Exxon Mobil in talks with Turkey for Black Sea oil

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Exxon Mobil is among the companies that seek to co-operate with Turkish Petroleum Corporation in the oil exploring studies at Black Sea, a company executive told Anatolian Agency on Sunday.


“Exxon Mobil is an important company for us. Our studies continue at the moment… Sending and receiving letters continue at the moment… We expect these to finalize with an agreement,” the AA quoted Yurdal Oztas, vice general manager of Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO). 


The area at 2,000 meters deep and the below had the real oil potential and the drilling operations here were in need of high technology, Oztas said and added that small companies had not much to do due to this difficulty.


TPAO estimates more than a total of 10 billion barrels oil reserve, which can meet Turkey’s 50-year oil requirement, exists at Black Sea.


Turkey has also recently initiated a mobilization to search oil and natural gas in southeastern Turkey.

Photo: AFP

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