulness. Sir, the USA was seen as a great Nation and a reliable ally, until
    it became a toy in the hands of Diaspora groups following their own agendas
    and serving foreign, national interests. We know that you have a difficult job
    satisfying the Armenian, Greek and Jewish lobbies, but, please remember the
    interests of the American and Turkish nations who expect just that from you.

  2. “Turkey’s new regional prominence has transformed a static Cold War barrier into a potential catalyst for regional peace, prosperity, and stability. But this change cannot be taken for granted and requires support from the EU and the US. The West has never owned Turkey, so debating who “lost” it is pointless. What is needed, instead, is a serious debate about the conditions that will allow Turkey to fulfill its transatlantic promise.”
    –Kemal Kirisci, Nathalie Tocci and Joshua Walker, “Turkey’s Transatlantic Value”, 28.03.2010

    Kemal Kirisci
    Professor of International Relations, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul.

    Nathalie Tocci
    Nathalie Tocci is Senior Fellow at the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome, Associate Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels, and Associate Editor of The International Spectator. She is currently Senior Fellow at the Transatlantic Academy in Washington.

    Joshua Walker
    Joshua Walker is a fellow at the Transatlantic Academy.

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