Nancy Pelosi: “We are all Armenians!”

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House Speaker pledges to fight on for Genocide recognition

by Emil Sanamyan

Published: Wednesday April 21, 2010

Speaker Pelosi speaking at April 21 congressional commemoration. The Armenian Reporter

Washington – “Tonight we are all Armenians!” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) declared as she began her address at the annual congressional commemoration of the Armenian Genocide on April 21.

“We are tired of the story being told [about why Congress should not adopt an Armenian Genocide resolution] but we are not tired of fighting for the truth,” Pelosi insisted as she spoke in front of some 200 people, mostly Armenian Americans.

Speaker noted the importance of last month’s House Foreign Affairs Committee vote on the Armenian Genocide resolution that “insisted on the truth” and expressed hope that the vote was “of some comfort” to Armenian Americans.

Pelosi added that she and other supporters of affirmation would not rest until the federal government clearly recognizes the Armenian Genocide, but she made no commitments about bringing the House resolution to vote, a move that is opposed by the Obama Administration.

She also referred to last year’s court decision in California that used the U.S. government position as justification to deny Armenian Americans an opportunity to collect on WWI-era insurance policies of their ancestors.

The event organized by co-chairs of the Armenian caucus Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) and Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), included House Majority leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Howard Berman (D-Calif.) and more than a dozen other members of Congress, including two members of Armenian descents Reps. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) and Jackie Speier (D-Calif.)

The event also featured remarks by Armenia’s Ambassador to U.S. Tatoul Markarian, Artsakh’s Representative Robert Avetisyan, and invocations by the Armenian Church clergy, including Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan who offered an opening prayer for the House of Representatives earlier in the day.

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9 responses to “Nancy Pelosi: “We are all Armenians!””

  1. Kufi Seydali Avatar
    Kufi Seydali

    And, “we are all Turkish”! How about that Mrs. Pelosi?
    Yes, “we are all Red-Indians”, Mrs. Pelosi.
    Indeed, “we are all Vietnamese, Mrs. Pelosi!
    How about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Mrs. Pelosi?
    How about the destruction of Dresden?

    What selective behaviour and double standards!

    It is a fact that, some Armenians exaggerated,
    misrepresented, fabricated and outright lied for
    many years without much opposition from the other
    side, which does not mean that, things won’t ever change.
    This may just be the beginning!

    Armenians may have Christian ties to the West but they
    are doomed to live in the East and are surrounded by
    non- Christian countries. So, the main question is; do they
    want a peaceful coexistence with their neighbours or
    would they rather live in America where they can vote
    for her Excellency Pelosi & Co?

  2. “Doomed to live in the east” is right!

  3. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Avatar
    Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

    It’s all about money and greed!

    Think about it:

    – 95 years later, Armenians are still debating history, so that they can collect $$$$$$$$. When Armenian terrorists kill innocent civilians, the victims’ life’s are more precious than any $$$$$$ amount (That’s why you don’t hear stories of Turks who survived Armenian genocide trying to collect on insurance money in California). It is their own loss for their own cause that they are selling out their own ancestors. Think about it!

    – If Armenians were the victims, why is the ever-so-peace-loving-state Armenia still in war with its neighbors? If they really believed that they were the descendants of Prophet Noah, then they really would see all humans (Turks and Armenians) as one, and stop their transgressions. Think about it!

    – The year is 2010, not 1915: Today, any crime can be investigated with forensic evidence. Not just by 95-year old “my great-great grandmother told-me-so” techniques.

    – And lastly, think about the implications of recognizing the genocide – 95 years later. It’s like saying ‘We are sorry for the people who died in the volcanic eruption of Krakatoa in 1883’, after a-95-year-long-debate! (FYI: official toll of the volcanic eruption was 36417) Since the volcanic eruption was for real, it didn’t take world population 95 years to recognize it. The genocide by Nazi Germans was real and it didn’t take 95 years to recognize it. Think about it!

    It’s all about money and greed!

    Follow the money and you will see (That’s what FBI and CIA do on tracking down terrorists).

    Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

  4. Ara Bilgin Avatar
    Ara Bilgin

    Dear Ms Pelosi,
    Instead of being “all Armenians” start being “all humans” and break your obsession about this fabricated lie. If you want to do something decent for Armenians and Turks stop supporting the perverted islamic fascism (of Erdogan) in Turkey. Because when the regime in Turkey is totally transformed into one like in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq or Saudi Arabia you may have short term gains. But you will have created a monster and it will be too late then.

  5. Ruzanna Avatar

    “all Armenians” = “all humans” !!!

  6. She is paid puppet of f’n lobbyist group.
    There are couple countries in the world that needs to be erased from map. 1. Israel (aka, zionist or jews), 2. Armenian

  7. EducationTruth Avatar

    Sorry John, but you are wrong, Pelosi is not paid – the Armenian group doesn’t have the money that the Turkish Lobbyist have dumped into trying to erase their horrid record of human rights.
    22 Countries throughout the world have recognized the documented events of 1915-`1923 as an Genocide or Ethnic Cleansing of Armenians who resided in Turkey/Anatolya 3,000 years before the arrival of the Seljuk Mongolian Ottoman Turks from Central Asia. Not Only Armenians but many others were killed in the Ottoman Turkish Empire: Lebanese Maronites, Kurds, Assyrians, Pontic Greeks, Cypriots, Greeks, Balkans, Bulgaria, Arabs (Look up Lawrence of Arabia and his brave battle with the Arabic tribes against the Ottoman expansionism) over 20 million people knew the sword of the Ottoman
    48 States in the USA have also recognized the Armenian Genocide. Turkey continues to deny becuase of shame and Turkish Nationalism.
    How dare any government destroy the culture and race of any one group? Ottomans took our beloved St. Hagia Sophia Church in Constaniople and turned it into a Mosque (shameful) now it is a museum. When tourist ask what the Greek writing on the wall is Turkish Tour guides say “it is ancient Turkish”
    Then the Ottomans changed the name of Constaniople a Christian capital WAY before the arrival ofthe Ottoman into Istanbul.
    How said that turkish people hate Christians and Jews so much when many Turks have Armenian Blood in them. Read the works of non-turkish writers, and non – Armenian writers about the bloody patth of the Ottomans or Turkish Schollars: Akcam, Pamuk, and Cetin (Cetin, is a Turkish Lawyer, that discovered her beloved Grandmother was actually an Armenian Orphan)
    No you didn’t destroy us but many good Ottoman Turks that knew their government was corrupt and cruel adopted Armenian Orphans and helped rescue from death many Armenians.

    John it doesn’t work not all Turks hate Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians, Cypriots and whoever else is angry with us.

  8. EducationTruth Avatar

    Mustafa Ataturk;
    All about money? Are you kidding? The land in Eastern Turkey was historical Armenia 3,000 years before the arrival of the Ottoman Seljuk Turks. Who really wants that land? Not even Turkey, it is a bunch of old Armenian Churches that are over 500 years old. As you know our government just repaired the church in Akhtamar
    All that is there is a bunch of nomadic kurds, that is who predominately moved into the Armenian villages
    Money? Every Armenian I talk to doesn’t care about reparations, they want recognition that their ancestors lives meant something.
    Turkey is scared of the truth and has sealed their records (after the alphabet was changed in 1920s)

    Seriously guys be real, don’t believe what the Turkish government is telling us. I t is full of censorship.

  9. proud tobeturkish.. Avatar
    proud tobeturkish..

    can’t agree more!well put/

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