Turkey’s Consul General Speaks of Its Friend Israel

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une 22, 2010

by Jonah Lowenfeld, Contributing Writer

R. Hakan Tekin, Turkey’s consul general in Los Angeles.
Last week, while New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman was in Istanbul talking to businessmen, journalists and academics about the “fight for Turkey’s soul,” R. Hakan Tekin, Turkey’s chief representative in Los Angeles, offered up a local version of his country’s official perspective. “We have a saying in Turkish: ‘Friends speak the bitter truth,’ ” the consul general said over an afternoon cup of Turkish coffee in his office on Wilshire Boulevard. “Turkey is a friend of Israel and is speaking the bitter truth — that their policies and practices in the region are not helping them.” With Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan calling last month’s flotilla incident an example of “state terrorism” and the nation’s ministry of foreign affairs saying that “Israel has once again clearly demonstrated that it does not value human lives,” it might be hard to remember that the two countries had, until recently, long been steadfast allies. Tekin, who has headed the Los Angeles consulate since April 2007, experienced the closeness of Turkish-Israeli relations firsthand.
RELATED: Wiesenthal Center Advises Against Travel to Turkey
“When I first started here, my first contacts were with the Jewish community,” Tekin said. He connected with leaders of the Anti-Defamation League, the Simon Wiesenthal Center and The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, to name a few. Last November, he sat on a panel at Pepperdine University titled “Finding Common Ground: Reconciliation Among the Children of Abraham” with his Israeli counterpart in Los Angeles, Jacob Dayan. “Jacob is a very good friend of mine,” Tekin said. “We have a very close relationship. Of course, we are not agreeing on everything, especially these days.” But even back in “the good old days,” when Tekin spoke to audiences at the American Jewish Committee or at Hillcrest Country Club, the Q-and-A sessions weren’t easy. Asked to recall some of the more challenging questions he was asked, Tekin didn’t hesitate: “ ‘Why is Turkey so against Israel?’ Or, ‘Why didn’t we criticize Hamas as much when they were shooting rockets at Israel?’ ” But though Tekin used to field questions about anti-Semitism in Turkey or questions about Iran, he is sure about one thing: “If I had an event with a Jewish group these days, the only issue would be the flotilla incident.” And from Tekin’s point of view — which is to say, Turkey’s — the ramifications of the flotilla incident on the Turkish-Israeli relationship could not be more severe: “Israel is on the verge of losing Turkey’s friendship,” the veteran diplomat said. “The flotilla incident was a historic event for us,” Tekin said. “Never before had any group of Turkish civilians been attacked by a foreign military. So this is something serious. And this is not a government issue. The overwhelming majority of the public is furious about this.” Political observers — including Friedman — have pointed out that Erdogan has used the flotilla incident to build political support in the lead-up to next year’s election. “Like every politician,” Tekin responded. He pointed to Rep. Adam Schiff and the 43 other members of California’s congressional delegation who co-sponsored a bill that would affirm that the Ottoman Empire committed genocide against the Armenian people between 1915 and 1923. “Why are they so enthusiastic about the Armenian issue? And why are none of the congressmen from Montana co-sponsoring? Because this is politics. It’s a game of votes. There’s a big Armenian community here, and they [California’s representatives] want to cater to that constituency.” Tekin was also well aware that some Jews in Israel and in the United States had also begun taking a renewed interest in “the Armenian issue,” particularly as the relationship between Israel and Turkey became more strained. “There’s no connection between these two things, the controversy over the events of 1915, the Armenian issue — a historical issue — and Turkish-Israeli relations,” Tekin said. “And if now we see some members of Congress or some Jewish organizations saying, ‘It’s payback time: Now we should punish Turkey by recognizing the Armenian Genocide,’ and moving toward passing a resolution in Congress, I think it would be really shortsighted, counterproductive and a very opportunistic approach. It would seriously further damage the Turkish-Israeli relationship. It could cause long-term damages.” Tekin continued: “If you look at a historical issue, you have to evaluate it within its context, within its parameters. If you are adopting a position on a certain historical controversy, you have to set your position according to what you think is right and not according to some irrelevant issue.” In the past three weeks, Tekin has seen the pro-Israel group StandWithUs protesting outside his building and was visited by members of LA Jews for Peace, who came to his office to offer their condolences. But without a more official apology from Israel, and without a “transparent and international” investigation of what happened aboard the Mavi Marmara, “we cannot take any steps,” Tekin said. “If a confidence-building measure should be taken to improve Turkish-Israeli relations, that measure should be taken at this point by Israel.”

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5 responses to “Turkey’s Consul General Speaks of Its Friend Israel”

  1. The Consul forgets a few things, such as: Turkey’s aid to Hamas exceeds telling Israel some unpleasant truths. She actively supports Hamas, much to the consternation of, among others, Fatah and that small nation south and west of the pariah state…Egypt.

    By the way, the Montana delegation is comprised of a single at large representative, who acknowledges the Genocide. One might more accurately conclude that it is purely politics which supports denial or lack of support for the AG resolution, either through the members of Congress the Turks have bought and paid for [Dan Burton, Alcee Hastings], or by genuine Americans concerned that affirmation by Congress will alienate our always touchy Turkish “ally”. But as Mike Pence has noted, the Turks have turned anti-western all on their own anyway.

    Finally, although the Gazans live under the boot of the Israelis, that hardly means that the Turkish “activists” seen beating the IDF with overhead strikes were innocent. Whether they were murdered, as the Consul has concluded, or were shot in self-defense or the defense of others by the IDF, remains to be seen.

  2. Robert Avatar


    Do you see the difference between a site where the truth is open for all to see (here) versus the Armenian sites (your people’s sites), where anyone who even utters anything negative with an oppossing point of view is immediately censored and deleted!!

    As usual, you shamelessly, just like all of your Armenian ilk, make the same retarded comment that anyone who says anything against Armenians are ALL paid Turkish agents! You don’t realize it, but your people have become a laughing stock in congress! Don’t believe me? Ask any congressman and/or senator in the beltway. Everytime April rolls around, practically everyone one of them roll their eyes and comment to their fellow colleague…”well, it must be that time of the year again because here comes another BS “genocide” bill for us to waste our time with and for the American taxpayer to waste their money on”!

    You dashnaks are like a gang of roaming begging gypsies, looking for handouts, always trying to get your way, never caring what kind of trouble and hurt you always create, taking advantage of others problems so that you can fan the flames and try to escalte the situation! And none of you have a right to compare yourselves with what happened to the Jews! Your dashnak Armenians murdered thousands of them before, during and after WWI, and again during WWII. Yet another example of shameless Armenian behavior! But since you covorted with Hitler, you will ALL share his fate on judgment day!!

  3. Robert,

    So nice to see you’ve worked your way up from mentally challenged courtesy clerk to congressional insider. I guess there isn’t much difference, except that courtesy clerks work hard.

    Actually, I see T nationalist comments all over A websites, including those of your chief rabbe EK. Why would anyone want to censor his posts? They typify the racial hatred all T nationalists cherish so deeply, and which human rights activists catalogue and preserve so diligently.

    Ask Mike Pence what he thinks of Turkey.

  4. Robert Avatar


    What’s the matter, can’t deal with the truth? You “people” love to carry on the hate, but you do everything possible to divert attention from what dashnak Armenians did to the Jews, let alone the Turks, Greeks, Laz, Azeris, Tartars, Persians, Kurds, Arabs, Georgians, etc!

    He who lives in a glass house…! Better recheck your sources. Go to Armenian Weekly and see for yourself! Their editorial board is comprised of nothing but spineless cowards too afraid to allow even the slightest chance for the truth to be revealed to their brainwashed dashnak posters. I’ve posted at least 27 posts there, with only one slipping through them and actually being posted. And for that, their own people turned on them (what else would one expect from dashnaks anyway…just look at history!) for allowing my post to come through. The editorial board did try to defend themselves from the onslaught by saying that I didn’t use quotation marks with the term “genocide” in that particular post. Of course, they continue to practice their usual hypocracy and fascism by censoring and deleting anything that I try to post, no matter how tame it may be!

    So save your sanctimonious BS for your own dashnak ilk, because no one here wants to hear it (since we’ve all been inundated with it for the past 100 years)! Stick to what you all do best…name calling, defamation, etc. Those the entire planet is used to!

  5. vdemirw Avatar

    Israil ve ABD ayni anti-musali (seytan) yahudi politikasi izlemekte ve Allahin Musa ile gonderdigi 10 emire gore yaptiklari HEP TERS DUSTUGU GORULUR ve OTOMATIK OLARAK SUCLUDUR…..ve kor kisi bile bunu kafasinda gorur ve Infaz yeri CEHENNEM dir.Din adamlari bileAnti-Musali Hahamlar ( maskeli Seytan -Sirk Palyacosu)) buna sessiz kalip parasal cikarlari oldugu icin destek vermektedir ve hatta bir yahudi olan ISA yi bile ucuncu parti ROMA lilari kullanip Onu oldurmuslerdir….Isa onlara anti-musali olduklari icin HIPOKRATLAR ve CEHENNEMIN KAPILARINI ACTIKLARINI ve Allahin TEVRAT ta yazdiklarini gormemezlikle yasadiklarini ve sadece parasal cikarlari ile 10 EMIRE karsi davrandiklarini vesaire …vesaire… demisti…. gordugunuz gibi degisik isimler kullanarak aramizda dolasip durarak aniden osurma yaparlar……her zaman aklinizda tutmak gerekir Fazla toz ve duman yaptiklari icin CEHENNEM deki ilk sira rezervasyonlari vardir Uzak durunuz yoksa sizde Cehenneme beraber gidersiniz Atalarimizin dedigi gibi KARAMANIN KOYUNU ANTI-MUSALI YAHUDININ OYUNU atasozu size bir hediyedir atalarimizdan ve Anti-Musali yahudiler MUSA yi bile kandirmis ve yaptiklari yaygaraciklariyla ve Musa sakin olmalari icin Allah soylemeden asasiyla colde bir iki defa su mucizesi yaptigi icin Allah Musa ya vaat ettigi topraklara girmesine izin vermemis ona SADECE TEPEYE CIKIP ve UZAKTAN BAKABILIRSIN FAKAT GIREMEZSIN demistir Yani Boylece daha cok cok cezalarla yani 40 sene colde Allah onlari dolastirarak ve uzun burunlarini kumda surterek denemeye tutmus ve cok defa Allahi dinlemedikleri icin Allahtan cok cok defalar tokat yemisler di ve bunlar Allahi bile hayal kirikligina ugratmislardi ve son olarak yola gelmeleri icin gonderdigi bakire MERYEM den dogan yahudi ISA yi da oldurduler ve su anda bile anti-Musali olarak (( SEYTAN )) degisik ulkeleri kullanarak ve degisik isimler kullanarak ve degisik vatandasliklar altinda dunyayi hala birbirine katarak ve sadece para icin yapmaktalar………….
    Misal olarak su anda bakildiginda bile ve sadece tekrari olan
    Sadi Rafael denen anti- Musali (yahudi) kardes ve benzerleri ( degisik isimler altinda .Degisik dillerde konusan ve aramizda korundugu halde hala osurarak digerlerini rahatsiz eden kafalari karistiran SEYTAN lar) sen yanlis yerde havliyorsun.Sen git de Israilde ki anti-Musali jew (yahudi) kopeklere havlarsan daha iyi sonuclar cikarabileceginden eminim,Kendi kendinize gelin guvey olan anti-musali kararlar alip dunya barisinin agzina sicip onuda herkesin yemesini bekleyemezsin Israilli yahudi olup da anti-moses davranislari yaratmak Allahin prensiplerine aykiridir.Taki hahambaslariniz (din adaminiz) bile elleri kan bulasmasin diye kurban kesmeyi bile bile durdurmuslar kuzenleri Filistin liler veya herkesi yapmacik anti_musali kararlariniza uymayanlari veyataga girdiginiz ABD veya british teknoloji ve silahlariyla kurban etmeyi secmissiniz Eger dogru dedigin pirasani hala satmak istiyorsan ki Musanin 10 emrine ters dusuyor ..(kendisi yahudi olan ISA yi bile Musanin 10 emrinden ciktiginizi soyledigi icin ucuncu sahis olan ROMAlilari kullanarak oldurdunuz O sizlere HIPOKRAT bile demisti Yani senin gibi yoldan cikmis anti-Musali azgin yuzssuz yahudillerin yola gelmesi icin ….vesaire vesaire …ve Tavsiyem 24/7 (( 24 saat 7 Gun )) Sinogog a ( ibadet evinize) kitle kendinizi hic disari cikma ve Agac Kakani Kus gibi kafani sinagogun duvarina vurup dur (bildiginiz ve gordugunuz gibi anti-musali yahudiler ve anti-musali din adamlari HAHAMBASLARI Allahi ve dunyayi kandirmak icin AGLAMA DUVARINDA ve SINAGOG larda Agac Kakan Kusu gibi kafalarini duvara devamli vurarak ve deliklere pusula birakarak (( kac kisini parasini ve canini aldiginin listesi)) kandiran bir goruntu verirler) Ancak Musa nin 10 emrine itaat ederek aramiza katilirsan ve sahsen ben o zaman seni o durumda koruyabilirim Musa nin aski icin. Dilini anti-Musali olarak uzattigin Turkler senin anani da babani da kurtarmisti………… Fakat sizler seytan kiliyla kaplanmissiniz karsimizda .Asla anti_musali (SEYTAN) hareketlerinizi yutturamassiniz dunyaya ….Nasil yoldan ciktiginizi soylemek le ssizin gibilere sans taniniyor , yanlis olarak osurmalarinizi durdurun diye veya terkrar etmeyin diye vesaire vesaire……

    evvelce faydasi olsun diye sizin gibi anti_musali yahudilere yazdigimi iskaladigin icin tekrarini asagida sunuyorum ve git israile muslumanlarla beraber kurban kesme adetine don TEVRAT ta Izah edildigi gibi ve eger neden oldugunu anlamaya miden tutarsa ( HEPIMIZ IBRAHIMIN COCUKLARIYIZ BIZ TURLER ve OTEKI 12 KABILE OROSPU COC UKLARI DEGILIZ …..O SIZIN GIBI YUZSUZ ve AZGIN SYTAN OYUNCAGI OLMUS ANTI_MUSALI YAHUDILERE AITTIR EGER MUSANIN 10 emriyle karsimizda degis tokus yapmadiginiz MUDDETCE…..,,….ve ABD silahiyla oldurmek hic de KOSHER degil GERCEKTEN HER SEYINIZ ANTI-MUSALI ve ARMEGEDON da yuz yuze gelmek is isten gecmis demektir,Durum cok vahim oluyor gidisatinizla ….

    Iste iskaladigin benim yazi asagida gozunuzu acmaniz icin tekrarlanmistir .(anti-Musali olma direnisizizinde israrli olmanizdan dolayi firsat yarattiginiz ve bu na istinaden pek cogunuza mesaj iletme ve iyiye donus amacli yazi yazmama firsat verdiginizden dolayi Allahin istedigi dogrultuda faydalari beklenmektedir Aksi tavirlarinizla Allahi kizdirmak ve digerlerini (anti -musa karsiti olmayanlari) uzmeyi durdurabileceginizden eminim. Insallah ARMEGODONDA YUZ YUZE GELMEYIZ ki is isten gecmistir)

    Israil run by anti-moses jews and endorsed by anti-moses Rabbies,…..

    Israil Musa yi tanimiyan yahudilerle idare edilir (Anti-musali yahudiler) ve Musa yi tanimiyan hahamlarla (anti-musali yahudi din adami) kararlar tasdik edilir ve Basbakanlari Natenyahoo ile anti-Musa li olarak imzalanir……..

    Natenyahu =Nothigyahuu (anlami olmayan kisi demek)= Anti-Musa li olmayanin kafasina sican ve normalmis gibi yutturmaya calisan anti-musali yahudi baskakani demek anlaminda ve yardakcilari A.B.D. Ingiltere vesaire taraftarlari ile yataga giren anti-Musa li yahudilerin osurmalariyla dunyanin OZON TABAKASINDA KI DELIKTE BUYUME OLMAKTADIR …. Anti-Musa li Yahudileri ve hayranlarini kendinizin ve dunyanin sagligiini goz onunde tutarak onlari acilen DEVAMLI OLARAK KARANTINE ALTINDA TUTUNUZ Eger bunu yapmazsaniz ONLAR SIZI KARANTINA ALTINDA TUTMUS OLUYOR…………Ingilizcesi LUCIFIER olan SEYTAN dedigimiz aslinda Allahin yakisikli onde gelen meleklerinden biriydi fakat Allaha karsi geldi ve Allah ne derse oda tersinden karsilik vermeye basladi Nedeni bize ait degil Sadece Allahtan dunyada oturma izni almis ve Sadece Anti-Musali Yahudiler icinden calisacagini ve Allah ne derse Oda tersinden soyleme anlasmasi yapmis Allah la ve Allah seytani nasil yenebilecegimizi bize bildirmek icin Musa ile ilk defa yazili 10 Emir godermis ve boylece CENNET ve CEHENNEM rezervasyonlari baslamis….Cennet icin rezervasyon bileti veren MUSLUMANLARDIR……. ( Bundaki mana SADECE MUSLUMANLARI KUCAKLAMANIZ BILET ANLAMINA GELIR BASLANGIC OLARAK
    firsati yok olacak………………………..

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