Turkey needs to calm down on the Armenian issue

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Monday, 22 March 2010

Dr. Faruk Logoglu , Buyukelci (E), Turkish forum danisma kurulu Uyesi

[email protected]

The Turkish government’s attitude and response to recent developments in the United States and Sweden regarding Armenian claims are off the mark and counter-productive. Without a counter-strategy, Turkey is closing down its shutters and painting itself into a corner.

Moreover, the Justice and Development Party, or AKP, leadership, by arguing and exploiting the issue domestically, is making a mistake because it could backfire. The current approach, if not altered soon, may hurt our national standing and interests.

The Turkish contestation and protests of American and Swedish decisions on Armenian claims are certainly justified because parliamentary bodies have no business or competence in legislating history. However, the official reaction by Turkey, heavily laden with anger and resentment, is self-damaging and dysfunctional.

Recalling our ambassadors for consultations is a legitimate exercise and quite appropriate. Yet not sending them back until and unless certain conditions are met is another thing entirely and serves no useful purpose.

Other countries, including Russia and France, took similar decisions in the past, a considerable number of them during the time AKP had been in power. Indeed, the same House Committee in the U.S. had approved similar resolutions twice before in the last five years. The reactions then were more measured and calculated.

Today the government should explain to our people why this time the official reaction is so vehement and insular and what and how they expect to gain from this self-aggrandizing stance.

In foreign relations, we need diplomacy most in time of crises. Even under the most challenging circumstances, one must keep its channels of communication open, try to reverse the damage done, and limit further damage to national interests. Even in today’s Internet and telephone age, ambassadors are still prime agents in diffusing tensions and in resolving problems between countries.

The U.S. is still our ally and partner and Sweden is a strong friend of Turkey. With both countries, we have vital interests at stake. Their governments have both disavowed the decisions of their legislatures. In the U.S., it is a resolution of the full House of Representatives that counts, not a vote in one of its committees. The right thing to do, therefore, is to seek to work with the U.S. and Swedish authorities on how to protect and promote our relations and mutual interests under the prevailing circumstances.

The first step should then be the return of our ambassadors, both highly capable diplomats, to their duties without undue delay.

The more important task is to develop a coherent and sophisticated foreign policy. On the Armenian issue, we need a broader strategy. Angry reactions to the aberrations of foreign parliaments do not constitute a foreign policy and are self-defeating. The first order of business is for to press for progress on the Nagorno-Karabakh issue. Turkey did the right thing in signing the two protocols with Armenia, but failed to factor the Azeri-Armenian conflict into the Turkish-Armenian opening. Progress there would make room for Turkey to restore the process of Turkish-Armenian reconciliation.

Whatever the provocations and setbacks emanating from Armenia or any other source, Turkey must keep the protocols with Armenia “on line.” And we must keep Azerbaijan on our side.

Armenia’s lukewarm ownership of the protocols and the January ruling of its Constitutional Court have stalled the process. However, if we want to normalize our relations with Armenia and the Armenians, we too must avoid making mistakes.

Especially saddening is the idea of expelling Armenian citizens working illegally in Turkey. The notion, while legally justifiable, is morally wrong and unacceptable, politically unwise and socially unbecoming for Turkish people who always extend a helping hand to those in need. We would be doing incalculable harm to our social conscience if we send these people back as our image in the world would suffer irreversible damage.

Our leaders are often fond of resorting to traditional sayings. One to remember in this context is “who rises in anger, sits a loser.”

We will not achieve anything useful by turning inward or by posing conditions that cannot be fulfilled. There is no way for the U.S. administration to give any guarantees involving the Congress or for the Swedish government to reverse the decision of their parliament. What we can do is to prevent further damage to our relations and to check further progress of Armenian claims. We must therefore be calm and calibrated in our responses, in the certitude that we are always ready and willing to face the facts of our history.

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5 responses to “Turkey needs to calm down on the Armenian issue”

  1. H Sinasi Avatar
    H Sinasi

    Yukarida dikkatli ve dusunulerek yazilan yazilara tabiki katilmamak mumkun degil ama tek bir sorum var..!
    Simdiye kadar neredeydik? neden birdenbire yeni yeni stratejiler yaziyoruz? Eger simdiye kadar Ermeni sorununa karsi basari merdivenlerini tirmanmis olsaydik simdiki duruma gelmeyecektik (bilhassa Ingiltere tam bir barut ficisi gibi bekliyor!!)

    Acaba yanlismi dusunuyorum? bir vatansever’in ortaya cikip neden bu safhaya geldik, ne yapmaliydikta yapmadik ve bundan sonra ne yapmaliyiz bizlere acikca soylerse cok makbule gececek!!

    Too late to lock the gates after the horses have bolted!

  2. mok10501 Avatar

    Mr. Ambassador your points are well taken and I am sure it is a masterpiece in diplomatic circles already. However, with all due respect sir, how do you reconcile with such a people that you have a feeling that you may loose your arm while you shake hands with them? Were you supportive of the protocols signed with the Armenia? If so, what was your opinion and your advise was of signing them in a country (Switzerland) which had already accepted the so-called genocide claims of the other party and prosecuting the Turkish citizens and The Turks at large who disagreeing with that call? You are right on price with your evaluation as to “who rises in anger, sits a loser. Although I do not have diplomatic immunities or education like yours, I said the same thing. “We should be calm and calculated, and first of all we should get together with Azerbaijan and the rest of the Turkic countries in Eurasia, then make the move”. In other words, we should nicely get even, not mad. Do you think that our little Kissinger failed us ? But sir, in the same token ” There would be many people to give you directions, after the carriage is turned over” , better yet in Turkish “Araba devrilince yol gösteren çok olur”. I think our foreign affairs and department also requires to be re-calibrated based on the current behaviors observed in the globe. What I am implying is that neither the decision of the house’s foreign affairs committee’s nor the starting building again in Jerusalem right after the VP Biden arrived there, were random events. You must already smelled those things but they appeared to be all premeditated acts. Those were well known preludes, former one, was to make the Turks to approve the protocols in the parliament, and the later one was to bring the Palestinians back to the table. The first one is back fired already and smoldering. PM Natayahu is in town now we don’t know the second one’s outcome yet. I am sure your repertoire is full of those tricks of tricko-tickers, in particular with the 2002-2003 events in the DC. After all said, “Is it still wise to advice Turks to sent their Ambassadors back”? Don’t the US requires to be more eloquent and supportive of the Turkish case? Isn’t our PM becomes a bluffer, if he voluntarily does that without any given in by the Obama Administration? Where is the “Turkey has a greatest position in front of her allies” bluffs? Indeed, what is the value of the Turkey for the US and NATO? Never mind that the Turkish case is right in this case, which has no deliberate genocidal acts against the rebelling Armenians. Why our allies are not with us and appear to be openly helping hands to the Armenians?

  3. mok10501 Avatar

    Dear Editor,
    I have just noticed that my greeting lines were missing in my comment just loaded up. Please include the following lines at the end of my comment. Thanks, MOK10501

    “With my sincere respects and admiration of your great work for the TUrkish Republic, Sir.”

  4. jda Avatar


    Why don’t you pull your head out of Frank’s ass and think for yourself? Pathetic.

  5. mok10501 Avatar

    JDA, Is that you , the RAT in Ararat, as Mr. Kırlıkovalı calls you?
    I thought I lost you totally in the mayhem or in the Frank’s ass. Where you the one of those undocumented’s in Istanbul? Pack up and be ready, soon you’re going to meet your relatives in Yeravan.

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